## URDE **Status:** Metroid Prime 1 In-Game (all retail GC versions) **Official Discord Channel:** https://discord.gg/AMBVFuf ![URDE screenshot](assets/urde-screen1.png) ### Download Precompiled builds of the command-line extraction utility (`hecl`) with embedded dataspec libraries are available at https://releases.axiodl.com. This will give you intermediate dumps of original formats as *blender* and *yaml* representations. Everything else is much too experimental to make portable/stable release builds (for now) ### Platform Support * Windows 10 (64-bit, D3D11 / Vulkan) * macOS 10.15+ (Metal) * Linux (Vulkan) * Arch is known to function with [`glx` vendor setup instructions](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Category:Graphics) *(main development/testing OS)* * Other distros with reasonably up-to-date packages will work (specific packages TBD) ### Usage * Extract ISO: `hecl extract [path].iso -o mp1` * `mp1` can be substituted with the directory name of your choice * Repackage game for URDE: `cd mp1; hecl package` * Run URDE: `urde mp1/out` #### URDE options (non-exhaustive) * `-l`: Enable console logging * `--warp [worldid] [areaid]`: Warp to a specific world/area. Example: `--warp 2 2` * `+developer=1`: Enable developer console ### Build Prerequisites: * [CMake 3.13+](https://cmake.org) * Windows: Install `CMake Tools` in Visual Studio * macOS: `brew install cmake` * [Python 3+](https://python.org) * Windows: [Microsoft Store](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?linkID=2082640) * Verify it's added to `%PATH%` by typing `python` in `cmd`. * macOS: `brew install python@3` * LLVM development package *(headers and libs)* * [Specialized Windows Package](https://axiodl.com/files/LLVM-9.0.1-win64-lld.exe) * macOS: `brew install --force-bottle llvm` * **[Windows]** [Visual Studio 2019 Community](https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs.aspx) * Select `C++ Development` and verify the following packages are included: * `Windows 10 SDK` * `CMake Tools` * `C++ Clang Compiler` * `C++ Clang-cl` * **[macOS]** [Xcode 1.15+](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/download/) * **[Linux]** recent development packages of `udev`, `x11`, `xcb`, `xinput`, `glx`, `asound` ### Prep Directions ```sh git clone --recursive https://github.com/AxioDL/urde.git mkdir urde-build cd urde-build ``` ### Update Directions ```sh cd urde git pull git submodule update --recursive ``` ### Build Directions For Windows, it's recommended to use Visual Studio. See below. #### ninja (Windows/macOS/Linux) ```sh cd urde-build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja ../urde ninja ``` #### CMake options - Build release optimized (better runtime performance): `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` - Use clang+lld (faster linking): `-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++` - Optimize for current CPU (resulting binaries are not portable): `-DURDE_VECTOR_ISA=native` #### CLion (Windows/macOS/Linux) *(main development / debugging IDE)* Open the repository's `CMakeLists.txt`. Optionally configure CMake options via `File` > `Settings` > `Build, Execution, Deployment` > `CMake`. #### Qt Creator (Windows/macOS/Linux) Open the repository's `CMakeLists.txt` via File > Open File or Project. Configure the desired CMake targets to build in the *Projects* area of the IDE. #### Visual Studio (Windows) Verify all required VS packages are installed from the above **Build Prerequisites** section. Open the `urde` directory in Visual Studio (imports CMake configuration). MSVC and clang-cl configurations should import automatically. #### Xcode (macOS) ```sh cmake -G Xcode ../urde ``` Then open `urde.xcodeproj`