#include "boo/inputdev/IHIDListener.hpp" #include "boo/inputdev/DeviceFinder.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IOKitPointer.hpp" #include "../CFPointer.hpp" namespace boo { /* * Reference: http://oroboro.com/usb-serial-number-osx/ */ static bool getUSBStringDescriptor(const IUnknownPointer& usbDevice, UInt8 idx, char* out) { UInt16 buffer[128]; // wow... we're actually forced to make hard coded bus requests. Its like // hard disk programming in the 80's! IOUSBDevRequest request; request.bmRequestType = USBmakebmRequestType(kUSBIn, kUSBStandard, kUSBDevice); request.bRequest = kUSBRqGetDescriptor; request.wValue = (kUSBStringDesc << 8) | idx; request.wIndex = 0x409; // english request.wLength = sizeof(buffer); request.pData = buffer; kern_return_t err = usbDevice->DeviceRequest(usbDevice.storage(), &request); if (err != 0) { // the request failed... fairly uncommon for the USB disk driver, but not // so uncommon for other devices. This can also be less reliable if your // disk is mounted through an external USB hub. At this level we actually // have to worry about hardware issues like this. return false; } // we're mallocing this string just as an example. But you probably will want // to do something smarter, like pre-allocated buffers in the info class, or // use a string class. if (request.wLenDone == 0) return false; unsigned count = (request.wLenDone - 1) / 2; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) out[i] = buffer[i + 1]; out[i] = '\0'; return true; } class HIDListenerIOKit : public IHIDListener { DeviceFinder& m_finder; CFRunLoopRef m_listenerRunLoop; IONotificationPortRef m_llPort; IOObjectPointer m_llAddNotif, m_llRemoveNotif; IOObjectPointer m_hidAddNotif, m_hidRemoveNotif; const char* m_usbClass; bool m_scanningEnabled; static void devicesConnectedUSBLL(HIDListenerIOKit* listener, io_iterator_t iterator) { while (IOObjectPointer obj = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) { io_string_t devPath; if (IORegistryEntryGetPath(obj.get(), kIOServicePlane, devPath) != 0) continue; if (!listener->m_scanningEnabled || listener->m_finder._hasToken(devPath)) continue; UInt16 vid, pid; char vstr[128] = {0}; char pstr[128] = {0}; { IOCFPluginPointer devServ; SInt32 score; IOReturn err; err = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(obj.get(), kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &devServ, &score); if (err != kIOReturnSuccess) { fmt::print(stderr, fmt("unable to open IOKit plugin interface\n")); continue; } IUnknownPointer dev; err = devServ.As(&dev, kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID182); if (err != kIOReturnSuccess) { fmt::print(stderr, fmt("unable to open IOKit device interface\n")); continue; } dev->GetDeviceVendor(dev.storage(), &vid); dev->GetDeviceProduct(dev.storage(), &pid); UInt8 vstridx, pstridx; dev->USBGetManufacturerStringIndex(dev.storage(), &vstridx); dev->USBGetProductStringIndex(dev.storage(), &pstridx); getUSBStringDescriptor(dev, vstridx, vstr); getUSBStringDescriptor(dev, pstridx, pstr); } listener->m_finder._insertToken(std::make_unique(DeviceType::USB, vid, pid, vstr, pstr, devPath)); // printf("ADDED %08X %s\n", obj.get(), devPath); } } static void devicesDisconnectedUSBLL(HIDListenerIOKit* listener, io_iterator_t iterator) { if (CFRunLoopGetCurrent() != listener->m_listenerRunLoop) { CFRunLoopPerformBlock(listener->m_listenerRunLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, ^{ devicesDisconnectedUSBLL(listener, iterator); }); CFRunLoopWakeUp(listener->m_listenerRunLoop); return; } while (IOObjectPointer obj = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) { io_string_t devPath; if (IORegistryEntryGetPath(obj.get(), kIOServicePlane, devPath) != 0) continue; listener->m_finder._removeToken(devPath); // printf("REMOVED %08X %s\n", obj.get(), devPath); } } static void devicesConnectedHID(HIDListenerIOKit* listener, io_iterator_t iterator) { while (IOObjectPointer obj = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) { io_string_t devPath; if (IORegistryEntryGetPath(obj.get(), kIOServicePlane, devPath) != 0) continue; if (!listener->m_scanningEnabled || listener->m_finder._hasToken(devPath)) continue; unsigned vidv, pidv; char vstr[128] = {0}; char pstr[128] = {0}; { IOCFPluginPointer devServ; SInt32 score; IOReturn err; err = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(obj.get(), kIOHIDDeviceTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &devServ, &score); if (err != kIOReturnSuccess) { fmt::print(stderr, fmt("unable to open IOKit plugin interface\n")); continue; } IUnknownPointer dev; err = devServ.As(&dev, kIOHIDDeviceDeviceInterfaceID); if (err != kIOReturnSuccess) { fmt::print(stderr, fmt("unable to open IOKit device interface\n")); continue; } /* Game