#ifndef BLENDERCONNECTION_HPP #define BLENDERCONNECTION_HPP #if _WIN32 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #endif #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hecl/hecl.hpp" #include "hecl/HMDLMeta.hpp" #include #include #include namespace hecl { extern logvisor::Module BlenderLog; extern class BlenderToken SharedBlenderToken; class HMDLBuffers; class BlenderConnection { public: enum class BlendType { None, Mesh, Actor, Area, World, MapArea, MapUniverse, Frame }; private: bool m_lock = false; #if _WIN32 HANDLE m_blenderProc = 0; PROCESS_INFORMATION m_pinfo = {}; #else pid_t m_blenderProc = 0; #endif int m_readpipe[2]; int m_writepipe[2]; bool m_hasSlerp; BlendType m_loadedType = BlendType::None; bool m_loadedRigged = false; ProjectPath m_loadedBlend; std::string m_startupBlend; hecl::SystemString m_errPath; size_t _readLine(char* buf, size_t bufSz); size_t _writeLine(const char* buf); size_t _readBuf(void* buf, size_t len); size_t _writeBuf(const void* buf, size_t len); void _closePipe(); void _blenderDied(); public: BlenderConnection(int verbosityLevel=1); ~BlenderConnection(); bool hasSLERP() const {return m_hasSlerp;} bool createBlend(const ProjectPath& path, BlendType type); BlendType getBlendType() const {return m_loadedType;} bool getRigged() const {return m_loadedRigged;} bool openBlend(const ProjectPath& path, bool force=false); bool saveBlend(); void deleteBlend(); enum class ANIMCurveType { Rotate, Translate, Scale }; class PyOutStream : public std::ostream { friend class BlenderConnection; BlenderConnection* m_parent; bool m_deleteOnError; struct StreamBuf : std::streambuf { PyOutStream& m_parent; std::string m_lineBuf; bool m_deleteOnError; StreamBuf(PyOutStream& parent, bool deleteOnError) : m_parent(parent), m_deleteOnError(deleteOnError) {} StreamBuf(const StreamBuf& other) = delete; StreamBuf(StreamBuf&& other) = default; int_type overflow(int_type ch); } m_sbuf; PyOutStream(BlenderConnection* parent, bool deleteOnError) : std::ostream(&m_sbuf), m_parent(parent), m_deleteOnError(deleteOnError), m_sbuf(*this, deleteOnError) { m_parent->m_lock = true; m_parent->_writeLine("PYBEGIN"); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "READY")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to open PyOutStream with blender"); } public: PyOutStream(const PyOutStream& other) = delete; PyOutStream(PyOutStream&& other) : std::ostream(&m_sbuf), m_parent(other.m_parent), m_sbuf(std::move(other.m_sbuf)) {other.m_parent = nullptr;} ~PyOutStream() {close();} void close() { if (m_parent && m_parent->m_lock) { m_parent->_writeLine("PYEND"); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "DONE")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to close PyOutStream with blender"); m_parent->m_lock = false; } } #if __GNUC__ __attribute__((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3))) #endif void format(const char* fmt, ...) { if (!m_parent || !m_parent->m_lock) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "lock not held for PyOutStream::format()"); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); char* result = nullptr; #ifdef _WIN32 int length = _vscprintf(fmt, ap); result = (char*)malloc(length); vsnprintf(result, length, fmt, ap); #else int length = vasprintf(&result, fmt, ap); #endif va_end(ap); if (length > 0) this->write(result, length); free(result); } void linkBlend(const char* target, const char* objName, bool link=true); void linkBackground(const char* target, const char* sceneName); void AABBToBMesh(const atVec3f& min, const atVec3f& max) { format("bm = bmesh.new()\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.new((%f,%f,%f))\n" "bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[1]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[2]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[0], bm.verts[4]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[1]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[2]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[3], bm.verts[7]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[1]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[4]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[5], bm.verts[7]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[2]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[4]))\n" "bm.edges.new((bm.verts[6], bm.verts[7]))\n", min.vec[0], min.vec[1], min.vec[2], max.vec[0], min.vec[1], min.vec[2], min.vec[0], max.vec[1], min.vec[2], max.vec[0], max.vec[1], min.vec[2], min.vec[0], min.vec[1], max.vec[2], max.vec[0], min.vec[1], max.vec[2], min.vec[0], max.vec[1], max.vec[2], max.vec[0], max.vec[1], max.vec[2]); } void