#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <gl/glew.h> #include "CShaderGenerator.h" const std::string gkCoordSrc[] = { "RawPosition.xyz", "RawNormal.xyz", "0.0, 0.0, 0.0", "0.0, 0.0, 0.0", "RawTex0.xy, 1.0", "RawTex1.xy, 1.0", "RawTex2.xy, 1.0", "RawTex3.xy, 1.0", "RawTex4.xy, 1.0", "RawTex5.xy, 1.0", "RawTex6.xy, 1.0", "RawTex7.xy, 1.0" }; const std::string gkKonstColor[] = { "1.0, 1.0, 1.0", "0.875, 0.875, 0.875", "0.75, 0.75, 0.75", "0.625, 0.625, 0.625", "0.5, 0.5, 0.5", "0.375, 0.375, 0.375", "0.25, 0.25, 0.25", "0.125, 0.125, 0.125", "", "", "", "", "KonstColors[0].rgb", "KonstColors[1].rgb", "KonstColors[2].rgb", "KonstColors[3].rgb", "KonstColors[0].rrr", "KonstColors[1].rrr", "KonstColors[2].rrr", "KonstColors[3].rrr", "KonstColors[0].ggg", "KonstColors[1].ggg", "KonstColors[2].ggg", "KonstColors[3].ggg", "KonstColors[0].bbb", "KonstColors[1].bbb", "KonstColors[2].bbb", "KonstColors[3].bbb", "KonstColors[0].aaa", "KonstColors[1].aaa", "KonstColors[2].aaa", "KonstColors[3].aaa" }; const std::string gkKonstAlpha[] = { "1.0", "0.875", "0.75", "0.625", "0.5", "0.375", "0.25", "0.125", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "KonstColors[0].r", "KonstColors[1].r", "KonstColors[2].r", "KonstColors[3].r", "KonstColors[0].g", "KonstColors[1].g", "KonstColors[2].g", "KonstColors[3].g", "KonstColors[0].b", "KonstColors[1].b", "KonstColors[2].b", "KonstColors[3].b", "KonstColors[0].a", "KonstColors[1].a", "KonstColors[2].a", "KonstColors[3].a" }; const std::string gkTevColor[] = { "Prev.rgb", "Prev.aaa", "C0.rgb", "C0.aaa", "C1.rgb", "C1.aaa", "C2.rgb", "C2.aaa", "Tex.rgb", "Tex.aaa", "Ras.rgb", "Ras.aaa", "1.0, 1.0, 1.0", "0.5, 0.5, 0.5", "Konst.rgb", "0, 0, 0" }; const std::string gkTevAlpha[] = { "Prev.a", "C0.a", "C1.a", "C2.a", "Tex.a", "Ras.a", "Konst.a", "0" }; const std::string gkTevRigid[] = { "Prev", "C0", "C1", "C2" }; CShaderGenerator::CShaderGenerator() { } CShaderGenerator::~CShaderGenerator() { } bool CShaderGenerator::CreateVertexShader(const CMaterial& Mat) { std::stringstream ShaderCode; ShaderCode << "#version 330 core\n" << "\n"; // Input ShaderCode << "// Input\n"; EVertexDescription VtxDesc = Mat.GetVtxDesc(); if (VtxDesc & ePosition) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 0) in vec3 RawPosition;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eNormal) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 1) in vec3 RawNormal;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor0) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 2) in vec4 RawColor0;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor1) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 3) in vec4 RawColor1;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex0) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 4) in vec2 RawTex0;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex1) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 5) in vec2 RawTex1;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex2) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 6) in vec2 RawTex2;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex3) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 7) in vec2 RawTex3;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex4) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 