#include #include #include "SpecBase.hpp" #include "DNAMP3/DNAMP3.hpp" #include "DNAMP3/MLVL.hpp" #include "DNAMP3/STRG.hpp" #include "DNAMP3/MAPA.hpp" #include "DNAMP2/STRG.hpp" #include "hecl/ClientProcess.hpp" #include "Runtime/RetroTypes.hpp" namespace DataSpec { static logvisor::Module Log("urde::SpecMP3"); extern hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP3; extern hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP3ORIG; struct SpecMP3 : SpecBase { bool checkStandaloneID(const char* id) const { if (!memcmp(id, "RM3", 3)) return true; return false; } bool doMP3 = false; std::vector m_nonPaks; std::vector m_paks; std::map m_orderedPaks; hecl::ProjectPath m_workPath; hecl::ProjectPath m_cookPath; PAKRouter m_pakRouter; /* These are populated when extracting MPT's frontend (uses MP3's DataSpec) */ bool doMPTFE = false; std::vector m_feNonPaks; std::vector m_fePaks; std::map m_feOrderedPaks; hecl::ProjectPath m_feWorkPath; hecl::ProjectPath m_feCookPath; PAKRouter m_fePakRouter; SpecMP3(const hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry* specEntry, hecl::Database::Project& project, bool pc) : SpecBase(specEntry, project, pc), m_workPath(project.getProjectWorkingPath(), _S("MP3")), m_cookPath(project.getProjectCookedPath(SpecEntMP3), _S("MP3")), m_pakRouter(*this, m_workPath, m_cookPath), m_feWorkPath(project.getProjectWorkingPath(), _S("fe")), m_feCookPath(project.getProjectCookedPath(SpecEntMP3), _S("fe")), m_fePakRouter(*this, m_feWorkPath, m_feCookPath) {} void buildPaks(nod::Node& root, const std::vector& args, ExtractReport& rep, bool fe) { if (fe) { m_feNonPaks.clear(); m_fePaks.clear(); } else { m_nonPaks.clear(); m_paks.clear(); } for (const nod::Node& child : root) { bool isPak = false; const std::string& name = child.getName(); std::string lowerName = name; std::transform(lowerName.begin(), lowerName.end(), lowerName.begin(), tolower); if (name.size() > 4) { std::string::iterator extit = lowerName.end() - 4; if (!std::string(extit, lowerName.end()).compare(".pak")) { /* This is a pak */ isPak = true; std::string lowerBase(lowerName.begin(), extit); /* Needs filter */ bool good = true; if (args.size()) { good = false; if (!lowerName.compare(0, 7, "metroid")) { hecl::SystemChar idxChar = lowerName[7]; for (const hecl::SystemString& arg : args) { if (arg.size() == 1 && iswdigit(arg[0])) if (arg[0] == idxChar) good = true; } } else good = true; if (!good) { for (const hecl::SystemString& arg : args) { std::string lowerArg = hecl::SystemUTF8View(arg).str(); std::transform(lowerArg.begin(), lowerArg.end(), lowerArg.begin(), tolower); if (!lowerArg.compare(0, lowerBase.size(), lowerBase)) good = true; } } } if (fe) m_fePaks.emplace_back(m_project, child, good); else m_paks.emplace_back(m_project, child, good); } } if (!isPak) { if (fe) m_feNonPaks.push_back(&child); else m_nonPaks.push_back(&child); } } /* Sort PAKs alphabetically */ if (fe) { m_feOrderedPaks.clear(); for (DNAMP3::PAKBridge& dpak : m_fePaks) m_feOrderedPaks[dpak.getName()] = &dpak; } else { m_orderedPaks.clear(); for (DNAMP3::PAKBridge& dpak : m_paks) m_orderedPaks[dpak.getName()] = &dpak; } /* Assemble extract report */ for (const std::pair& item : fe ? m_feOrderedPaks : m_orderedPaks) { if (!item.second->m_doExtract) continue; rep.childOpts.emplace_back(); ExtractReport& childRep = rep.childOpts.back(); hecl::SystemStringView nameView(item.first); childRep.name = nameView; if (!item.first.compare("Worlds.pak")) continue; else if (!item.first.compare("Metroid6.pak")) { /* Phaaze doesn't have a world name D: */ childRep.desc = _S("Phaaze"); continue; } else if (!item.first.compare("Metroid8.pak")) { /* Space world is misnamed */ childRep.desc = _S("Space"); continue; } childRep.desc = item.second->getLevelString(); } } bool checkFromStandaloneDisc(nod::DiscBase& disc, const hecl::SystemString& regstr, const std::vector& args, std::vector& reps) { doMP3 = true; nod::Partition* partition = disc.getDataPartition(); std::unique_ptr dolBuf = partition->getDOLBuf(); const char* buildInfo = (char*)memmem(dolBuf.get(), partition->getDOLSize(), "MetroidBuildInfo", 16) + 19; if (!buildInfo) return false; /* We don't want no stinking demo dammit */ if (!strcmp(buildInfo, "Build v3.068 3/2/2006 14:55:13")) return false; /* Root Report */ reps.emplace_back(); ExtractReport& rep = reps.back(); rep.name = _S("MP3"); rep.desc = _S("Metroid Prime 3 ") + regstr; std::string buildStr(buildInfo); hecl::SystemStringView buildView(buildStr); rep.desc += _S(" (") + buildView + _S(")"); /* Iterate PAKs and build level options */ nod::Node& root = partition->getFSTRoot(); buildPaks(root, args, rep, false); return true; } bool checkFromTrilogyDisc(nod::DiscBase& disc, const