#include "../win/Win32Common.hpp" #include "AudioVoiceEngine.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include #include #include #include const CLSID CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator); const IID IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator); const IID IID_IAudioClient = __uuidof(IAudioClient); const IID IID_IAudioRenderClient = __uuidof(IAudioRenderClient); namespace boo { static logvisor::Module Log("boo::WASAPI"); #define SAFE_RELEASE(punk) \ if ((punk) != NULL) \ { (punk)->Release(); (punk) = NULL; } struct WASAPIAudioVoiceEngine : BaseAudioVoiceEngine { ComPtr m_enumerator; ComPtr m_device; ComPtr m_audClient; ComPtr m_renderClient; size_t m_curBufFrame = 0; std::vector m_5msBuffer; struct NotificationClient : public IMMNotificationClient { WASAPIAudioVoiceEngine& m_parent; LONG _cRef; IMMDeviceEnumerator *_pEnumerator; NotificationClient(WASAPIAudioVoiceEngine& parent) : m_parent(parent), _cRef(1), _pEnumerator(nullptr) {} ~NotificationClient() { SAFE_RELEASE(_pEnumerator) } // IUnknown methods -- AddRef, Release, and QueryInterface ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() { ULONG ulRef = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef); if (0 == ulRef) { delete this; } return ulRef; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface( REFIID riid, VOID **ppvInterface) { if (IID_IUnknown == riid) { AddRef(); *ppvInterface = (IUnknown*)this; } else if (__uuidof(IMMNotificationClient) == riid) { AddRef(); *ppvInterface = (IMMNotificationClient*)this; } else { *ppvInterface = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } return S_OK; } // Callback methods for device-event notifications. HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDefaultDeviceChanged( EDataFlow flow, ERole role, LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) { m_parent.m_rebuild = true; return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceAdded(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) { return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceRemoved(LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId) { return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnDeviceStateChanged( LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, DWORD dwNewState) { return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnPropertyValueChanged( LPCWSTR pwstrDeviceId, const PROPERTYKEY key) { return S_OK; } } m_notificationClient; void _buildAudioRenderClient() { if (FAILED(m_enumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &m_device))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to obtain default audio device"); m_device.Reset(); return; } if (FAILED(m_device->Activate(IID_IAudioClient, CLSCTX_ALL, nullptr, &m_audClient))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to create audio client from device"); m_device.Reset(); return; } WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE* pwfx; if (FAILED(m_audClient->GetMixFormat((WAVEFORMATEX**)&pwfx))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to obtain audio mix format from device"); m_device.Reset(); return; } /* Get channel information */ if ((pwfx->dwChannelMask & (SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT|SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT)) == (SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT|SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT)) { m_mixInfo.m_channels = AudioChannelSet::Stereo; if ((pwfx->dwChannelMask & (SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT|SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT)) == (SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT|SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT)) { m_mixInfo.m_channels = AudioChannelSet::Quad; if ((pwfx->dwChannelMask & (SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER|SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY)) == (SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER|SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY)) { m_mixInfo.m_channels = AudioChannelSet::Surround51; if ((pwfx->dwChannelMask & (SPEAKER_SIDE_LEFT|SPEAKER_SIDE_RIGHT)) == (SPEAKER_SIDE_LEFT|SPEAKER_SIDE_RIGHT)) { m_mixInfo.m_channels = AudioChannelSet::Surround71; } } } } ChannelMap& chMapOut = m_mixInfo.m_channelMap; switch (pwfx->Format.nChannels) { case 2: chMapOut.m_channelCount = 2; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; break; case 4: chMapOut.m_channelCount = 4; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; chMapOut.m_channels[2] = AudioChannel::RearLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[3] = AudioChannel::RearRight; break; case 5: chMapOut.m_channelCount = 5; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; chMapOut.m_channels[2] = AudioChannel::FrontCenter; chMapOut.m_channels[3] = AudioChannel::RearLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[4] = AudioChannel::RearRight; break; case 6: chMapOut.m_channelCount = 6; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; chMapOut.m_channels[2] = AudioChannel::FrontCenter; chMapOut.m_channels[3] = AudioChannel::LFE; chMapOut.m_channels[4] = AudioChannel::RearLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[5] = AudioChannel::RearRight; break; case 8: chMapOut.m_channelCount = 8; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; chMapOut.m_channels[2] = AudioChannel::FrontCenter; chMapOut.m_channels[3] = AudioChannel::LFE; chMapOut.m_channels[4] = AudioChannel::RearLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[5] = AudioChannel::RearRight; chMapOut.m_channels[6] = AudioChannel::SideLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[7] = AudioChannel::SideRight; break; default: Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "unknown channel layout %u; using stereo", pwfx->Format.nChannels); chMapOut.m_channelCount = 2; chMapOut.m_channels[0] = AudioChannel::FrontLeft; chMapOut.m_channels[1] = AudioChannel::FrontRight; break; } /* Initialize audio client */ if (FAILED(m_audClient->Initialize( AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED, 0, 1000000, 0, (WAVEFORMATEX*)pwfx, nullptr))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to initialize audio client"); m_device.Reset(); CoTaskMemFree(pwfx); return; } m_mixInfo.m_sampleRate = pwfx->Format.nSamplesPerSec; m_5msFrames = (m_mixInfo.m_sampleRate * 5 / 500 + 1) / 2; m_curBufFrame = m_5msFrames; m_5msBuffer.resize(m_5msFrames * chMapOut.m_channelCount); if (pwfx->Format.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM || (pwfx->Format.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE && pwfx->SubFormat == KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM)) { if (pwfx->Format.wBitsPerSample == 16) { m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat = SOXR_INT16_I; m_mixInfo.m_bitsPerSample = 16; } else if (pwfx->Format.wBitsPerSample == 32) { m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat = SOXR_INT32_I; m_mixInfo.m_bitsPerSample = 32; } else { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unsupported bits-per-sample %d", pwfx->Format.wBitsPerSample); m_device.Reset(); return; } } else if (pwfx->Format.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT || (pwfx->Format.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE && pwfx->SubFormat == KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT)) { if (pwfx->Format.wBitsPerSample == 32) { m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat = SOXR_FLOAT32_I; m_mixInfo.m_bitsPerSample = 32; } else { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unsupported floating-point bits-per-sample %d", pwfx->Format.wBitsPerSample); m_device.Reset(); return; } } CoTaskMemFree(pwfx); UINT32 bufferFrameCount; if (FAILED(m_audClient->GetBufferSize(&bufferFrameCount))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to get audio buffer frame count"); m_device.Reset(); return; } m_mixInfo.m_periodFrames = bufferFrameCount; if (FAILED(m_audClient->GetService(IID_IAudioRenderClient, &m_renderClient))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to create audio render client"); m_device.Reset(); return; } } WASAPIAudioVoiceEngine() : m_notificationClient(*this) { /* Enumerate default audio device */ if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, nullptr, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator, &m_enumerator))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to create MMDeviceEnumerator instance"); return; } if (FAILED(m_enumerator->RegisterEndpointNotificationCallback(&m_notificationClient))) { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to register multimedia event callback"); m_device.Reset(); return; } _buildAudioRenderClient(); } bool m_started = false; bool m_rebuild = false; void _rebuildAudioRenderClient() { soxr_datatype_t oldFmt = m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat; _buildAudioRenderClient(); m_rebuild = false; m_started = false; if (m_mixInfo.m_sampleFormat != oldFmt) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"audio device sample format changed, boo doesn't support this!!"); for (AudioVoice* vox : m_activeVoices) vox->_resetSampleRate(vox->m_sampleRateIn); for (AudioSubmix* smx : m_activeSubmixes) smx->_resetOutputSampleRate(); } void pumpAndMixVoices() { int attempt = 0; while (true) { if (attempt >= 10) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to setup AudioRenderClient"); if (m_rebuild) _rebuildAudioRenderClient(); HRESULT res; if (!m_started) { res = m_audClient->Start(); if (FAILED(res)) { m_rebuild = true; ++attempt; continue; } m_started = true; } UINT32 numFramesPadding; res = m_audClient->GetCurrentPadding(&numFramesPadding); if (FAILED(res)) { m_rebuild = true; ++attempt; continue; } size_t frames = m_mixInfo.m_periodFrames - numFramesPadding; if (frames <= 0) return; BYTE* bufOut; res = m_renderClient->GetBuffer(frames, &bufOut); if (FAILED(res)) { m_rebuild = true; ++attempt; continue; } for (size_t f=0 ; f(bufOut) + m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount * f, &m_5msBuffer[m_curBufFrame * m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount], remRenderFrames * m_mixInfo.m_channelMap.m_channelCount * sizeof(float)); m_curBufFrame += remRenderFrames; f += remRenderFrames; } } res = m_renderClient->ReleaseBuffer(frames, 0); if (FAILED(res)) { m_rebuild = true; ++attempt; continue; } break; } } std::vector> enumerateMIDIDevices() const { std::vector> ret; UINT numInDevices = midiInGetNumDevs(); UINT numOutDevices = midiOutGetNumDevs(); ret.reserve(numInDevices + numOutDevices); for (UINT i=0 ; i(dwParam1); std::vector bytes(std::cbegin(ptr), std::cend(ptr)); dwInstance->m_receiver(std::move(bytes), dwParam2 / 1000.0); } } struct MIDIIn : public IMIDIIn { HMIDIIN m_midi = 0; MIDIIn(bool virt, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) : IMIDIIn(virt, std::move(receiver)) {} ~MIDIIn() { midiInClose(m_midi); } std::string description() const { UINT id = 0; midiInGetID(m_midi, &id); MIDIINCAPS caps; if (FAILED(midiInGetDevCaps(id, &caps, sizeof(caps)))) return {}; #ifdef UNICODE int sizeNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); std::string strTo(sizeNeeded, 0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, &strTo[0], sizeNeeded, nullptr, nullptr); return strTo; #else return caps.szPname; #endif } }; struct MIDIOut : public IMIDIOut { HMIDIOUT m_midi = 0; HMIDISTRM m_strm = 0; uint8_t m_buf[512]; MIDIHDR m_hdr = {}; MIDIOut(bool virt) : IMIDIOut(virt) {} void prepare() { UINT id = 0; midiOutGetID(m_midi, &id); m_hdr.lpData = reinterpret_cast(m_buf); m_hdr.dwBufferLength = 512; m_hdr.dwFlags = MHDR_ISSTRM; midiOutPrepareHeader(m_midi, &m_hdr, sizeof(m_hdr)); midiStreamOpen(&m_strm, &id, 1, NULL, NULL, CALLBACK_NULL); } ~MIDIOut() { midiStreamClose(m_strm); midiOutUnprepareHeader(m_midi, &m_hdr, sizeof(m_hdr)); midiOutClose(m_midi); } std::string description() const { UINT id = 0; midiOutGetID(m_midi, &id); MIDIOUTCAPS caps; if (FAILED(midiOutGetDevCaps(id, &caps, sizeof(caps)))) return {}; #ifdef UNICODE int sizeNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); std::string strTo(sizeNeeded, 0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, &strTo[0], sizeNeeded, nullptr, nullptr); return strTo; #else return caps.szPname; #endif } size_t send(const void* buf, size_t len) const { memcpy(const_cast(this)->m_buf, buf, std::min(len, size_t(512))); const_cast(this)->m_hdr.dwBytesRecorded = len; midiStreamOut(m_strm, LPMIDIHDR(&m_hdr), sizeof(m_hdr)); return len; } }; struct MIDIInOut : public IMIDIInOut { HMIDIIN m_midiIn = 0; HMIDIOUT m_midiOut = 0; HMIDISTRM m_strm = 0; uint8_t m_buf[512]; MIDIHDR m_hdr = {}; MIDIInOut(bool virt, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) : IMIDIInOut(virt, std::move(receiver)) {} void prepare() { UINT id = 0; midiOutGetID(m_midiOut, &id); m_hdr.lpData = reinterpret_cast(m_buf); m_hdr.dwBufferLength = 512; m_hdr.dwFlags = MHDR_ISSTRM; midiOutPrepareHeader(m_midiOut, &m_hdr, sizeof(m_hdr)); midiStreamOpen(&m_strm, &id, 1, NULL, NULL, CALLBACK_NULL); } ~MIDIInOut() { midiInClose(m_midiIn); midiStreamClose(m_strm); midiOutUnprepareHeader(m_midiOut, &m_hdr, sizeof(m_hdr)); midiOutClose(m_midiOut); } std::string description() const { UINT id = 0; midiOutGetID(m_midiOut, &id); MIDIOUTCAPS caps; if (FAILED(midiOutGetDevCaps(id, &caps, sizeof(caps)))) return {}; #ifdef UNICODE int sizeNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); std::string strTo(sizeNeeded, 0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, caps.szPname, -1, &strTo[0], sizeNeeded, nullptr, nullptr); return strTo; #else return caps.szPname; #endif } size_t send(const void* buf, size_t len) const { memcpy(const_cast(m_buf), buf, std::min(len, size_t(512))); const_cast(m_hdr).dwBytesRecorded = len; midiStreamOut(m_strm, LPMIDIHDR(&m_hdr), sizeof(m_hdr)); return len; } }; std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIIn(ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { return {}; } std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIOut() { return {}; } std::unique_ptr newVirtualMIDIInOut(ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { return {}; } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIIn(const char* name, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { if (strcmp(name, "in")) return {}; long id = strtol(name + 2, nullptr, 10); std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(false, std::move(receiver)); if (!ret) return {}; if (FAILED(midiInOpen(&static_cast(*ret).m_midi, id, DWORD_PTR(MIDIReceiveProc), DWORD_PTR(static_cast(ret.get())), CALLBACK_FUNCTION))) return {}; return ret; } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIOut(const char* name) { if (strcmp(name, "out")) return {}; long id = strtol(name + 3, nullptr, 10); std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(false); if (!ret) return {}; if (FAILED(midiOutOpen(&static_cast(*ret).m_midi, id, NULL, NULL, CALLBACK_NULL))) return {}; static_cast(*ret).prepare(); return ret; } std::unique_ptr newRealMIDIInOut(const char* name, ReceiveFunctor&& receiver) { const char* in = strstr(name, "in"); const char* out = strstr(name, "out"); if (!in || !out) return {}; long inId = strtol(in + 2, nullptr, 10); long outId = strtol(out + 3, nullptr, 10); std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(false, std::move(receiver)); if (!ret) return {}; if (FAILED(midiInOpen(&static_cast(*ret).m_midiIn, inId, DWORD_PTR(MIDIReceiveProc), DWORD_PTR(static_cast(ret.get())), CALLBACK_FUNCTION))) return {}; if (FAILED(midiOutOpen(&static_cast(*ret).m_midiOut, outId, NULL, NULL, CALLBACK_NULL))) return {}; static_cast(*ret).prepare(); return ret; } bool useMIDILock() const {return true;} }; std::unique_ptr NewAudioVoiceEngine() { std::unique_ptr ret = std::make_unique(); if (!static_cast(*ret).m_device) return {}; return ret; } }