8) in vec2 RawTex4;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex5) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 9) in vec2 RawTex5;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eTex6) ShaderCode << "layout(location = 10) in vec2 RawTex6;\n"; ShaderCode << "\n"; // Output ShaderCode << "// Output\n"; if (VtxDesc & eNormal) ShaderCode << "out vec3 Normal;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor0) ShaderCode << "out vec4 Color0;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor1) ShaderCode << "out vec4 Color1;\n"; for (u32 iPass = 0; iPass < Mat.mPasses.size(); iPass++) if (Mat.mPasses[iPass].TexCoordSource != 0xFF) ShaderCode << "out vec3 Tex" << iPass << ";\n"; ShaderCode << "out vec4 COLOR0A0;\n" << "out vec4 COLOR1A1;\n"; ShaderCode << "\n"; // Uniforms ShaderCode << "// Uniforms\n" << "layout(std140) uniform MVPBlock\n" << "{\n" << " mat4 ModelMtx;\n" << " mat4 ViewMtx;\n" << " mat4 ProjMtx;\n" << "};\n" << "\n" << "layout(std140) uniform VertexBlock\n" << "{\n" << " mat4 TexMtx[10];\n" << " mat4 PostMtx[20];\n" << " vec4 COLOR0_Amb;\n" << " vec4 COLOR0_Mat;\n" << " vec4 COLOR1_Amb;\n" << " vec4 COLOR1_Mat;\n" << "};\n" << "\n" << "struct GXLight\n" << "{\n" << " vec4 Position;\n" << " vec4 Direction;\n" << " vec4 Color;\n" << " vec4 DistAtten;\n" << " vec4 AngleAtten;\n" << "};\n" << "layout(std140) uniform LightBlock {\n" << " GXLight Lights[8];\n" << "};\n" << "uniform int NumLights;\n" << "\n"; // Main ShaderCode << "// Main\n" << "void main()\n" << "{\n" << " mat4 MVP = ModelMtx * ViewMtx * ProjMtx;\n" << " mat4 MV = ModelMtx * ViewMtx;\n"; if (VtxDesc & ePosition) ShaderCode << " gl_Position = vec4(RawPosition, 1) * MVP;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eNormal) ShaderCode << " Normal = normalize(RawNormal.xyz * inverse(transpose(mat3(MV))));\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor0) ShaderCode << " Color1 = RawColor0;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor1) ShaderCode << " Color2 = RawColor1;\n"; // Per-vertex lighting ShaderCode << "\n" << " // Dynamic Lighting\n"; // The 0x1 bit on the flag determines whether lighting is enabled for COLOR0 if (Mat.mChanCtrlFlags & 0x1) { u8 DiffuseFunction = (Mat.mChanCtrlFlags >> 11) & 0x3; if (Mat.mChanCount > 0) { ShaderCode << " vec4 Illum = vec4(0.0);\n" << " vec3 PositionMV = vec3(vec4(RawPosition, 1.0) * MV);\n" << " \n" << " for (int iLight = 0; iLight < NumLights; iLight++)\n" << " {\n" << " vec3 LightPosMV = vec3(Lights[iLight].Position * ViewMtx);\n" << " vec3 LightDirMV = normalize(Lights[iLight].Direction.xyz * inverse(transpose(mat3(ViewMtx))));\n" << " vec3 LightDist = LightPosMV.xyz - PositionMV.xyz;\n" << " float DistSquared = dot(LightDist, LightDist);\n" << " float Dist = sqrt(DistSquared);\n" << " LightDist /= Dist;\n" << " vec3 AngleAtten = Lights[iLight].AngleAtten.xyz;\n" << " AngleAtten = vec3(AngleAtten.x, AngleAtten.y, AngleAtten.z);\n" << " float Atten = max(0, dot(LightDist, LightDirMV.xyz));\n" << " Atten = max(0, dot(AngleAtten, vec3(1.0, Atten, Atten * Atten))) / dot(Lights[iLight].DistAtten.xyz, vec3(1.0, Dist, DistSquared));\n"; if (DiffuseFunction == 2) ShaderCode << " float DiffuseAtten = max(0, dot(Normal, LightDist));\n"; else if (DiffuseFunction == 1) ShaderCode << " float DiffuseAtten = dot(Normal, LightDist);\n"; else ShaderCode << " float DiffuseAtten = 1.0;\n"; ShaderCode << " Illum += (Atten * DiffuseAtten * Lights[iLight].Color);\n" << " }\n" << " COLOR0A0 = COLOR0_Mat * (Illum + COLOR0_Amb);\n" << " COLOR1A1 = COLOR1_Mat * (Illum + COLOR1_Amb);\n" << " \n"; } else { ShaderCode << " COLOR0A0 = COLOR0_Mat;\n" << " COLOR1A1 = COLOR1_Mat;\n"; } } else { ShaderCode << " COLOR0A0 = COLOR0_Mat;\n" << " COLOR1A1 = COLOR1_Mat;\n" << "\n"; } // Texture coordinate generation ShaderCode << " \n" << " // TexGen\n"; for (u32 iCoord = 0; iCoord < Mat.mPasses.size(); iCoord++) { if (Mat.mPasses[iCoord].TexCoordSource == 0xFF) continue; s32 AnimType = Mat.mPasses[iCoord].AnimMode; // Texture Matrix if (AnimType == -1) // No animation ShaderCode << " Tex" << iCoord << " = vec3(" << gkCoordSrc[Mat.mPasses[iCoord].TexCoordSource] << ");\n"; else // Animation used - texture matrix at least, possibly normalization/post-transform { // Texture Matrix ShaderCode << " Tex" << iCoord << " = vec3(vec4(" << gkCoordSrc[Mat.mPasses[iCoord].TexCoordSource] << ", 1.0) * TexMtx[" << iCoord << "]).xyz;\n"; if ((AnimType < 2) || (AnimType > 5)) { // Normalization + Post-Transform ShaderCode << " Tex" << iCoord << " = normalize(Tex" << iCoord << ");\n"; ShaderCode << " Tex" << iCoord << " = vec3(vec4(Tex" << iCoord << ", 1.0) * PostMtx[" << iCoord << "]).xyz;\n"; } } ShaderCode << "\n"; } ShaderCode << "}\n\n"; // Done! return mShader->CompileVertexSource(ShaderCode.str().c_str()); } bool CShaderGenerator::CreatePixelShader(const CMaterial& Mat) { std::stringstream ShaderCode; ShaderCode << "#version 330 core\n" << "\n" << "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable\n" // Needed to set texture binding layouts << "\n"; EVertexDescription VtxDesc = Mat.GetVtxDesc(); if (VtxDesc & ePosition) ShaderCode << "in vec3 Position;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eNormal) ShaderCode << "in vec3 Normal;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor0) ShaderCode << "in vec4 Color0;\n"; if (VtxDesc & eColor1) ShaderCode << "in vec4 Color1;\n"; for (u32 iPass = 0; iPass < Mat.mPasses.size(); iPass++) if (Mat.mPasses[iPass].TexCoordSource != 0xFF) ShaderCode << "in vec3 Tex" << iPass << ";\n"; ShaderCode << "in vec4 COLOR0A0;\n" << "in vec4 COLOR1A1;\n" << "\n" << "out vec4 PixelColor;\n" << "\n" << "layout(std140) uniform PixelBlock {\n" << " vec4 KonstColors[4];\n" << " vec4 TevColor;\n" << " vec4 TintColor;\n" << "};\n\n"; for (u32 iTex = 0; iTex < Mat.mPasses.size(); iTex++) if (Mat.mPasses[iTex].pTexture != nullptr) ShaderCode << "layout(binding = " << iTex << ") uniform sampler2D Texture" << iTex << ";\n"; ShaderCode <<"\n"; ShaderCode << "void main()\n" << "{\n" << " vec4 TevInA = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0), TevInB = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0), TevInC = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0), TevInD = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n" << " vec4 Prev = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0), C0 = TevColor, C1 = C0, C2 = C0;\n" << " vec4 Ras = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1), Tex = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n" << " vec4 