#include "Graphics/CModel.hpp" #include "Graphics/CTexture.hpp" #include "Graphics/CGraphics.hpp" #include "Graphics/CLight.hpp" #include "hecl/HMDLMeta.hpp" #include "hecl/Runtime.hpp" #include "boo/graphicsdev/Metal.hpp" #include "Shaders/CModelShaders.hpp" #include "Graphics/CBooRenderer.hpp" #include "Character/CSkinRules.hpp" #include "GameGlobalObjects.hpp" #include namespace urde { static logvisor::Module Log("urde::CBooModel"); bool CBooModel::g_DrawingOccluders = false; CBooModel::CBooModel(TToken& token, std::vector* surfaces, SShader& shader, boo::IVertexFormat* vtxFmt, boo::IGraphicsBufferS* vbo, boo::IGraphicsBufferS* ibo, size_t weightVecCount, size_t skinBankCount, const zeus::CAABox& aabb) : m_model(token), x0_surfaces(surfaces), x4_matSet(&shader.m_matSet), m_matSetIdx(shader.m_matSetIdx), m_pipelines(&shader.m_shaders), m_vtxFmt(vtxFmt), x8_vbo(vbo), xc_ibo(ibo), m_weightVecCount(weightVecCount), m_skinBankCount(skinBankCount), x1c_textures(shader.x0_textures), x20_aabb(aabb), x40_24_texturesLoaded(false), x40_25_modelVisible(0) { for (CBooSurface& surf : *x0_surfaces) surf.m_parent = this; for (auto it=x0_surfaces->rbegin() ; it != x0_surfaces->rend() ; ++it) { u32 matId = it->m_data.matIdx; const MaterialSet::Material& matData = GetMaterialByIndex(matId); if (matData.flags.depthSorting()) { it->m_next = x3c_firstSortedSurface; x3c_firstSortedSurface = &*it; } else { it->m_next = x38_firstUnsortedSurface; x38_firstUnsortedSurface = &*it; } } if (x40_24_texturesLoaded) BuildGfxToken(); } void CBooModel::BuildGfxToken() { m_gfxToken = CGraphics::CommitResources( [&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { /* Determine space required by uniform buffer */ std::vector skinOffs; std::vector skinSizes; skinOffs.reserve(std::max(size_t(1), m_skinBankCount)); skinSizes.reserve(std::max(size_t(1), m_skinBankCount)); std::vector uvOffs; std::vector uvSizes; uvOffs.reserve(x4_matSet->materials.size()); uvSizes.reserve(x4_matSet->materials.size()); /* Vert transform matrices */ size_t uniBufSize = 0; if (m_skinBankCount) { /* Skinned */ for (size_t i=0 ; imaterials) { size_t thisSz = ROUND_UP_256(/*mat.uvAnims.size()*/ 8 * (sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f) * 2)); uvOffs.push_back(uniBufSize); uvSizes.push_back(thisSz); uniBufSize += thisSz; } /* Lighting uniform */ size_t lightOff = 0; size_t lightSz = 0; { size_t thisSz = ROUND_UP_256(sizeof(CModelShaders::LightingUniform)); lightOff = uniBufSize; lightSz = thisSz; uniBufSize += thisSz; } /* Allocate resident buffer */ m_uniformDataSize = uniBufSize; m_uniformBuffer = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, uniBufSize, 1); boo::IGraphicsBuffer* bufs[] = {m_uniformBuffer, m_uniformBuffer, m_uniformBuffer}; /* Binding for each surface */ m_shaderDataBindings.clear(); m_shaderDataBindings.reserve(x0_surfaces->size()); std::vector texs; size_t thisOffs[3]; size_t thisSizes[3]; static const boo::PipelineStage stages[3] = {boo::PipelineStage::Vertex, boo::PipelineStage::Vertex, boo::PipelineStage::Fragment}; /* Enumerate surfaces and build data bindings */ for (const CBooSurface& surf : *x0_surfaces) { const MaterialSet::Material& mat = x4_matSet->materials.at(surf.m_data.matIdx); texs.clear(); texs.reserve(8); for (atUint32 idx : mat.textureIdxs) { TCachedToken& tex = x1c_textures[idx]; texs.push_back(tex.GetObj()->GetBooTexture()); } texs.resize(8); texs[7] = g_Renderer->x220_sphereRamp; if (m_skinBankCount) { thisOffs[0] = skinOffs[surf.m_data.skinMtxBankIdx]; thisSizes[0] = skinSizes[surf.m_data.skinMtxBankIdx]; } else { thisOffs[0] = 0; thisSizes[0] = 256; } thisOffs[1] = uvOffs[surf.m_data.matIdx]; thisSizes[1] = uvSizes[surf.m_data.matIdx]; thisOffs[2] = lightOff; thisSizes[2] = lightSz; const std::vector& pipelines = m_pipelines->at(surf.m_data.matIdx); m_shaderDataBindings.emplace_back(); std::vector& extendeds = m_shaderDataBindings.back(); extendeds.reserve(pipelines.size()); int idx = 0; for (boo::IShaderPipeline* pipeline : pipelines) { extendeds.push_back( ctx.newShaderDataBinding(pipeline, m_vtxFmt, x8_vbo, nullptr, xc_ibo, 3, bufs, stages, thisOffs, thisSizes, (idx == 2) ? 