hecl::SystemString& regstr, const std::vector& args, std::vector& reps) { std::vector mp3args; std::vector feargs; if (args.size()) { /* Needs filter */ for (const hecl::SystemString& arg : args) { hecl::SystemString lowerArg = arg; hecl::ToLower(lowerArg); if (!lowerArg.compare(0, 3, _S("mp3"))) { doMP3 = true; mp3args.reserve(args.size()); size_t slashPos = arg.find(_S('/')); if (slashPos == hecl::SystemString::npos) slashPos = arg.find(_S('\\')); if (slashPos != hecl::SystemString::npos) mp3args.emplace_back(hecl::SystemString(arg.begin() + slashPos + 1, arg.end())); } } for (const hecl::SystemString& arg : args) { hecl::SystemString lowerArg = arg; hecl::ToLower(lowerArg); if (!lowerArg.compare(0, 2, _S("fe"))) { doMPTFE = true; feargs.reserve(args.size()); size_t slashPos = arg.find(_S('/')); if (slashPos == hecl::SystemString::npos) slashPos = arg.find(_S('\\')); if (slashPos != hecl::SystemString::npos) feargs.emplace_back(hecl::SystemString(arg.begin() + slashPos + 1, arg.end())); } } } else { doMP3 = true; doMPTFE = true; } if (!doMP3 && !doMPTFE) return false; nod::Partition* partition = disc.getDataPartition(); nod::Node& root = partition->getFSTRoot(); /* MP3 extract */ while (doMP3) { nod::Node::DirectoryIterator dolIt = root.find("rs5mp3_p.dol"); if (dolIt == root.end()) { doMP3 = false; break; } std::unique_ptr dolBuf = dolIt->getBuf(); const char* buildInfo = (char*)memmem(dolBuf.get(), dolIt->size(), "MetroidBuildInfo", 16) + 19; if (!buildInfo) { doMP3 = false; break; } /* We don't want no stinking demo dammit */ if (!strcmp(buildInfo, "Build v3.068 3/2/2006 14:55:13")) { doMP3 = false; break; } /* Root Report */ reps.emplace_back(); ExtractReport& rep = reps.back(); rep.name = _S("MP3"); rep.desc = _S("Metroid Prime 3 ") + regstr; std::string buildStr(buildInfo); hecl::SystemStringView buildView(buildStr); rep.desc += _S(" (") + buildView + _S(")"); /* Iterate PAKs and build level options */ nod::Node::DirectoryIterator mp3It = root.find("MP3"); if (mp3It == root.end()) { doMP3 = false; break; } buildPaks(*mp3It, mp3args, rep, false); break; } /* MPT Frontend extract */ while (doMPTFE) { nod::Node::DirectoryIterator dolIt = root.find("rs5fe_p.dol"); if (dolIt == root.end()) { doMPTFE = false; break; } std::unique_ptr dolBuf = dolIt->getBuf(); const char* buildInfo = (char*)memmem(dolBuf.get(), dolIt->size(), "MetroidBuildInfo", 16) + 19; /* Root Report */ reps.emplace_back(); ExtractReport& rep = reps.back(); rep.name = _S("fe"); rep.desc = _S("Metroid Prime Trilogy Frontend ") + regstr; if (buildInfo) { std::string buildStr(buildInfo); hecl::SystemStringView buildView(buildStr); rep.desc += _S(" (") + buildView + _S(")"); } /* Iterate PAKs and build level options */ nod::Node::DirectoryIterator feIt = root.find("fe"); if (feIt == root.end()) { doMPTFE = false; break; } buildPaks(*feIt, feargs, rep, true); break; } return doMP3 || doMPTFE; } bool extractFromDisc(nod::DiscBase&, bool force, FProgress progress) { int compIdx = 2; hecl::SystemString currentTarget = _S(""); size_t nodeCount = 0; int prog = 0; nod::ExtractionContext ctx = {force, [&](const std::string& name, float) { hecl::SystemStringView nameView(name); progress(currentTarget.c_str(), nameView.c_str(), compIdx, prog / (float)nodeCount); }}; if (doMP3) { m_workPath.makeDir(); progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); m_pakRouter.build(m_paks, [&progress, &compIdx](float factor) { progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx, factor); }); progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx++, 1.0); hecl::ProjectPath outPath(m_project.getProjectWorkingPath(), _S("out")); outPath.makeDir(); hecl::ProjectPath mp3OutPath(outPath, _S("MP3")); mp3OutPath.makeDir(); currentTarget = _S("MP3 Root"); progress(currentTarget.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); prog = 0; nodeCount = m_nonPaks.size(); // TODO: Make this more granular for (const nod::Node* node : m_nonPaks) { node->extractToDirectory(mp3OutPath.getAbsolutePath(), ctx); prog++; } ctx.progressCB = nullptr; progress(currentTarget.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx++, 1.0); std::mutex msgLock; hecl::ClientProcess process; prog = 0; for (std::pair& pair : m_orderedPaks) { DNAMP3::PAKBridge& pak = *pair.second; if (!pak.m_doExtract) continue; const std::string& name = pak.getName(); hecl::SystemStringView sysName(name); { std::unique_lock lk(msgLock); progress(sysName.