#include "Runtime/GuiSys/CSplashScreen.hpp" #include "Runtime/CArchitectureMessage.hpp" #include "Runtime/CArchitectureQueue.hpp" #include "Runtime/CSimplePool.hpp" #include "Runtime/GameGlobalObjects.hpp" #include "Runtime/Camera/CCameraFilter.hpp" namespace urde { static const char* SplashTextures[]{"TXTR_NintendoLogo", "TXTR_RetroLogo", "TXTR_DolbyLogo"}; CSplashScreen::CSplashScreen(ESplashScreen which) : CIOWin("SplashScreen") , x14_which(which) , m_quad(EFilterType::Blend, g_SimplePool->GetObj(SplashTextures[int(which)])) {} CIOWin::EMessageReturn CSplashScreen::OnMessage(const CArchitectureMessage& msg, CArchitectureQueue& queue) { switch (msg.GetType()) { case EArchMsgType::TimerTick: { if (!x25_textureLoaded) { if (!m_quad.GetTex().IsLoaded()) return EMessageReturn::Exit; x25_textureLoaded = true; } float dt = MakeMsg::GetParmTimerTick(msg).x4_parm; x18_splashTimeout -= dt; if (x18_splashTimeout <= 0.f) { /* HACK: If we're not compiling with Intel's IPP library we want to skip the Dolby Pro Logic II logo * This is purely a URDE addition and does not reflect retro's intentions. - Phil */ #if INTEL_IPP if (x14_which != ESplashScreen::Dolby) #else if (x14_which != ESplashScreen::Retro) #endif queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateCreateIOWin(EArchMsgTarget::IOWinManager, 9999, 9999, std::make_shared(ESplashScreen(int(x14_which) + 1)))); return EMessageReturn::RemoveIOWinAndExit; } break; } default: break; } return EMessageReturn::Exit; } void CSplashScreen::Draw() const { if (!x25_textureLoaded) return; SCOPED_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_GROUP("CSplashScreen::Draw", zeus::skGreen); zeus::CColor color; if (x14_which == ESplashScreen::Nintendo) color = zeus::CColor{0.86f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; if (x18_splashTimeout > 1.5f) color.a() = 1.f - (x18_splashTimeout - 1.5f) * 2.f; else if (x18_splashTimeout < 0.5f) color.a() = x18_splashTimeout * 2.f; zeus::CRectangle rect; rect.size.x() = m_quad.GetTex()->GetWidth() / (480.f * g_Viewport.aspect); rect.size.y() = m_quad.GetTex()->GetHeight() / 480.f; rect.position.x() = 0.5f - rect.size.x() / 2.f; rect.position.y() = 0.5f - rect.size.y() / 2.f; const_cast(m_quad).draw(color, 1.f, rect); } } // namespace urde