#include "CScriptLoader.h" #include "../script/CMasterTemplate.h" #include #include #include #include CScriptLoader::CScriptLoader() { mpObj = nullptr; } CPropertyStruct* CScriptLoader::LoadStructMP1(CInputStream& SCLY, CStructTemplate *tmp) { u32 StructStart = SCLY.Tell(); CPropertyStruct *PropStruct = new CPropertyStruct(); PropStruct->tmp = tmp; // Verify property count s32 TemplatePropCount = tmp->TemplateCount(); if (TemplatePropCount >= 0) { u32 FilePropCount = SCLY.ReadLong(); if (TemplatePropCount != FilePropCount) Log::FileWarning(SCLY.GetSourceString(), StructStart, "Struct \"" + tmp->Name() + "\" template prop count doesn't match file"); } // Parse properties u32 PropCount = tmp->Count(); PropStruct->Reserve(PropCount); for (u32 p = 0; p < PropCount; p++) { CPropertyBase *prop = nullptr; CPropertyTemplate *proptmp = tmp->PropertyByIndex(p); EPropertyType type = proptmp->Type(); switch (type) { case eBoolProperty: { bool v = (SCLY.ReadByte() == 1); prop = new CBoolProperty(v); break; } case eByteProperty: { char v = SCLY.ReadByte(); prop = new CByteProperty(v); break; } case eShortProperty: { short v = SCLY.ReadShort(); prop = new CShortProperty(v); break; } case eLongProperty: { long v = SCLY.ReadLong(); prop = new CLongProperty(v); break; } case eFloatProperty: { float v = SCLY.ReadFloat(); prop = new CFloatProperty(v); break; } case eStringProperty: { std::string v = SCLY.ReadString(); prop = new CStringProperty(v); break; } case eVector3Property: { CVector3f v(SCLY); prop = new CVector3Property(v); break; } case eColorProperty: { CVector4f color(SCLY); CColor v(color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w); prop = new CColorProperty(v); break; } case eFileProperty: { u32 ResID = SCLY.ReadLong(); const CStringList& Extensions = static_cast(proptmp)->Extensions(); CResource *pRes = nullptr; for (auto it = Extensions.begin(); it != Extensions.end(); it++) { const std::string& ext = *it; if ((ext != "MREA") && (ext != "MLVL")) // Let's avoid recursion please pRes = gResCache.GetResource(ResID, ext); if (pRes) break; } prop = new CFileProperty(pRes); break; } case eStructProperty: { CStructTemplate *StructTmp = tmp->StructByIndex(p); prop = LoadStructMP1(SCLY, StructTmp); break; } } if (prop) { prop->tmp = proptmp; PropStruct->Properties.push_back(prop); } } return PropStruct; } CScriptObject* CScriptLoader::LoadObjectMP1(CInputStream& SCLY) { u32 ObjStart = SCLY.Tell(); u8 type = SCLY.ReadByte(); u32 size = SCLY.ReadLong(); u32 end = SCLY.Tell() + size; CScriptTemplate *tmp = mpMaster->TemplateByID((u32) type); if (!tmp) { // No valid template for this object; can't load Log::FileError(SCLY.GetSourceString(), ObjStart, "Invalid object ID encountered - " + StringUtil::ToHexString(type)); SCLY.Seek(end, SEEK_SET); return nullptr; } mpObj = new CScriptObject(mpArea, mpLayer, tmp); mpObj->mInstanceID = SCLY.ReadLong(); // Load connections u32 numConnections = SCLY.ReadLong(); mpObj->mOutConnections.reserve(numConnections); for (u32 c = 0; c < numConnections; c++) { SLink con; con.State = SCLY.ReadLong(); con.Message = SCLY.ReadLong(); con.ObjectID = SCLY.ReadLong(); mpObj->mOutConnections.push_back(con); } // Load object... CStructTemplate *base = tmp->BaseStruct(); mpObj->mpProperties = LoadStructMP1(SCLY, base); SetupAttribs(); // Cleanup and return SCLY.Seek(end, SEEK_SET); return mpObj; } CScriptLayer* CScriptLoader::LoadLayerMP1(CInputStream &SCLY) { u32 LayerStart = SCLY.Tell(); SCLY.Seek(0x1, SEEK_CUR); // One unknown byte at the start of each layer u32 NumObjects = SCLY.ReadLong(); mpLayer = new