#include "CMaterialLoader.h" #include #include #include #include #include CMaterialLoader::CMaterialLoader() { mCorruptionFlags = 0; mHasOPAC = false; } CMaterialLoader::~CMaterialLoader() { } void CMaterialLoader::ReadPrimeMatSet() { // Textures u32 numTextures = mpFile->ReadLong(); mTextures.resize(numTextures); for (u32 iTex = 0; iTex < numTextures; iTex++) { u32 TextureID = mpFile->ReadLong(); mTextures[iTex] = (CTexture*) gResCache.GetResource(TextureID, "TXTR"); } // Materials u32 numMats = mpFile->ReadLong(); std::vector offsets(numMats); for (u32 iMat = 0; iMat < numMats; iMat++) offsets[iMat] = mpFile->ReadLong(); u32 matsStart = mpFile->Tell(); mpSet->mMaterials.resize(numMats); for (u32 iMat = 0; iMat < numMats; iMat++) { mpSet->mMaterials[iMat] = ReadPrimeMaterial(); mpSet->mMaterials[iMat]->mVersion = mVersion; mpSet->mMaterials[iMat]->mName = std::string("Material #") + std::to_string(iMat + 1); mpFile->Seek(matsStart + offsets[iMat], SEEK_SET); } } CMaterial* CMaterialLoader::ReadPrimeMaterial() { CMaterial *pMat = new CMaterial(); pMat->mEnableBloom = false; // Flags pMat->mOptions = (CMaterial::EMaterialOptions) (mpFile->ReadLong() & CMaterial::eAllSettings); // Textures u32 NumTextures = mpFile->ReadLong(); std::vector TextureIndices(NumTextures); for (u32 iTex = 0; iTex < NumTextures; iTex++) { u32 Index = mpFile->ReadLong(); TextureIndices[iTex] = Index; } // Vertex description pMat->mVtxDesc = (EVertexDescription) mpFile->ReadLong(); // Unknowns if (mVersion >= eEchoesDemo) { pMat->mEchoesUnknownA = mpFile->ReadLong(); pMat->mEchoesUnknownB = mpFile->ReadLong(); } mpFile->Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR); // Skipping group index // Konst if (pMat->mOptions & CMaterial::eKonst) { u32 KonstCount = mpFile->ReadLong(); for (u32 iKonst = 0; iKonst < KonstCount; iKonst++) { if (iKonst >= 4) break; pMat->mKonstColors[iKonst] = CColor(*mpFile); } if (KonstCount > 4) mpFile->Seek(0x4 * (KonstCount - 4), SEEK_CUR); } // Blend mode pMat->mBlendDstFac = glBlendFactor[mpFile->ReadShort()]; pMat->mBlendSrcFac = glBlendFactor[mpFile->ReadShort()]; // Indirect texture if (pMat->mOptions & CMaterial::eIndStage) { u32 IndTexIndex = mpFile->ReadLong(); pMat->mpIndirectTexture = mTextures[IndTexIndex]; } // Color channels u32 ChanCount = mpFile->ReadLong(); pMat->mLightingEnabled = ((mpFile->ReadLong() & 0x1) == 1); mpFile->Seek((4 * ChanCount) - 4, SEEK_CUR); // TEV u32 TevCount = mpFile->ReadLong(); pMat->mPasses.resize(TevCount); for (u32 iTev = 0; iTev < TevCount; iTev++) { CMaterialPass *pPass = new CMaterialPass(pMat); u32 ColorIn = mpFile->ReadLong(); u32 AlphaIn = mpFile->ReadLong(); pPass->mColorOutput = (ETevOutput) ((mpFile->ReadLong() & 0x600) >> 9); pPass->mAlphaOutput = (ETevOutput) ((mpFile->ReadLong() & 0x600) >> 9); mpFile->Seek(0x1, SEEK_CUR); // Padding byte pPass->mKAlphaSel = (ETevKSel) mpFile->ReadByte(); pPass->mKColorSel = (ETevKSel) mpFile->ReadByte(); pPass->mRasSel = (ETevRasSel) (u8) mpFile->ReadByte(); for (u32 iInput = 0; iInput < 4; iInput++) { pPass->mColorInputs[iInput] = (ETevColorInput) ((ColorIn >> (iInput * 5)) & 0xF); pPass->mAlphaInputs[iInput] = (ETevAlphaInput) ((AlphaIn >> (iInput * 5)) & 0x7); } pMat->mPasses[iTev] = pPass; } std::vector TevCoordIndices(TevCount); for (u32 iTev = 0; iTev < TevCount; iTev++) { mpFile->Seek(0x2, SEEK_CUR); CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->Pass(iTev); u8 TexSel = mpFile->ReadByte(); if ((TexSel == 0xFF) || (TexSel >= mTextures.size())) { pPass->mpTexture = nullptr; } else { pPass->mpTexture = mTextures[TextureIndices[TexSel]]; pPass->mTexToken = CToken(pPass->mpTexture); } TevCoordIndices[iTev] = mpFile->ReadByte(); } // TexGens u32 TexGenCount = mpFile->ReadLong(); std::vector TexGens(TexGenCount); for (u32 iTex = 0; iTex < TexGenCount; iTex++) TexGens[iTex] = mpFile->ReadLong(); // UV animations mpFile->Seek(0x4, SEEK_CUR); // Skipping UV anims size u32 NumAnims = mpFile->ReadLong(); struct SUVAnim { s32 Mode; float Params[4]; }; std::vector Anims(NumAnims); for (u32 iAnim = 0; iAnim < NumAnims; iAnim++) { Anims[iAnim].Mode = mpFile->ReadLong(); switch (Anims[iAnim].Mode) { case 