8 : mat.textureIdxs.size(), texs.data())); ++idx; } } return true; }); } void CBooModel::MakeTexuresFromMats(const MaterialSet& matSet, std::vector>& toksOut, IObjectStore& store) { toksOut.reserve(matSet.head.textureIDs.size()); for (const DataSpec::UniqueID32& id : matSet.head.textureIDs) toksOut.emplace_back(store.GetObj({SBIG('TXTR'), id.toUint32()})); } void CBooModel::ActivateLights(const std::vector& lights) { m_lightingData.ambient = zeus::CColor::skBlack; size_t curLight = 0; for (const CLight& light : lights) { switch (light.x1c_type) { case ELightType::LocalAmbient: m_lightingData.ambient += light.x18_color; break; case ELightType::Point: case ELightType::Spot: case ELightType::Custom: case ELightType::Directional: { if (curLight >= URDE_MAX_LIGHTS) continue; CModelShaders::Light& lightOut = m_lightingData.lights[curLight++]; lightOut.pos = CGraphics::g_CameraMatrix * light.x0_pos; lightOut.dir = CGraphics::g_CameraMatrix.basis * light.xc_dir; lightOut.dir.normalize(); lightOut.color = light.x18_color; lightOut.linAtt[0] = light.x24_distC; lightOut.linAtt[1] = light.x28_distL; lightOut.linAtt[2] = light.x2c_distQ; lightOut.angAtt[0] = light.x30_angleC; lightOut.angAtt[1] = light.x34_angleL; lightOut.angAtt[2] = light.x38_angleQ; if (light.x1c_type == ELightType::Directional) lightOut.pos = (-lightOut.dir) * 1048576.f; break; } default: break; } } for (; curLight& tex : const_cast>&>(x1c_textures)) { tex.Lock(); if (!tex.IsLoaded()) allLoad = false; } const_cast(this)->x40_24_texturesLoaded = allLoad; } if (!m_gfxToken && x40_24_texturesLoaded) const_cast(this)->BuildGfxToken(); return x40_24_texturesLoaded; } void CBooModel::UnlockTextures() const { const_cast(m_gfxToken).doDestroy(); for (TCachedToken& tex : const_cast>&>(x1c_textures)) tex.Unlock(); const_cast(this)->x40_24_texturesLoaded = false; } void CBooModel::DrawAlphaSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const CBooSurface* surf = x3c_firstSortedSurface; while (surf) { DrawSurface(*surf, flags); surf = surf->m_next; } } void CBooModel::DrawNormalSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const CBooSurface* surf = x38_firstUnsortedSurface; while (surf) { DrawSurface(*surf, flags); surf = surf->m_next; } } void CBooModel::DrawSurfaces(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const CBooSurface* surf = x38_firstUnsortedSurface; while (surf) { DrawSurface(*surf, flags); surf = surf->m_next; } surf = x3c_firstSortedSurface; while (surf) { DrawSurface(*surf, flags); surf = surf->m_next; } } void CBooModel::DrawSurface(const CBooSurface& surf, const CModelFlags& flags) const { const MaterialSet::Material& data = GetMaterialByIndex(surf.m_data.matIdx); if (data.flags.shadowOccluderMesh() && !g_DrawingOccluders) return; const std::vector& extendeds = m_shaderDataBindings[surf.selfIdx]; boo::IShaderDataBinding* binding = extendeds[0]; if (flags.m_extendedShaderIdx < extendeds.size()) binding = extendeds[flags.m_extendedShaderIdx]; CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(binding); CGraphics::DrawArrayIndexed(surf.m_data.idxStart, surf.m_data.idxCount); } void CBooModel::UVAnimationBuffer::ProcessAnimation(u8*& bufOut, const UVAnimation& anim) { zeus::CMatrix4f& texMtxOut = reinterpret_cast(*bufOut); zeus::CMatrix4f& postMtxOut = reinterpret_cast(*(bufOut + sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f))); texMtxOut = zeus::CMatrix4f(); postMtxOut = zeus::CMatrix4f(); switch (anim.mode) { case UVAnimation::Mode::MvInvNoTranslation: { texMtxOut = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); texMtxOut.vec[3].zeroOut(); texMtxOut.vec[3].w = 1.f; postMtxOut.vec[0].