centerView() { *this << "for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n" " if obj.type == 'CAMERA' or obj.type == 'LAMP':\n" " obj.hide = True\n" "\n" "bpy.context.user_preferences.view.smooth_view = 0\n" "for window in bpy.context.window_manager.windows:\n" " screen = window.screen\n" " for area in screen.areas:\n" " if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':\n" " for region in area.regions:\n" " if region.type == 'WINDOW':\n" " override = {'scene': bpy.context.scene, 'window': window, 'screen': screen, 'area': area, 'region': region}\n" " bpy.ops.view3d.view_all(override)\n" " break\n" "\n" "for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:\n" " if obj.type == 'CAMERA' or obj.type == 'LAMP':\n" " obj.hide = False\n"; } class ANIMOutStream { BlenderConnection* m_parent; unsigned m_curCount = 0; unsigned m_totalCount = 0; bool m_inCurve = false; public: using CurveType = ANIMCurveType; ANIMOutStream(BlenderConnection* parent) : m_parent(parent) { m_parent->_writeLine("PYANIM"); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "ANIMREADY")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to open ANIMOutStream"); } ~ANIMOutStream() { char tp = -1; m_parent->_writeBuf(&tp, 1); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "ANIMDONE")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to close ANIMOutStream"); } void changeCurve(CurveType type, unsigned crvIdx, unsigned keyCount) { if (m_curCount != m_totalCount) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "incomplete ANIMOutStream for change"); m_curCount = 0; m_totalCount = keyCount; char tp = char(type); m_parent->_writeBuf(&tp, 1); struct { uint32_t ci; uint32_t kc; } info = {uint32_t(crvIdx), uint32_t(keyCount)}; m_parent->_writeBuf(reinterpret_cast(&info), 8); m_inCurve = true; } void write(unsigned frame, float val) { if (!m_inCurve) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "changeCurve not called before write"); if (m_curCount < m_totalCount) { struct { uint32_t frm; float val; } key = {uint32_t(frame), val}; m_parent->_writeBuf(reinterpret_cast(&key), 8); ++m_curCount; } else BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "ANIMOutStream keyCount overflow"); } }; ANIMOutStream beginANIMCurve() { return ANIMOutStream(m_parent); } BlenderConnection& getConnection() {return *m_parent;} }; PyOutStream beginPythonOut(bool deleteOnError=false) { if (m_lock) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "lock already held for BlenderConnection::beginPythonOut()"); return PyOutStream(this, deleteOnError); } class DataStream { friend class BlenderConnection; BlenderConnection* m_parent; DataStream(BlenderConnection* parent) : m_parent(parent) { m_parent->m_lock = true; m_parent->_writeLine("DATABEGIN"); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "READY")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to open DataStream with blender"); } public: DataStream(const DataStream& other) = delete; DataStream(DataStream&& other) : m_parent(other.m_parent) {other.m_parent = nullptr;} ~DataStream() {close();} void close() { if (m_parent && m_parent->m_lock) { m_parent->_writeLine("DATAEND"); char readBuf[16]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "DONE")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to close DataStream with blender"); m_parent->m_lock = false; } } std::vector getMeshList() { m_parent->_writeLine("MESHLIST"); uint32_t count; m_parent->_readBuf(&count, 4); std::vector retval; retval.reserve(count); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i_readLine(name, 128); retval.push_back(name); } return retval; } /* Vector types with integrated stream reading constructor */ struct Vector2f { atVec2f val; Vector2f() = default; void read(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&val, 8);} Vector2f(BlenderConnection& conn) {read(conn);} operator const atVec2f&() const {return val;} }; struct Vector3f { atVec3f val; Vector3f() = default; void read(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&val, 12);} Vector3f(BlenderConnection& conn) {read(conn);} operator const atVec3f&() const {return val;} }; struct Vector4f { atVec4f val; Vector4f() = default; void read(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&val, 16);} Vector4f(BlenderConnection& conn) {read(conn);} operator const atVec4f&() const {return val;} }; struct Matrix4f { atVec4f val[4]; Matrix4f() = default; void read(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&val, 64);} Matrix4f(BlenderConnection& conn) {read(conn);} const