#include #include #include #include #include #if _WIN32 #else #include #endif #include "hecl/Database.hpp" #include "hecl/Blender/Connection.hpp" #include "hecl/ClientProcess.hpp" #include "hecl/MultiProgressPrinter.hpp" namespace hecl::Database { logvisor::Module LogModule("hecl::Database"); static const hecl::FourCC HECLfcc("HECL"); /********************************************** * Project::ConfigFile **********************************************/ static inline bool CheckNewLineAdvance(std::string::const_iterator& it) { if (*it == '\n') { it += 1; return true; } else if (*it == '\r') { if (*(it+1) == '\n') { it += 2; return true; } it += 1; return true; } return false; } Project::ConfigFile::ConfigFile(const Project& project, SystemStringView name, SystemStringView subdir) { m_filepath = SystemString(project.m_rootPath.getAbsolutePath()) + subdir.data() + name.data(); } std::vector& Project::ConfigFile::lockAndRead() { if (m_lockedFile) return m_lines; m_lockedFile = hecl::Fopen(m_filepath.c_str(), _SYS_STR("a+"), FileLockType::Write); hecl::FSeek(m_lockedFile, 0, SEEK_SET); std::string mainString; char readBuf[1024]; size_t readSz; while ((readSz = fread(readBuf, 1, 1024, m_lockedFile))) mainString += std::string(readBuf, readSz); std::string::const_iterator begin = mainString.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = mainString.begin(); m_lines.clear(); while (end != mainString.end()) { std::string::const_iterator origEnd = end; if (*end == '\0') break; else if (CheckNewLineAdvance(end)) { if (begin != origEnd) m_lines.push_back(std::string(begin, origEnd)); begin = end; continue; } ++end; } if (begin != end) m_lines.push_back(std::string(begin, end)); return m_lines; } void Project::ConfigFile::addLine(std::string_view line) { if (!checkForLine(line)) m_lines.emplace_back(line); } void Project::ConfigFile::removeLine(std::string_view refLine) { if (!m_lockedFile) { LogModule.reportSource(logvisor::Fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Project::ConfigFile::lockAndRead not yet called"); return; } for (auto it = m_lines.begin(); it != m_lines.end();) { if (!(*it).compare(refLine)) { it = m_lines.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } } bool Project::ConfigFile::checkForLine(std::string_view refLine) { if (!m_lockedFile) { LogModule.reportSource(logvisor::Fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Project::ConfigFile::lockAndRead not yet called"); return false; } for (const std::string& line : m_lines) if (!line.compare(refLine)) return true; return false; } void Project::ConfigFile::unlockAndDiscard() { if (!m_lockedFile) { LogModule.reportSource(logvisor::Fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Project::ConfigFile::lockAndRead not yet called"); return; } m_lines.clear(); fclose(m_lockedFile); m_lockedFile = NULL; } bool Project::ConfigFile::unlockAndCommit() { if (!m_lockedFile) { LogModule.reportSource(logvisor::Fatal, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Project::ConfigFile::lockAndRead not yet called"); return false; } SystemString newPath = m_filepath + _SYS_STR(".part"); FILE* newFile = hecl::Fopen(newPath.c_str(), _SYS_STR("w"), FileLockType::Write); bool fail = false; for (const std::string& line : m_lines) { if (fwrite(line.c_str(), 1, line.size(), newFile) != line.size()) { fail = true; break; } if (fwrite("\n", 1, 1, newFile) != 1) { fail = true; break; } } m_lines.clear(); fclose(newFile); fclose(m_lockedFile); m_lockedFile = NULL; if (fail) { #if HECL_UCS2 _wunlink(newPath.c_str()); #else unlink(newPath.c_str()); #endif return false; } else { #if HECL_UCS2 //_wrename(newPath.c_str(), m_filepath.c_str()); MoveFileExW(newPath.c_str(), m_filepath.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH); #else rename(newPath.c_str(), m_filepath.c_str()); #endif return true; } } /********************************************** * Project **********************************************/ Project::Project(const ProjectRootPath& rootPath) : m_rootPath(rootPath), m_workRoot(*this, _SYS_STR("")), m_dotPath(m_workRoot, _SYS_STR(".hecl")), m_cookedRoot(m_dotPath, _SYS_STR("cooked")), m_specs(*this, _SYS_STR("specs")), m_paths(*this, _SYS_STR("paths")), m_groups(*this, _SYS_STR("groups")) { /* Stat for existing project directory (must already exist) */ Sstat myStat; if (hecl::Stat(m_rootPath.getAbsolutePath().data(), &myStat)) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, _SYS_STR("unable to stat %s"), m_rootPath.getAbsolutePath().data()); return; } if (!S_ISDIR(myStat.st_mode)) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Error, _SYS_STR("provided