#include #include #include #include "AudioVoiceEngine.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include #include namespace boo { static logvisor::Module Log("boo::ALSA"); static const uint64_t StereoChans = (1 << SND_CHMAP_FL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FR); static const uint64_t QuadChans = (1 << SND_CHMAP_FL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FR) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RR); static const uint64_t S51Chans = (1 << SND_CHMAP_FL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FR) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RR) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FC) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_LFE); static const uint64_t S71Chans = (1 << SND_CHMAP_FL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FR) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_RR) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_FC) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_LFE) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_SL) | (1 << SND_CHMAP_SR); struct ALSAAudioVoiceEngine : BaseAudioVoiceEngine { snd_pcm_t* m_pcm; snd_pcm_uframes_t m_bufSize; snd_pcm_uframes_t m_periodSize; std::vector m_final16; std::vector m_final32; std::vector m_finalFlt; ~ALSAAudioVoiceEngine() { snd_pcm_drain(m_pcm); snd_pcm_close(m_pcm); } AudioChannelSet _getAvailableSet() { snd_pcm_chmap_query_t** chmaps = snd_pcm_query_chmaps(m_pcm); if (!chmaps) return AudioChannelSet::Stereo; static const std::array testSets = {{AudioChannelSet::Surround71, AudioChannelSet::Surround51, AudioChannelSet::Quad, AudioChannelSet::Stereo}}; for (AudioChannelSet set : testSets) { for (snd_pcm_chmap_query_t** chmap = chmaps ; *chmap != nullptr ; ++chmap) { snd_pcm_chmap_t* chm = &(*chmap)->map; uint64_t chBits = 0; for (unsigned c=0 ; cchannels ; ++c) chBits |= 1 << chm->pos[c]; switch (set) { case AudioChannelSet::Stereo: { if ((chBits & StereoChans) == StereoChans) { snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); return AudioChannelSet::Stereo; } break; } case AudioChannelSet::Quad: { if ((chBits & QuadChans) == QuadChans) { snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); return AudioChannelSet::Quad; } break; } case AudioChannelSet::Surround51: { if ((chBits & S51Chans) == S51Chans) { snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); return AudioChannelSet::Surround51; } break; } case AudioChannelSet::Surround71: { if ((chBits & S71Chans) == S71Chans) { snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); return AudioChannelSet::Surround71; } break; } default: break; } } } snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); return AudioChannelSet::Unknown; } ALSAAudioVoiceEngine() { if (snd_pcm_open(&m_pcm, "default", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0) < 0) { Log.report(logvisor::Error, "unable to allocate ALSA voice"); return; } /* Query audio card for best supported format amd sample-rate */ snd_pcm_hw_params_t* hwParams; snd_pcm_hw_params_malloc(&hwParams); snd_pcm_hw_params_any(m_pcm, hwParams); snd_pcm_format_t bestFmt; if (!snd_pcm_hw_params_test_format(m_pcm, hwParams, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S32)) { bestFmt = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S32; m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat = SOXR_INT32_I; m_mixInfo.m_bitsPerSample = 32; } else if (!snd_pcm_hw_params_test_format(m_pcm, hwParams, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16)) { bestFmt = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16; m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat = SOXR_INT16_I; m_mixInfo.m_bitsPerSample = 16; } else { snd_pcm_close(m_pcm); m_pcm = nullptr; Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unsupported audio formats on default ALSA device"); return; } unsigned int bestRate; if (!snd_pcm_hw_params_test_rate(m_pcm, hwParams, 96000, 0)) { bestRate = 96000; m_mixInfo.m_sampleRate = 96000.0; m_5msFrames = 96000 * 5 / 1000; } else if (!snd_pcm_hw_params_test_rate(m_pcm, hwParams, 48000, 0)) { bestRate = 48000; m_mixInfo.m_sampleRate = 48000.0; m_5msFrames = 48000 * 5 / 1000; } else { snd_pcm_close(m_pcm); m_pcm = nullptr; Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unsupported audio sample rates on default ALSA device"); return; } snd_pcm_hw_params_free(hwParams); /* Query audio card for channel map */ m_mixInfo.m_channels = _getAvailableSet(); /* Populate channel map */ unsigned chCount = ChannelCount(m_mixInfo.m_channels); int err; while ((err = snd_pcm_set_params(m_pcm, bestFmt, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED, chCount, bestRate, 0, 100000)) < 0) { if (m_mixInfo.m_channels == AudioChannelSet::Stereo) break; m_mixInfo.m_channels = AudioChannelSet(int(m_mixInfo.m_channels) - 1); chCount = ChannelCount(m_mixInfo.m_channels); } if (err < 0) { snd_pcm_close(m_pcm); m_pcm = nullptr; Log.report(logvisor::Error, "unable to set ALSA voice params"); return; } snd_pcm_chmap_query_t** chmaps = snd_pcm_query_chmaps(m_pcm); ChannelMap& chmapOut = m_mixInfo.m_channelMap; if (chmaps) { snd_pcm_chmap_t* foundChmap = nullptr; for (snd_pcm_chmap_query_t** chmap = chmaps ; *chmap != nullptr ; ++chmap) { if ((*chmap)->map.channels == chCount) { snd_pcm_chmap_t* chm = &(*chmap)->map; uint64_t chBits = 0; for (unsigned c=0 ; cchannels ; ++c) chBits |= 1 << chm->pos[c]; bool good = false; switch (m_mixInfo.m_channels) { case AudioChannelSet::Stereo: if ((chBits & StereoChans) == StereoChans) good = true; break; case AudioChannelSet::Quad: if ((chBits & QuadChans) == QuadChans) good = true; break; case AudioChannelSet::Surround51: if ((chBits & S51Chans) == S51Chans) good = true; break; case AudioChannelSet::Surround71: if ((chBits & S71Chans) == S71Chans) good = true; break; default: break; } if (good) { foundChmap = chm; break; } } } if (!foundChmap) { snd_pcm_close(m_pcm); m_pcm = nullptr; snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); Log.report(logvisor::Error, "unable to find matching ALSA voice chmap"); return; } chmapOut.m_channelCount = chCount; for (unsigned c=0 ; cchannels ; ++c) chmapOut.m_channels[c] = AudioChannel(foundChmap->pos[c] - 3); snd_pcm_set_chmap(m_pcm, foundChmap); snd_pcm_free_chmaps(chmaps); } else { chmapOut.m_channelCount = 2; chmapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chmapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; } snd_pcm_get_params(m_pcm, &m_bufSize, &m_periodSize); snd_pcm_prepare(m_pcm); m_mixInfo.m_periodFrames = m_periodSize; /* Allocate master mix space */ switch (m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat) { case SOXR_INT16_I: m_final16.resize(m_periodSize * m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount); break; case SOXR_INT32_I: m_final32.resize(m_periodSize * m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount); break; case SOXR_FLOAT32_I: m_finalFlt.resize(m_periodSize * m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount); break; default: break; } } void pumpAndMixVoices() { snd_pcm_sframes_t frames = snd_pcm_avail_update(m_pcm); if (frames < 0) { snd_pcm_state_t st = snd_pcm_state(m_pcm); if (st == SND_PCM_STATE_XRUN) { snd_pcm_prepare(m_pcm); frames = snd_pcm_avail_update(m_pcm); Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "ALSA underrun %ld frames", frames); } else return; } if (frames < 0) return; snd_pcm_sframes_t buffers = frames / m_periodSize; for (snd_pcm_sframes_t b=0 ; b> enumerateMIDIDevices() const { std::vector> ret; int status; int card = -1; /* use -1 to prime the pump of iterating through card list */ if ((status = snd_card_next(&card)) < 0) return {}; if (card < 0) return {}; while (card >= 0) { snd_ctl_t *ctl; char name[32]; int device = -1; int status; sprintf(name, "hw:%d", card); if ((status = snd_ctl_open(&ctl, name, 0)) < 0) continue; do { status = snd_ctl_rawmidi_next_device(ctl, &device); if (status < 0) break; if (device >= 0) { snd_rawmidi_info_t *info; snd_rawmidi_info_alloca(&info); snd_rawmidi_info_set_device(info, device); sprintf(name + strlen(name), ",%d", device); ret.push_back(std::make_pair(name, snd_rawmidi_info_get_name(info))); } } while (device >= 0); snd_ctl_close(ctl); if ((status = snd_card_next(&card)) < 0) break; } return ret; } static void MIDIReceiveProc(snd_rawmidi_t* midi, const ReceiveFunctor& receiver, bool& running) { uint8_t