#pragma once #include "IObj.hpp" #include "zeus/CTransform.hpp" #include "zeus/CAABox.hpp" #include "IFactory.hpp" #include "CPathFindRegion.hpp" namespace urde { class CVParamTransfer; class CObjectReference; class CPFBitSet { u32 x0_bitmap[16] = {}; public: void Clear() { for (u32& w : x0_bitmap) w = 0; } void Add(s32 i) { x0_bitmap[i / 32] |= (1 << (i % 32)); } bool Test(s32 i) const { return (x0_bitmap[i / 32] & (1 << (i % 32))) != 0; } void Rmv(s32 i) { x0_bitmap[i / 32] &= ~(1 << (i % 32)); } }; class CPFAreaOctree { u32 x0_isLeaf; zeus::CAABox x4_aabb; zeus::CVector3f x1c_center; CPFAreaOctree* x28_children[8]; rstl::prereserved_vector x48_regions; public: CPFAreaOctree(CMemoryInStream& in); void Fixup(CPFArea& area); int GetChildIndex(const zeus::CVector3f& point) const; rstl::prereserved_vector* GetRegionList(const zeus::CVector3f& point); void GetRegionListList(rstl::reserved_vector*, 32>& listOut, const zeus::CVector3f& point, float padding); bool IsPointInsidePaddedAABox(const zeus::CVector3f& point, float padding) const; void Render(); }; class CPFOpenList { friend class CPFArea; CPFBitSet x0_bitSet; CPFRegion x40_region; CPFRegionData x90_regionData; public: CPFOpenList(); void Clear(); void Push(CPFRegion* reg); CPFRegion* Pop(); void Pop(CPFRegion* reg); bool Test(CPFRegion* reg); }; class CPFArea { friend class CPFRegion; friend class CPFAreaOctree; friend class CPathFindSearch; float x0_ = FLT_MAX; zeus::CVector3f x4_closestPoint; std::vector x10_tmpPolyPoints; rstl::prereserved_vector* x20_cachedRegionList = nullptr; zeus::CVector3f x24_cachedRegionListPoint; bool x30_hasCachedRegionList = false; s32 x34_curCookie = 0; CPFBitSet x38_closedSet; CPFOpenList x78_openList; // u32 x138_; // std::unique_ptr x13c_data; /* Used to be prereserved_vectors backed by x13c_data * This has been changed to meet storage requirements of * modern systems */ std::vector x140_nodes; // x140: count, x144: ptr std::vector x148_links; // x148: count, x14c: ptr std::vector x150_regions; // x150: count, x154: ptr std::vector x158_octree; // x158: count, x15c: ptr std::vector x160_octreeRegionLookup; // x160: count, x164: ptr std::vector x168_connectionsGround; // x168: word_count, x16c: ptr std::vector x170_connectionsFlyers; // x170: word_count, x174: ptr std::vector x178_regionDatas; zeus::CTransform x188_transform; public: CPFArea(std::unique_ptr&& buf, u32 len); void SetTransform(const zeus::CTransform& xf) { x188_transform = xf; } const zeus::CTransform& GetTransform() const { return x188_transform; } const CPFRegion& GetRegion(s32 i) const { return x150_regions[i]; } const zeus::CVector3f& GetClosestPoint() const { return x4_closestPoint; } CPFOpenList& OpenList() { return x78_openList; } CPFBitSet& ClosedSet() { return x38_closedSet; } const CPFRegionData& GetRegionData(s32 i) const { return x178_regionDatas[i]; } const CPFLink& GetLink(s32 i) const { return x148_links[i]; } const CPFNode& GetNode(s32 i) const { return x140_nodes[i]; } const CPFAreaOctree& GetOctree(s32 i) const { return x158_octree[i]; } const CPFRegion* GetOctreeRegionPtrs(s32 i) const { return x160_octreeRegionLookup[i]; } rstl::prereserved_vector* GetOctreeRegionList(const zeus::CVector3f& point); u32 FindRegions(rstl::reserved_vector& regions, const zeus::CVector3f& point, u32 flags, u32 indexMask); CPFRegion* FindClosestRegion(const zeus::CVector3f& point, u32 flags, u32 indexMask, float padding); zeus::CVector3f FindClosestReachablePoint(rstl::reserved_vector& regs, const zeus::CVector3f& point, u32 flags, u32 indexMask); bool PathExists(const CPFRegion* r1, const CPFRegion* r2, u32 flags) const; }; CFactoryFnReturn FPathFindAreaFactory(const urde::SObjectTag& tag, std::unique_ptr&& in, u32 len, const urde::CVParamTransfer& vparms, CObjectReference* selfRef); } // namespace urde