#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CEditorGLWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QTimer CEditorGLWidget::sRefreshTimer; CEditorGLWidget::CEditorGLWidget(QWidget *pParent) : QOpenGLWidget(pParent) { setMouseTracking(true); mLastDrawTime = CTimer::GlobalTime(); mKeysPressed = 0; mButtonsPressed = 0; mCursorState = Qt::ArrowCursor; mCursorVisible = true; mCamera.SetAspectRatio((float) width() / height()); connect(&sRefreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update())); if (!sRefreshTimer.isActive()) sRefreshTimer.start(0); } CEditorGLWidget::~CEditorGLWidget() { } void CEditorGLWidget::initializeGL() { // Initialize CGraphics CGraphics::Initialize(); // Setting various GL flags glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); glPrimitiveRestartIndex(0xFFFF); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset(1.f, 5.f); // Clear cached material CMaterial::KillCachedMaterial(); CShader::KillCachedShader(); // Initialize renderer emit ViewportResized(width(), height()); } void CEditorGLWidget::paintGL() { double DeltaTime = CTimer::GlobalTime() - mLastDrawTime; mLastDrawTime = CTimer::GlobalTime(); // Camera movement is processed here in order to sync it with the paint event // This way movement happens exactly once per frame - no more, no less ProcessInput(DeltaTime); // Pre-render signal allows for per-frame operations to be performed before the draw happens emit PreRender(); // We emit a signal to indicate it's time to render the viewport instead of doing the rendering here. // This allows the editor GL widget class to be reused among multiple editors with different rendering needs. emit Render(mCamera); // Post-render signal allows for the frame to be completed with post-processing emit PostRender(); } void CEditorGLWidget::resizeGL(int w, int h) { mCamera.SetAspectRatio((float) w / h); glViewport(0, 0, w, h); emit ViewportResized(w, h); } void CEditorGLWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) { if ((!IsMouseInputActive()) && (mButtonsPressed & eLeftButton)) emit MouseDrag(pEvent); } void CEditorGLWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) { setFocus(); if (pEvent->button() == Qt::MidButton) mButtonsPressed |= eMiddleButton; if (pEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton) mButtonsPressed |= eRightButton; if (IsMouseInputActive()) SetCursorVisible(false); // Left click only activates if mouse input is inactive to prevent the user from // clicking on things and creating selection rectangles while the cursor is hidden else { if (pEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) mButtonsPressed |= eLeftButton; emit MouseClick(pEvent); } mLastMousePos = pEvent->globalPos(); } void CEditorGLWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *pEvent) { bool fromMouseInput = IsMouseInputActive(); if (pEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) mButtonsPressed &= ~eLeftButton; if (pEvent->button() == Qt::MidButton) mButtonsPressed &= ~eMiddleButton; if (pEvent->button() == Qt::RightButton) mButtonsPressed &= ~eRightButton; // Make cursor visible if needed if (!IsMouseInputActive()) SetCursorVisible(true); // Emit mouse release event if we didn't just exit mouse input (or regardless on left click) if (!fromMouseInput || (pEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton)) emit MouseRelease(pEvent); } void CEditorGLWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *pEvent) { switch (pEvent->key()) { case Qt::Key_Q: mKeysPressed |= eQKey; break; case Qt::Key_W: mKeysPressed |= eWKey; break; case Qt::Key_E: mKeysPressed |= eEKey; break; case Qt::Key_A: mKeysPressed |= eAKey; break; case Qt::Key_S: mKeysPressed |= eSKey; break; case Qt::Key_D: mKeysPressed |= eDKey; break; case Qt::Key_Control: mKeysPressed |= eCtrlKey; break; } } void CEditorGLWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *pEvent) { switch (pEvent->key()) { case Qt::Key_Q: mKeysPressed &= ~eQKey; break; case Qt::Key_W: mKeysPressed &= ~eWKey; break; case Qt::Key_E: mKeysPressed &= ~eEKey; break; case Qt::Key_A: mKeysPressed &= ~eAKey; break; case Qt::Key_S: mKeysPressed &= ~eSKey; break; case Qt::Key_D: mKeysPressed &= ~eDKey; break; case Qt::Key_Control: mKeysPressed &= ~eCtrlKey; break; } } void CEditorGLWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *pEvent) { // Maybe track a "wheel delta" member variable and let CCamera decide what to do with it? mCamera.Zoom(pEvent->angleDelta().y() / 6000.f); } void CEditorGLWidget::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*) { // When the widget loses focus, release all input. mButtonsPressed = 0; mKeysPressed = 0; SetCursorVisible(true); } void CEditorGLWidget::SetCursorState(const QCursor &Cursor) { mCursorState = Cursor; if (IsCursorVisible()) setCursor(Cursor); } void CEditorGLWidget::SetCursorVisible(bool visible) { mCursorVisible = visible; if (visible) setCursor(mCursorState); else setCursor(Qt::BlankCursor); } bool CEditorGLWidget::IsCursorVisible() { return mCursorVisible; } bool CEditorGLWidget::IsMouseInputActive() { static const int skMoveButtons = eMiddleButton | eRightButton; return ((mButtonsPressed & skMoveButtons) != 0); } bool CEditorGLWidget::IsKeyboardInputActive() { static const int skMoveKeys = eQKey | eWKey | eEKey | eAKey | eSKey | eDKey; return ((mKeysPressed & skMoveKeys) != 0); } CCamera& CEditorGLWidget::Camera() { return mCamera; } CRay CEditorGLWidget::CastRay() { CVector2f MouseCoords = MouseDeviceCoordinates(); return mCamera.CastRay(MouseCoords); } CVector2f CEditorGLWidget::MouseDeviceCoordinates() { QPoint MousePos = QCursor::pos(); QPoint ThisPos = this->mapToGlobal(pos()); MousePos -= ThisPos; CVector2f Device( (((2.f * MousePos.x()) / width()) - 1.f), (1.f - ((2.f * MousePos.y()) / height())) ); return Device; } // ************ PRIVATE ************ void CEditorGLWidget::ProcessInput(double DeltaTime) { if (IsMouseInputActive()) { float XMovement = (QCursor::pos().x() - mLastMousePos.x()) * 0.01f; float YMovement = (QCursor::pos().y() - mLastMousePos.y()) * 0.01f; if ((XMovement != 0) || (YMovement != 0)) { mCamera.ProcessMouseInput((EKeyInputs) mKeysPressed, (EMouseInputs) mButtonsPressed, XMovement, YMovement); QCursor::setPos(mLastMousePos); } } if (IsKeyboardInputActive()) mCamera.ProcessKeyInput((EKeyInputs) mKeysPressed, DeltaTime); }