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[1].y = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].y = 0.5f; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::MvInv: { texMtxOut = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); postMtxOut.vec[0].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[1].y = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].y = 0.5f; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::Scroll: { texMtxOut.vec[3].x = CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900() * anim.vals[2] + anim.vals[0]; texMtxOut.vec[3].y = CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900() * anim.vals[3] + anim.vals[1]; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::Rotation: { float angle = CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900() * anim.vals[1] + anim.vals[0]; float acos = std::cos(angle); float asin = std::sin(angle); texMtxOut.vec[0].x = acos; texMtxOut.vec[0].y = asin; texMtxOut.vec[1].x = -asin; texMtxOut.vec[1].y = acos; texMtxOut.vec[3].x = (1.0f - (acos - asin)) * 0.5f; texMtxOut.vec[3].y = (1.0f - (asin + acos)) * 0.5f; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::HStrip: { float value = anim.vals[0] * anim.vals[2] * (anim.vals[3] + CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900()); texMtxOut.vec[3].x = (float)(short)(float)(anim.vals[1] * fmod(value, 1.0f)) * anim.vals[2]; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::VStrip: { float value = anim.vals[0] * anim.vals[2] * (anim.vals[3] + CGraphics::GetSecondsMod900()); texMtxOut.vec[3].y = (float)(short)(float)(anim.vals[1] * fmod(value, 1.0f)) * anim.vals[2]; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::Model: { texMtxOut = CGraphics::g_GXModelMatrix.toMatrix4f(); texMtxOut.vec[3].zeroOut(); postMtxOut.vec[0].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[2].y = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].x = CGraphics::g_GXModelMatrix.origin.x * 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].y = CGraphics::g_GXModelMatrix.origin.y * 0.5f; break; } case UVAnimation::Mode::CylinderEnvironment: { texMtxOut = (CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix.inverse() * CGraphics::g_GXModelMatrix).toMatrix4f(); texMtxOut.vec[3].zeroOut(); const zeus::CVector3f& viewOrigin = CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix.origin; float xy = (viewOrigin.x + viewOrigin.y) * 0.025f * anim.vals[1]; xy = (xy - (int)xy); float z = (viewOrigin.z) * 0.05f * anim.vals[1]; z = (z - (int)z); float halfA = anim.vals[0] * 0.5f; postMtxOut = zeus::CTransform(zeus::CMatrix3f(halfA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, halfA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), zeus::CVector3f(xy, z, 1.0)).toMatrix4f(); break; } default: break; } bufOut += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f) * 2; } void CBooModel::UVAnimationBuffer::PadOutBuffer(u8*& bufStart, u8*& bufOut) { bufOut = bufStart + ROUND_UP_256(bufOut - bufStart); } void CBooModel::UVAnimationBuffer::Update(u8*& bufOut, const MaterialSet* matSet, const CModelFlags& flags) { u8* start = bufOut; /* Special Mode0 matrix for exclusive Thermal Visor use */ std::experimental::optional> thermalMtxOut; if (flags.m_extendedShaderIdx == 2) { thermalMtxOut.emplace(); zeus::CMatrix4f& texMtxOut = (*thermalMtxOut)[0]; texMtxOut = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); texMtxOut.vec[3].zeroOut(); texMtxOut.vec[3].w = 1.f; zeus::CMatrix4f& postMtxOut = (*thermalMtxOut)[1]; postMtxOut.vec[0].