#include "Runtime/Graphics/CGraphics.hpp" #include "Runtime/CTimeProvider.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/CLight.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/CLineRenderer.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/CTexture.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/Shaders/CTextSupportShader.hpp" #include "Runtime/GuiSys/CGuiSys.hpp" #include namespace metaforce { CGraphics::CProjectionState CGraphics::g_Proj; CFogState CGraphics::g_Fog; std::array CGraphics::g_ColorRegs{}; float CGraphics::g_ProjAspect = 1.f; u32 CGraphics::g_NumLightsActive = 0; u32 CGraphics::g_NumBreakpointsWaiting = 0; u32 CGraphics::g_FlippingState; bool CGraphics::g_LastFrameUsedAbove = false; bool CGraphics::g_InterruptLastFrameUsedAbove = false; ERglLightBits CGraphics::g_LightActive = ERglLightBits::None; ERglLightBits CGraphics::g_LightsWereOn = ERglLightBits::None; zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_GXModelView; zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose; zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_GXModelMatrix = zeus::CTransform(); zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix; zeus::CVector3f CGraphics::g_ViewPoint; zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_GXViewPointMatrix; zeus::CTransform CGraphics::g_CameraMatrix; SClipScreenRect CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport; bool CGraphics::g_IsGXModelMatrixIdentity = true; zeus::CColor CGraphics::g_ClearColor = zeus::skClear; float CGraphics::g_ClearDepthValue = 1.f; bool CGraphics::g_IsBeginSceneClearFb = true; SViewport CGraphics::g_Viewport = { 0, 0, 640, 480, 640 / 2.f, 480 / 2.f, 0.0f, }; u32 CGraphics::g_FrameCounter = 0; u32 CGraphics::g_Framerate = 0; u32 CGraphics::g_FramesPast = 0; frame_clock::time_point CGraphics::g_FrameStartTime = frame_clock::now(); ERglEnum CGraphics::g_depthFunc = ERglEnum::Never; ERglCullMode CGraphics::g_cullMode = ERglCullMode::None; const std::array CGraphics::skCubeBasisMats{{ /* Right */ {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f}, /* Left */ {0.f, -1.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f}, /* Up */ {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f}, /* Down */ {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f}, /* Back */ {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f}, /* Forward */ {-1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f}, }}; void CGraphics::DisableAllLights() { g_NumLightsActive = 0; g_LightActive = ERglLightBits::None; // TODO: turn lights off for real } void CGraphics::LoadLight(ERglLight light, const CLight& info) { // TODO: load light for real } void CGraphics::EnableLight(ERglLight light) { ERglLightBits lightBit = ERglLightBits(1 << int(light)); if ((lightBit & g_LightActive) == ERglLightBits::None) { g_LightActive |= lightBit; ++g_NumLightsActive; // TODO: turn light on for real } g_LightsWereOn = g_LightActive; } void CGraphics::SetLightState(ERglLightBits lightState) { // TODO: set state for real g_LightActive = lightState; g_NumLightsActive = zeus::PopCount(lightState); } void CGraphics::SetAmbientColor(const zeus::CColor& col) { // TODO: set for real } void CGraphics::SetFog(ERglFogMode mode, float startz, float endz, const zeus::CColor& color) { g_Fog.m_mode = mode > ERglFogMode::PerspRevExp2 ? ERglFogMode(int(mode) - 8) : mode; g_Fog.m_color = color; if (CGraphics::g_Proj.x18_far == CGraphics::g_Proj.x14_near || endz == startz) { g_Fog.m_A = 0.f; g_Fog.m_B = 0.5f; g_Fog.m_C = 0.f; } else { float depthrange = CGraphics::g_Proj.x18_far - CGraphics::g_Proj.x14_near; float fogrange = endz - startz; g_Fog.m_A = (CGraphics::g_Proj.x18_far * CGraphics::g_Proj.x14_near) / (depthrange * fogrange); g_Fog.m_B = CGraphics::g_Proj.x18_far / depthrange; g_Fog.m_C = startz / fogrange; } } void CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(bool compare_enable, ERglEnum comp, bool update_enable) { g_depthFunc = comp; aurora::gfx::set_depth_mode(compare_enable, comp, update_enable); } void CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode mode, ERglBlendFactor src, ERglBlendFactor dst, ERglLogicOp op) { aurora::gfx::set_blend_mode(mode, src, dst, op); } void CGraphics::SetCullMode(ERglCullMode mode) { g_cullMode = mode; aurora::gfx::set_cull_mode(mode); } void CGraphics::BeginScene() { // ClearBackAndDepthBuffers(); } void CGraphics::EndScene() { aurora::gfx::set_depth_mode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, true); /* Spinwait until g_NumBreakpointsWaiting is 0 */ /* ++g_NumBreakpointsWaiting; */ /* GXCopyDisp to g_CurrenFrameBuf with clear enabled */ /* Register next breakpoint with GP FIFO */ /* Yup, GX effectively had fences long before D3D12 and Vulkan * (same functionality implemented in boo's execute method) */ /* This usually comes from VI register during interrupt; * we don't care in the era of progressive-scan dominance, * so simulate field-flipping with XOR instead */ g_InterruptLastFrameUsedAbove ^= 1; g_LastFrameUsedAbove = g_InterruptLastFrameUsedAbove; /* Flush text instance buffers just before GPU command list submission */ CTextSupportShader::UpdateBuffers(); /* Same with line renderer */ // CLineRenderer::UpdateBuffers(); ++g_FrameCounter; UpdateFPSCounter(); } void CGraphics::Render2D(const CTexture& tex, u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h, const zeus::CColor& col) { const auto oldProj = g_Proj; CGraphics::SetOrtho(-g_Viewport.x8_width / 2, g_Viewport.x8_width / 2, g_Viewport.xc_height / 2, -g_Viewport.xc_height / 2, -1.f, -10.f); // TODO g_Proj = oldProj; FlushProjection(); } bool CGraphics::BeginRender2D(const CTexture& tex) { return false; } void CGraphics::DoRender2D(const CTexture& tex, s32 x, s32 y, s32 w1, s32 w2, s32 w3, s32 w4, s32 w5, const zeus::CColor& col) {} void CGraphics::EndRender2D(bool v) {} void CGraphics::SetAlphaCompare(ERglAlphaFunc comp0, u8 ref0, ERglAlphaOp op, ERglAlphaFunc comp1, u8 ref1) {} void CGraphics::SetViewPointMatrix(const zeus::CTransform& xf) { g_ViewMatrix = xf; g_ViewPoint = xf.origin; zeus::CMatrix3f tmp(xf.basis[0], xf.basis[2], -xf.basis[1]); g_GXViewPointMatrix = zeus::CTransform(tmp.transposed()); SetViewMatrix(); } void CGraphics::SetViewMatrix() { g_CameraMatrix = g_GXViewPointMatrix * zeus::CTransform::Translate(-g_ViewPoint); if (g_IsGXModelMatrixIdentity) g_GXModelView = g_CameraMatrix; else g_GXModelView = g_CameraMatrix * g_GXModelMatrix; /* Load position matrix */ /* Inverse-transpose */ g_GXModelViewInvXpose = g_GXModelView.inverse(); g_GXModelViewInvXpose.origin.zeroOut(); g_GXModelViewInvXpose.basis.transpose(); /* Load normal matrix */ aurora::gfx::update_model_view(g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(), g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f()); } void CGraphics::SetModelMatrix(const zeus::CTransform& xf) { g_IsGXModelMatrixIdentity = false; g_GXModelMatrix = xf; SetViewMatrix(); } constexpr zeus::CMatrix4f PlusOneZ(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); constexpr zeus::CMatrix4f VulkanCorrect(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.5f, 0.5f + FLT_EPSILON, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f); zeus::CMatrix4f CGraphics::CalculatePerspectiveMatrix(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { CProjectionState st; float tfov = std::tan(zeus::degToRad(fovy * 0.5f)); st.x14_near = znear; st.x18_far = zfar; st.xc_top = znear * tfov; st.x10_bottom = -st.xc_top; st.x8_right = aspect * znear * tfov; st.x4_left = -st.x8_right; float rml = st.x8_right - st.x4_left; float rpl = st.x8_right + st.x4_left; float tmb = st.xc_top - st.x10_bottom; float tpb = st.xc_top + st.x10_bottom; float fpn = st.x18_far + st.x14_near; float fmn = st.x18_far - st.x14_near; // clang-format off return { 2.f * st.x14_near / rml, 0.f, rpl / rml, 0.f, 0.f, 2.f * st.x14_near / tmb, tpb / tmb, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -fpn / fmn, -2.f * st.x18_far * st.x14_near / fmn, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, }; // clang-format on } zeus::CMatrix4f CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix() { if (g_Proj.x0_persp) { float rml = g_Proj.x8_right - g_Proj.x4_left; float rpl = g_Proj.x8_right + g_Proj.x4_left; float tmb = g_Proj.xc_top - g_Proj.x10_bottom; float tpb = g_Proj.xc_top + g_Proj.x10_bottom; float fpn = g_Proj.x18_far + g_Proj.x14_near; float fmn = g_Proj.x18_far - g_Proj.x14_near; // clang-format off return { 2.f * g_Proj.x14_near / rml, 0.f, rpl / rml, 0.f, 0.f, 2.f * g_Proj.x14_near / tmb, tpb / tmb, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -fpn / fmn, -2.f * g_Proj.x18_far * g_Proj.x14_near / fmn, 0.f, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, }; // clang-format on } else { float rml = g_Proj.x8_right - g_Proj.x4_left; float rpl = g_Proj.x8_right + g_Proj.x4_left; float tmb = g_Proj.xc_top - g_Proj.x10_bottom; float tpb = g_Proj.xc_top + g_Proj.x10_bottom; float fpn = g_Proj.x18_far + g_Proj.x14_near; float fmn = g_Proj.x18_far - g_Proj.x14_near; // clang-format off return { 2.f / rml, 0.f, 0.f, -rpl / rml, 0.f, 2.f / tmb, 0.f, -tpb / tmb, 0.f, 0.f, -2.f / fmn, -fpn / fmn, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }; // clang-format on } } const CGraphics::CProjectionState& CGraphics::GetProjectionState() { return g_Proj; } void CGraphics::SetProjectionState(const CGraphics::CProjectionState& proj) { g_Proj = proj; FlushProjection(); } void CGraphics::SetPerspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { g_ProjAspect = aspect; float tfov = std::tan(zeus::degToRad(fovy * 0.5f)); g_Proj.x0_persp = true; g_Proj.x14_near = znear; g_Proj.x18_far = zfar; g_Proj.xc_top = znear * tfov; g_Proj.x10_bottom = -g_Proj.xc_top; g_Proj.x8_right = aspect * znear * tfov; g_Proj.x4_left = -g_Proj.x8_right; FlushProjection(); } void CGraphics::SetOrtho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar) { g_Proj.x0_persp = false; g_Proj.x4_left = left; g_Proj.x8_right = right; g_Proj.xc_top = top; g_Proj.x10_bottom = bottom; g_Proj.x14_near = znear; g_Proj.x18_far = zfar; FlushProjection(); } void CGraphics::FlushProjection() { if (g_Proj.x0_persp) { // Convert and load persp } else { // Convert and load ortho } aurora::gfx::update_projection(GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix()); } zeus::CVector2i