buf[512]; while (running) { int rdBytes = snd_rawmidi_read(midi, buf, 512); if (rdBytes < 0) { Log.report(logvisor::Error, "MIDI connection lost"); running = false; break; } receiver(std::vector(std::cbegin(buf), std::cbegin(buf) + rdBytes)); } } struct MIDIIn : public IMIDIIn { bool m_midiRunning = true; snd_rawmidi_t* m_midi; std::thread m_midiThread; MIDIIn(snd_rawmidi_t* midi, bool virt, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) : IMIDIIn(virt, std::move(receiver)), m_midi(midi), m_midiThread(std::bind(MIDIReceiveProc, m_midi, m_receiver, m_midiRunning)) {} ~MIDIIn() { m_midiRunning = false; pthread_kill(m_midiThread.native_handle(), SIGTERM); if (m_midiThread.joinable()) m_midiThread.join(); snd_rawmidi_close(m_midi); } std::string description() const { snd_rawmidi_info_t* info; snd_rawmidi_info_alloca(&info); snd_rawmidi_info(m_midi, info); std::string ret = snd_rawmidi_info_get_name(info); return ret; } }; struct MIDIOut : public IMIDIOut { snd_rawmidi_t* m_midi; MIDIOut(snd_rawmidi_t* midi, bool virt) : IMIDIOut(virt), m_midi(midi) {} ~MIDIOut() {snd_rawmidi_close(m_midi);} std::string description() const { snd_rawmidi_info_t* info; snd_rawmidi_info_alloca(&info); snd_rawmidi_info(m_midi, info); std::string ret = snd_rawmidi_info_get_name(info); return ret; } size_t send(const void* buf, size_t len) const { return size_t(std::max(0l, snd_rawmidi_write(m_midi, buf, len))); } }; struct MIDIInOut : public IMIDIInOut { bool m_midiRunning = true; snd_rawmidi_t* m_midiIn; snd_rawmidi_t* m_midiOut; std::thread m_midiThread; MIDIInOut(snd_rawmidi_t* midiIn, snd_rawmidi_t* midiOut, bool virt, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) : IMIDIInOut(virt, std::move(receiver)), m_midiIn(midiIn), m_midiOut(midiOut), m_midiThread(std::bind(MIDIReceiveProc, m_midiIn, m_receiver, m_midiRunning)) {} ~MIDIInOut() { m_midiRunning = false; pthread_kill(m_midiThread.native_handle(), SIGTERM); if (m_midiThread.joinable()) m_midiThread.join(); snd_rawmidi_close(m_midiIn); snd_rawmidi_close(m_midiOut); } std::string description() const { snd_rawmidi_info_t* info; snd_rawmidi_info_alloca(&info); snd_rawmidi_info(m_midiIn, info); std::string ret = snd_rawmidi_info_get_name(info); return ret; } size_t send(const void* buf, size_t len) const { return size_t(std::max(0l, snd_rawmidi_write(m_midiOut, buf, len))); } }; std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIIn(ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { int status; snd_rawmidi_t* midi; status = snd_rawmidi_open(&midi, nullptr, "virtual", 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midi, true, std::move(receiver)); } std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIOut() { int status; snd_rawmidi_t* midi; status = snd_rawmidi_open(nullptr, &midi, "virtual", 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midi, true); } std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIInOut(ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { int status; snd_rawmidi_t* midiIn; snd_rawmidi_t* midiOut; status = snd_rawmidi_open(&midiIn, &midiOut, "virtual", 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midiIn, midiOut, true, std::move(receiver)); } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIIn(const char* name, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { snd_rawmidi_t* midi; int status = snd_rawmidi_open(&midi, nullptr, name, 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midi, true, std::move(receiver)); } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIOut(const char* name) { snd_rawmidi_t* midi; int status = snd_rawmidi_open(nullptr, &midi, name, 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midi, true); } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIInOut(const char* name, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { snd_rawmidi_t* midiIn; snd_rawmidi_t* midiOut; int status = snd_rawmidi_open(&midiIn, &midiOut, name, 0); if (status) return {}; return std::make_unique(midiIn, midiOut, true, std::move(receiver)); } }; std::unique_ptr NewAudioVoiceEngine() { std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(); if (!static_cast(*ret).m_pcm) return {}; return ret; } }