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[1].y = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].x = 0.5f; postMtxOut.vec[3].y = 0.5f; } for (const MaterialSet::Material& mat : matSet->materials) { if (thermalMtxOut) { std::array* mtxs = reinterpret_cast*>(bufOut); mtxs[7][0] = (*thermalMtxOut)[0]; mtxs[7][1] = (*thermalMtxOut)[1]; } u8* bufOrig = bufOut; for (const UVAnimation& anim : mat.uvAnims) ProcessAnimation(bufOut, anim); bufOut = bufOrig + sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f) * 2 * 8; PadOutBuffer(start, bufOut); } } void CBooModel::UpdateUniformData(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose) const { if (!m_uniformBuffer) return; u8* dataOut = reinterpret_cast(m_uniformBuffer->map(m_uniformDataSize)); u8* dataCur = dataOut; if (m_skinBankCount) { /* Skinned */ std::vector bankTransforms; bankTransforms.reserve(m_weightVecCount*4); for (size_t i=0 ; iGetBankTransforms(bankTransforms, *pose, i); for (size_t w=0 ; w(*dataCur); if (w >= bankTransforms.size()) mv = CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); else mv = (CGraphics::g_GXModelView * *bankTransforms[w]).toMatrix4f(); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); } for (size_t w=0 ; w(*dataCur); if (w >= bankTransforms.size()) mvinv = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); else { zeus::CTransform xf = (CGraphics::g_GXModelView * *bankTransforms[w]).inverse(); xf.origin.zeroOut(); xf.basis.transpose(); mvinv = xf.toMatrix4f(); } dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); } bankTransforms.clear(); } else { for (size_t w=0 ; w(*dataCur); mv = CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); } for (size_t w=0 ; w(*dataCur); mvinv = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); } } zeus::CMatrix4f& proj = reinterpret_cast(*dataCur); proj = CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(true); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); dataCur = dataOut + ROUND_UP_256(dataCur - dataOut); } } else { /* Non-Skinned */ zeus::CMatrix4f& mv = reinterpret_cast(*dataCur); mv = CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); zeus::CMatrix4f& mvinv = reinterpret_cast(*dataCur); mvinv = CGraphics::g_GXModelViewInvXpose.toMatrix4f(); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); zeus::CMatrix4f& proj = reinterpret_cast(*dataCur); proj = CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(true); dataCur += sizeof(zeus::CMatrix4f); dataCur = dataOut + ROUND_UP_256(dataCur - dataOut); } UVAnimationBuffer::Update(dataCur, x4_matSet, flags); if (flags.m_extendedShaderIdx == 2) /* Thermal Model (same as UV Mode 0) */ { CModelShaders::ThermalUniform& thermalOut = *reinterpret_cast(dataCur); thermalOut.mulColor = flags.color; thermalOut.addColor = flags.addColor; } else { CModelShaders::LightingUniform& lightingOut = *reinterpret_cast(dataCur); lightingOut = m_lightingData; lightingOut.colorRegs[0] = flags.regColors[0]; lightingOut.colorRegs[1] = flags.regColors[1]; lightingOut.colorRegs[2] = flags.regColors[2]; lightingOut.fog = CGraphics::g_Fog; } m_uniformBuffer->unmap(); } void CBooModel::DrawAlpha(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose) const { if (TryLockTextures()) { UpdateUniformData(flags, cskr, pose); DrawAlphaSurfaces(flags); } } void CBooModel::DrawNormal(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose) const { if (TryLockTextures()) { UpdateUniformData(flags, cskr, pose); DrawNormalSurfaces(flags); } } void CBooModel::Draw(const CModelFlags& flags, const CSkinRules* cskr, const CPoseAsTransforms* pose) const { if (TryLockTextures()) { UpdateUniformData(flags, cskr, pose); DrawSurfaces(flags); } } static const u8* MemoryFromPartData(const u8*& dataCur, const s32*& secSizeCur) { const u8* ret; if (*secSizeCur) ret = dataCur; else ret = nullptr; dataCur += hecl::SBig(*secSizeCur); ++secSizeCur; return ret; } std::unique_ptr CModel::MakeNewInstance(int