#include "Math.h" #include #include namespace Math { float Abs(float v) { return fabs(v); } float Pow(float Base, float Exponent) { return pow(Base, Exponent); } float Distance(const CVector3f& A, const CVector3f& B) { return sqrtf( Pow(B.x - A.x, 2.f) + Pow(B.y - A.y, 2.f) + Pow(B.z - A.z, 2.f) ); } float DegreesToRadians(float deg) { return deg * skPi / 180.f; } float RadiansToDegrees(float rad) { return rad * 180.f / skPi; } std::pair RayPlaneIntersecton(const CRay& ray, const CPlane& plane) { // Code based on ray/plane intersect code from Ogre // https://bitbucket.org/sinbad/ogre/src/197116fd2ac62c57cdeed1666f9866c3dddd4289/OgreMain/src/OgreMath.cpp?at=default#OgreMath.cpp-350 // Are ray and plane parallel? float denom = plane.Normal().Dot(ray.Direction()); if (Abs(denom) < FLT_EPSILON) return std::pair(false, 0.f); // Not parallel float nom = plane.Normal().Dot(ray.Origin()) + plane.Dist(); float t = -(nom / denom); return std::pair(t >= 0.f, t); } std::pair RayBoxIntersection(const CRay& Ray, const CAABox& Box) { // Code slightly modified from Ogre // https://github.com/ehsan/ogre/blob/master/OgreMain/src/OgreMath.cpp if (Box.IsNull()) return std::pair(false, 0); if (Box.IsInfinite()) return std::pair(true, 0); float lowt = 0.0f; float t; bool Hit = false; CVector3f HitPoint; const CVector3f& RayOrig = Ray.Origin(); const CVector3f& RayDir = Ray.Direction(); const CVector3f Min = Box.Min(); const CVector3f Max = Box.Max(); // Check origin inside first if ( RayOrig > Min && RayOrig < Max ) { return std::pair(true, 0); } // Check each face in turn, only check closest 3 // Min x if (RayOrig.x <= Min.x && RayDir.x > 0) { t = (Min.x - RayOrig.x) / RayDir.x; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.y >= Min.y && HitPoint.y <= Max.y && HitPoint.z >= Min.z && HitPoint.z <= Max.z && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } // Max x if (RayOrig.x >= Max.x && RayDir.x < 0) { t = (Max.x - RayOrig.x) / RayDir.x; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.y >= Min.y && HitPoint.y <= Max.y && HitPoint.z >= Min.z && HitPoint.z <= Max.z && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } // Min y if (RayOrig.y <= Min.y && RayDir.y > 0) { t = (Min.y - RayOrig.y) / RayDir.y; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.x >= Min.x && HitPoint.x <= Max.x && HitPoint.z >= Min.z && HitPoint.z <= Max.z && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } // Max y if (RayOrig.y >= Max.y && RayDir.y < 0) { t = (Max.y - RayOrig.y) / RayDir.y; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.x >= Min.x && HitPoint.x <= Max.x && HitPoint.z >= Min.z && HitPoint.z <= Max.z && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } // Min z if (RayOrig.z <= Min.z && RayDir.z > 0) { t = (Min.z - RayOrig.z) / RayDir.z; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.x >= Min.x && HitPoint.x <= Max.x && HitPoint.y >= Min.y && HitPoint.y <= Max.y && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } // Max z if (RayOrig.z >= Max.z && RayDir.z < 0) { t = (Max.z - RayOrig.z) / RayDir.z; if (t >= 0) { // Substitute t back into ray and check bounds and dist HitPoint = RayOrig + RayDir * t; if (HitPoint.x >= Min.x && HitPoint.x <= Max.x && HitPoint.y >= Min.y && HitPoint.y <= Max.y && (!Hit || t < lowt)) { Hit = true; lowt = t; } } } return std::pair(Hit, lowt); } std::pair RayLineIntersection(const CRay& ray, const CVector3f& pointA, const CVector3f& pointB, float threshold) { // http://geomalgorithms.com/a07-_distance.html // http://www.gamedev.net/topic/589705-rayline-intersection-in-3d/ CVector3f u = ray.Direction(); CVector3f v = pointB - pointA; CVector3f w = ray.Origin() - pointA; float a = u.Dot(u); float b = u.Dot(v); float c = v.Dot(v); float d = u.Dot(w); float e = v.Dot(w); float D = a * c - b * b; float sc, sN, sD = D; float tc, tN, tD = D; if (D < FLT_EPSILON) { sN = 0.f; sD = 1.f; tN = e; tD = c; } else { sN = b * e - c * d; tN = a * e - b * d; if (sN < 0.f) { sN = 0.f; tN = e; tD = c; } } if (tN < 0.f) { tN = 0.f; if (-d < 0.f) sN = 0.f; else { sN = -d; sD = a; } } else if (tN > tD) { tN = tD; if (-d + b < 0.f) sN = 0.f; else { sN = -d + b; sD = a; } } sc = (fabs(sN) < FLT_EPSILON ? 0.f : sN / sD); tc = (fabs(tN) < FLT_EPSILON ? 0.f : tN / tD); CVector3f dP = w + (u * sc) - (v * tc); bool hit = (dP.Magnitude() <= threshold); return std::pair(hit, sc); } std::pair RayTriangleIntersection(const CRay& Ray, const CVector3f& vtxA, const CVector3f& vtxB, const CVector3f& vtxC, bool AllowBackfaces) { // Ogre code cuz I'm lazy and bad at math // https://github.com/ehsan/ogre/blob/master/OgreMain/src/OgreMath.cpp#L709 CVector3f FaceNormal = (vtxB - vtxA).Cross(vtxC - vtxA); // // Calculate intersection with plane. // float t; { float denom = FaceNormal.Dot(Ray.Direction()); // Check intersect side if (denom > + std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { if (!AllowBackfaces) return std::pair(false, 0); } else if (denom < - std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) { if (false) return std::pair(false, 0); } else { // Parallel or triangle area is close to zero when // the plane normal not normalised. return std::pair(false, 0); } t = FaceNormal.Dot(vtxA - Ray.Origin()) / denom; if (t < 0) { // Intersection is behind origin return std::pair(false, 0); } } // // Calculate the largest area projection plane in X, Y or Z. // size_t i0, i1; { float n0 = fabs(FaceNormal[0]); float n1 = fabs(FaceNormal[1]); float n2 = fabs(FaceNormal[2]); i0 = 1; i1 = 2; if (n1 > n2) { if (n1 > n0) i0 = 0; } else { if (n2 > n0) i1 = 0; } } // // Check the intersection point is inside the triangle. // { float u1 = vtxB[i0] - vtxA[i0]; float v1 = vtxB[i1] - vtxA[i1]; float u2 = vtxC[i0] - vtxA[i0]; float v2 = vtxC[i1] - vtxA[i1]; float u0 = t * Ray.Direction()[i0] + Ray.Origin()[i0] - vtxA[i0]; float v0 = t * Ray.Direction()[i1] + Ray.Origin()[i1] - vtxA[i1]; float alpha = u0 * v2 - u2 * v0; float beta = u1 * v0 - u0 * v1; float area = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1; // epsilon to avoid float precision error const float EPSILON = 1e-6f; float tolerance = - EPSILON * area; if (area > 0) { if (alpha < tolerance || beta < tolerance || alpha+beta > area-tolerance) return std::pair(false, 0); } else { if (alpha > tolerance || beta > tolerance || alpha+beta < area-tolerance) return std::pair(false, 0); } } return std::pair(true, t); } CMatrix4f PerspectiveMatrix(float fov, float aspect, float near, float far) { // todo: don't use glm return CMatrix4f::FromGlmMat4(glm::perspective(fov, aspect, near, far)).Transpose(); } } // End namespace