''' Root HECL addon package for Blender ''' bl_info = { "name": "HECL", "author": "Jack Andersen ", "version": (1, 0), "blender": (2, 74), "tracker_url": "https://github.com/RetroView/hecl/issues/new", "location": "Properties > Scene > HECL", "description": "Enables blender to gather meshes, materials, and textures for hecl", "category": "System"} # Package import from . import hmdl, sact, Nodegrid Nodegrid = Nodegrid.Nodegrid import bpy, os, sys from bpy.app.handlers import persistent # Appendable list allowing external addons to register additional resource types hecl_typeS = [ ('NONE', "None", "Active scene not using HECL", None, None), ('MESH', "Mesh", "Active scene represents an HMDL Mesh", hmdl.draw, hmdl.cook), ('ACTOR', "Actor", "Active scene represents a HECL Actor", sact.draw, sact.cook)] # Main Scene Panel class hecl_scene_panel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_idname = "SCENE_PT_hecl" bl_label = "HECL" bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = "scene" @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return (context.scene is not None) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout type_row = layout.row(align=True) type_row.prop_menu_enum(context.scene, 'hecl_type', text='Export Type') for exp_type in hecl_typeS: if exp_type[0] == context.scene.hecl_type and callable(exp_type[3]): exp_type[3](self.layout, context) break # Blender-selected polymorphism cook def do_cook(writebuf, platform_type, endian_char): for tp in hecl_typeS: if tp[0] == bpy.context.scene.hecl_type: if callable(tp[4]): return tp[4](writefd, platform_type, endian_char) return False # Blender export-type registration def register_export_type_enum(): bpy.types.Scene.hecl_type = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items= [tp[:3] for tp in hecl_typeS], name="HECL Export Type", description="Selects how active scene is exported by HECL") # Function for external addons to register export types with HECL def add_export_type(type_tuple): type_tup = tuple(type_tuple) for tp in hecl_typeS: if tp[0] == type_tup[0]: raise RuntimeError("Type already registered with HECL") hecl_types.append(type_tup) register_export_type_enum() # Shell command receiver (from HECL driver) def command(cmdline, writepipeline, writepipebuf): if cmdline[0] == b'COOK': resource_type = bpy.context.scene.hecl_type.encode() writepipeline(resource_type) ackbytes = readpipeline() if ackbytes != b'ACK': return try: result = do_cook(writepipebuf, cmdline[1].decode(), cmdline[2].decode()) if result == None or result == True: writepipeline(b'SUCCESS') else: writepipeline(b'FAILURE') except: writepipeline(b'EXCEPTION') # Registration def register(): register_export_type_enum() hmdl.register() sact.register() bpy.utils.register_class(hecl_scene_panel) def unregister(): hmdl.unregister() sact.unregister() bpy.utils.unregister_class(hecl_scene_panel) if __name__ == "__main__": register()