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); } hecl::SystemString pakName = sysName.sys_str(); process.addLambdaTransaction([&, pakName](hecl::BlenderToken& btok) { m_pakRouter.extractResources(pak, force, btok, [&](const hecl::SystemChar* substr, float factor) { std::unique_lock lk(msgLock); progress(pakName.c_str(), substr, compIdx, factor); }); }); } process.waitUntilComplete(); } if (doMPTFE) { m_feWorkPath.makeDir(); progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); m_fePakRouter.build(m_fePaks, [&progress, &compIdx](float factor) { progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx, factor); }); progress(_S("Indexing PAKs"), _S(""), compIdx++, 1.0); hecl::ProjectPath outPath(m_project.getProjectWorkingPath(), _S("out")); outPath.makeDir(); hecl::ProjectPath feOutPath(outPath, _S("fe")); feOutPath.makeDir(); currentTarget = _S("fe Root"); progress(currentTarget.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); prog = 0; nodeCount = m_feNonPaks.size(); // TODO: Make this more granular for (const nod::Node* node : m_feNonPaks) { node->extractToDirectory(feOutPath.getAbsolutePath(), ctx); prog++; } progress(currentTarget.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx++, 1.0); std::mutex msgLock; hecl::ClientProcess process; prog = 0; for (std::pair pair : m_feOrderedPaks) { DNAMP3::PAKBridge& pak = *pair.second; if (!pak.m_doExtract) continue; const std::string& name = pak.getName(); hecl::SystemStringView sysName(name); { std::unique_lock lk(msgLock); progress(sysName.c_str(), _S(""), compIdx, 0.0); } hecl::SystemString pakName = sysName.sys_str(); process.addLambdaTransaction([&, pakName](hecl::BlenderToken& btok) { m_fePakRouter.extractResources(pak, force, btok, [&](const hecl::SystemChar* substr, float factor) { std::unique_lock lk(msgLock); progress(pakName.c_str(), substr, compIdx, factor); }); }); } process.waitUntilComplete(); } return true; } const hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry& getOriginalSpec() const { return SpecEntMP3; } const hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry& getUnmodifiedSpec() const { return SpecEntMP3ORIG; } hecl::ProjectPath getWorking(class UniqueID64& id) { return m_pakRouter.getWorking(id); } bool checkPathPrefix(const hecl::ProjectPath& path) const { return path.getRelativePath().compare(0, 4, _S("MP3/")) == 0; } bool validateYAMLDNAType(athena::io::IStreamReader& fp) const { if (BigYAML::ValidateFromYAMLStream(fp)) return true; if (BigYAML::ValidateFromYAMLStream(fp)) return true; if (BigYAML::ValidateFromYAMLStream(fp)) return true; return false; } urde::SObjectTag BuildTagFromPath(const hecl::ProjectPath& path, hecl::BlenderToken& btok) const { return {}; } void cookMesh(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, bool fast, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookColMesh(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, bool fast, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookActor(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, bool fast, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookArea(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, bool fast, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookWorld(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, bool fast, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookGuiFrame(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookYAML(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, athena::io::IStreamReader& fin, FCookProgress progress) { } void flattenDependenciesYAML(athena::io::IStreamReader& fin, std::vector& pathsOut) { } void cookAudioGroup(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookSong(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, FCookProgress progress) { } void cookMapArea(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { BlendStream::MapArea mapa = ds.compileMapArea(); ds.close(); DNAMP3::MAPA::Cook(mapa, out); progress(_S("Done")); } void cookMapUniverse(const hecl::ProjectPath& out, const hecl::ProjectPath& in, BlendStream& ds, hecl::BlenderToken& btok, FCookProgress progress) { } }; hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP3 ( _S("MP3"), _S("Data specification for original Metroid Prime 3 engine"), [](hecl::Database::Project& project, hecl::Database::DataSpecTool) -> hecl::Database::IDataSpec* {return new struct SpecMP3(&SpecEntMP3, project, false);} ); hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP3PC = { _S("MP3-PC"), _S("Data specification for PC-optimized Metroid Prime 3 engine"), [](hecl::Database::Project& project, hecl::Database::DataSpecTool tool) -> hecl::Database::IDataSpec* { if (tool != hecl::Database::DataSpecTool::Extract) return new struct SpecMP3(&SpecEntMP3PC, project, true); return nullptr; } }; hecl::Database::DataSpecEntry SpecEntMP3ORIG = { _S("MP3-ORIG"), _S("Data specification for unmodified Metroid Prime 3 resources"), {} }; }