#include "boo/graphicsdev/GL.hpp" #include "boo/graphicsdev/glew.h" #include "boo/graphicsdev/Metal.hpp" #include "CocoaCommon.hpp" #import #import #include "boo/IApplication.hpp" #include "boo/IWindow.hpp" #include "boo/IGraphicsContext.hpp" #include namespace boo {class WindowCocoa;} @interface WindowCocoaInternal : NSWindow { boo::WindowCocoa* booWindow; } - (id)initWithBooWindow:(boo::WindowCocoa*)bw title:(const std::string&)title; - (void)setFrameDefault; - (NSRect)genFrameDefault; @end /* AppKit applies OpenGL much differently than other platforms * the NSOpenGLView class composes together all necessary * OGL context members and provides the necessary event hooks * for KB/Mouse/Touch events */ static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute PF_RGBA8_ATTRS[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8, }; static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute PF_RGBA8_Z24_ATTRS[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24, }; static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute PF_RGBAF32_ATTRS[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAColorFloat, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 96, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 32, }; static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute PF_RGBAF32_Z24_ATTRS[] = { NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAColorFloat, NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 96, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 32, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize, 24, }; static const NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute* PF_TABLE[] = { NULL, PF_RGBA8_ATTRS, PF_RGBA8_Z24_ATTRS, PF_RGBAF32_ATTRS, PF_RGBAF32_Z24_ATTRS }; namespace boo { class GraphicsContextCocoa : public IGraphicsContext { protected: EGraphicsAPI m_api; EPixelFormat m_pf; IWindow* m_parentWindow; CVDisplayLinkRef m_dispLink = nullptr; GraphicsContextCocoa(EGraphicsAPI api, EPixelFormat pf, IWindow* parentWindow) : m_api(api), m_pf(pf), m_parentWindow(parentWindow) {} std::mutex m_dlmt; std::condition_variable m_dlcv; static CVReturn DLCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp * inNow, const CVTimeStamp * inOutputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags * flagsOut, GraphicsContextCocoa* ctx) { ctx->m_dlcv.notify_one(); return kCVReturnSuccess; } ~GraphicsContextCocoa() { if (m_dispLink) { CVDisplayLinkStop(m_dispLink); CVDisplayLinkRelease(m_dispLink); } } public: IWindowCallback* m_callback = nullptr; void waitForRetrace() { std::unique_lock lk(m_dlmt); m_dlcv.wait(lk); } }; class GraphicsContextCocoaGL; class GraphicsContextCocoaMetal; } @interface BooCocoaResponder : NSResponder { @public NSUInteger lastModifiers; boo::GraphicsContextCocoa* booContext; NSView* parentView; } - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoa*)bctx View:(NSView*)view; @end @interface GraphicsContextCocoaGLInternal : NSOpenGLView { BooCocoaResponder* resp; } - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoaGL*)bctx; @end @interface GraphicsContextCocoaMetalInternal : NSView { BooCocoaResponder* resp; boo::MetalContext* m_ctx; } - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoaMetal*)bctx; @end namespace boo { static LogVisor::LogModule Log("boo::WindowCocoa"); IGraphicsCommandQueue* _NewGLCommandQueue(IGraphicsContext* parent); IGraphicsCommandQueue* _NewMetalCommandQueue(MetalContext* ctx, IWindow* parentWindow, IGraphicsContext* parent); void _CocoaUpdateLastGLCtx(NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx); class GraphicsContextCocoaGL : public GraphicsContextCocoa { GraphicsContextCocoaGLInternal* m_nsContext = nullptr; IGraphicsCommandQueue* m_commandQueue = nullptr; IGraphicsDataFactory* m_dataFactory = nullptr; NSOpenGLContext* m_mainCtx = nullptr; NSOpenGLContext* m_loadCtx = nullptr; public: NSOpenGLContext* m_lastCtx = nullptr; GraphicsContextCocoaGL(EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx) : GraphicsContextCocoa(api, EPixelFormat::RGBA8, parentWindow), m_lastCtx(lastGLCtx) { m_dataFactory = new GLDataFactory(this); } ~GraphicsContextCocoaGL() { delete m_dataFactory; delete m_commandQueue; [m_nsContext release]; [m_loadCtx release]; } void _setCallback(IWindowCallback* cb) { m_callback = cb; } EGraphicsAPI getAPI() const { return m_api; } EPixelFormat getPixelFormat() const { return m_pf; } void setPixelFormat(EPixelFormat pf) { if (pf > EPixelFormat::RGBAF32_Z24) return; m_pf = pf; } void initializeContext() { m_nsContext = [[GraphicsContextCocoaGLInternal alloc] initWithBooContext:this]; if (!m_nsContext) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unable to make new NSOpenGLView"); [(NSWindow*)m_parentWindow->getPlatformHandle() setContentView:m_nsContext]; CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(&m_dispLink); CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(m_dispLink, (CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback)DLCallback, this); CVDisplayLinkStart(m_dispLink); m_commandQueue = _NewGLCommandQueue(this); } void makeCurrent() { [[m_nsContext openGLContext] makeCurrentContext]; } void postInit() { } IGraphicsCommandQueue* getCommandQueue() { return m_commandQueue; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getMainContextDataFactory() { if (!m_mainCtx) { NSOpenGLPixelFormat* nspf = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:PF_TABLE[int(m_pf)]]; m_mainCtx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:nspf shareContext:[m_nsContext openGLContext]]; [nspf release]; if (!m_mainCtx) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unable to make main NSOpenGLContext"); } [m_mainCtx makeCurrentContext]; return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getLoadContextDataFactory() { if (!m_loadCtx) { NSOpenGLPixelFormat* nspf = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:PF_TABLE[int(m_pf)]]; m_loadCtx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:nspf shareContext:[m_nsContext openGLContext]]; [nspf release]; if (!m_loadCtx) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unable to make load NSOpenGLContext"); } [m_loadCtx makeCurrentContext]; return m_dataFactory; } void present() { [[m_nsContext openGLContext] flushBuffer]; } }; IGraphicsContext* _GraphicsContextCocoaGLNew(IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx) { if (api != IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::OpenGL3_3 && api != IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::OpenGL4_2) return NULL; /* Create temporary context to query GL version */ NSOpenGLPixelFormat* nspf = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:PF_RGBA8_ATTRS]; if (!nspf) return NULL; NSOpenGLContext* nsctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:nspf shareContext:nil]; [nspf release]; if (!nsctx) return NULL; [nsctx makeCurrentContext]; const char* glVersion = (char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION); unsigned major = 0; unsigned minor = 0; if (glVersion) { major = glVersion[0] - '0'; minor = glVersion[2] - '0'; } [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; [nsctx release]; if (!glVersion) return NULL; if (major > 4 || (major == 4 && minor >= 2)) api = IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::OpenGL4_2; else if (major == 3 && minor >= 3) if (api == IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::OpenGL4_2) return NULL; return new GraphicsContextCocoaGL(api, parentWindow, lastGLCtx); } #if BOO_HAS_METAL class GraphicsContextCocoaMetal : public GraphicsContextCocoa { GraphicsContextCocoaMetalInternal* m_nsContext = nullptr; IGraphicsCommandQueue* m_commandQueue = nullptr; IGraphicsDataFactory* m_dataFactory = nullptr; public: MetalContext* m_metalCtx; GraphicsContextCocoaMetal(EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, MetalContext* metalCtx) : GraphicsContextCocoa(api, EPixelFormat::RGBA8, parentWindow), m_metalCtx(metalCtx) { m_dataFactory = new MetalDataFactory(this, metalCtx); } ~GraphicsContextCocoaMetal() { delete m_dataFactory; delete m_commandQueue; [m_nsContext release]; m_metalCtx->m_windows.erase(m_parentWindow); } void _setCallback(IWindowCallback* cb) { m_callback = cb; } EGraphicsAPI getAPI() const { return m_api; } EPixelFormat getPixelFormat() const { return m_pf; } void setPixelFormat(EPixelFormat pf) { if (pf > EPixelFormat::RGBAF32_Z24) return; m_pf = pf; } void initializeContext() { MetalContext::Window& w = m_metalCtx->m_windows[m_parentWindow]; m_nsContext = [[GraphicsContextCocoaMetalInternal alloc] initWithBooContext:this]; if (!m_nsContext) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unable to make new NSView for Metal"); w.m_metalLayer = (CAMetalLayer*)m_nsContext.layer; [(NSWindow*)m_parentWindow->getPlatformHandle() setContentView:m_nsContext]; CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(&m_dispLink); CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(m_dispLink, (CVDisplayLinkOutputCallback)DLCallback, this); CVDisplayLinkStart(m_dispLink); m_commandQueue = _NewMetalCommandQueue(m_metalCtx, m_parentWindow, this); } void makeCurrent() { } void postInit() { } IGraphicsCommandQueue* getCommandQueue() { return m_commandQueue; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getMainContextDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } IGraphicsDataFactory* getLoadContextDataFactory() { return m_dataFactory; } void present() { } }; IGraphicsContext* _GraphicsContextCocoaMetalNew(IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI api, IWindow* parentWindow, MetalContext* metalCtx) { if (api != IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::Metal) return nullptr; return new GraphicsContextCocoaMetal(api, parentWindow, metalCtx); } #endif } @implementation BooCocoaResponder - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoa*)bctx View:(NSView*)view { lastModifiers = 0; booContext = bctx; parentView = view; return self; } static inline boo::EModifierKey getMod(NSUInteger flags) { boo::EModifierKey ret = boo::EModifierKey::None; if (flags & NSControlKeyMask) ret |= boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl; if (flags & NSAlternateKeyMask) ret |= boo::EModifierKey::Alt; if (flags & NSShiftKeyMask) ret |= boo::EModifierKey::Shift; if (flags & NSCommandKeyMask) ret |= boo::EModifierKey::Command; return ret; } static inline boo::EMouseButton getButton(NSEvent* event) { NSInteger buttonNumber = event.buttonNumber; if (buttonNumber == 3) return boo::EMouseButton::Middle; else if (buttonNumber == 4) return boo::EMouseButton::Aux1; else if (buttonNumber == 5) return boo::EMouseButton::Aux2; return boo::EMouseButton::None; } - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseDown(coord, boo::EMouseButton::Primary, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseUp(coord, boo::EMouseButton::Primary, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseDown(coord, boo::EMouseButton::Secondary, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseUp(coord, boo::EMouseButton::Secondary, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; boo::EMouseButton button = getButton(theEvent); if (button == boo::EMouseButton::None) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseDown(coord, button, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; boo::EMouseButton button = getButton(theEvent); if (button == boo::EMouseButton::None) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseUp(coord, button, getMod([theEvent modifierFlags])); } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; if (theEvent.window == [parentView window] && NSPointInRect(liw, parentView.frame)) { float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; booContext->m_callback->mouseMove(coord); } } - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)theEvent { [self mouseMoved:theEvent]; } - (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)theEvent { [self mouseMoved:theEvent]; } - (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)theEvent { [self mouseMoved:theEvent]; } - (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSPoint liw = [parentView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; float pixelFactor = [[parentView window] backingScaleFactor]; NSRect frame = [parentView frame]; boo::SWindowCoord coord = { {(unsigned)(liw.x * pixelFactor), (unsigned)(liw.y * pixelFactor)}, {(unsigned)liw.x, (unsigned)liw.y}, {(float)(liw.x / frame.size.width), (float)(liw.y / frame.size.height)} }; boo::SScrollDelta scroll = { {(float)[theEvent scrollingDeltaX], (float)[theEvent scrollingDeltaY]}, (bool)[theEvent hasPreciseScrollingDeltas] }; booContext->m_callback->scroll(coord, scroll); } - (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; for (NSTouch* touch in [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseBegan inView:nil]) { NSPoint pos = touch.normalizedPosition; boo::STouchCoord coord = { {(float)pos.x, (float)pos.y} }; booContext->m_callback->touchDown(coord, (uintptr_t)touch.identity); } } - (void)touchesEndedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; for (NSTouch* touch in [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseEnded inView:nil]) { NSPoint pos = touch.normalizedPosition; boo::STouchCoord coord = { {(float)pos.x, (float)pos.y} }; booContext->m_callback->touchUp(coord, (uintptr_t)touch.identity); } } - (void)touchesMovedWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; for (NSTouch* touch in [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseMoved inView:nil]) { NSPoint pos = touch.normalizedPosition; boo::STouchCoord coord = { {(float)pos.x, (float)pos.y} }; booContext->m_callback->touchMove(coord, (uintptr_t)touch.identity); } } - (void)touchesCancelledWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; for (NSTouch* touch in [event touchesMatchingPhase:NSTouchPhaseCancelled inView:nil]) { NSPoint pos = touch.normalizedPosition; boo::STouchCoord coord = { {(float)pos.x, (float)pos.y} }; booContext->m_callback->touchUp(coord, (uintptr_t)touch.identity); } } /* keycodes for keys that are independent of keyboard layout*/ enum { kVK_Return = 0x24, kVK_Tab = 0x30, kVK_Space = 0x31, kVK_Delete = 0x33, kVK_Escape = 0x35, kVK_Command = 0x37, kVK_Shift = 0x38, kVK_CapsLock = 0x39, kVK_Option = 0x3A, kVK_Control = 0x3B, kVK_RightShift = 0x3C, kVK_RightOption = 0x3D, kVK_RightControl = 0x3E, kVK_Function = 0x3F, kVK_F17 = 0x40, kVK_VolumeUp = 0x48, kVK_VolumeDown = 0x49, kVK_Mute = 0x4A, kVK_F18 = 0x4F, kVK_F19 = 0x50, kVK_F20 = 0x5A, kVK_F5 = 0x60, kVK_F6 = 0x61, kVK_F7 = 0x62, kVK_F3 = 0x63, kVK_F8 = 0x64, kVK_F9 = 0x65, kVK_F11 = 0x67, kVK_F13 = 0x69, kVK_F16 = 0x6A, kVK_F14 = 0x6B, kVK_F10 = 0x6D, kVK_F12 = 0x6F, kVK_F15 = 0x71, kVK_Help = 0x72, kVK_Home = 0x73, kVK_PageUp = 0x74, kVK_ForwardDelete = 0x75, kVK_F4 = 0x76, kVK_End = 0x77, kVK_F2 = 0x78, kVK_PageDown = 0x79, kVK_F1 = 0x7A, kVK_LeftArrow = 0x7B, kVK_RightArrow = 0x7C, kVK_DownArrow = 0x7D, kVK_UpArrow = 0x7E }; static boo::ESpecialKey translateKeycode(short code) { switch (code) { case kVK_F1: return boo::ESpecialKey::F1; case kVK_F2: return boo::ESpecialKey::F2; case kVK_F3: return boo::ESpecialKey::F3; case kVK_F4: return boo::ESpecialKey::F4; case kVK_F5: return boo::ESpecialKey::F5; case kVK_F6: return boo::ESpecialKey::F6; case kVK_F7: return boo::ESpecialKey::F7; case kVK_F8: return boo::ESpecialKey::F8; case kVK_F9: return boo::ESpecialKey::F9; case kVK_F10: return boo::ESpecialKey::F10; case kVK_F11: return boo::ESpecialKey::F11; case kVK_F12: return boo::ESpecialKey::F12; case kVK_Escape: return boo::ESpecialKey::Esc; case kVK_Return: return boo::ESpecialKey::Enter; case kVK_Delete: return boo::ESpecialKey::Backspace; case kVK_ForwardDelete: return boo::ESpecialKey::Delete; case kVK_Home: return boo::ESpecialKey::Home; case kVK_End: return boo::ESpecialKey::End; case kVK_PageUp: return boo::ESpecialKey::PgUp; case kVK_PageDown: return boo::ESpecialKey::PgDown; case kVK_LeftArrow: return boo::ESpecialKey::Left; case kVK_RightArrow: return boo::ESpecialKey::Right; case kVK_UpArrow: return boo::ESpecialKey::Up; case kVK_DownArrow: return boo::ESpecialKey::Down; default: return boo::ESpecialKey::None; } } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSString* chars = theEvent.characters; if ([chars length] == 0 || [chars characterAtIndex:0] == '\n' || [chars characterAtIndex:0] == '\r') booContext->m_callback->specialKeyDown(translateKeycode(theEvent.keyCode), getMod(theEvent.modifierFlags), theEvent.isARepeat); else booContext->m_callback->charKeyDown([chars characterAtIndex:0], getMod(theEvent.modifierFlags), theEvent.isARepeat); } - (void)keyUp:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSString* chars = theEvent.characters; if ([chars length] == 0) booContext->m_callback->specialKeyUp(translateKeycode(theEvent.keyCode), getMod(theEvent.modifierFlags)); else booContext->m_callback->charKeyUp([chars characterAtIndex:0], getMod(theEvent.modifierFlags)); } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent*)theEvent { if (!booContext->m_callback) return; NSUInteger modFlags = theEvent.modifierFlags; if (modFlags != lastModifiers) { NSUInteger changedFlags = modFlags ^ lastModifiers; NSUInteger downFlags = changedFlags & modFlags; if (downFlags & NSControlKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyDown(boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl, false); if (downFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyDown(boo::EModifierKey::Alt, false); if (downFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyDown(boo::EModifierKey::Shift, false); if (downFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyDown(boo::EModifierKey::Command, false); NSUInteger upFlags = changedFlags & ~modFlags; if (upFlags & NSControlKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyUp(boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl); if (upFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyUp(boo::EModifierKey::Alt); if (upFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyUp(boo::EModifierKey::Shift); if (upFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) booContext->m_callback->modKeyUp(boo::EModifierKey::Command); lastModifiers = modFlags; } } - (BOOL)acceptsTouchEvents { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } @end @implementation GraphicsContextCocoaGLInternal - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoaGL*)bctx { resp = [[BooCocoaResponder alloc] initWithBooContext:bctx View:self]; boo::IGraphicsContext::EPixelFormat pf = bctx->getPixelFormat(); NSOpenGLPixelFormat* nspf = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:PF_TABLE[int(pf)]]; self = [self initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100) pixelFormat:nspf]; if (bctx->m_lastCtx) { NSOpenGLContext* sharedCtx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:nspf shareContext:bctx->m_lastCtx]; [self setOpenGLContext:sharedCtx]; [sharedCtx setView:self]; } [nspf release]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [resp release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)reshape { boo::SWindowRect rect = {{int(self.frame.origin.x), int(self.frame.origin.y)}, {int(self.frame.size.width), int(self.frame.size.height)}}; if (resp->booContext->m_callback) resp->booContext->m_callback->resized(rect); [super reshape]; } - (BOOL)acceptsTouchEvents { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (NSResponder*)nextResponder { return resp; } @end #if BOO_HAS_METAL @implementation GraphicsContextCocoaMetalInternal - (id)initWithBooContext:(boo::GraphicsContextCocoaMetal*)bctx { m_ctx = bctx->m_metalCtx; self = [self initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)]; [self setWantsLayer:YES]; resp = [[BooCocoaResponder alloc] initWithBooContext:bctx View:self]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [resp release]; [super dealloc]; } - (CALayer*)makeBackingLayer { CAMetalLayer* layer = [CAMetalLayer new]; layer.device = m_ctx->m_dev.get(); layer.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm; layer.framebufferOnly = NO; return layer; } - (BOOL)acceptsTouchEvents { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (NSResponder*)nextResponder { return resp; } @end #endif namespace boo { class WindowCocoa : public IWindow { WindowCocoaInternal* m_nsWindow; IGraphicsContext* m_gfxCtx; EMouseCursor m_cursor = EMouseCursor::None; public: WindowCocoa(const std::string& title, NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx, MetalContext* metalCtx) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ m_nsWindow = [[WindowCocoaInternal alloc] initWithBooWindow:this title:title]; #if BOO_HAS_METAL if (metalCtx->m_dev) m_gfxCtx = _GraphicsContextCocoaMetalNew(IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::Metal, this, metalCtx); else #endif m_gfxCtx = _GraphicsContextCocoaGLNew(IGraphicsContext::EGraphicsAPI::OpenGL3_3, this, lastGLCtx); m_gfxCtx->initializeContext(); }); } void _clearWindow() { m_nsWindow = nullptr; } ~WindowCocoa() { [m_nsWindow orderOut:nil]; delete m_gfxCtx; [m_nsWindow release]; APP->_deletedWindow(this); } void setCallback(IWindowCallback* cb) { m_gfxCtx->_setCallback(cb); } void showWindow() { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [m_nsWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; }); } void hideWindow() { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [m_nsWindow orderOut:nil]; }); } std::string getTitle() { return [[m_nsWindow title] UTF8String]; } void setTitle(const std::string& title) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [m_nsWindow setTitle:[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:title.c_str()] autorelease]]; }); } void setCursor(EMouseCursor cursor) { if (cursor == m_cursor) return; m_cursor = cursor; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ switch (cursor) { case EMouseCursor::Pointer: [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; break; case EMouseCursor::HorizontalArrow: [[NSCursor resizeLeftRightCursor] set]; break; case EMouseCursor::VerticalArrow: [[NSCursor resizeUpDownCursor] set]; break; default: break; } }); } void setWaitCursor(bool wait) {} void setWindowFrameDefault() { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSScreen* mainScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; NSRect scrFrame = mainScreen.frame; float x_off = scrFrame.size.width / 3.0; float y_off = scrFrame.size.height / 3.0; [m_nsWindow setFrame:NSMakeRect(x_off, y_off, x_off * 2.0, y_off * 2.0) display:NO]; }); } void getWindowFrame(float& xOut, float& yOut, float& wOut, float& hOut) const { NSRect wFrame = m_nsWindow.frame; xOut = wFrame.origin.x; yOut = wFrame.origin.y; wOut = wFrame.size.width; hOut = wFrame.size.height; } void getWindowFrame(int& xOut, int& yOut, int& wOut, int& hOut) const { NSRect wFrame = m_nsWindow.frame; xOut = wFrame.origin.x; yOut = wFrame.origin.y; wOut = wFrame.size.width; hOut = wFrame.size.height; } void setWindowFrame(float x, float y, float w, float h) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSRect wFrame = NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h); [m_nsWindow setFrame:wFrame display:NO]; }); } void setWindowFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h) { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSRect wFrame = NSMakeRect(x, y, w, h); [m_nsWindow setFrame:wFrame display:NO]; }); } float getVirtualPixelFactor() const { return [m_nsWindow backingScaleFactor]; } bool isFullscreen() const { return ([m_nsWindow styleMask] & NSFullScreenWindowMask) == NSFullScreenWindowMask; } void setFullscreen(bool fs) { if ((fs && !isFullscreen()) || (!fs && isFullscreen())) dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [m_nsWindow toggleFullScreen:nil]; }); } ETouchType getTouchType() const { return ETouchType::Trackpad; } void setStyle(EWindowStyle style) { #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 101000 if ((style & EWindowStyle::Titlebar) != EWindowStyle::None) m_nsWindow.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleVisible; else m_nsWindow.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden; #endif if ((style & EWindowStyle::Close) != EWindowStyle::None) m_nsWindow.styleMask |= NSClosableWindowMask; else m_nsWindow.styleMask &= ~NSClosableWindowMask; if ((style & EWindowStyle::Resize) != EWindowStyle::None) m_nsWindow.styleMask |= NSResizableWindowMask; else m_nsWindow.styleMask &= ~NSResizableWindowMask; } EWindowStyle getStyle() const { EWindowStyle retval = EWindowStyle::None; #if __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 101000 retval |= m_nsWindow.titleVisibility == NSWindowTitleVisible ? EWindowStyle::Titlebar : EWindowStyle::None; #else retval |= EWindowStyle::Titlebar; #endif retval |= (m_nsWindow.styleMask & NSClosableWindowMask) ? EWindowStyle::Close : EWindowStyle::None; retval |= (m_nsWindow.styleMask & NSResizableWindowMask) ? EWindowStyle::Resize: EWindowStyle::None; return retval; } void waitForRetrace() { static_cast(m_gfxCtx)->waitForRetrace(); } uintptr_t getPlatformHandle() const { return (uintptr_t)m_nsWindow; } IGraphicsCommandQueue* getCommandQueue() { return m_gfxCtx->getCommandQueue(); } IGraphicsDataFactory* getDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getDataFactory(); } IGraphicsDataFactory* getMainContextDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getMainContextDataFactory(); } IGraphicsDataFactory* getLoadContextDataFactory() { return m_gfxCtx->getLoadContextDataFactory(); } }; IWindow* _WindowCocoaNew(const SystemString& title, NSOpenGLContext* lastGLCtx, MetalContext* metalCtx) { return new WindowCocoa(title, lastGLCtx, metalCtx); } } @implementation WindowCocoaInternal - (id)initWithBooWindow:(boo::WindowCocoa *)bw title:(const boo::SystemString&)title { self = [self initWithContentRect:[self genFrameDefault] styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask| NSClosableWindowMask| NSMiniaturizableWindowMask| NSResizableWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES]; self.title = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:title.c_str()] autorelease]; booWindow = bw; return self; } - (void)setFrameDefault { [self setFrame:[self genFrameDefault] display:NO]; } - (NSRect)genFrameDefault { NSScreen* mainScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; NSRect scrFrame = mainScreen.frame; float width = scrFrame.size.width * 2.0 / 3.0; float height = scrFrame.size.height * 2.0 / 3.0; return NSMakeRect((scrFrame.size.width - width) / 2.0, (scrFrame.size.height - height) / 2.0, width, height); } - (void)close { booWindow->_clearWindow(); [super close]; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsMouseMovedEvents { return YES; } - (NSWindowCollectionBehavior)collectionBehavior { return NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary; } @end