# # Dew Cmake Bootstrap + functionality module # https://github.com/sfuller/dew # # It is not recommended to modify this file, as it may need to be updated to ensure future dew version compatibility. # # It is encouraged to check this file into your project's VCS. Doing so will allow your cmake project to easily # integrate with Dew. # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) function(integrate_dew) # # Skip everything if we are building from dew # if ($ENV{INVOKED_BY_DEW}) return() endif() # # Acquaint CMake with dew prefix # if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL Debug) set(dew_cmake_prefix_suffix debug) else() set(dew_cmake_prefix_suffix release) endif() # # Run dew update # option(DEW_AUTOUPDATE "Automatically update dew prefixes as part of cmake generation." ON) if (DEW_AUTOUPDATE) find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Installing dew") execute_process( COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" -m pip install --user dew-pacman RESULT_VARIABLE install_dew_result ) if (NOT install_dew_result EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to install dew with pip: result: ${install_dew_result}.") endif() message(STATUS "Building dew dependencies") execute_process(COMMAND "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" -m dew update --CC "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}" --CXX "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" --build-type ${dew_cmake_prefix_suffix} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" RESULT_VARIABLE dew_res) if(NOT dew_res EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to run dew: ${dew_res}") endif() endif() set(dew_output_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.dew") set(dew_cmake_prefix_path "${dew_output_path}/prefix-${dew_cmake_prefix_suffix}") set(dew_cmake_module_path "${dew_cmake_prefix_path}/share/cmake/Modules") # # Create a warning and return early if dew directory does not exist. # if (NOT EXISTS "${dew_output_path}") message(WARNING "Could not find .dew directory. Please follow the project's instructions for installing and running dew.") return() endif() # # Check if we have already added the dew directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH # set(needs_new_prefix TRUE) foreach (path ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) if (path STREQUAL "${dew_cmake_prefix_path}") set(needs_new_prefix FALSE) break() endif() endforeach() # # Check if we have already added the dew cmake module directory to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH # set(needs_new_module_path TRUE) foreach (path ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) if (path STREQUAL "${dew_cmake_module_path}") set(needs_new_module_path FALSE) break() endif() endforeach() # # Add dew directory to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH if necesary # if ("${needs_new_prefix}") set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} "${dew_cmake_prefix_path}" CACHE PATH "" FORCE) endif() # # Add dew cmake module directory to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH if necesary # if ("${needs_new_module_path}") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${dew_cmake_module_path}" CACHE PATH "" FORCE) endif() set(DEW_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${dew_cmake_prefix_path} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()