3: // Rotation case 7: // ??? Anims[iAnim].Params[0] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); Anims[iAnim].Params[1] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); break; case 2: // UV Scroll case 4: // U Scroll case 5: // V Scroll Anims[iAnim].Params[0] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); Anims[iAnim].Params[1] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); Anims[iAnim].Params[2] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); Anims[iAnim].Params[3] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); break; case 0: // Inverse ModelView Matrix case 1: // Inverse ModelView Matrix Translated case 6: // Model Matrix break; default: Log::FileError(mpFile->GetSourceString(), mpFile->Tell() - 4, "Unsupported animation mode encountered: " + StringUtil::ToHexString((u32) Anims[iAnim].Mode)); break; } } // Move TexGen and anims into passes for (u32 iPass = 0; iPass < pMat->mPasses.size(); iPass++) { CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->mPasses[iPass]; u8 TexCoordIdx = TevCoordIndices[iPass]; if ((TexGens.size() == 0) || (TexCoordIdx == 0xFF)) { pPass->mTexCoordSource = 0xFF; pPass->mAnimMode = eNoUVAnim; } else { pPass->mTexCoordSource = (u8) ((TexGens[TexCoordIdx] & 0x1F0) >> 4); // Next step - find which animation is used by this pass // Texture matrix is a reliable way to tell, because every UV anim mode generates a texture matrix u32 TexMtxIdx = ((TexGens[TexCoordIdx] & 0x3E00) >> 9) / 3; if (TexMtxIdx == 10) pPass->mAnimMode = eNoUVAnim; // 10 is identity matrix; indicates no UV anim for this pass else { pPass->mAnimMode = (EUVAnimMode) Anims[TexMtxIdx].Mode; for (u32 iParam = 0; iParam < 4; iParam++) pPass->mAnimParams[iParam] = Anims[TexMtxIdx].Params[iParam]; } } } return pMat; } void CMaterialLoader::ReadCorruptionMatSet() { u32 NumMats = mpFile->ReadLong(); mpSet->mMaterials.resize(NumMats); for (u32 iMat = 0; iMat < NumMats; iMat++) { u32 Size = mpFile->ReadLong(); u32 Next = mpFile->Tell() + Size; mpSet->mMaterials[iMat] = ReadCorruptionMaterial(); mpSet->mMaterials[iMat]->mVersion = mVersion; mpSet->mMaterials[iMat]->mName = std::string("Material #") + std::to_string(iMat + 1); mpFile->Seek(Next, SEEK_SET); } } CMaterial* CMaterialLoader::ReadCorruptionMaterial() { CMaterial *pMat = new CMaterial(); pMat->mOptions = CMaterial::eDepthWrite; pMat->mEnableBloom = true; // Flags u32 Flags = mpFile->ReadLong(); if (Flags & 0x8) { pMat->mBlendSrcFac = GL_SRC_ALPHA; pMat->mBlendDstFac = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; pMat->mOptions |= CMaterial::eTransparent; } else if (Flags & 0x20) { pMat->mBlendSrcFac = GL_ONE; pMat->mBlendDstFac = GL_ONE; pMat->mOptions |= CMaterial::eTransparent; } if (Flags & 0x10) pMat->mOptions |= CMaterial::ePunchthrough; if (Flags & 0x100) pMat->mOptions |= CMaterial::eOccluder; mHas0x400 = ((Flags & 0x400) != 0); mpFile->Seek(0x8, SEEK_CUR); // Don't know what any of this is pMat->mVtxDesc = (EVertexDescription) mpFile->ReadLong(); mpFile->Seek(0xC, SEEK_CUR); // Initialize all KColors to white pMat->mKonstColors[0] = CColor::skWhite; pMat->mKonstColors[1] = CColor::skWhite; pMat->mKonstColors[2] = CColor::skWhite; // Current usage of KColors: // 0 - INT OPAC (transparency) // 1 - CLR DIFB (lightmap multiplier) // 2 - CLR CLR (additive color) while (true) { CFourCC Type = mpFile->ReadLong(); // END if (Type == "END ") break; // INT if (Type == "INT ") { CFourCC IntType = mpFile->ReadLong(); u8 IntVal = (u8) mpFile->ReadLong(); if (IntType == "OPAC") { pMat->mKonstColors[0] = CColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, (float) IntVal / 255); mHasOPAC = true; } } // CLR if (Type == "CLR ") { CFourCC ClrType = mpFile->ReadLong(); CColor ClrVal(*mpFile); if (ClrType == "DIFB") { ClrVal.a = 0xFF; pMat->mKonstColors[1] = ClrVal; } if (ClrType == "CLR ") { // I'm not sure what this does. It has a clear and obvious ingame effect // but I need to test it further to tell specifically what it's doing. // All attempts at implementing this just break things. } } // PASS if (Type == "PASS") { CMaterialPass *pPass = new CMaterialPass(pMat); mPassOffsets.push_back(mpFile->Tell() - 