#ifndef CROOTNODE_H #define CROOTNODE_H #include "CSceneNode.h" #include // CRootNode's main purpose is to manage groups of other nodes as its children. class CRootNode : public CSceneNode { public: explicit CRootNode(CSceneManager *pScene, CSceneNode *pParent = 0) : CSceneNode(pScene, pParent) {} ~CRootNode() {} inline ENodeType NodeType() { return eRootNode; } inline void AddToRenderer(CRenderer *, const SViewInfo&) {} inline void Draw(ERenderOptions) {} inline void DrawAsset(ERenderOptions, u32) {} inline void RayAABoxIntersectTest(CRayCollisionTester &) {} inline SRayIntersection RayNodeIntersectTest(const CRay &, u32, const SViewInfo&) { return SRayIntersection(false, 0.f, nullptr, 0); } inline void DrawSelection() {} }; #endif // CROOTNODE_H