shaderIdx) { if (shaderIdx >= x18_matSets.size()) shaderIdx = 0; return std::make_unique(m_selfToken, &x8_surfaces, x18_matSets[shaderIdx], m_vtxFmt, m_vbo, m_ibo, 0, 0, m_aabb); } CModel::CModel(std::unique_ptr&& in, u32 /* dataLen */, IObjectStore* store, CObjectReference* selfRef) : m_selfToken(selfRef) { std::unique_ptr data = std::move(in); u32 version = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast(data.get() + 0x4)); u32 flags = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast(data.get() + 0x8)); if (version != 0x10002) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "invalid CMDL for loading with boo"); u32 secCount = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast(data.get() + 0x24)); u32 matSetCount = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast(data.get() + 0x28)); x18_matSets.reserve(matSetCount); const u8* dataCur = data.get() + ROUND_UP_32(0x2c + secCount * 4); const s32* secSizeCur = reinterpret_cast(data.get() + 0x2c); for (u32 i=0 ; i bool { m_vbo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, vboData, hmdlMeta.vertStride, hmdlMeta.vertCount); m_ibo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Index, iboData, 4, hmdlMeta.indexCount); m_vtxFmt = hecl::Runtime::HMDLData::NewVertexFormat(ctx, hmdlMeta, m_vbo, m_ibo); for (CBooModel::SShader& matSet : x18_matSets) { matSet.m_shaders.reserve(matSet.m_matSet.materials.size()); for (const MaterialSet::Material& mat : matSet.m_matSet.materials) { hecl::Runtime::ShaderTag tag(mat.heclIr, hmdlMeta.colorCount, hmdlMeta.uvCount, hmdlMeta.weightCount, 0, 8, boo::Primitive(hmdlMeta.topology), true, true, true); matSet.m_shaders.push_back(CModelShaders::g_ModelShaders->buildExtendedShader(tag, mat.heclIr, "CMDL", ctx)); } } return true; }); u32 surfCount = hecl::SBig(*reinterpret_cast(surfInfo)); x8_surfaces.reserve(surfCount); for (u32 i=0 ; i(data.get() + 0xc); m_aabb = zeus::CAABox(hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[0]), hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[1]), hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[2]), hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[3]), hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[4]), hecl::SBig(aabbPtr[5])); x28_modelInst = MakeNewInstance(0); } void CBooModel::SShader::UnlockTextures() { for (TCachedToken& tex : x0_textures) tex.Unlock(); } void CBooModel::VerifyCurrentShader(int shaderIdx) { if (shaderIdx != m_matSetIdx) RemapMaterialData(m_model->x18_matSets[shaderIdx]); } void CBooModel::Touch(int shaderIdx) const { const_cast(this)->VerifyCurrentShader(shaderIdx); TryLockTextures(); } void CModel::DrawSortedParts(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const_cast(*x28_modelInst).VerifyCurrentShader(flags.m_matSetIdx); x28_modelInst->DrawAlpha(flags, nullptr, nullptr); } void CModel::DrawUnsortedParts(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const_cast(*x28_modelInst).VerifyCurrentShader(flags.m_matSetIdx); x28_modelInst->DrawNormal(flags, nullptr, nullptr); } void CModel::Draw(const CModelFlags& flags) const { const_cast(*x28_modelInst).VerifyCurrentShader(flags.m_matSetIdx); x28_modelInst->Draw(flags, nullptr, nullptr); } bool CModel::IsLoaded(int shaderIdx) const { const_cast(*x28_modelInst).VerifyCurrentShader(shaderIdx); std::vector>& texs = x28_modelInst->x1c_textures; bool loaded = true; for (TCachedToken& tex : texs) { if (!tex.IsLoaded()) { loaded = false; break; } } return loaded; } CFactoryFnReturn FModelFactory(const urde::SObjectTag& tag, std::unique_ptr&& in, u32 len, const urde::CVParamTransfer& vparms, CObjectReference* selfRef) { IObjectStore* store = static_cast*>(vparms.GetObj())->GetParam(); CFactoryFnReturn ret = TToken::GetIObjObjectFor(std::make_unique(std::move(in), len, store, selfRef)); return ret; } }