CScriptLayer(); mpLayer->Reserve(NumObjects); for (u32 iObj = 0; iObj < NumObjects; iObj++) { CScriptObject *pObj = LoadObjectMP1(SCLY); if (pObj) mpLayer->AddObject(pObj); } // Layer sizes are always a multiple of 32 - skip end padding before returning u32 remaining = 32 - ((SCLY.Tell() - LayerStart) & 0x1F); SCLY.Seek(remaining, SEEK_CUR); return mpLayer; } void CScriptLoader::LoadStructMP2(CInputStream& SCLY, CPropertyStruct *pStruct, CStructTemplate *pTemp) { // Verify property count if (!pTemp->IsSingleProperty()) { u16 NumProperties = SCLY.ReadShort(); if ((pTemp->TemplateCount() >= 0) && (NumProperties != pTemp->TemplateCount())) Log::FileWarning(SCLY.GetSourceString(), SCLY.Tell() - 2, "Struct \"" + pTemp->Name() + "\" template property count doesn't match file"); } // Parse properties u32 PropCount = pTemp->Count(); pStruct->Reserve(PropCount); for (u32 p = 0; p < PropCount; p++) { CPropertyBase *pProp; CPropertyTemplate *pPropTemp; u32 PropertyStart = SCLY.Tell(); u32 PropertyID = -1; u16 PropertyLength = 0; u32 NextProperty = 0; if (pTemp->IsSingleProperty()) { pProp = pStruct->PropertyByIndex(p); pPropTemp = pTemp->PropertyByIndex(p); } else { PropertyID = SCLY.ReadLong(); PropertyLength = SCLY.ReadShort(); NextProperty = SCLY.Tell() + PropertyLength; pProp = pStruct->PropertyByID(PropertyID); pPropTemp = pTemp->PropertyByID(PropertyID); } if (!pPropTemp) Log::FileError(SCLY.GetSourceString(), PropertyStart, "Can't find template for property " + StringUtil::ToHexString(PropertyID) + " - skipping"); else { switch (pPropTemp->Type()) { case eBoolProperty: { CBoolProperty *pBoolCast = static_cast(pProp); pBoolCast->Set( (SCLY.ReadByte() != 0) ); break; } case eByteProperty: { CByteProperty *pByteCast = static_cast(pProp); pByteCast->Set(SCLY.ReadByte()); break; } case eShortProperty: { CShortProperty *pShortCast = static_cast(pProp); pShortCast->Set(SCLY.ReadShort()); break; } case eLongProperty: { CLongProperty *pLongCast = static_cast(pProp); pLongCast->Set(SCLY.ReadLong()); break; } case eFloatProperty: { CFloatProperty *pFloatCast = static_cast(pProp); pFloatCast->Set(SCLY.ReadFloat()); break; } case eStringProperty: { CStringProperty *pStringCast = static_cast(pProp); pStringCast->Set(SCLY.ReadString()); break; } case eVector3Property: { CVector3Property *pVector3Cast = static_cast(pProp); pVector3Cast->Set(CVector3f(SCLY)); break; } case eColorProperty: { CColorProperty *pColorCast = static_cast(pProp); CVector4f Color(SCLY); pColorCast->Set(CColor(Color.x, Color.y, Color.z, Color.w)); break; } case eFileProperty: { CFileProperty *pFileCast = static_cast(pProp); CUniqueID ResID = (mVersion < eCorruptionProto ? SCLY.ReadLong() : SCLY.ReadLongLong()); const CStringList& Extensions = static_cast(pPropTemp)->Extensions(); CResource *pRes = nullptr; // Check for each extension individually until we find a match // This could be done better with a function to fetch the extension given the resource ID // and a "does resource exist" function, but this will do for now bool hasIgnoredExt = false; if (ResID.IsValid()) { for (auto it = Extensions.begin(); it != Extensions.end(); it++) { const std::string& ext = *it; if ((ext != "MREA") && (ext != "MLVL")) { pRes = gResCache.GetResource(ResID, ext); if (pRes) break; } else hasIgnoredExt = true; } } // Property may have an incorrect extension listed - print error if ((!pRes) && (CUniqueID(ResID).IsValid()) && (!hasIgnoredExt)) { std::string ExtList; for (auto it = Extensions.begin(); it != Extensions.end(); it++) { if (it != Extensions.begin()) ExtList += "/"; ExtList += *it; } Log::FileWarning(SCLY.GetSourceString(), "Incorrect resource type? " + ExtList + " " + StringUtil::ToHexString(PropertyID)); } pFileCast->Set(pRes); break; } case eUnknownProperty: { CUnknownProperty *pUnknownCast = static_cast(pProp); std::vector buf(PropertyLength); SCLY.ReadBytes(buf.data(), buf.size()); pUnknownCast->Set(buf); break; } case eStructProperty: { CPropertyStruct *pStructCast = static_cast(pProp); LoadStructMP2(SCLY, pStructCast, static_cast(pPropTemp)); break; } } } if (NextProperty > 0) SCLY.Seek(NextProperty, SEEK_SET); } } CScriptObject* CScriptLoader::LoadObjectMP2(CInputStream& SCLY) { u32 ObjStart = SCLY.Tell(); u32 ObjectID = SCLY.ReadLong(); u16 ObjectSize = SCLY.ReadShort(); u32 ObjEnd = SCLY.Tell() + ObjectSize; CScriptTemplate *pTemplate = mpMaster->TemplateByID(ObjectID); if (!pTemplate) { Log::FileError(SCLY.GetSourceString(), ObjStart, "Invalid object ID encountered: " + CFourCC(ObjectID).ToString()); SCLY.Seek(ObjEnd, SEEK_SET); return nullptr; } mpObj = CScriptObject::CopyFromTemplate(pTemplate, mpArea, mpLayer); mpObj->mpTemplate = pTemplate; mpObj->mInstanceID = SCLY.ReadLong(); // Load connections u32 NumConnections = SCLY.ReadShort(); mpObj->mOutConnections.reserve(NumConnections); for (u32 iCon = 0; iCon < NumConnections; iCon++) { SLink con; con.State = SCLY.ReadLong(); con.Message = SCLY.ReadLong(); con.ObjectID = SCLY.ReadLong(); mpObj->mOutConnections.push_back(con); } // Load object CStructTemplate *pBase = pTemplate->BaseStruct(); SCLY.Seek(0x6, SEEK_CUR); // Skip base struct ID + size LoadStructMP2(SCLY, mpObj->mpProperties, pBase); SetupAttribs(); SCLY.Seek(ObjEnd, SEEK_SET); return mpObj; } CScriptLayer* CScriptLoader::LoadLayerMP2(CInputStream& SCLY) { CFourCC SCLY_Magic(SCLY); if (SCLY_Magic == "SCLY") SCLY.Seek(0x6, SEEK_CUR); else if (SCLY_Magic == "SCGN") SCLY.Seek(0x2, SEEK_CUR); else { Log::FileError(SCLY.GetSourceString(), SCLY.Tell() - 4, "Invalid script layer magic: " + StringUtil::ToHexString((u32) SCLY_Magic.ToLong())); return nullptr; } u32 NumObjects = SCLY.ReadLong(); mpLayer = new CScriptLayer(); mpLayer->Reserve(NumObjects); for (u32 iObj = 0; iObj < NumObjects; iObj++) { CScriptObject *pObj = LoadObjectMP2(SCLY); if (pObj) mpLayer->AddObject(pObj); } if (SCLY_Magic == "SCGN") { mpLayer->SetName("Generated"); mpLayer->SetActive(true); } return mpLayer; } void CScriptLoader::SetupAttribs() { // Add template attributes u32 numAttribs = mpObj->mpTemplate->AttribCount(); for (u32 a = 0; a < numAttribs; a++) { CAttribTemplate *AttribTmp = mpObj->mpTemplate->Attrib(a); CPropertyBase *prop = mpObj->PropertyByName( AttribTmp->Target() ); // Check for static resource CResource *res = nullptr; std::string ResStr = AttribTmp->Resource(); if (!ResStr.empty()) res = gResCache.GetResource(ResStr); mpObj->mAttribs.emplace_back(CScriptObject::SAttrib(AttribTmp->Type(), res, AttribTmp->Settings(), prop) ); mpObj->mAttribFlags |= AttribTmp->Type(); } // Initial attribute evaluation mpObj->EvaluateInstanceName(); mpObj->EvalutateXForm(); mpObj->EvaluateTevColor(); mpObj->EvaluateDisplayModel(); } CScriptLayer* CScriptLoader::LoadLayer(CInputStream &SCLY, CGameArea *pArea, EGame version) { if (!SCLY.IsValid()) return nullptr; CScriptLoader Loader; Loader.mVersion = version; Loader.mpMaster = CMasterTemplate::GetMasterForGame(version); Loader.mpArea = pArea; if (!Loader.mpMaster) { Log::Write("This game doesn't have a master template; couldn't load script layer"); return nullptr; } if (version <= ePrime) return Loader.LoadLayerMP1(SCLY); else return Loader.LoadLayerMP2(SCLY); }