controllers only */ CFPointer usagePage; dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey), (CFTypeRef*)&usagePage); CFPointer usage; dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey), (CFTypeRef*)&usage); int usagePageV, usageV; CFNumberGetValue(usagePage.get(), kCFNumberIntType, &usagePageV); CFNumberGetValue(usage.get(), kCFNumberIntType, &usageV); if (usagePageV == kHIDPage_GenericDesktop) { if (usageV != kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick && usageV != kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad) continue; } else { continue; } CFPointer vid, pid; dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), (CFTypeRef*)&vid); dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), (CFTypeRef*)&pid); CFNumberGetValue(vid.get(), kCFNumberIntType, &vidv); CFNumberGetValue(pid.get(), kCFNumberIntType, &pidv); CFPointer vstridx, pstridx; dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey), (CFTypeRef*)&vstridx); dev->getProperty(dev.storage(), CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey), (CFTypeRef*)&pstridx); if (vstridx) CFStringGetCString(vstridx.get(), vstr, 128, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (pstridx) CFStringGetCString(pstridx.get(), pstr, 128, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); } listener->m_finder._insertToken(std::make_unique(DeviceType::HID, vidv, pidv, vstr, pstr, devPath)); // printf("ADDED %08X %s\n", obj, devPath); } } static void devicesDisconnectedHID(HIDListenerIOKit* listener, io_iterator_t iterator) { if (CFRunLoopGetCurrent() != listener->m_listenerRunLoop) { CFRunLoopPerformBlock(listener->m_listenerRunLoop, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, ^{ devicesDisconnectedHID(listener, iterator); }); CFRunLoopWakeUp(listener->m_listenerRunLoop); return; } while (IOObjectPointer obj = IOIteratorNext(iterator)) { io_string_t devPath; if (IORegistryEntryGetPath(obj.get(), kIOServicePlane, devPath) != 0) continue; listener->m_finder._removeToken(devPath); // printf("REMOVED %08X %s\n", obj, devPath); } } public: HIDListenerIOKit(DeviceFinder& finder) : m_finder(finder) { struct utsname kernInfo; uname(&kernInfo); int release = atoi(kernInfo.release); m_usbClass = release >= 15 ? "IOUSBHostDevice" : kIOUSBDeviceClassName; m_listenerRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetMain(); m_llPort = IONotificationPortCreate(kIOMasterPortDefault); CFRunLoopSourceRef rlSrc = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(m_llPort); CFRunLoopAddSource(m_listenerRunLoop, rlSrc, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); m_scanningEnabled = true; /* Register HID Matcher */ { CFMutableDictionaryRef matchDict = IOServiceMatching("IOHIDDevice"); CFRetain(matchDict); kern_return_t hidRet = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(m_llPort, kIOMatchedNotification, matchDict, (IOServiceMatchingCallback)devicesConnectedHID, this, &m_hidAddNotif); if (hidRet == kIOReturnSuccess) devicesConnectedHID(this, m_hidAddNotif.get()); hidRet = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(m_llPort, kIOTerminatedNotification, matchDict, (IOServiceMatchingCallback)devicesDisconnectedHID, this, &m_hidRemoveNotif); if (hidRet == kIOReturnSuccess) devicesDisconnectedHID(this, m_hidRemoveNotif.get()); } /* Register Low-Level USB Matcher */ { CFMutableDictionaryRef matchDict = IOServiceMatching(m_usbClass); CFRetain(matchDict); kern_return_t llRet = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(m_llPort, kIOMatchedNotification, matchDict, (IOServiceMatchingCallback)devicesConnectedUSBLL, this, &m_llAddNotif); if (llRet == kIOReturnSuccess) devicesConnectedUSBLL(this, m_llAddNotif.get()); llRet = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(m_llPort, kIOTerminatedNotification, matchDict, (IOServiceMatchingCallback)devicesDisconnectedUSBLL, this, &m_llRemoveNotif); if (llRet == kIOReturnSuccess) devicesDisconnectedUSBLL(this, m_llRemoveNotif.get()); } m_scanningEnabled = false; } ~HIDListenerIOKit() override { // CFRunLoopRemoveSource(m_listenerRunLoop, IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(m_llPort), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); IONotificationPortDestroy(m_llPort); } /* Automatic device scanning */ bool startScanning() override { m_scanningEnabled = true; return true; } bool stopScanning() override { m_scanningEnabled = false; return true; } /* Manual device scanning */ bool scanNow() override { IOObjectPointer iter; if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching(m_usbClass), &iter) == kIOReturnSuccess) { devicesConnectedUSBLL(this, iter.get()); } return true; } }; std::unique_ptr IHIDListenerNew(DeviceFinder& finder) { return std::make_unique(finder); } } // namespace boo