path must be a directory; '%s' isn't"), m_rootPath.getAbsolutePath().data()); return; } /* Create project directory structure */ m_dotPath.makeDir(); m_cookedRoot.makeDir(); /* Ensure beacon is valid or created */ ProjectPath beaconPath(m_dotPath, _SYS_STR("beacon")); FILE* bf = hecl::Fopen(beaconPath.getAbsolutePath().data(), _SYS_STR("a+b")); struct BeaconStruct { hecl::FourCC magic; uint32_t version; } beacon; #define DATA_VERSION 1 if (fread(&beacon, 1, sizeof(beacon), bf) != sizeof(beacon)) { fseek(bf, 0, SEEK_SET); beacon.magic = HECLfcc; beacon.version = SBig(DATA_VERSION); fwrite(&beacon, 1, sizeof(beacon), bf); } fclose(bf); if (beacon.magic != HECLfcc || SBig(beacon.version) != DATA_VERSION) { LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "incompatible project version"); return; } /* Compile current dataspec */ rescanDataSpecs(); m_valid = true; } const ProjectPath& Project::getProjectCookedPath(const DataSpecEntry& spec) const { for (const ProjectDataSpec& sp : m_compiledSpecs) if (&sp.spec == &spec) return sp.cookedPath; LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "Unable to find spec '%s'", spec.m_name.data()); return m_cookedRoot; } bool Project::addPaths(const std::vector& paths) { m_paths.lockAndRead(); for (const ProjectPath& path : paths) m_paths.addLine(path.getRelativePathUTF8()); return m_paths.unlockAndCommit(); } bool Project::removePaths(const std::vector& paths, bool recursive) { std::vector& existingPaths = m_paths.lockAndRead(); if (recursive) { for (const ProjectPath& path : paths) { auto recursiveBase = path.getRelativePathUTF8(); for (auto it = existingPaths.begin(); it != existingPaths.end();) { if (!(*it).compare(0, recursiveBase.size(), recursiveBase)) { it = existingPaths.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } } } else for (const ProjectPath& path : paths) m_paths.removeLine(path.getRelativePathUTF8()); return m_paths.unlockAndCommit(); } bool Project::addGroup(const hecl::ProjectPath& path) { m_groups.lockAndRead(); m_groups.addLine(path.getRelativePathUTF8()); return m_groups.unlockAndCommit(); } bool Project::removeGroup(const ProjectPath& path) { m_groups.lockAndRead(); m_groups.removeLine(path.getRelativePathUTF8()); return m_groups.unlockAndCommit(); } void Project::rescanDataSpecs() { m_compiledSpecs.clear(); m_specs.lockAndRead(); for (const DataSpecEntry* spec : DATA_SPEC_REGISTRY) { hecl::SystemString specStr(spec->m_name); SystemUTF8Conv specUTF8(specStr); m_compiledSpecs.push_back({*spec, ProjectPath(m_cookedRoot, hecl::SystemString(spec->m_name) + _SYS_STR(".spec")), m_specs.checkForLine(specUTF8.str())}); } m_specs.unlockAndDiscard(); } bool Project::enableDataSpecs(const std::vector& specs) { m_specs.lockAndRead(); for (const SystemString& spec : specs) { SystemUTF8Conv specView(spec); m_specs.addLine(specView.str()); } bool result = m_specs.unlockAndCommit(); rescanDataSpecs(); return result; } bool Project::disableDataSpecs(const std::vector& specs) { m_specs.lockAndRead(); for (const SystemString& spec : specs) { SystemUTF8Conv specView(spec); m_specs.removeLine(specView.str()); } bool result = m_specs.unlockAndCommit(); rescanDataSpecs(); return result; } class CookProgress { const hecl::MultiProgressPrinter& m_progPrinter; const SystemChar* m_dir = nullptr; const SystemChar* m_file = nullptr; float m_prog = 0.f; public: CookProgress(const hecl::MultiProgressPrinter& progPrinter) : m_progPrinter(progPrinter) {} void changeDir(const SystemChar* dir) {m_dir = dir; m_progPrinter.startNewLine();} void changeFile(const SystemChar* file, float prog) {m_file = file; m_prog = prog;} void reportFile(const DataSpecEntry* specEnt) { SystemString submsg(m_file); submsg += _SYS_STR(" ("); submsg += specEnt->m_name.data(); submsg += _SYS_STR(')'); m_progPrinter.print(m_dir, submsg.c_str(), m_prog); } void reportFile(const DataSpecEntry* specEnt, const SystemChar* extra) { SystemString submsg(m_file); submsg += _SYS_STR(" ("); submsg += specEnt->m_name.data(); submsg += _SYS_STR(", "); submsg += extra; submsg += _SYS_STR(')'); m_progPrinter.print(m_dir, submsg.c_str(), m_prog); } void reportDirComplete() { m_progPrinter.print(m_dir, nullptr, 1.f); } }; static void VisitFile(const ProjectPath& path, bool force, bool fast, std::vector>& specInsts, CookProgress& progress, ClientProcess* cp, int cookPass) { for (auto& spec : specInsts) { if (spec->canCook(path, hecl::blender::SharedBlenderToken, cookPass)) { if (cp) { cp->addCookTransaction(path, force, fast, spec.get()); } else { const DataSpecEntry* override = spec->overrideDataSpec(path, spec->getDataSpecEntry(), hecl::blender::SharedBlenderToken); if (!override) continue; ProjectPath cooked = path.getCookedPath(*override); if (fast) cooked = cooked.getWithExtension(_SYS_STR(".fast")); if (force || cooked.getPathType() == ProjectPath::Type::None || path.getModtime() > cooked.getModtime()) { progress.reportFile(override); spec->doCook(path, cooked, fast, hecl::blender::SharedBlenderToken, [&](const SystemChar* extra) { progress.reportFile(override, extra); }); } } } } } static void VisitDirectory(const ProjectPath& dir, bool recursive, bool force, bool fast, std::vector>& specInsts, CookProgress& progress, ClientProcess* cp, int cookPass) { if (dir.getLastComponent().size() > 1 && dir.getLastComponent()[0] == _SYS_STR('.')) return; if (hecl::ProjectPath(dir, _SYS_STR("!project.yaml")).isFile() && hecl::ProjectPath(dir, _SYS_STR("!pool.yaml")).isFile()) { /* Handle AudioGroup case */ VisitFile(dir, force, fast, specInsts, progress, cp, cookPass); return; } std::map children; dir.getDirChildren(children); /* Pass 1: child file count */ int childFileCount = 0; for (auto& child : children) if (child.second.getPathType() == ProjectPath::Type::File) ++childFileCount; /* Pass 2: child files */ int progNum = 0; float progDenom = childFileCount; progress.changeDir(dir.getLastComponent().data()); for (auto& child : children) { if (child.second.getPathType() == ProjectPath::Type::File) { progress.changeFile(child.first.c_str(), progNum++/progDenom); VisitFile(child.second, force, fast, specInsts, progress, cp, cookPass); } } progress.reportDirComplete(); /* Pass 3: child directories */ if (recursive) { for (auto& child : children) { switch (child.second.getPathType()) { case ProjectPath::Type::Directory: { VisitDirectory(child.second, recursive, force, fast, specInsts, progress, cp, cookPass); break; } default: break; } } } } bool Project::cookPath(const ProjectPath& path, const hecl::MultiProgressPrinter& progress, bool recursive, bool force, bool fast, const DataSpecEntry* spec, ClientProcess* cp, int cookPass) { /* Construct DataSpec instances for cooking */ if (spec) { if (m_cookSpecs.size() != 1 || m_cookSpecs[0]->getDataSpecEntry() != spec) { m_cookSpecs.clear(); if (spec->m_factory) m_cookSpecs.push_back(spec->m_factory(*this, DataSpecTool::Cook)); } } else if (m_cookSpecs.empty()) { m_cookSpecs.reserve(m_compiledSpecs.size()); for (const ProjectDataSpec& spec : m_compiledSpecs) if (spec.active && spec.spec.m_factory) m_cookSpecs.push_back(spec.spec.m_factory(*this, DataSpecTool::Cook)); } /* Iterate complete directory/file/glob list */ CookProgress cookProg(progress); switch (path.getPathType()) { case ProjectPath::Type::File: case ProjectPath::Type::Glob: { cookProg.changeFile(path.getLastComponent().data(), 0.f); VisitFile(path, force, fast, m_cookSpecs, cookProg, cp, cookPass); break; } case ProjectPath::Type::Directory: { VisitDirectory(path, recursive, force, fast, m_cookSpecs, cookProg, cp, cookPass); break; } default: break; } return true; } bool Project::packagePath(const ProjectPath& path, const hecl::MultiProgressPrinter& progress, bool fast, const DataSpecEntry* spec, ClientProcess* cp) { /* Construct DataSpec instance for packaging */ const DataSpecEntry* specEntry = nullptr; if (spec) { if (spec->m_factory) specEntry = spec; } else { bool foundPC = false; for (const ProjectDataSpec& spec : m_compiledSpecs) { if (spec.active && spec.spec.m_factory) { if (hecl::StringUtils::EndsWith(spec.spec.m_name, _SYS_STR("-PC"))) { foundPC = true; specEntry = &spec.spec; } else if (!foundPC) { specEntry = &spec.spec; } } } } if (!specEntry) LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "No matching DataSpec"); if (!m_lastPackageSpec || m_lastPackageSpec->getDataSpecEntry() != specEntry) m_lastPackageSpec = specEntry->m_factory(*this, DataSpecTool::Package); if (m_lastPackageSpec->canPackage(path)) { m_lastPackageSpec->doPackage(path, specEntry, fast, hecl::blender::SharedBlenderToken, progress, cp); return true; } return false; } void Project::interruptCook() { if (m_lastPackageSpec) m_lastPackageSpec->interruptCook(); } bool Project::cleanPath(const ProjectPath& path, bool recursive) { return false; } PackageDepsgraph Project::buildPackageDepsgraph(const ProjectPath& path) { return PackageDepsgraph(); } void Project::addBridgePathToCache(uint64_t id, const ProjectPath& path) { m_bridgePathCache[id] = path; } void Project::clearBridgePathCache() { m_bridgePathCache.clear(); } const ProjectPath* Project::lookupBridgePath(uint64_t id) const { auto search = m_bridgePathCache.find(id); if (search == m_bridgePathCache.cend()) return nullptr; return &search->second; } }