#include "UWPCommon.hpp" #include "boo/IApplication.hpp" #include "boo/IWindow.hpp" #include "boo/IGraphicsContext.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include "boo/graphicsdev/D3D.hpp" #include "boo/audiodev/IAudioVoiceEngine.hpp" using namespace Windows::UI::Core; using namespace Windows::System; namespace boo { static logvisor::Module Log("boo::WindowWin32"); #if _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 IGraphicsCommandQueue* _NewD3D12CommandQueue(D3D12Context* ctx, D3D12Context::Window* windowCtx, IGraphicsContext* parent, ID3D12CommandQueue** cmdQueueOut); IGraphicsDataFactory* _NewD3D12DataFactory(D3D12Context* ctx, IGraphicsContext* parent, uint32_t sampleCount); #endif IGraphicsCommandQueue* _NewD3D11CommandQueue(D3D11Context* ctx, D3D11Context::Window* windowCtx, IGraphicsContext* parent); IGraphicsDataFactory* _NewD3D11DataFactory(D3D11Context* ctx, IGraphicsContext* parent, uint32_t sampleCount); struct GraphicsContextUWP : IGraphicsContext { EGraphicsAPI m_api; EPixelFormat m_pf; IWindow* m_parentWindow; Boo3DAppContextUWP& m_3dCtx; ComPtr m_output; GraphicsContextUWP(EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, Boo3DAppContextUWP& b3dCtx) : m_api(api), m_pf(EPixelFormat::RGBA8), m_parentWindow(parentWindow), m_3dCtx(b3dCtx) {} virtual void resized(const SWindowRect& rect) { m_3dCtx.resize(m_parentWindow, rect.size[0], rect.size[1]); } }; struct GraphicsContextUWPD3D : GraphicsContextUWP { ComPtr m_swapChain; IGraphicsCommandQueue* m_commandQueue = nullptr; IGraphicsDataFactory* m_dataFactory = nullptr; public: IWindowCallback* m_callback; GraphicsContextUWPD3D(EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, CoreWindow^ coreWindow, Boo3DAppContextUWP& b3dCtx, uint32_t sampleCount) : GraphicsContextUWP(api, parentWindow, b3dCtx) { /* Create Swap Chain */ DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 scDesc = {}; scDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; scDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; scDesc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; scDesc.BufferCount = 2; scDesc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_DISCARD; scDesc.Flags = DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_ALLOW_MODE_SWITCH; IUnknown* cw = reinterpret_cast(coreWindow); #if _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 if (b3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_dev) { auto insIt = b3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_windows.emplace(std::make_pair(parentWindow, D3D12Context::Window())); D3D12Context::Window& w = insIt.first->second; ID3D12CommandQueue* cmdQueue; m_dataFactory = _NewD3D12DataFactory(&b3dCtx.m_ctx12, this, sampleCount); m_commandQueue = _NewD3D12CommandQueue(&b3dCtx.m_ctx12, &w, this, &cmdQueue); scDesc.SwapEffect = DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_DISCARD; HRESULT hr = b3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_dxFactory->CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow(cmdQueue, cw, &scDesc, nullptr, &m_swapChain); if (FAILED(hr)) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to create swap chain"); m_swapChain.As(&w.m_swapChain); ComPtr fb; m_swapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D12Resource), &fb); w.m_backBuf = w.m_swapChain->GetCurrentBackBufferIndex(); D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resDesc = fb->GetDesc(); w.width = resDesc.Width; w.height = resDesc.Height; if (FAILED(m_swapChain->GetContainingOutput(&m_output))) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get DXGI output"); } else #endif { if (FAILED(b3dCtx.m_ctx11.m_dxFactory->CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow(b3dCtx.m_ctx11.m_dev.Get(), cw, &scDesc, nullptr, &m_swapChain))) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to create swap chain"); auto insIt = b3dCtx.m_ctx11.m_windows.emplace(std::make_pair(parentWindow, D3D11Context::Window())); D3D11Context::Window& w = insIt.first->second; m_swapChain.As(&w.m_swapChain); ComPtr fbRes; m_swapChain->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), &fbRes); D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC resDesc; fbRes->GetDesc(&resDesc); w.width = resDesc.Width; w.height = resDesc.Height; m_dataFactory = _NewD3D11DataFactory(&b3dCtx.m_ctx11, this, sampleCount); m_commandQueue = _NewD3D11CommandQueue(&b3dCtx.m_ctx11, &insIt.first->second, this); if (FAILED(m_swapChain->GetContainingOutput(&m_output))) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get DXGI output"); } } ~GraphicsContextUWPD3D() { #if _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 if (m_3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_dev) m_3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_windows.erase(m_parentWindow); else #endif m_3dCtx.m_ctx11.m_windows.erase(m_parentWindow); } void _setCallback(IWindowCallback* cb) { m_callback = cb; } EGraphicsAPI getAPI() const { return m_api; } EPixelFormat getPixelFormat() const { return m_pf; } void setPixelFormat(EPixelFormat pf) { if (pf > EPixelFormat::RGBAF32_Z24) return; m_pf = pf; } bool initializeContext(void*) {return true;} void makeCurrent() {} void postInit() {} void present() {} IGraphicsCommandQueue* getCommandQueue() { return m_commandQueue; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getMainContextDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getLoadContextDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } }; static void genFrameDefault(MONITORINFO* screen, int& xOut, int& yOut, int& wOut, int& hOut) { float width = screen->rcMonitor.right * 2.0 / 3.0; float height = screen->rcMonitor.bottom * 2.0 / 3.0; xOut = (screen->rcMonitor.right - width) / 2.0; yOut = (screen->rcMonitor.bottom - height) / 2.0; wOut = width; hOut = height; } static uint32_t translateKeysym(VirtualKey sym, ESpecialKey& specialSym, EModifierKey& modifierSym) { specialSym = ESpecialKey::None; modifierSym = EModifierKey::None; if (sym >= VirtualKey_F1 && sym <= VirtualKey_F12) specialSym = ESpecialKey(uint32_t(ESpecialKey::F1) + sym - VirtualKey_F1); else if (sym == VirtualKey_Escape) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Esc; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Enter) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Enter; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Back) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Backspace; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Insert) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Insert; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Delete) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Delete; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Home) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Home; else if (sym == VirtualKey_End) specialSym = ESpecialKey::End; else if (sym == VirtualKey_PageUp) specialSym = ESpecialKey::PgUp; else if (sym == VirtualKey_PageDown) specialSym = ESpecialKey::PgDown; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Left) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Left; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Right) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Right; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Up) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Up; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Down) specialSym = ESpecialKey::Down; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Shift) modifierSym = EModifierKey::Shift; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Control) modifierSym = EModifierKey::Ctrl; else if (sym == VirtualKey_Menu) modifierSym = EModifierKey::Alt; else if (sym >= VirtualKey_A && sym <= VirtualKey_Z) return sym - VirtualKey_A + window->GetKeyState(VirtualKey_Shift) ? 'A' : 'a' return 0; } static EModifierKey translateModifiers(CoreWindow^ window) { EModifierKey retval = EModifierKey::None; if (window->GetKeyState(VirtualKey_Shift) != None) retval |= EModifierKey::Shift; if (window->GetKeyState(VirtualKey_Control) != None) retval |= EModifierKey::Ctrl; if (window->GetKeyState(LefVirtualKey_Menu) != None) retval |= EModifierKey::Alt; return retval; } class WindowUWP : public IWindow { friend struct GraphicsContextUWP; ApplicationView^ m_appView = ApplicationView::GetForCurrentView(); CoreWindow^ m_coreWindow = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread(); std::unique_ptr m_gfxCtx; IWindowCallback* m_callback = nullptr; public: WindowUWP(SystemStringView title, Boo3DAppContext& b3dCtx, uint32_t sampleCount) { IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI api = IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::D3D11; #if _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 if (b3dCtx.m_ctx12.m_dev) api = IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::D3D12; #endif