4); u32 Size = mpFile->ReadLong(); u32 Next = Size + mpFile->Tell(); pPass->mPassType = mpFile->ReadLong(); pPass->mSettings = (CMaterialPass::EPassSettings) mpFile->ReadLong(); u64 TextureID = mpFile->ReadLongLong(); if (TextureID == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) { Log::FileWarning(mpFile->GetSourceString(), mPassOffsets.back(), "Skipping " + pPass->mPassType.ToString() + " pass with no texture"); delete pPass; continue; } CTexture *pTex = (CTexture*) gResCache.GetResource(TextureID, "TXTR"); pPass->mpTexture = pTex; pPass->mTexToken = CToken(pTex); pPass->mTexCoordSource = 4 + (u8) mpFile->ReadLong(); u32 AnimSize = mpFile->ReadLong(); if (AnimSize > 0) { u16 Unknown1 = mpFile->ReadShort(); u16 Unknown2 = mpFile->ReadShort(); pPass->mAnimMode = (EUVAnimMode) mpFile->ReadLong(); switch (pPass->mAnimMode) { case 3: // Rotation case 7: // ??? pPass->mAnimParams[0] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); pPass->mAnimParams[1] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); break; case 2: // UV Scroll case 4: // U Scroll case 5: // V Scroll pPass->mAnimParams[0] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); pPass->mAnimParams[1] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); pPass->mAnimParams[2] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); pPass->mAnimParams[3] = mpFile->ReadFloat(); break; case 0: // Inverse ModelView Matrix case 1: // Inverse ModelView Matrix Translated case 6: // Model Matrix case 10: // Yet-to-be-named break; default: Log::FileError(mpFile->GetSourceString(), mpFile->Tell() - 8, "Unsupported animation mode encountered: " + StringUtil::ToHexString((u32) pPass->mAnimMode)); break; } // Hack until the correct way to determine tex coord source is figured out if ((pPass->mAnimMode < 2) || (pPass->mAnimMode == 6) || (pPass->mAnimMode == 7) || (pPass->mAnimMode == 10)) pPass->mTexCoordSource = 1; } else pPass->mAnimMode = eNoUVAnim; pMat->mPasses.push_back(pPass); mpFile->Seek(Next, SEEK_SET); } } CreateCorruptionPasses(pMat); mHasOPAC = false; return pMat; } void CMaterialLoader::CreateCorruptionPasses(CMaterial *pMat) { u32 NumPass = pMat->PassCount(); bool Lightmap = false; bool AlphaBlended = ((pMat->mBlendSrcFac == GL_SRC_ALPHA) && (pMat->mBlendDstFac == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); for (u32 iPass = 0; iPass < NumPass; iPass++) { CMaterialPass *pPass = pMat->Pass(iPass); CFourCC Type = pPass->Type(); // Color Map (Diffuse) if (Type == "CLR ") { if (Lightmap) { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eColor0RGB, eTextureRGB, ePrevRGB); } else { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eRasRGB, eTextureRGB, ePrevRGB); pPass->SetRasSel(eRasColor0A0); } if (pMat->mOptions & CMaterial::ePunchthrough) { pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eTextureAlpha); } else if (mHasOPAC) { pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eKonstAlpha); pPass->SetKColorSel(eKonst0_RGB); pPass->SetKAlphaSel(eKonst0_A); } else { pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); } pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Lightmap else if (Type == "DIFF") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eKonstRGB, eTextureRGB, eZeroRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eKonstAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(eColor0Reg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(eColor0Reg); pPass->SetKColorSel(eKonst1_RGB); pPass->SetKAlphaSel(eKonst1_A); pPass->SetRasSel(eRasColor0A0); Lightmap = true; } // Bloom Lightmap else if (Type == "BLOL") { // Bloom maps work by writing to framebuffer alpha. Can't do this on alpha-blended mats. pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, ePrevRGB); if ((AlphaBlended) || (pMat->mOptions & CMaterial::ePunchthrough)) pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); else pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eTextureAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Rim Light Map else if (Type == "RIML") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eOneRGB, ePrevRGB, eTextureRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Emissive