import bpy, sys, os, re ARGS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|(\S+))''') # Extract pipe file descriptors from arguments print(sys.argv) if '--' not in sys.argv: bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() args = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--')+1:] readfd = int(args[0]) writefd = int(args[1]) def readpipeline(): retval = bytearray() while True: ch =, 1) if ch == b'\n' or ch == b'': return retval retval += ch def writepipeline(linebytes): os.write(writefd, linebytes + b'\n') def writepipebuf(linebytes): writepipeline(b'BUF') os.write(writefd, struct.pack('I', len(linebytes)) + linebytes) def quitblender(): writepipeline(b'QUITTING') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() # Check that HECL addon is installed/enabled if 'hecl' not in bpy.context.user_preferences.addons: if 'FINISHED' not in bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module='hecl'): writepipeline(b'NOADDON') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() # Make addon available to commands import hecl # Intro handshake writepipeline(b'READY') ackbytes = readpipeline() if ackbytes != b'ACK': quitblender() # Count brackets def count_brackets(linestr): bracket_count = 0 for ch in linestr: if ch in {'[','{','('}: bracket_count += 1 elif ch in {']','}',')'}: bracket_count -= 1 return bracket_count # Complete sequences of statements compiled/executed here def exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals): #print('EXEC', compbuf) co = compile(compbuf, '', 'exec') exec(co, globals) # Command loop while True: cmdline = readpipeline() if cmdline == b'': print('HECL connection lost') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() cmdargs = [] for match in ARGS_PATTERN.finditer(cmdline.decode()): cmdargs.append( print(cmdargs) if cmdargs[0] == 'QUIT': quitblender() elif cmdargs[0] == 'OPEN': if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=cmdargs[1]): writepipeline(b'FINISHED') else: writepipeline(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'CREATE': bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.save_version = 0 if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=cmdargs[1]): writepipeline(b'FINISHED') else: writepipeline(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'SAVE': bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.save_version = 0 if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(check_existing=False): writepipeline(b'FINISHED') else: writepipeline(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'PYBEGIN': writepipeline(b'READY') globals = {'hecl':hecl} compbuf = str() bracket_count = 0 while True: try: line = readpipeline() # End check if line == b'PYEND': # Ensure remaining block gets executed if len(compbuf): exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals) compbuf = str() writepipeline(b'DONE') break # Syntax filter linestr = line.decode().rstrip() if not len(linestr) or linestr.lstrip()[0] == '#': writepipeline(b'OK') continue leading_spaces = len(linestr) - len(linestr.lstrip()) # Block lines always get appended right away if linestr.endswith(':') or leading_spaces or bracket_count: if len(compbuf): compbuf += '\n' compbuf += linestr bracket_count += count_brackets(linestr) writepipeline(b'OK') continue # Complete non-block statement in compbuf if len(compbuf): exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals) # Establish new compbuf compbuf = linestr bracket_count += count_brackets(linestr) except Exception as e: writepipeline(b'EXCEPTION') raise break writepipeline(b'OK') elif cmdargs[0] == 'PYEND': writepipeline(b'ERROR') else: hecl.command(cmdargs, writepipeline, writepipebuf)