Konst = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);\n"; ShaderCode << " vec2 TevCoord = vec2(0, 0);\n" << " \n"; for (u32 iPass = 0; iPass < Mat.mPasses.size(); iPass++) { ShaderCode << " // TEV Stage " << iPass << "\n"; const CMaterial::SPass *pPass = &Mat.mPasses[iPass]; if (pPass->Hidden) { ShaderCode << " // Pass is hidden\n\n"; continue; } if (pPass->TexCoordSource != 0xFF) ShaderCode << " TevCoord = (Tex" << iPass << ".z == 0.0 ? Tex" << iPass << ".xy : Tex" << iPass << ".xy / Tex" << iPass << ".z);\n"; if (pPass->pTexture != nullptr) ShaderCode << " Tex = texture(Texture" << iPass << ", TevCoord);\n"; ShaderCode << " Konst = vec4(" << gkKonstColor[pPass->KonstColorSel] << ", " << gkKonstAlpha[pPass->KonstAlphaSel] << ");\n"; if (pPass->RasSel != 0xFF) { if (pPass->RasSel == 0x0) ShaderCode << " Ras = vec4(COLOR0A0.xyz, 1.0);\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x1) ShaderCode << " Ras = vec4(COLOR1A1.xyz, 1.0);\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x2) ShaderCode << " Ras = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, COLOR0A0.w);\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x3) ShaderCode << " Ras = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, COLOR1A1.w);\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x4) ShaderCode << " Ras = COLOR0A0;\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x5) ShaderCode << " Ras = COLOR1A1;\n"; else if (pPass->RasSel == 0x6) ShaderCode << " Ras = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"; } for (u8 iInput = 0; iInput < 4; iInput++) { u8 TevCharacter = iInput + 0x41; // the current stage number represented as an ASCII letter; eg 0 is 'A' ShaderCode << " TevIn" << TevCharacter << " = vec4(" << gkTevColor[Mat.GetTevColorIn(iPass, iInput) & 0xF] << ", " << gkTevAlpha[Mat.GetTevAlphaIn(iPass, iInput) & 0x7] << ");\n"; } // Applying TRAN and BLOL (opacity and bloom maps) in Corruption require accessing specific color channels // This feels hacky and might not be the best way to implement this if (pPass->Type == "TRAN") { ShaderCode << " // TRAN Combine\n" << " Prev.a = 1.0 - Tex.r;\n\n"; } /*else if (pPass->Type == "BLOL") { ShaderCode << " // BLOL Combine\n" << " C0.rgb += vec3(Tex.g, Tex.g, Tex.g);\n\n"; }*/ else { ShaderCode << " // RGB Combine\n" << " " << gkTevRigid[pPass->ColorOutputRegister] << ".rgb = "; ShaderCode << "clamp(vec3(TevInD.rgb + ((1.0 - TevInC.rgb) * TevInA.rgb + TevInC.rgb * TevInB.rgb)), vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n"; ShaderCode << " // Alpha Combine\n" << " " << gkTevRigid[pPass->AlphaOutputRegister] << ".a = "; ShaderCode << "clamp(TevInD.a + ((1.0 - TevInC.a) * TevInA.a + TevInC.a * TevInB.a), 0.0, 1.0);\n\n"; } } if (Mat.GetOptions() & ePunchthrough) { ShaderCode << " if (Prev.a <= 0.25) discard;\n" << " else Prev.a = 1.0;\n"; } ShaderCode << " PixelColor = Prev.rgba * TintColor;\n" << "}\n\n"; // Done! return mShader->CompilePixelSource(ShaderCode.str().c_str()); } CShader* CShaderGenerator::GenerateShader(const CMaterial& Mat) { CShaderGenerator Generator; Generator.mShader = new CShader(); bool success = Generator.CreateVertexShader(Mat); if (success) success = Generator.CreatePixelShader(Mat); Generator.mShader->LinkShaders(); return Generator.mShader; }