#include "CTemplateLoader.h" #include "CWorldLoader.h" #include void CTemplateLoader::LoadStructProperties(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, CStructTemplate *pTemp, const std::string& templateName) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pChild = pElem->FirstChildElement(); while (pChild) { CPropertyTemplate *pProp = LoadPropertyTemplate(pChild, templateName); if (pProp) pTemp->mProperties.push_back(pProp); pChild = pChild->NextSiblingElement(); } } CPropertyTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadPropertyTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem, const std::string& templateName) { const char *kpIDStr = pElem->Attribute("ID"); const char *kpNameStr = pElem->Attribute("name"); const char *kpTypeStr = pElem->Attribute("type"); const char *kpExtensionsStr = pElem->Attribute("ext"); const char *kpTemplateStr = pElem->Attribute("template"); // Get ID + name, find source template if it exists u32 ID = StringUtil::ToInt32(kpIDStr); CPropertyTemplate *pSource = nullptr; std::string name; if (mpMaster->HasPropertyList()) pSource = mpMaster->GetProperty(ID); if (kpNameStr) name = kpNameStr; else if (pSource) name = pSource->Name(); else name = StringUtil::ToHexString(ID); // Load Property if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "property") == 0) { CPropertyTemplate *pProp; EPropertyType type = eInvalidProperty; // Type if (kpTypeStr) type = PropStringToPropEnum(kpTypeStr); else if (pSource) type = pSource->Type(); // File property if (type == eFileProperty) { CStringList extensions; if (kpExtensionsStr) extensions = StringUtil::Tokenize(kpExtensionsStr, ","); else if (pSource) extensions = static_cast(pSource)->Extensions(); pProp = new CFileTemplate(name, ID, extensions); } // Regular property else pProp = new CPropertyTemplate(type, name, ID); return pProp; } // Load Struct else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "struct") == 0) { CStructTemplate *pStruct = new CStructTemplate(); pStruct->mPropID = ID; // Read children properties // Priority: [Embedded] -> [Template] -> [Master] // Embedded if (!pElem->NoChildren()) LoadStructProperties(pElem, pStruct, templateName); // Template else if (kpTemplateStr) { std::string tempPath = mMasterDir + kpTemplateStr; tinyxml2::XMLDocument structXML; structXML.LoadFile(tempPath.c_str()); if (structXML.Error()) Log::Error("Couldn't open struct XML: " + mMasterDir + kpTemplateStr); else { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pRoot = structXML.FirstChildElement("struct"); pStruct->mSourceFile = kpTemplateStr; if (pRoot->Attribute("type")) pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = (strcmp(pRoot->Attribute("type"), "single") == 0); if (pRoot->Attribute("name")) pStruct->mPropName = pRoot->Attribute("name"); LoadStructProperties(pRoot, pStruct, templateName); } } // Master else if (pSource) { CStructTemplate *pSourceStruct = static_cast(pSource); for (u32 iProp = 0; iProp < pSourceStruct->Count(); iProp++) pStruct->mProperties.push_back(pSourceStruct->PropertyByIndex(iProp)); } // If it's none of these, then it probably has no children because it's a property list entry. // Single property? if (kpTypeStr) pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = (strcmp(kpTypeStr, "single") == 0); else if (pSource) pStruct->mIsSingleProperty = static_cast(pSource)->IsSingleProperty(); // Name if (!name.empty()) pStruct->mPropName = name; return pStruct; } return nullptr; } // ************ SCRIPT OBJECT ************ CScriptTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadScriptTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc, const std::string& templateName, u32 objectID) { CScriptTemplate *pScript = new CScriptTemplate(mpMaster); pScript->mObjectID = objectID; tinyxml2::XMLElement *pRoot = pDoc->FirstChildElement("ScriptTemplate"); // Name tinyxml2::XMLElement *pNameElem = pRoot->FirstChildElement("name"); if (pNameElem) pScript->mTemplateName = pNameElem->GetText(); // Properties tinyxml2::XMLElement *pPropsElem = pRoot->FirstChildElement("properties"); while (pPropsElem) { CScriptTemplate::SPropertySet set; const char *kpVersion = pPropsElem->Attribute("version"); set.SetName = (kpVersion ? kpVersion : ""); set.pBaseStruct = new CStructTemplate(); set.pBaseStruct->mIsSingleProperty = false; set.pBaseStruct->mPropID = -1; set.pBaseStruct->mPropName = pScript->mTemplateName; LoadStructProperties(pPropsElem, set.pBaseStruct, pScript->mTemplateName); pScript->mPropertySets.push_back(set); pPropsElem = pPropsElem->NextSiblingElement("properties"); } // Editor Parameters tinyxml2::XMLElement *pEditor = pRoot->FirstChildElement("editor"); if (pEditor) { // Editor Properties tinyxml2::XMLElement *pEdProperties = pEditor->FirstChildElement("properties"); tinyxml2::XMLElement *pEdProp = pEdProperties->FirstChildElement("property"); while (pEdProp) { const char *kpName = pEdProp->Attribute("name"); const char *kpID = pEdProp->Attribute("ID"); if (kpName && kpID) { if (strcmp(kpName, "InstanceName") == 0) pScript->mNameIDString = kpID; else if (strcmp(kpName, "Position") == 0) pScript->mPositionIDString = kpID; else if (strcmp(kpName, "Rotation") == 0) pScript->mRotationIDString = kpID; else if (strcmp(kpName, "Scale") == 0) pScript->mScaleIDString = kpID; else if (strcmp(kpName, "Active") == 0) pScript->mActiveIDString = kpID; else if (strcmp(kpName, "LightParameters") == 0) pScript->mLightParametersIDString = kpID; } pEdProp = pEdProp->NextSiblingElement("property"); } // Editor Assets tinyxml2::XMLElement *pEdAssets = pEditor->FirstChildElement("assets"); tinyxml2::XMLElement *pAsset = pEdAssets->FirstChildElement(); while (pAsset) { const char *kpSource = pAsset->Attribute("source"); const char *kpID = pAsset->GetText(); if (kpSource && kpID) { CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset asset; if (strcmp(pAsset->Name(), "animparams") == 0) asset.AssetType = CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset::eAnimParams; else if (strcmp(pAsset->Name(), "model") == 0) asset.AssetType = CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset::eModel; else if (strcmp(pAsset->Name(), "collision") == 0) asset.AssetType = CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset::eCollision; else { pAsset = pAsset->NextSiblingElement(); continue; } if (strcmp(kpSource, "property") == 0) asset.AssetSource = CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset::eProperty; else if (strcmp(kpSource, "file") == 0) asset.AssetSource = CScriptTemplate::SEditorAsset::eFile; else { pAsset = pAsset->NextSiblingElement(); continue; } const char *kpForce = pAsset->Attribute("force"); if (kpForce) asset.ForceNodeIndex = StringUtil::ToInt32(kpForce); else asset.ForceNodeIndex = -1; asset.AssetLocation = kpID; pScript->mAssets.push_back(asset); } pAsset = pAsset->NextSiblingElement(); } // Rotation tinyxml2::XMLElement *pRotType = pEditor->FirstChildElement("rotation_type"); if (pRotType) { const char *kpType = pRotType->GetText(); if (kpType) { if (strcmp(kpType, "disabled") == 0) pScript->mRotationType = CScriptTemplate::eRotationDisabled; else pScript->mRotationType = CScriptTemplate::eRotationEnabled; } } // Scale tinyxml2::XMLElement *pScaleType = pEditor->FirstChildElement("scale_type"); if (pScaleType) { const char *kpType = pScaleType->GetText(); if (kpType) { if (strcmp(kpType, "disabled") == 0) pScript->mScaleType = CScriptTemplate::eScaleDisabled; else if (strcmp(kpType, "volume") == 0) pScript->mScaleType = CScriptTemplate::eScaleVolume; else pScript->mScaleType = CScriptTemplate::eScaleEnabled; } } // Preview Volume if (pScript->mScaleType == CScriptTemplate::eScaleVolume) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pVolume = pEditor->FirstChildElement("preview_volume"); // Lambda to avoid duplicating volume shape code auto GetVolumeType = [](const char *kpType) -> EVolumeShape { if (strcmp(kpType, "none") == 0) return eNoShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "Box") == 0) return eBoxShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "AxisAlignedBox") == 0) return eAxisAlignedBoxShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "Ellipsoid") == 0) return eEllipsoidShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "Cylinder") == 0) return eCylinderShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "CylinderLarge") == 0) return eCylinderLargeShape; if (strcmp(kpType, "Conditional") == 0) return eConditionalShape; return eInvalidShape; }; const char *kpShape = pVolume->Attribute("shape"); if (kpShape) pScript->mVolumeShape = GetVolumeType(kpShape); // Conditional if (pScript->mVolumeShape == eConditionalShape) { const char *kpID = pVolume->Attribute("propertyID"); if (kpID) { pScript->mVolumeConditionIDString = kpID; tinyxml2::XMLElement *pCondition = pVolume->FirstChildElement("condition"); while (pCondition) { const char *kpConditionValue = pCondition->Attribute("value"); const char *kpConditionShape = pCondition->Attribute("shape"); if (kpConditionValue && kpConditionShape) { CScriptTemplate::SVolumeCondition condition; condition.Shape = GetVolumeType(kpConditionShape); if (strcmp(kpConditionValue, "true") == 0) condition.Value = 1; else if (strcmp(kpConditionValue, "false") == 0) condition.Value = 0; else condition.Value = StringUtil::ToInt32(kpConditionValue); pScript->mVolumeConditions.push_back(condition); } pCondition = pCondition->NextSiblingElement("condition"); } } } } } return pScript; } // ************ MASTER ************ void CTemplateLoader::LoadMasterTemplate(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pRoot = pDoc->FirstChildElement("MasterTemplate"); mpMaster->mVersion = StringUtil::ToInt32(pRoot->Attribute("version")); tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem = pRoot->FirstChildElement(); while (pElem) { // Properties if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "properties") == 0) { std::string propListPath = mMasterDir + pElem->GetText(); tinyxml2::XMLDocument