#pragma once #if HECL_HAS_NOD #include #include #include "ToolBase.hpp" #include #include "nod/DiscGCN.hpp" #include "nod/DiscWii.hpp" #include "athena/FileReader.hpp" class ToolImage final : public ToolBase { std::unique_ptr m_fallbackProj; hecl::Database::Project* m_useProj; public: ToolImage(const ToolPassInfo& info) : ToolBase(info), m_useProj(info.project) { if (!info.project) LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "hecl image must be ran within a project directory"); /* Scan args */ if (info.args.size()) { /* See if project path is supplied via args and use that over the getcwd one */ for (const hecl::SystemString& arg : info.args) { if (arg.empty()) continue; hecl::SystemString subPath; hecl::ProjectRootPath root = hecl::SearchForProject(MakePathArgAbsolute(arg, info.cwd), subPath); if (root) { if (!m_fallbackProj) { m_fallbackProj.reset(new hecl::Database::Project(root)); m_useProj = m_fallbackProj.get(); break; } } } } if (!m_useProj) LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "hecl image must be ran within a project directory or " "provided a path within a project"); } ~ToolImage() { } static void Help(HelpOutput& help) { help.secHead(_SYS_STR("NAME")); help.beginWrap(); help.wrap(_SYS_STR("hecl-image - Generate GameCube/Wii disc image from packaged files\n")); help.endWrap(); help.secHead(_SYS_STR("SYNOPSIS")); help.beginWrap(); help.wrap(_SYS_STR("hecl image []\n")); help.endWrap(); help.secHead(_SYS_STR("DESCRIPTION")); help.beginWrap(); help.wrap(_SYS_STR("This command uses the current contents of `out` to generate a GameCube or ") _SYS_STR("Wii disc image. `hecl package` must have been run previously to be effective.\n")); help.endWrap(); help.secHead(_SYS_STR("OPTIONS")); help.optionHead(_SYS_STR(""), _SYS_STR("input directory")); help.beginWrap(); help.wrap(_SYS_STR("Specifies a project subdirectory to root the resulting image from. ") _SYS_STR("Project must contain an out/sys and out/files directory to succeed.\n")); help.endWrap(); } hecl::SystemString toolName() const {return _SYS_STR("image");} int run() { if (XTERM_COLOR) hecl::Printf(_SYS_STR("" GREEN BOLD "ABOUT TO IMAGE:" NORMAL "\n")); else hecl::Printf(_SYS_STR("ABOUT TO IMAGE:\n")); hecl::Printf(_SYS_STR(" %s\n"), m_useProj->getProjectRootPath().getAbsolutePath().data()); fflush(stdout); if (continuePrompt()) { hecl::ProjectPath outPath(m_useProj->getProjectWorkingPath(), _SYS_STR("out")); if (!outPath.isDirectory()) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, _SYS_STR("%s is not a directory"), outPath.getAbsolutePath().data()); return 1; } hecl::ProjectPath bootBinPath(outPath, _SYS_STR("sys/boot.bin")); if (!bootBinPath.isFile()) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, _SYS_STR("%s is not a file"), bootBinPath.getAbsolutePath().data()); return 1; } athena::io::FileReader r(bootBinPath.getAbsolutePath()); if (r.hasError()) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, _SYS_STR("unable to open %s"), bootBinPath.getAbsolutePath().data()); return 1; } std::string id = r.readString(6); r.close(); hecl::SystemStringConv idView(id); hecl::SystemString fileOut = hecl::SystemString(outPath.getAbsolutePath()) + _SYS_STR('/') + idView.c_str(); hecl::MultiProgressPrinter printer(true); auto progFunc = [&printer](float totalProg, nod::SystemStringView fileName, size_t fileBytesXfered) { printer.print(fileName.data(), nullptr, totalProg); }; if (id[0] == 'G') { fileOut += _SYS_STR(".gcm"); if (nod::DiscBuilderGCN::CalculateTotalSizeRequired(outPath.getAbsolutePath()) == -1) return 1; LogModule.report(logvisor::Info, _SYS_STR("Generating %s as GameCube image"), fileOut.c_str()); nod::DiscBuilderGCN db(fileOut, progFunc); if (db.buildFromDirectory(outPath.getAbsolutePath()) != nod::EBuildResult::Success) return 1; } else { fileOut += _SYS_STR(".iso"); bool dualLayer; if (nod::DiscBuilderWii::CalculateTotalSizeRequired(outPath.getAbsolutePath(), dualLayer) == -1) return 1; LogModule.report(logvisor::Info, _SYS_STR("Generating %s as %s-layer Wii image"), fileOut.c_str(), dualLayer ? _SYS_STR("dual") : _SYS_STR("single")); nod::DiscBuilderWii db(fileOut, dualLayer, progFunc); if (db.buildFromDirectory(outPath.getAbsolutePath()) != nod::EBuildResult::Success) return 1; } } return 0; } }; #endif