#include "CLightNode.h" #include #include #include #include CLightNode::CLightNode(CSceneManager *pScene, CSceneNode *pParent, CLight *Light) : CSceneNode(pScene, pParent) { mpLight = Light; mLocalAABox = CAABox::skOne; mPosition = Light->GetPosition(); switch (Light->GetType()) { case eLocalAmbient: SetName("Ambient Light"); break; case eDirectional: SetName("Directional Light"); break; case eSpot: SetName("Spot Light"); break; case eCustom: SetName("Custom Light"); break; } } ENodeType CLightNode::NodeType() { return eLightNode; } void CLightNode::AddToRenderer(CRenderer *pRenderer, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo) { if (ViewInfo.GameMode) return; if (ViewInfo.ViewFrustum.BoxInFrustum(AABox())) pRenderer->AddOpaqueMesh(this, -1, AABox(), eDrawMesh); if (IsSelected() && mpLight->GetType() == eCustom) { CAABox RadiusBox = (CAABox::skOne * 2.f * mpLight->GetRadius()) + mPosition; if (ViewInfo.ViewFrustum.BoxInFrustum(RadiusBox)) pRenderer->AddOpaqueMesh(this, -1, AABox(), eDrawSelection); } } void CLightNode::Draw(ERenderOptions /*Options*/, int /*ComponentIndex*/, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo) { CDrawUtil::DrawLightBillboard(mpLight->GetType(), mpLight->GetColor(), mPosition, BillboardScale(), TintColor(ViewInfo)); } void CLightNode::DrawSelection() { CDrawUtil::DrawWireSphere(mPosition, mpLight->GetRadius(), mpLight->GetColor()); } void CLightNode::RayAABoxIntersectTest(CRayCollisionTester& Tester, const SViewInfo& /*ViewInfo*/) { CVector2f BillScale = BillboardScale(); float ScaleXY = (BillScale.x > BillScale.y ? BillScale.x : BillScale.y); CAABox BillBox = CAABox(mPosition + CVector3f(-ScaleXY, -ScaleXY, -BillScale.y), mPosition + CVector3f( ScaleXY, ScaleXY, BillScale.y)); std::pair BoxResult = BillBox.IntersectsRay(Tester.Ray()); if (BoxResult.first) Tester.AddNode(this, 0, BoxResult.second); } SRayIntersection CLightNode::RayNodeIntersectTest(const CRay& Ray, u32 AssetID, const SViewInfo& ViewInfo) { // todo: come up with a better way to share this code between CScriptNode and CLightNode SRayIntersection out; out.pNode = this; out.ComponentIndex = AssetID; CTexture *pBillboard = CDrawUtil::GetLightTexture(mpLight->GetType()); if (!pBillboard) { out.Hit = false; return out; } // Step 1: check whether the ray intersects with the plane the billboard is on CPlane BillboardPlane(-ViewInfo.pCamera->Direction(), mPosition); std::pair PlaneTest = Math::RayPlaneIntersecton(Ray, BillboardPlane); if (PlaneTest.first) { // Step 2: transform the hit point into the plane's local space CVector3f PlaneHitPoint = Ray.PointOnRay(PlaneTest.second); CVector3f RelHitPoint = PlaneHitPoint - mPosition; CVector3f PlaneForward = -ViewInfo.pCamera->Direction(); CVector3f PlaneRight = -ViewInfo.pCamera->RightVector(); CVector3f PlaneUp = ViewInfo.pCamera->UpVector(); CQuaternion PlaneRot = CQuaternion::FromAxes(PlaneRight, PlaneForward, PlaneUp); CVector3f RotatedHitPoint = PlaneRot.Inverse() * RelHitPoint; CVector2f LocalHitPoint = RotatedHitPoint.xz() / BillboardScale(); // Step 3: check whether the transformed hit point is in the -1 to 1 range if ((LocalHitPoint.x >= -1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.x <= 1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.y >= -1.f) && (LocalHitPoint.y <= 1.f)) { // Step 4: look up the hit texel and check whether it's transparent or opaque CVector2f TexCoord = (LocalHitPoint + CVector2f(1.f)) * 0.5f; TexCoord.x = -TexCoord.x + 1.f; float TexelAlpha = pBillboard->ReadTexelAlpha(TexCoord); if (TexelAlpha < 0.25f) out.Hit = false; else { // It's opaque... we have a hit! out.Hit = true; out.Distance = PlaneTest.second; } } else out.Hit = false; } else out.Hit = false; return out; } CLight* CLightNode::Light() { return mpLight; } CVector2f CLightNode::BillboardScale() { return mScale.xz() * 0.75f; }