#ifndef _NXSTL_THREAD #define _NXSTL_THREAD 1 #ifdef __SWITCH__ extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default) { /// thread class thread { public: // Abstract base class for types that wrap arbitrary functors to be // invoked in the new thread of execution. struct _State { virtual ~_State() = default; virtual void _M_run() = 0; }; using _State_ptr = unique_ptr<_State>; typedef Thread native_handle_type; /// thread::id class id { native_handle_type _M_thread; public: id() noexcept : _M_thread() { } explicit id(native_handle_type __id) : _M_thread(__id) { } private: friend class thread; friend class hash; friend bool operator==(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept; friend bool operator<(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept; template friend basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, thread::id __id); }; private: id _M_id; public: thread() noexcept = default; // _GLIBCXX_RESOLVE_LIB_DEFECTS // 2097. packaged_task constructors should be constrained thread(thread&) = delete; thread(const thread&) = delete; thread(const thread&&) = delete; thread(thread&& __t) noexcept { swap(__t); } template explicit thread(_Callable&& __f, _Args&&... __args) { _M_start_thread(_S_make_state( __make_invoker(std::forward<_Callable>(__f), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...))); } ~thread() { if (joinable()) std::terminate(); } thread& operator=(const thread&) = delete; thread& operator=(thread&& __t) noexcept { if (joinable()) std::terminate(); swap(__t); return *this; } void swap(thread& __t) noexcept { std::swap(_M_id, __t._M_id); } bool joinable() const noexcept { return !(_M_id == id()); } void join() { threadWaitForExit(&_M_id._M_thread); _M_id = id(); } void detach() { _M_id = id(); } thread::id get_id() const noexcept { return _M_id; } /** @pre thread is joinable */ native_handle_type native_handle() { return _M_id._M_thread; } // Returns a value that hints at the number of hardware thread contexts. static unsigned int hardware_concurrency() noexcept { return 3; } private: template struct _State_impl : public _State { _Callable _M_func; _State_impl(_Callable&& __f) : _M_func(std::forward<_Callable>(__f)) { } void _M_run() { _M_func(); } }; static void execute_native_thread_routine(void *arg) { reinterpret_cast<_State*>(arg)->_M_run(); } void _M_start_thread(_State_ptr state) { Result res = threadCreate(&_M_id._M_thread, execute_native_thread_routine, state.get(), 8192, 0x2B, -2); if (R_FAILED(res)) __throw_system_error(res); res = threadStart(&_M_id._M_thread); if (R_FAILED(res)) __throw_system_error(res); state.release(); } template static _State_ptr _S_make_state(_Callable&& __f) { using _Impl = _State_impl<_Callable>; return _State_ptr{new _Impl{std::forward<_Callable>(__f)}}; } private: // A call wrapper that does INVOKE(forwarded tuple elements...) template struct _Invoker { _Tuple _M_t; template static __tuple_element_t<_Index, _Tuple>&& _S_declval(); template auto _M_invoke(_Index_tuple<_Ind...>) noexcept(noexcept(std::__invoke(_S_declval<_Ind>()...))) -> decltype(std::__invoke(_S_declval<_Ind>()...)) { return std::__invoke(std::get<_Ind>(std::move(_M_t))...); } using _Indices = typename _Build_index_tuple::value>::__type; auto operator()() noexcept(noexcept(std::declval<_Invoker&>()._M_invoke(_Indices()))) -> decltype(std::declval<_Invoker&>()._M_invoke(_Indices())) { return _M_invoke(_Indices()); } }; template using __decayed_tuple = tuple::type...>; public: // Returns a call wrapper that stores // tuple{DECAY_COPY(__callable), DECAY_COPY(__args)...}. template static _Invoker<__decayed_tuple<_Callable, _Args...>> __make_invoker(_Callable&& __callable, _Args&&... __args) { return { __decayed_tuple<_Callable, _Args...>{ std::forward<_Callable>(__callable), std::forward<_Args>(__args)... } }; } }; inline void swap(thread& __x, thread& __y) noexcept { __x.swap(__y); } inline bool operator==(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { // pthread_equal is undefined if either thread ID is not valid, so we // can't safely use __gthread_equal on default-constructed values (nor // the non-zero value returned by this_thread::get_id() for // single-threaded programs using GNU libc). Assume EqualityComparable. return __x._M_thread.handle == __y._M_thread.handle; } inline bool operator!=(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { return !(__x == __y); } inline bool operator<(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { // Pthreads doesn't define any way to do this, so we just have to // assume native_handle_type is LessThanComparable. return __x._M_thread.handle < __y._M_thread.handle; } inline bool operator<=(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { return !(__y < __x); } inline bool operator>(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { return __y < __x; } inline bool operator>=(thread::id __x, thread::id __y) noexcept { return !(__x < __y); } // DR 889. /// std::hash specialization for thread::id. template<> struct hash : public __hash_base { size_t operator()(const thread::id& __id) const noexcept { return std::_Hash_impl::hash(__id._M_thread); } }; template inline basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits>& __out, thread::id __id) { if (__id == thread::id()) return __out << "thread::id of a non-executing thread"; else return __out << __id._M_thread; } namespace this_thread { /// get_id inline thread::id get_id() noexcept { Thread ret; uint8_t* tls = (uint8_t*)armGetTls(); uint8_t* threadCtx = *(uint8_t**)(tls + 0x1F8); ret.handle = *(Handle*)(threadCtx + 0x1B8); ret.stack_mem = *(void**)(threadCtx + 0x48); ret.stack_mirror = *(void**)(threadCtx + 0x50); ret.stack_sz = *(size_t*)(threadCtx + 0x58); return thread::id(ret); } } } #endif #endif