# - Find Intel IPP # Find the IPP libraries # Options: # # IPP_STATIC: true if using static linking # IPP_MULTI_THREADED: true if using multi-threaded static linking # # This module defines the following variables: # # IPP_FOUND : True if IPP_INCLUDE_DIR are found # IPP_INCLUDE_DIR : where to find ipp.h, etc. # IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS: set when IPP_INCLUDE_DIR found # IPP_LIBRARIES : the library to link against. set(IPP_STATIC ON) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) if(WIN32) set(IPP_ROOT $ENV{PROGRAMFILES\(X86\)}/IntelSWTools/compilers_and_libraries/windows/ipp CACHE PATH "Folder contains IPP") else() set(IPP_ROOT /opt/intel/ipp CACHE PATH "Folder contains IPP") endif() # Find header file dir find_path(IPP_INCLUDE_DIR ipp.h PATHS ${IPP_ROOT}/include) # Find libraries # Handle suffix set(_IPP_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) if(WIN32) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .lib) set(IPP_LIBNAME_SUFFIX mt) else() if(IPP_STATIC) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a) else() set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .so) endif() set(IPP_LIBNAME_SUFFIX "") endif() macro(find_ipp_library IPP_COMPONENT) string(TOLOWER ${IPP_COMPONENT} IPP_COMPONENT_LOWER) find_library(IPP_LIB_${IPP_COMPONENT} ipp${IPP_COMPONENT_LOWER}${IPP_LIBNAME_SUFFIX} PATHS ${IPP_ROOT}/lib/intel64/ ${IPP_ROOT}/lib) endmacro() # IPP components # Core find_ipp_library(CORE) # Signal Processing find_ipp_library(S) # Vector Math find_ipp_library(VM) set(IPP_LIBRARY ${IPP_LIB_S} ${IPP_LIB_VM} ${IPP_LIB_CORE}) set(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ${_IPP_ORIG_CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) find_package_handle_standard_args(IPP DEFAULT_MSG IPP_INCLUDE_DIR IPP_LIBRARY) if (IPP_FOUND) set(IPP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${IPP_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(IPP_LIBRARIES ${IPP_LIBRARY}) endif()