atVec4f& operator[] (size_t idx) const {return val[idx];} }; struct Index { uint32_t val; Index() = default; void read(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&val, 4);} Index(BlenderConnection& conn) {read(conn);} operator const uint32_t&() const {return val;} }; static atVec3f MtxVecMul4RM(const Matrix4f& mtx, const Vector3f& vec); static atVec3f MtxVecMul3RM(const Matrix4f& mtx, const Vector3f& vec); /** Intermediate mesh representation prepared by blender from a single mesh object */ struct Mesh { HMDLTopology topology; /* Object transform in scene */ Matrix4f sceneXf; /* Cumulative AABB */ Vector3f aabbMin; Vector3f aabbMax; /** HECL source and metadata of each material */ struct Material { std::string name; std::string source; std::vector texs; std::unordered_map iprops; Material(BlenderConnection& conn); bool operator==(const Material& other) const { return source == other.source && texs == other.texs && iprops == other.iprops; } }; std::vector> materialSets; /* Vertex buffer data */ std::vector pos; std::vector norm; uint32_t colorLayerCount = 0; std::vector color; uint32_t uvLayerCount = 0; std::vector uv; /* Skinning data */ std::vector boneNames; struct SkinBind { uint32_t boneIdx; float weight; SkinBind(BlenderConnection& conn) {conn._readBuf(&boneIdx, 8);} }; std::vector> skins; std::vector contiguousSkinVertCounts; void normalizeSkinBinds(); /** Islands of the same material/skinBank are represented here */ struct Surface { Vector3f centroid; Index materialIdx; Vector3f aabbMin; Vector3f aabbMax; Vector3f reflectionNormal; uint32_t skinBankIdx; /** Vertex indexing data (all primitives joined as degenerate tri-strip) */ struct Vert { uint32_t iPos; uint32_t iNorm; uint32_t iColor[4] = {uint32_t(-1)}; uint32_t iUv[8] = {uint32_t(-1)}; uint32_t iSkin; uint32_t iBankSkin = -1; Vert(BlenderConnection& conn, const Mesh& parent); bool operator==(const Vert& other) const { if (iPos != other.iPos) return false; if (iNorm != other.iNorm) return false; for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i) if (iColor[i] != other.iColor[i]) return false; for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) if (iUv[i] != other.iUv[i]) return false; if (iSkin != other.iSkin) return false; return true; } }; std::vector verts; Surface(BlenderConnection& conn, Mesh& parent, int skinSlotCount); }; std::vector surfaces; std::unordered_map customProps; struct SkinBanks { struct Bank { std::vector m_skinIdxs; std::vector m_boneIdxs; void addSkins(const Mesh& parent, const std::vector& skinIdxs) { for (uint32_t sidx : skinIdxs) { m_skinIdxs.push_back(sidx); for (const SkinBind& bind : parent.skins[sidx]) { bool found = false; for (uint32_t bidx : m_boneIdxs) { if (bidx == bind.boneIdx) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) m_boneIdxs.push_back(bind.boneIdx); } } } size_t lookupLocalBoneIdx(uint32_t boneIdx) const { for (size_t i=0 ; i banks; std::vector::iterator addSkinBank(int skinSlotCount) { banks.emplace_back(); if (skinSlotCount > 0) banks.back().m_skinIdxs.reserve(skinSlotCount); return banks.end() - 1; } uint32_t addSurface(const Mesh& mesh, const Surface& surf, int skinSlotCount); } skinBanks; using SurfProgFunc = std::function; Mesh(BlenderConnection& conn, HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount, SurfProgFunc& surfProg); Mesh getContiguousSkinningVersion() const; /** Prepares mesh representation for indexed access on modern APIs. * Mesh must remain resident for accessing reference members */ HMDLBuffers getHMDLBuffers(bool absoluteCoords) const; }; /** Intermediate collision mesh representation prepared by blender from a single mesh object */ struct ColMesh { /** HECL source and metadata of each material */ struct Material { std::string name; uint32_t type; bool fireThrough; Material(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector materials; std::vector verts; struct Edge { uint32_t verts[2]; bool seam; Edge(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector edges; struct Triangle { uint32_t edges[3]; uint32_t matIdx; Triangle(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector trianges; ColMesh(BlenderConnection& conn); }; /** Intermediate lamp representation */ struct Light { /* Object transform in scene */ Matrix4f sceneXf; Vector3f color; uint32_t layer; enum class Type : uint32_t { Ambient, Directional, Custom, Spot } type; float energy; float spotCutoff; float constant; float linear; float quadratic; bool shadow; Light(BlenderConnection& conn); }; static const char* MeshOutputModeString(HMDLTopology topology) { static const