#include #include #include "boo/IApplication.hpp" #include "boo/graphicsdev/Metal.hpp" #include "boo/graphicsdev/GL.hpp" #include "CocoaCommon.hpp" #include "../Common.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #if !__has_feature(objc_arc) #error ARC Required #endif /* If set, application will terminate once client thread reaches end; * main() will not get back control. Otherwise, main will get back control * but App will not terminate in the normal Cocoa manner (possibly resulting * in CoreAnimation warnings). */ #define COCOA_TERMINATE 1 namespace boo {class ApplicationCocoa;} @interface AppDelegate : NSObject { boo::ApplicationCocoa* m_app; @public } - (id)initWithApp:(boo::ApplicationCocoa*)app; @end namespace boo { static logvisor::Module Log("boo::ApplicationCocoa"); std::shared_ptr _WindowCocoaNew(SystemStringView title, NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx, MetalContext* metalCtx, GLContext* glCtx); class ApplicationCocoa : public IApplication { public: IApplicationCallback& m_callback; AppDelegate* m_appDelegate; private: const SystemString m_uniqueName; const SystemString m_friendlyName; const SystemString m_pname; const std::vector m_args; NSPanel* aboutPanel; /* All windows */ std::unordered_map> m_windows; MetalContext m_metalCtx; GLContext m_glCtx; void _deletedWindow(IWindow* window) { m_windows.erase(window->getPlatformHandle()); } public: ApplicationCocoa(IApplicationCallback& callback, SystemStringView uniqueName, SystemStringView friendlyName, SystemStringView pname, const std::vector& args, std::string_view gfxApi, uint32_t samples, uint32_t anisotropy, bool deepColor) : m_callback(callback), m_uniqueName(uniqueName), m_friendlyName(friendlyName), m_pname(pname), m_args(args) { m_metalCtx.m_sampleCount = samples; m_metalCtx.m_anisotropy = anisotropy; m_metalCtx.m_pixelFormat = deepColor ? MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Float : MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm; m_glCtx.m_sampleCount = samples; m_glCtx.m_anisotropy = anisotropy; m_glCtx.m_deepColor = deepColor; [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular]; /* Delegate (OS X callbacks) */ m_appDelegate = [[AppDelegate alloc] initWithApp:this]; [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setDelegate:m_appDelegate]; /* App menu */ NSMenu* rootMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"main"]; NSMenu* appMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:m_friendlyName.c_str()]]; NSMenuItem* fsItem = [appMenu addItemWithTitle:@"Toggle Full Screen" action:@selector(toggleFs:) keyEquivalent:@"f"]; [fsItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSEventModifierFlagCommand]; [appMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; NSMenuItem* quitItem = [appMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Quit %s", m_friendlyName.c_str()] action:@selector(quitApp:) keyEquivalent:@"q"]; [quitItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSEventModifierFlagCommand]; [[rootMenu addItemWithTitle:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:m_friendlyName.c_str()] action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] setSubmenu:appMenu]; [[NSApplication sharedApplication] setMainMenu:rootMenu]; /* Determine which graphics API to use */ #if BOO_HAS_METAL bool useGL = false; if (!gfxApi.compare("OpenGL")) useGL = true; for (const SystemString& arg : args) { if (!arg.compare("--gl")) { useGL = true; break; } else if (!arg.compare("--metal")) { useGL = false; break; } } if (!useGL) m_metalCtx.m_dev = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); if (m_metalCtx.m_dev) { m_metalCtx.m_q = [m_metalCtx.m_dev newCommandQueue]; while (![m_metalCtx.m_dev supportsTextureSampleCount:m_metalCtx.m_sampleCount]) m_metalCtx.m_sampleCount = flp2(m_metalCtx.m_sampleCount - 1); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "using Metal renderer"); } else Log.report(logvisor::Info, "using OpenGL renderer"); #else Log.report(logvisor::Info, "using OpenGL renderer"); #endif } EPlatformType getPlatformType() const { return EPlatformType::Cocoa; } std::thread m_clientThread; int m_clientReturn = 0; bool m_terminateNow = false; int run() { /* Spawn client thread */ m_clientThread = std::thread([&]() { std::string thrName = std::string(getFriendlyName()) + " Client Thread"; logvisor::RegisterThreadName(thrName.c_str()); /* Run app */ m_clientReturn = m_callback.appMain(this); /* Cleanup */ for (auto& w : m_windows) if (std::shared_ptr window = w.second.lock()) window->closeWindow(); #if COCOA_TERMINATE /* Continue termination */ dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ /* Ends modal run loop and continues Cocoa termination */ [NSApp replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:YES]; /* If this is reached, application didn't spawn any windows * and must be explicitly terminated */ m_terminateNow = true; [NSApp terminate:nil]; }); #else /* Return control to main() */ dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[NSApplication sharedApplication] stop:nil]; }); #endif }); /* Already in Cocoa's event loop; return now */ return 0; } void quit() { [NSApp terminate:nil]; } SystemStringView getUniqueName() const { return m_uniqueName; } SystemStringView getFriendlyName() const { return m_friendlyName; } SystemStringView getProcessName() const { return m_pname; } const std::vector& getArgs() const { return m_args; } std::shared_ptr newWindow(std::string_view title) { auto newWindow = _WindowCocoaNew(title, m_lastGLCtx, &m_metalCtx, &m_glCtx); m_windows[newWindow->getPlatformHandle()] = newWindow; return newWindow; } /* Last GL context */ NSOpenGLContext* m_lastGLCtx = nullptr; }; void _CocoaUpdateLastGLCtx(NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx) { static_cast(APP)->m_lastGLCtx = lastGLCtx; } IApplication* APP = nullptr; int ApplicationRun(IApplication::EPlatformType platform, IApplicationCallback& cb, SystemStringView uniqueName, SystemStringView friendlyName, SystemStringView pname, const std::vector& args, std::string_view gfxApi, uint32_t samples, uint32_t anisotropy, bool deepColor, bool singleInstance) { std::string thrName = std::string(friendlyName) + " Main Thread"; logvisor::RegisterThreadName(thrName.c_str()); @autoreleasepool { if (!APP) { if (platform != IApplication::EPlatformType::Cocoa && platform != IApplication::EPlatformType::Auto) return 1; /* Never deallocated to ensure window destructors have access */ APP = new ApplicationCocoa(cb, uniqueName, friendlyName, pname, args, gfxApi, samples, anisotropy, deepColor); } [NSApp run]; ApplicationCocoa* appCocoa = static_cast(APP); if (appCocoa->m_clientThread.joinable()) appCocoa->m_clientThread.join(); return appCocoa->m_clientReturn; } } } @implementation AppDelegate - (id)initWithApp:(boo::ApplicationCocoa*)app { self = [super init]; m_app = app; return self; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; m_app->run(); } #if COCOA_TERMINATE - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)app { (void)app; if (m_app->m_terminateNow) return NSTerminateNow; m_app->m_callback.appQuitting(m_app); return NSTerminateLater; } #else - (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication*)app { (void)app; m_app->m_callback.appQuitting(m_app); return NSTerminateCancel; } #endif - (BOOL)application:(NSApplication*)sender openFile:(NSString*)filename { std::vector strVec; strVec.push_back(boo::SystemString([filename UTF8String])); m_app->m_callback.appFilesOpen(boo::APP, strVec); return true; } - (void)application:(NSApplication*)sender openFiles:(NSArray*)filenames { std::vector strVec; strVec.reserve([filenames count]); for (NSString* str in filenames) strVec.push_back(boo::SystemString([str UTF8String])); m_app->m_callback.appFilesOpen(boo::APP, strVec); } - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication*)sender { (void)sender; return YES; } - (IBAction)toggleFs:(id)sender { (void)sender; [[NSApp keyWindow] toggleFullScreen:nil]; } - (IBAction)quitApp:(id)sender { (void)sender; [NSApp terminate:nil]; } @end