propListXML; propListXML.LoadFile(propListPath.c_str()); if (propListXML.Error()) Log::Error("Couldn't open property list: " + propListPath); else LoadPropertyList(&propListXML, propListPath); } // Objects else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "objects") == 0) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pObj = pElem->FirstChildElement("object"); while (pObj) { // ID can either be a hex number or an ASCII fourCC std::string strID = pObj->Attribute("ID"); u32 ID; if (StringUtil::IsHexString(strID, true)) ID = StringUtil::ToInt32(strID); else ID = CFourCC(strID).ToLong(); // Load up the object std::string templateName = pObj->Attribute("template"); std::string templatePath = mMasterDir + templateName; tinyxml2::XMLDocument scriptXML; scriptXML.LoadFile(templatePath.c_str()); if (scriptXML.Error()) Log::Error("Couldn't open script template: " + templatePath); else { CScriptTemplate *pTemp = LoadScriptTemplate(&scriptXML, templateName, ID); if (pTemp) { pTemp->mSourceFile = templateName; mpMaster->mTemplates[ID] = pTemp; } } pObj = pObj->NextSiblingElement("object"); } } // States else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "states") == 0) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pState = pElem->FirstChildElement("state"); while (pState) { std::string strID = pState->Attribute("ID"); u32 stateID; if (StringUtil::IsHexString(strID, true)) stateID = StringUtil::ToInt32(strID); else stateID = CFourCC(strID).ToLong(); std::string stateName = pState->Attribute("name"); mpMaster->mStates[stateID] = stateName; pState = pState->NextSiblingElement("state"); } } // Messages else if (strcmp(pElem->Name(), "messages") == 0) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pMessage = pElem->FirstChildElement("message"); while (pMessage) { std::string strID = pMessage->Attribute("ID"); u32 messageID; if (StringUtil::IsHexString(strID, true)) messageID = StringUtil::ToInt32(strID); else messageID = CFourCC(strID).ToLong(); std::string messageName = pMessage->Attribute("name"); mpMaster->mMessages[messageID] = messageName; pMessage = pMessage->NextSiblingElement("message"); } } pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement(); } } void CTemplateLoader::LoadPropertyList(tinyxml2::XMLDocument *pDoc, const std::string& listName) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElem = pDoc->FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement(); while (pElem) { CPropertyTemplate *pProp = LoadPropertyTemplate(pElem, listName); if (pProp) mpMaster->mPropertyList[pProp->PropertyID()] = pProp; pElem = pElem->NextSiblingElement(); } mpMaster->mHasPropList = true; } CMasterTemplate* CTemplateLoader::LoadGame(tinyxml2::XMLNode *pNode) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pGameElem = pNode->FirstChildElement(); mpMaster = new CMasterTemplate(); // Parse game parameters while (pGameElem) { if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "name") == 0) mpMaster->mGameName = pGameElem->GetText(); else if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "mlvl") == 0) { u32 VersionNum = std::stoul(pGameElem->GetText(), 0, 16); mpMaster->mGame = CWorldLoader::GetFormatVersion(VersionNum); } else if (strcmp(pGameElem->Name(), "master") == 0) { std::string MasterPath = mTemplatesDir + pGameElem->GetText(); mMasterDir = StringUtil::GetFileDirectory(MasterPath); tinyxml2::XMLDocument MasterXML; MasterXML.LoadFile(MasterPath.c_str()); if (MasterXML.Error()) { Log::Error("Couldn't open master template at " + MasterPath + " - error " + std::to_string(MasterXML.ErrorID())); } else { LoadMasterTemplate(&MasterXML); mpMaster->mSourceFile = pGameElem->GetText(); } } pGameElem = pGameElem->NextSiblingElement(); } mpMaster->mFullyLoaded = true; return mpMaster; } // ************ PUBLIC ************ void CTemplateLoader::LoadGameList() { static const std::string skTemplatesDir = "../templates/"; static const std::string skGameListPath = skTemplatesDir + "GameList.xml"; Log::Write("Loading game list"); // Load Game List XML tinyxml2::XMLDocument GameListXML; GameListXML.LoadFile(skGameListPath.c_str()); if (GameListXML.Error()) { Log::Error("Couldn't open game list at " + skGameListPath + " - error " + std::to_string(GameListXML.ErrorID())); return; } // Parse tinyxml2::XMLNode *pNode = GameListXML.FirstChild()->NextSibling()->FirstChild(); while (pNode) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *pElement = pNode->ToElement(); // Game List version number if (strcmp(pElement->Name(), "version") == 0) { u32 VersionNum = std::stoul(pElement->GetText()); CMasterTemplate::smGameListVersion = VersionNum; } // Games else if (strcmp(pElement->Name(), "game") == 0) { CTemplateLoader Loader(skTemplatesDir); CMasterTemplate *pMaster = Loader.LoadGame(pNode); if (!pMaster->IsLoadedSuccessfully()) { Log::Error("Master template for " + pMaster->mGameName + " couldn't be loaded"); delete pMaster; } else CMasterTemplate::smMasterMap[pMaster->mGame] = pMaster; } pNode = pNode->NextSibling(); } }