SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-16 Cmake is the recommended way to configure, build (as either a DLL or a static library), and install libsoxr for general use on MS-Windows, as on other OSs. However, building within MS Visual Studio is also possible, as exemplified by the accompanying files: * soxr-config.h Pre-configured for a modern Win32 system. * libsoxr.vcproj Builds the library as a DLL, per above. * libsoxr.sln, Build an example exe using the above. example1.vcproj The following notes apply to adaptation of these files: * For a system without AVX support, set WITH_CR64S to 0 in soxr-config.h and exclude the three files ...64s.c from the build. * If changing libsoxr.vcproj to build a static library, then also remove the preprocessor definition: SOXR_DLL.