#include "WTextureGLWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include WTextureGLWidget::WTextureGLWidget(QWidget *parent, CTexture *pTex) : QOpenGLWidget(parent) { SetTexture(pTex); mInitialized = false; } WTextureGLWidget::~WTextureGLWidget() { if (mInitialized) CGraphics::ReleaseContext(mContextID); } void WTextureGLWidget::initializeGL() { CGraphics::Initialize(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); mContextID = CGraphics::GetContextIndex(); mInitialized = true; } void WTextureGLWidget::paintGL() { CGraphics::SetActiveContext(mContextID); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glClearColor(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Set matrices to identity CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = CMatrix4f::skIdentity; CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ViewMatrix = CMatrix4f::skIdentity; CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ProjectionMatrix = CMatrix4f::skIdentity; CGraphics::UpdateMVPBlock(); // Draw checkerboard background CDrawUtil::UseTextureShader(); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); CDrawUtil::LoadCheckerboardTexture(0); CDrawUtil::DrawSquare(&mCheckerCoords[0].x); // Make it darker CDrawUtil::UseColorShader(CColor((u8) 0, 0, 0, 128)); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); CDrawUtil::DrawSquare(); // Leave it at just the checkerboard if there's no texture if (!mpTexture) return; // Draw texture CDrawUtil::UseTextureShader(); mpTexture->Bind(0); CGraphics::sMVPBlock.ModelMatrix = mTexTransform.ToMatrix4f(); CGraphics::UpdateMVPBlock(); CDrawUtil::DrawSquare(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void WTextureGLWidget::resizeGL(int w, int h) { mAspectRatio = (float) w / (float) h; glViewport(0, 0, w, h); CalcTexTransform(); CalcCheckerCoords(); update(); } void WTextureGLWidget::SetTexture(CTexture *pTex) { mpTexture = pTex; if (pTex) mTexAspectRatio = (float) pTex->Width() / (float) pTex->Height(); else mTexAspectRatio = 0.f; CalcTexTransform(); CalcCheckerCoords(); update(); } void WTextureGLWidget::CalcTexTransform() { // This is a simple scale based on the dimensions of the viewport, in order to // avoid stretching the texture if it doesn't match the viewport aspect ratio. mTexTransform = CTransform4f::skIdentity; float Diff = mTexAspectRatio / mAspectRatio; if (mAspectRatio >= mTexAspectRatio) mTexTransform.Scale(Diff, 1.f, 1.f); else mTexTransform.Scale(1.f, 1.f / Diff, 1.f); } void WTextureGLWidget::CalcCheckerCoords() { // The translation vector is set up so the checkerboard stays centered on the screen // rather than expanding from the bottom-left corner. This makes it look more natural. CVector2f Trans; float InvAspect = (mAspectRatio == 0.f) ? 0.f : 1.f / mAspectRatio; float InvTexAspect = (mTexAspectRatio == 0.f) ? 0.f : 1.f / mTexAspectRatio; float XBase, YBase, XScale, YScale; // Horizontal texture if ((mpTexture != nullptr) && (mpTexture->Width() > mpTexture->Height())) { XBase = 1.f; YBase = InvTexAspect; XScale = InvTexAspect; YScale = 1.f; } // Vertical texture else { XBase = mTexAspectRatio; YBase = 1.f; XScale = 1.f; YScale = mTexAspectRatio; } // Space on left/right if (mAspectRatio > mTexAspectRatio) { Trans = CVector2f(mAspectRatio / 2.f, 0.5f) * -XScale; mCheckerCoords[0] = CVector2f(0.f, YBase); mCheckerCoords[1] = CVector2f(mAspectRatio * XScale, YBase); mCheckerCoords[2] = CVector2f(mAspectRatio * XScale, 0.f); mCheckerCoords[3] = CVector2f(0.f, 0.f); } // Space on top/bottom else { Trans = CVector2f(0.5f, InvAspect / 2.f) * -YScale; mCheckerCoords[0] = CVector2f(0.f, InvAspect * YScale); mCheckerCoords[1] = CVector2f(XBase, InvAspect * YScale); mCheckerCoords[2] = CVector2f(XBase, 0.f); mCheckerCoords[3] = CVector2f(0.f, 0.f); } // Finally, apply translation/scale for (u32 iCoord = 0; iCoord < 4; iCoord++) { mCheckerCoords[iCoord] += Trans; mCheckerCoords[iCoord] *= 10.f; } }