#include "hecl/CVarManager.hpp" #include #include #include #include "hecl/Console.hpp" #include "hecl/hecl.hpp" #include "hecl/Runtime.hpp" #include #include namespace hecl { CVar* com_developer = nullptr; CVar* com_configfile = nullptr; CVar* com_enableCheats = nullptr; CVar* com_cubemaps = nullptr; static const std::regex cmdLineRegex("\\+([\\w\\.]+)=([\\w\\.\\-]+)"); static const std::regex cmdLineRegexNoValue("\\+([\\w\\.]+)"); CVarManager* CVarManager::m_instance = nullptr; static logvisor::Module CVarLog("CVarManager"); CVarManager::CVarManager(hecl::Runtime::FileStoreManager& store, bool useBinary) : m_store(store), m_useBinary(useBinary) { m_instance = this; com_configfile = newCVar("config", "File to store configuration", std::string("config"), CVar::EFlags::System | CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly | CVar::EFlags::NoDeveloper | CVar::EFlags::Hidden); com_developer = newCVar("developer", "Enables developer mode", false, (CVar::EFlags::System | CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly | CVar::EFlags::InternalArchivable)); com_enableCheats = newCVar( "cheats", "Enable cheats", false, (CVar::EFlags::System | CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly | CVar::EFlags::Hidden | CVar::EFlags::InternalArchivable)); com_cubemaps = newCVar("cubemaps", "Enable cubemaps", false, (CVar::EFlags::Game | CVar::EFlags::ReadOnly | CVar::EFlags::InternalArchivable)); } CVarManager::~CVarManager() {} CVar* CVarManager::registerCVar(std::unique_ptr&& cvar) { std::string tmp(cvar->name()); athena::utility::tolower(tmp); if (m_cvars.find(tmp) != m_cvars.end()) { return nullptr; } CVar* ret = cvar.get(); m_cvars.insert_or_assign(std::move(tmp), std::move(cvar)); return ret; } CVar* CVarManager::findCVar(std::string_view name) { std::string lower(name); athena::utility::tolower(lower); auto search = m_cvars.find(lower); if (search == m_cvars.end()) return nullptr; return search->second.get(); } std::vector CVarManager::archivedCVars() const { std::vector ret; for (const auto& pair : m_cvars) if (pair.second->isArchive()) ret.push_back(pair.second.get()); return ret; } std::vector CVarManager::cvars(CVar::EFlags filter) const { std::vector ret; for (const auto& pair : m_cvars) if (filter == CVar::EFlags::Any || True(pair.second->flags() & filter)) ret.push_back(pair.second.get()); return ret; } void CVarManager::deserialize(CVar* cvar) { /* Make sure we're not trying to deserialize a CVar that is invalid or not exposed, unless it's been specified on the * command line (i.e deferred) */ if (!cvar) { return; } /* First let's check for a deferred value */ std::string lowName = cvar->name().data(); athena::utility::tolower(lowName); if (const auto iter = m_deferedCVars.find(lowName); iter != m_deferedCVars.end()) { std::string val = std::move(iter->second); m_deferedCVars.erase(lowName); if (cvar->isBoolean() && val.empty()) { // We were deferred without a value, assume true cvar->fromBoolean(true); } else if (!val.empty() && cvar->fromLiteralToType(val)) { return; } } /* Enforce isArchive and isInternalArchivable now that we've checked if it's been deferred */ if (!cvar->isArchive() && !cvar->isInternalArchivable()) { return; } /* We were either unable to find a deferred value or got an invalid value */ #if _WIN32 hecl::SystemString filename = hecl::SystemString(m_store.getStoreRoot()) + _SYS_STR('/') + com_configfile->toWideLiteral(); #else hecl::SystemString filename = hecl::SystemString(m_store.getStoreRoot()) + _SYS_STR('/') + com_configfile->toLiteral(); #endif hecl::Sstat st; if (m_useBinary) { CVarContainer container; filename += _SYS_STR(".bin"); if (hecl::Stat(filename.c_str(), &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return; athena::io::FileReader reader(filename); if (reader.isOpen()) container.read(reader); if (container.cvars.size() > 0) { auto serialized = std::find_if(container.cvars.begin(), container.cvars.end(), [&cvar](const DNACVAR::CVar& c) { return c.m_name == cvar->name(); }); if (serialized != container.cvars.end()) { DNACVAR::CVar& tmp = *serialized; if (cvar->m_value != tmp.m_value) { CVarUnlocker lc(cvar); cvar->fromLiteralToType(tmp.m_value); cvar->m_wasDeserialized = true; } } } } else { filename += _SYS_STR(".yaml"); if (hecl::Stat(filename.c_str(), &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) return; athena::io::FileReader reader(filename); if (reader.isOpen()) { athena::io::YAMLDocReader docReader; if (docReader.parse(&reader)) { std::unique_ptr root = docReader.releaseRootNode(); auto serialized = std::find_if(root->m_mapChildren.begin(), root->m_mapChildren.end(), [&cvar](const auto& c) { return c.first == cvar->name(); }); if (serialized != root->m_mapChildren.end()) { const std::unique_ptr& tmp = serialized->second; if (cvar->m_value != tmp->m_scalarString) { CVarUnlocker lc(cvar); cvar->fromLiteralToType(tmp->m_scalarString); cvar->m_wasDeserialized = true; } } } } } } void CVarManager::serialize() { #if _WIN32 hecl::SystemString filename = hecl::SystemString(m_store.getStoreRoot()) + _SYS_STR('/') + com_configfile->toWideLiteral(); #else hecl::SystemString filename = hecl::SystemString(m_store.getStoreRoot()) + _SYS_STR('/') + com_configfile->toLiteral(); #endif if (m_useBinary) { CVarContainer container; for (const auto& pair : m_cvars) { const auto& cvar = pair.second; if (cvar->isArchive() || (cvar->isInternalArchivable() && cvar->wasDeserialized() && !cvar->hasDefaultValue())) { container.cvars.push_back(*cvar); } } container.cvarCount = atUint32(container.cvars.size()); filename += _SYS_STR(".bin"); athena::io::FileWriter writer(filename); if (writer.isOpen()) container.write(writer); } else { filename += _SYS_STR(".yaml"); athena::io::FileReader r(filename); athena::io::YAMLDocWriter docWriter(r.isOpen() ? &r : nullptr); r.close(); docWriter.setStyle(athena::io::YAMLNodeStyle::Block); for (const auto& pair : m_cvars) { const auto& cvar = pair.second; if (cvar->isArchive() || (cvar->isInternalArchivable() && cvar->wasDeserialized() && !cvar->hasDefaultValue())) { docWriter.writeString(cvar->name().data(), cvar->toLiteral()); } } athena::io::FileWriter w(filename); if (w.isOpen()) docWriter.finish(&w); } } CVarManager* CVarManager::instance() { return m_instance; } void CVarManager::list(Console* con, const std::vector& /*args*/) { for (const auto& cvar : m_cvars) { if (!cvar.second->isHidden()) con->report(Console::Level::Info, FMT_STRING("{}: {}"), cvar.second->name(), cvar.second->help()); } } void CVarManager::setCVar(Console* con, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() < 2) { con->report(Console::Level::Info, FMT_STRING("Usage setCvar ")); return; } std::string cvName = args[0]; athena::utility::tolower(cvName); const auto iter = m_cvars.find(cvName); if (iter == m_cvars.end()) { con->report(Console::Level::Error, FMT_STRING("CVar '{}' does not exist"), args[0]); return; } const auto& cv = iter->second; std::string oldVal = cv->value(); std::string value = args[1]; auto it = args.begin() + 2; for (; it != args.end(); ++it) value += " " + *it; /* Check to make sure we're not redundantly assigning the value */ if (cv->value() == value) return; if (!cv->fromLiteralToType(value)) con->report(Console::Level::Warning, FMT_STRING("Unable to set cvar '{}' to value '{}'"), cv->name(), value); else con->report(Console::Level::Info, FMT_STRING("Set '{}' from '{}' to '{}'"), cv->name(), oldVal, value); } void CVarManager::getCVar(Console* con, const std::vector& args) { if (args.empty()) { con->report(Console::Level::Info, FMT_STRING("Usage getCVar ")); return; } std::string cvName = args[0]; athena::utility::tolower(cvName); const auto iter = m_cvars.find(cvName); if (iter == m_cvars.end()) { con->report(Console::Level::Error, FMT_STRING("CVar '{}' does not exist"), args[0]); return; } const auto& cv = iter->second; con->report(Console::Level::Info, FMT_STRING("'{}' = '{}'"), cv->name(), cv->value()); } void CVarManager::setDeveloperMode(bool v, bool setDeserialized) { com_developer->unlock(); com_developer->fromBoolean(v); if (setDeserialized) com_developer->m_wasDeserialized = true; com_developer->lock(); com_developer->setModified(); } void CVarManager::setCheatsEnabled(bool v, bool setDeserialized) { com_enableCheats->unlock(); com_enableCheats->fromBoolean(v); if (setDeserialized) com_enableCheats->m_wasDeserialized = true; com_enableCheats->lock(); com_enableCheats->setModified(); } bool CVarManager::restartRequired() const { return std::any_of(m_cvars.cbegin(), m_cvars.cend(), [](const auto& entry) { return entry.second->isModified() && entry.second->modificationRequiresRestart(); }); } void CVarManager::parseCommandLine(const std::vector& args) { bool oldDeveloper = suppressDeveloper(); std::string developerName(com_developer->name()); athena::utility::tolower(developerName); for (const SystemString& arg : args) { if (arg[0] != _SYS_STR('+')) { continue; } const std::string tmp(SystemUTF8Conv(arg).str()); std::smatch matches; std::string cvarName; std::string cvarValue; if (!std::regex_match(tmp, matches, cmdLineRegex)) { if (std::regex_match(tmp, matches, cmdLineRegexNoValue)) { // No Value was supplied, assume the player wanted to set value to 1 cvarName = matches[1].str(); } else { continue; } } else { cvarName = matches[1].str(); cvarValue = matches[2].str(); } if (CVar* cv = findCVar(cvarName)) { if (cvarValue.empty() && cv->isBoolean()) { // We were set from the command line with an empty value, assume true cv->fromBoolean(true); } else if (!cvarValue.empty()) { cv->fromLiteralToType(cvarValue); } athena::utility::tolower(cvarName); if (developerName == cvarName) /* Make sure we're not overriding developer mode when we restore */ oldDeveloper = com_developer->toBoolean(); } else { /* Unable to find an existing CVar, let's defer for the time being 8 */ athena::utility::tolower(cvarName); m_deferedCVars.insert_or_assign(std::move(cvarName), std::move(cvarValue)); } } restoreDeveloper(oldDeveloper); } bool CVarManager::suppressDeveloper() { bool oldDeveloper = com_developer->toBoolean(); CVarUnlocker unlock(com_developer); com_developer->fromBoolean(true); return oldDeveloper; } void CVarManager::restoreDeveloper(bool oldDeveloper) { CVarUnlocker unlock(com_developer); com_developer->fromBoolean(oldDeveloper); } void CVarManager::proc() { for (const auto& [name, cvar] : m_cvars) { if (cvar->isModified() && !cvar->modificationRequiresRestart()) { cvar->dispatch(); // Clear the modified flag now that we've informed everyone we've changed cvar->clearModified(); } } } } // namespace hecl