m_gfxCtx.reset(new GraphicsContextUWPD3D(api, this, m_coreWindow, b3dCtx, sampleCount)); setTitle(title); m_coreWindow->KeyDown += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &WindowUWP::OnKeyDown); m_coreWindow->KeyUp += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &WindowUWP::OnKeyUp); m_coreWindow->Closed += ref new TypedEventHandler(this, &WindowUWP::OnClosed); } ~WindowUWP() { } void setCallback(IWindowCallback* cb) { m_callback = cb; } void closeWindow() { m_coreWindow->Close(); } void showWindow() { } void hideWindow() { } SystemString getTitle() { return SystemString(m_appView->Title.Data()); } void setTitle(SystemStringView title) { m_appView->Title = title.data(); } void setCursor(EMouseCursor cursor) { } void setWaitCursor(bool wait) { } void setWindowFrameDefault() { } void getWindowFrame(float& xOut, float& yOut, float& wOut, float& hOut) const { xOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.X; yOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Y; wOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Width; hOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Height; } void getWindowFrame(int& xOut, int& yOut, int& wOut, int& hOut) const { xOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.X; yOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Y; wOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Width; hOut = m_coreWindow->bounds.Height; } void setWindowFrame(float x, float y, float w, float h) { } void setWindowFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h) { } float getVirtualPixelFactor() const { DisplayInformation dispInfo = DisplayInformation::GetForCurrentView(); return dispInfo.LogicalDpi / 96.f; } bool isFullscreen() const { return m_gfxCtx->m_3dCtx.isFullscreen(this); } void setFullscreen(bool fs) { m_gfxCtx->m_3dCtx.setFullscreen(this, fs); } void claimKeyboardFocus(const int coord[2]) { } bool clipboardCopy(EClipboardType type, const uint8_t* data, size_t sz) { } std::unique_ptr clipboardPaste(EClipboardType type, size_t& sz) { return std::unique_ptr(); } void waitForRetrace(IAudioVoiceEngine* engine) { if (engine) engine->pumpAndMixVoices(); m_gfxCtx->m_output->WaitForVBlank(); } uintptr_t getPlatformHandle() const { return 0; } void _incomingEvent(void* ev) { } void OnKeyDown(CoreWindow^ window, KeyEventArgs^ keyEventArgs) { if (auto w = m_window.lock()) { ESpecialKey specialKey; EModifierKey modifierKey; uint32_t charCode = translateKeysym(keyEventArgs->VirtualKey, specialKey, modifierKey); EModifierKey modifierMask = translateModifiers(window); bool repeat = keyEventArgs->KeyStatus.RepeatCount > 1; if (charCode) m_callback->charKeyDown(charCode, modifierMask, repeat); else if (specialKey != ESpecialKey::None) m_callback->specialKeyDown(specialKey, modifierMask, repeat); else if (modifierKey != EModifierKey::None) m_callback->modKeyDown(modifierKey, repeat); } } void OnKeyUp(CoreWindow^ window, KeyEventArgs^ keyEventArgs) { if (auto w = m_window.lock()) { ESpecialKey specialKey; EModifierKey modifierKey; uint32_t charCode = translateKeysym(keyEventArgs->VirtualKey, specialKey, modifierKey); EModifierKey modifierMask = translateModifiers(window); if (charCode) m_callback->charKeyDown(charCode, modifierMask); else if (specialKey != ESpecialKey::None) m_callback->specialKeyDown(specialKey, modifierMask); else if (modifierKey != EModifierKey::None) m_callback->modKeyDown(modifierKey); } } void OnClosed(CoreWindow ^sender, CoreWindowEventArgs ^args) { } ETouchType getTouchType() const { return ETouchType::None; } void setStyle(EWindowStyle style) { } EWindowStyle getStyle() const { EWindowStyle retval = EWindowStyle::None; return retval; } IGraphicsCommandQueue* getCommandQueue() { return m_gfxCtx->getCommandQueue(); } IGraphicsDataFactory* getDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getDataFactory(); } /* Creates a new context on current thread!! Call from main client thread */ IGraphicsDataFactory* getMainContextDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getMainContextDataFactory(); } /* Creates a new context on current thread!! Call from client loading thread */ IGraphicsDataFactory* getLoadContextDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getLoadContextDataFactory(); } }; std::shared_ptr _WindowUAPNew(SystemStringView title, Boo3DAppContext& d3dCtx, uint32_t sampleCount) { return std::make_shared(title, d3dCtx, sampleCount); } }