CGraphics::ProjectPoint(const zeus::CVector3f& point) { zeus::CVector3f projPt = GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix().multiplyOneOverW(point); return {int(projPt.x() * g_Viewport.x10_halfWidth) + int(g_Viewport.x10_halfWidth), int(g_Viewport.xc_height) - (int(projPt.y() * g_Viewport.x14_halfHeight) + int(g_Viewport.x14_halfHeight))}; } SClipScreenRect CGraphics::ClipScreenRectFromMS(const zeus::CVector3f& p1, const zeus::CVector3f& p2) { zeus::CVector3f xf1 = g_GXModelView * p1; zeus::CVector3f xf2 = g_GXModelView * p2; return ClipScreenRectFromVS(xf1, xf2); } SClipScreenRect CGraphics::ClipScreenRectFromVS(const zeus::CVector3f& p1, const zeus::CVector3f& p2) { if (p1.x() == 0.f && p1.y() == 0.f && p1.z() == 0.f) return {}; if (p2.x() == 0.f && p2.y() == 0.f && p2.z() == 0.f) return {}; if (-p1.z() < GetProjectionState().x14_near || -p2.z() < GetProjectionState().x14_near) return {}; if (-p1.z() > GetProjectionState().x18_far || -p2.z() > GetProjectionState().x18_far) return {}; zeus::CVector2i sp1 = ProjectPoint(p1); zeus::CVector2i sp2 = ProjectPoint(p2); int minX = std::min(sp2.x, sp1.x); int minX2 = minX & 0xfffffffe; int minY = std::min(sp2.y, sp1.y); int minY2 = minY & 0xfffffffe; if (minX2 >= g_Viewport.x8_width) return {}; int maxX = abs(sp1.x - sp2.x) + minX; int maxX2 = (maxX + 2) & 0xfffffffe; if (maxX2 <= 0 /* ViewportX origin */) return {}; // int finalMinX = std::max(minX, 0 /* ViewportX origin */); // int finalMaxX = std::min(maxX, int(g_Viewport.x8_width)); if (minY2 >= g_Viewport.xc_height) return {}; int maxY = abs(sp1.y - sp2.y) + minY; int maxY2 = (maxY + 2) & 0xfffffffe; if (maxY2 <= 0 /* ViewportY origin */) return {}; // int finalMinY = std::max(minY, 0 /* ViewportY origin */); // int finalMaxY = std::min(maxY, int(g_Viewport.xc_height)); int width = maxX2 - minX2; int height = maxY2 - minY2; return {true, minX2, minY2, width, height, width, minX2 / float(g_Viewport.x8_width), maxX2 / float(g_Viewport.x8_width), 1.f - maxY2 / float(g_Viewport.xc_height), 1.f - minY2 / float(g_Viewport.xc_height)}; } void CGraphics::SetViewportResolution(const zeus::CVector2i& res) { g_Viewport.x8_width = res.x; g_Viewport.xc_height = res.y; g_CroppedViewport = SClipScreenRect(); g_CroppedViewport.xc_width = res.x; g_CroppedViewport.x10_height = res.y; g_Viewport.x10_halfWidth = res.x / 2.f; g_Viewport.x14_halfHeight = res.y / 2.f; g_Viewport.aspect = res.x / float(res.y); if (g_GuiSys) g_GuiSys->OnViewportResize(); } static zeus::CRectangle CachedVP; zeus::CVector2f CGraphics::g_CachedDepthRange = {0.f, 1.f}; void CGraphics::SetViewport(int leftOff, int bottomOff, int width, int height) { CachedVP.position[0] = leftOff; CachedVP.position[1] = bottomOff; CachedVP.size[0] = width; CachedVP.size[1] = height; aurora::gfx::set_viewport(CachedVP, g_CachedDepthRange[0], g_CachedDepthRange[1]); } void CGraphics::SetScissor(int leftOff, int bottomOff, int width, int height) { aurora::gfx::set_scissor(leftOff, bottomOff, width, height); } void CGraphics::SetDepthRange(float znear, float zfar) { g_CachedDepthRange[0] = znear; g_CachedDepthRange[1] = zfar; aurora::gfx::set_viewport(CachedVP, g_CachedDepthRange[0], g_CachedDepthRange[1]); } CTimeProvider* CGraphics::g_ExternalTimeProvider = nullptr; float CGraphics::g_DefaultSeconds = 0.f; u32 CGraphics::g_RenderTimings = 0; float CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900() { if (!g_ExternalTimeProvider) return g_DefaultSeconds; return g_ExternalTimeProvider->x0_currentTime; } void CGraphics::TickRenderTimings() { OPTICK_EVENT(); g_RenderTimings = (g_RenderTimings + 1) % u32(900 * 60); g_DefaultSeconds = g_RenderTimings / 60.f; } static constexpr u64 FPS_REFRESH_RATE = 1000; void CGraphics::UpdateFPSCounter() { ++g_FramesPast; std::chrono::duration timeElapsed = frame_clock::now() - g_FrameStartTime; if (timeElapsed.count() > FPS_REFRESH_RATE) { g_Framerate = g_FramesPast; g_FrameStartTime = frame_clock::now(); g_FramesPast = 0; } } static bool g_UseVideoFilter = false; void CGraphics::SetUseVideoFilter(bool filter) { g_UseVideoFilter = filter; // GXSetCopyFilter(CGraphics::mRenderModeObj.aa, CGraphics::mRenderModeObj.sample_pattern, filter, // CGraphics::mRenderModeObj.vfilter); } void CGraphics::SetClearColor(const zeus::CColor& color) { g_ClearColor = color; aurora::gfx::set_clear_color(color); } void CGraphics::SetCopyClear(const zeus::CColor& color, float depth) { g_ClearColor = color; g_ClearDepthValue = depth; // 1.6777215E7 * depth; Metroid Prime needed this to convert float [0,1] depth into 24 bit // range, we no longer have this requirement aurora::gfx::set_clear_color(color); // TODO do we care about depth value? // GXSetCopyClear(g_ClearColor, g_ClearDepthValue); } void CGraphics::SetIsBeginSceneClearFb(bool clear) { g_IsBeginSceneClearFb = clear; } // Stream API static EStreamFlags sStreamFlags; static zeus::CColor sQueuedColor; static zeus::CVector2f sQueuedTexCoord; static zeus::CVector3f sQueuedNormal; void CGraphics::SetTevOp(ERglTevStage stage, const CTevCombiners::CTevPass& pass) { CTevCombiners::SetupPass(stage, pass); } void CGraphics::StreamBegin(GX::Primitive primitive) { sStreamFlags = {}; aurora::gfx::stream_begin(primitive); } void CGraphics::StreamNormal(const zeus::CVector3f& nrm) { sQueuedNormal = nrm; sStreamFlags |= EStreamFlagBits::fHasNormal; } void CGraphics::StreamColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) { sQueuedColor = zeus::CColor{r, g, b, a}; sStreamFlags |= EStreamFlagBits::fHasColor; } void CGraphics::StreamColor(const zeus::CColor& color) { sQueuedColor = color; sStreamFlags |= EStreamFlagBits::fHasColor; } void CGraphics::StreamTexcoord(float x, float y) { sQueuedTexCoord = {x, y}; sStreamFlags |= EStreamFlagBits::fHasTexture; } void CGraphics::StreamTexcoord(const zeus::CVector2f& uv) { sQueuedTexCoord = uv; sStreamFlags |= EStreamFlagBits::fHasTexture; } void CGraphics::StreamVertex(float xyz) { const zeus::CVector3f pos{xyz, xyz, xyz}; aurora::gfx::stream_vertex(sStreamFlags, pos, sQueuedNormal, sQueuedColor, sQueuedTexCoord); } void CGraphics::StreamVertex(float x, float y, float z) { const zeus::CVector3f pos{x, y, z}; aurora::gfx::stream_vertex(sStreamFlags, pos, sQueuedNormal, sQueuedColor, sQueuedTexCoord); } void CGraphics::StreamVertex(const zeus::CVector3f& pos) { aurora::gfx::stream_vertex(sStreamFlags, pos, sQueuedNormal, sQueuedColor, sQueuedTexCoord); } void CGraphics::StreamEnd() { aurora::gfx::stream_end(); } void CGraphics::DrawPrimitive(GX::Primitive primitive, const zeus::CVector3f* pos, const zeus::CVector3f& normal, const zeus::CColor& col, s32 numVerts) { StreamBegin(primitive); StreamColor(col); StreamNormal(normal); for (u32 i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i) { StreamVertex(pos[i]); } StreamEnd(); } } // namespace metaforce