char* STRS[] = {"TRIANGLES", "TRISTRIPS"}; return STRS[int(topology)]; } /** Compile mesh by context (MESH blends only) */ Mesh compileMesh(HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount=10, Mesh::SurfProgFunc surfProg=[](int){}); /** Compile mesh by name (AREA blends only) */ Mesh compileMesh(const std::string& name, HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount=10, Mesh::SurfProgFunc surfProg=[](int){}); /** Compile collision mesh by name (AREA blends only) */ ColMesh compileColMesh(const std::string& name); /** Compile all meshes into one (AREA blends only) */ Mesh compileAllMeshes(HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount=10, float maxOctantLength=5.0, Mesh::SurfProgFunc surfProg=[](int){}); /** Gather all lights in scene (AREA blends only) */ std::vector compileLights(); /** Intermediate actor representation prepared by blender from a single HECL actor blend */ struct Actor { struct Armature { std::string name; struct Bone { std::string name; Vector3f origin; int32_t parent = -1; std::vector children; Bone(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector bones; const Bone* lookupBone(const char* name) const { for (const Bone& b : bones) if (!b.name.compare(name)) return &b; return nullptr; } const Bone* getParent(const Bone* bone) const { if (bone->parent < 0) return nullptr; return &bones[bone->parent]; } const Bone* getChild(const Bone* bone, size_t child) const { if (child >= bone->children.size()) return nullptr; int32_t cIdx = bone->children[child]; if (cIdx < 0) return nullptr; return &bones[cIdx]; } const Bone* getRoot() const { for (const Bone& b : bones) if (b.parent < 0) return &b; return nullptr; } Armature(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector armatures; struct Subtype { std::string name; ProjectPath mesh; int32_t armature = -1; std::vector> overlayMeshes; Subtype(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector subtypes; struct Action { std::string name; float interval; bool additive; bool looping; std::vector frames; struct Channel { std::string boneName; uint32_t attrMask; struct Key { Vector4f rotation; Vector3f position; Vector3f scale; Key(BlenderConnection& conn, uint32_t attrMask); }; std::vector keys; Channel(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector channels; std::vector> subtypeAABBs; Action(BlenderConnection& conn); }; std::vector actions; Actor(BlenderConnection& conn); }; Actor compileActor(); std::vector getArmatureNames(); std::vector getSubtypeNames(); std::vector getActionNames(); struct Matrix3f { atVec3f m[3]; inline atVec3f& operator[](size_t idx) {return m[idx];} inline const atVec3f& operator[](size_t idx) const {return m[idx];} }; std::unordered_map getBoneMatrices(const std::string& name); }; DataStream beginData() { if (m_lock) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "lock already held for BlenderConnection::beginDataIn()"); return DataStream(this); } void quitBlender(); void closeStream() { if (m_lock) deleteBlend(); } static BlenderConnection& SharedConnection(); static void Shutdown(); }; class BlenderToken { std::experimental::optional m_conn; public: BlenderConnection& getBlenderConnection() { if (!m_conn) m_conn.emplace(hecl::VerbosityLevel); return *m_conn; } void shutdown() { if (m_conn) { m_conn->quitBlender(); m_conn = std::experimental::nullopt; BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Info, "BlenderConnection Shutdown Successful"); } } }; class HMDLBuffers { public: struct Surface; private: friend struct BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh; HMDLBuffers(HMDLMeta&& meta, size_t vboSz, const std::vector& iboData, std::vector&& surfaces, const BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::SkinBanks& skinBanks) : m_meta(std::move(meta)), m_vboSz(vboSz), m_vboData(new uint8_t[vboSz]), m_iboSz(iboData.size()*4), m_iboData(new uint8_t[iboData.size()*4]), m_surfaces(std::move(surfaces)), m_skinBanks(skinBanks) { athena::io::MemoryWriter w(m_iboData.get(), m_iboSz); w.enumerateLittle(iboData); } public: HMDLMeta m_meta; size_t m_vboSz; std::unique_ptr m_vboData; size_t m_iboSz; std::unique_ptr m_iboData; struct Surface { Surface(const BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::Surface& origSurf, atUint32 start, atUint32 count) : m_origSurf(origSurf), m_start(start), m_count(count) {} const BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::Surface& m_origSurf; atUint32 m_start; atUint32 m_count; }; std::vector m_surfaces; const BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::SkinBanks& m_skinBanks; }; } #endif // BLENDERCONNECTION_HPP