#include "CWorld.h" #include "script/CScriptLayer.h" #include CWorld::CWorld() : CResource() { mWorldVersion = eUnknownVersion; mpWorldName = nullptr; mpDarkWorldName = nullptr; mpSaveWorld = nullptr; mpDefaultSkybox = nullptr; mpMapWorld = nullptr; } CWorld::~CWorld() { } EResType CWorld::Type() { return eWorld; } void CWorld::SetAreaLayerInfo(CGameArea *pArea, u32 AreaIndex) { // The AreaIndex parameter is a placeholder until an improved world loader is implemented. // For now it's the easiest/fastest way to do this because this function is called from // the start window and the start window already knows the area index. SArea& AreaInfo = mAreas[AreaIndex]; for (u32 iLyr = 0; iLyr < pArea->GetScriptLayerCount(); iLyr++) { CScriptLayer *pLayer = pArea->GetScriptLayer(iLyr); SArea::SLayer& LayerInfo = AreaInfo.Layers[iLyr]; pLayer->SetName(LayerInfo.LayerName); pLayer->SetActive(LayerInfo.EnabledByDefault); } } // ************ GETTERS ************ // World EGame CWorld::Version() { return mWorldVersion; } CStringTable* CWorld::GetWorldName() { return mpWorldName; } CStringTable* CWorld::GetDarkWorldName() { return mpDarkWorldName; } CResource* CWorld::GetSaveWorld() { return mpSaveWorld; } CModel* CWorld::GetDefaultSkybox() { return mpDefaultSkybox; } CResource* CWorld::GetMapWorld() { return mpMapWorld; } // Area u32 CWorld::GetNumAreas() { return mAreas.size(); } u64 CWorld::GetAreaResourceID(u32 AreaIndex) { return mAreas[AreaIndex].FileID; } u32 CWorld::GetAreaAttachedCount(u32 AreaIndex) { return mAreas[AreaIndex].AttachedAreaIDs.size(); } u32 CWorld::GetAreaAttachedID(u32 AreaIndex, u32 AttachedIndex) { return (u32) mAreas[AreaIndex].AttachedAreaIDs[AttachedIndex]; } TString CWorld::GetAreaInternalName(u32 AreaIndex) { return mAreas[AreaIndex].InternalName; } CStringTable* CWorld::GetAreaName(u32 AreaIndex) { return mAreas[AreaIndex].pAreaName; }