#include "CShader.h" #include <Common/types.h> #include <Core/CGraphics.h> #include <FileIO/CTextInStream.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> bool gDebugDumpShaders = false; u64 gFailedCompileCount = 0; u64 gSuccessfulCompileCount = 0; CShader* CShader::spCurrentShader = nullptr; CShader::CShader() { mVertexShaderExists = false; mPixelShaderExists = false; mProgramExists = false; } CShader::CShader(const char *kpVertexSource, const char *kpPixelSource) { mVertexShaderExists = false; mPixelShaderExists = false; mProgramExists = false; CompileVertexSource(kpVertexSource); CompilePixelSource(kpPixelSource); LinkShaders(); } CShader::~CShader() { if (mVertexShaderExists) glDeleteShader(mVertexShader); if (mPixelShaderExists) glDeleteShader(mPixelShader); if (mProgramExists) glDeleteProgram(mProgram); if (spCurrentShader == this) spCurrentShader = 0; } bool CShader::CompileVertexSource(const char* kpSource) { mVertexShader = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource(mVertexShader, 1, (const GLchar**) &kpSource, NULL); glCompileShader(mVertexShader); // Shader should be compiled - check for errors GLint CompileStatus; glGetShaderiv(mVertexShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &CompileStatus); if (CompileStatus == GL_FALSE) { std::string Out = "dump/BadVS_" + std::to_string(gFailedCompileCount) + ".txt"; std::cout << "ERROR: Unable to compile vertex shader; dumped to " << Out << "\n"; DumpShaderSource(mVertexShader, Out); gFailedCompileCount++; glDeleteShader(mVertexShader); return false; } // Debug dump else if (gDebugDumpShaders == true) { std::string Out = "dump/VS_" + std::to_string(gSuccessfulCompileCount) + ".txt"; std::cout << "Debug shader dumping enabled; dumped to " << Out << "\n"; DumpShaderSource(mVertexShader, Out); gSuccessfulCompileCount++; } mVertexShaderExists = true; return true; } bool CShader::CompilePixelSource(const char* kpSource) { mPixelShader = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource(mPixelShader, 1, (const GLchar**) &kpSource, NULL); glCompileShader(mPixelShader); // Shader should be compiled - check for errors GLint CompileStatus; glGetShaderiv(mPixelShader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &CompileStatus); if (CompileStatus == GL_FALSE) { std::string Out = "dump/BadPS_" + std::to_string(gFailedCompileCount) + ".txt"; std::cout << "ERROR: Unable to compile pixel shader; dumped to " << Out << "\n"; DumpShaderSource(mPixelShader, Out); gFailedCompileCount++; glDeleteShader(mPixelShader); return false; } // Debug dump else if (gDebugDumpShaders == true) { std::string Out = "dump/PS_" + std::to_string(gSuccessfulCompileCount) + ".txt"; std::cout << "Debug shader dumping enabled; dumped to " << Out << "\n"; DumpShaderSource(mPixelShader, Out); gSuccessfulCompileCount++; } mPixelShaderExists = true; return true; } bool CShader::LinkShaders() { if ((!mVertexShaderExists) || (!mPixelShaderExists)) return false; mProgram = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(mProgram, mVertexShader); glAttachShader(mProgram, mPixelShader); glLinkProgram(mProgram); glDeleteShader(mVertexShader); glDeleteShader(mPixelShader); mVertexShaderExists = false; mPixelShaderExists = false; // Shader should be linked - check for errors GLint LinkStatus; glGetProgramiv(mProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &LinkStatus); if (LinkStatus == GL_FALSE) { std::string Out = "dump/BadLink_" + std::to_string(gFailedCompileCount) + ".txt"; std::cout << "ERROR: Unable to link shaders. Dumped error log to " << Out << "\n"; GLint LogLen; glGetProgramiv(mProgram, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &LogLen); GLchar *InfoLog = new GLchar[LogLen]; glGetProgramInfoLog(mProgram, LogLen, NULL, InfoLog); std::ofstream LinkOut; LinkOut.open(Out.c_str()); if (LogLen > 0) LinkOut << InfoLog; LinkOut.close(); delete[] InfoLog; gFailedCompileCount++; glDeleteProgram(mProgram); return false; } mMVPBlockIndex = GetUniformBlockIndex("MVPBlock"); mVertexBlockIndex = GetUniformBlockIndex("VertexBlock"); mPixelBlockIndex = GetUniformBlockIndex("PixelBlock"); mLightBlockIndex = GetUniformBlockIndex("LightBlock"); mProgramExists = true; return true; } bool CShader::IsValidProgram() { return mProgramExists; } GLuint CShader::GetProgramID() { return mProgram; } GLuint CShader::GetUniformLocation(const char* Uniform) { return glGetUniformLocation(mProgram, Uniform); } GLuint CShader::GetUniformBlockIndex(const char* UniformBlock) { return glGetUniformBlockIndex(mProgram, UniformBlock); } void CShader::SetCurrent() { if (spCurrentShader != this) { glUseProgram(mProgram); spCurrentShader = this; glUniformBlockBinding(mProgram, mMVPBlockIndex, CGraphics::MVPBlockBindingPoint()); glUniformBlockBinding(mProgram, mVertexBlockIndex, CGraphics::VertexBlockBindingPoint()); glUniformBlockBinding(mProgram, mPixelBlockIndex, CGraphics::PixelBlockBindingPoint()); glUniformBlockBinding(mProgram, mLightBlockIndex, CGraphics::LightBlockBindingPoint()); } } // ************ STATIC ************ CShader* CShader::FromResourceFile(std::string ShaderName) { std::string VertexShaderFilename = "../resources/shaders/" + ShaderName + ".vs"; std::string PixelShaderFilename = "../resources/shaders/" + ShaderName + ".ps"; CTextInStream VertexShaderFile(VertexShaderFilename); CTextInStream PixelShaderFile(PixelShaderFilename); if (!VertexShaderFile.IsValid()) std::cout << "Error: Couldn't load vertex shader file for " << ShaderName << "\n"; if (!PixelShaderFile.IsValid()) std::cout << "Error: Couldn't load pixel shader file for " << ShaderName << "\n"; if ((!VertexShaderFile.IsValid()) || (!PixelShaderFile.IsValid())) return nullptr; std::stringstream VertexShader; while (!VertexShaderFile.EoF()) VertexShader << VertexShaderFile.GetString(); std::stringstream PixelShader; while (!PixelShaderFile.EoF()) PixelShader << PixelShaderFile.GetString(); CShader *pShader = new CShader(); pShader->CompileVertexSource(VertexShader.str().c_str()); pShader->CompilePixelSource(PixelShader.str().c_str()); pShader->LinkShaders(); return pShader; } CShader* CShader::CurrentShader() { return spCurrentShader; } void CShader::KillCachedShader() { spCurrentShader = 0; } // ************ PRIVATE ************ void CShader::DumpShaderSource(GLuint Shader, std::string Out) { GLint SourceLen; glGetShaderiv(Shader, GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH, &SourceLen); GLchar *Source = new GLchar[SourceLen]; glGetShaderSource(Shader, SourceLen, NULL, Source); GLint LogLen; glGetShaderiv(Shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &LogLen); GLchar *InfoLog = new GLchar[LogLen]; glGetShaderInfoLog(Shader, LogLen, NULL, InfoLog); std::ofstream ShaderOut; ShaderOut.open(Out.c_str()); if (SourceLen > 0) ShaderOut << Source; if (LogLen > 0) ShaderOut << InfoLog; ShaderOut.close(); delete[] Source; delete[] InfoLog; }