Map else if (Type == "INCA") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eTextureRGB, eOneRGB, ePrevRGB); if ((pPass->mSettings & CMaterialPass::eEmissiveBloom) && (!AlphaBlended)) { pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eTextureAlpha, eKonstAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetKAlphaSel(eKonstOneFourth); } else { pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); } pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Opacity Map else if (Type == "TRAN") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, ePrevRGB); if (pPass->mSettings & CMaterialPass::eInvertOpacityMap) pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eKonstAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eTextureAlpha, eZeroAlpha); else pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eKonstAlpha, eTextureAlpha, eZeroAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Specular Map else if (Type == "RFLV") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eTextureRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(eColor2Reg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(eColor2Reg); } // Reflection Map else if (Type == "RFLD") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eColor2RGB, eTextureRGB, ePrevRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); if (mHas0x400) pPass->SetEnabled(false); } // Bloom else if (Type == "BLOI") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, ePrevRGB); // Comes out wrong every time even though this is exactly how the Dolphin shaders say this is done. if (AlphaBlended) pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); else pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eTextureAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // X-Ray - since we don't support X-Ray previews, no effect else if (Type == "XRAY") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, eZeroRGB, ePrevRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, ePrevAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetAlphaOutput(ePrevReg); } // Toon? Don't know what it's for but got TEV setup from shader dumps else if (Type == "TOON") { pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, ePrevRGB, eTextureRGB, eZeroRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eTextureAlpha); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); pPass->SetColorOutput(ePrevReg); } else if (Type == "CUST") {} else { Log::FileError(mpFile->GetSourceString(), mPassOffsets[iPass], "Unsupported material pass type: " + Type.ToString()); pPass->mEnabled = false; } } } CMaterial* CMaterialLoader::LoadAssimpMaterial(const aiMaterial *pAiMat) { // todo: generate new material using import values. CMaterial *pMat = new CMaterial(mVersion, eNoAttributes); aiString name; pAiMat->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, name); pMat->SetName(name.C_Str()); // Create generic custom pass that uses Konst color CMaterialPass *pPass = new CMaterialPass(pMat); pPass->SetColorInputs(eZeroRGB, eRasRGB, eKonstRGB, eZeroRGB); pPass->SetAlphaInputs(eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eZeroAlpha, eKonstAlpha); pPass->SetKColorSel(eKonst0_RGB); pPass->SetKAlphaSel(eKonstOne); pPass->SetRasSel(eRasColor0A0); pMat->mKonstColors[0] = CColor::RandomLightColor(false); pMat->mPasses.push_back(pPass); return pMat; } // ************ STATIC ************ CMaterialSet* CMaterialLoader::LoadMaterialSet(CInputStream& Mat, EGame Version) { CMaterialLoader Loader; Loader.mpSet = new CMaterialSet(); Loader.mpFile = &Mat; Loader.mVersion = Version; if ((Version >= ePrimeDemo) && (Version <= eEchoes)) Loader.ReadPrimeMatSet(); else Loader.ReadCorruptionMatSet(); return Loader.mpSet; } CMaterialSet* CMaterialLoader::ImportAssimpMaterials(const aiScene *pScene, EGame targetVersion) { CMaterialLoader loader; loader.mVersion = targetVersion; CMaterialSet *pOut = new CMaterialSet(); pOut->mMaterials.reserve(pScene->mNumMaterials); for (u32 iMat = 0; iMat < pScene->mNumMaterials; iMat++) { CMaterial *pMat = loader.LoadAssimpMaterial(pScene->mMaterials[iMat]); pOut->mMaterials.push_back(pMat); } return pOut; }