#include "SCLY.hpp" #include "ScriptObjects/ScriptTypes.hpp" namespace DataSpec { namespace DNAMP1 { void SCLY::read(athena::io::IStreamReader& rs) { fourCC = rs.readUint32Little(); version = rs.readUint32Big(); layerCount = rs.readUint32Big(); rs.enumerateBig(layerSizes, layerCount); atUint32 i = 0; rs.enumerate(layers, layerCount, [&i,this](athena::io::IStreamReader& rs, ScriptLayer& layer) { atUint64 start = rs.position(); layer.read(rs); rs.seek(start + layerSizes[i++], athena::Begin); }); } void SCLY::write(athena::io::IStreamWriter& ws) const { ws.writeUint32Big(fourCC); ws.writeUint32Big(version); ws.writeUint32Big(layerCount); ws.enumerateBig(layerSizes); ws.enumerate(layers); } size_t SCLY::binarySize(size_t __isz) const { __isz += 12; __isz += layerSizes.size() * 4; return __EnumerateSize(__isz, layers); } void SCLY::exportToLayerDirectories(const PAK::Entry& entry, PAKRouter& pakRouter, bool force) const { for (atUint32 i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { bool active; hecl::ProjectPath layerPath = pakRouter.getAreaLayerWorking(entry.id, i, active); if (layerPath.getPathType() == hecl::ProjectPath::Type::None) layerPath.makeDir(); if (active) { hecl::ProjectPath activePath(layerPath, "!defaultactive"); fclose(hecl::Fopen(activePath.getAbsolutePath().c_str(), _S("wb"))); } hecl::ProjectPath yamlFile(layerPath, _S("objects.yaml")); if (force || yamlFile.getPathType() == hecl::ProjectPath::Type::None) { FILE* yaml = hecl::Fopen(yamlFile.getAbsolutePath().c_str(), _S("wb")); layers[i].toYAMLFile(yaml); fclose(yaml); } } } void SCLY::addCMDLRigPairs(PAKRouter& pakRouter, std::unordered_map>& addTo) const { for (const ScriptLayer& layer : layers) layer.addCMDLRigPairs(pakRouter, addTo); } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::addCMDLRigPairs(PAKRouter& pakRouter, std::unordered_map>& addTo) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& obj : objects) obj->addCMDLRigPairs(pakRouter, addTo); } void SCLY::nameIDs(PAKRouter& pakRouter) const { for (const ScriptLayer& layer : layers) layer.nameIDs(pakRouter); } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::nameIDs(PAKRouter& pakRouter) const { for (const std::unique_ptr& obj : objects) obj->nameIDs(pakRouter); } void SCLY::read(athena::io::YAMLDocReader& docin) { fourCC = docin.readUint32("fourCC"); version = docin.readUint32("version"); layerCount = docin.enumerate("layerSizes", layerSizes); docin.enumerate("layers", layers); } void SCLY::write(athena::io::YAMLDocWriter& docout) const { docout.writeUint32("fourCC", fourCC); docout.writeUint32("version", version); docout.enumerate("layerSizes", layerSizes); docout.enumerate("layers", layers); } const char* SCLY::DNAType() { return "urde::DNAMP1::SCLY"; } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::read(athena::io::IStreamReader& rs) { unknown = rs.readUByte(); objectCount = rs.readUint32Big(); objects.clear(); objects.reserve(objectCount); for (atUint32 i = 0; i < objectCount; i++) { atUint8 type = rs.readUByte(); atUint32 len = rs.readUint32Big(); atUint64 start = rs.position(); auto iter = std::find_if(SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.begin(), SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.end(), [&type](const ScriptObjectSpec* obj) -> bool { return obj->type == type; }); if (iter != SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.end()) { std::unique_ptr obj((*iter)->a()); obj->type = type; obj->read(rs); objects.push_back(std::move(obj)); size_t actualLen = rs.position() - start; if (actualLen != len) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Error while reading object of type 0x%.2X, did not read the expected amount of data, read 0x%x, expected 0x%x"), (atUint32)type, actualLen, len); rs.seek(start + len, athena::Begin); } else Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Unable to find type 0x%X in object database"), (atUint32)type); } } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::read(athena::io::YAMLDocReader& rs) { unknown = rs.readUByte("unknown"); size_t objCount; objects.clear(); if (rs.enterSubVector("objects", objCount)) { objectCount = objCount; objects.reserve(objCount); for (atUint32 i = 0; i < objectCount; i++) { rs.enterSubRecord(nullptr); atUint8 type = rs.readUByte("type"); auto iter = std::find_if(SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.begin(), SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.end(), [&type](const ScriptObjectSpec* obj) -> bool { return obj->type == type; }); if (iter != SCRIPT_OBJECT_DB.end()) { std::unique_ptr obj((*iter)->a()); obj->read(rs); obj->type = type; objects.push_back(std::move(obj)); } else Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Unable to find type 0x%X in object database"), (atUint32)type); rs.leaveSubRecord(); } rs.leaveSubVector(); } else objectCount = 0; } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::write(athena::io::IStreamWriter& ws) const { ws.writeUByte(unknown); ws.writeUint32Big(objectCount); for (const std::unique_ptr& obj : objects) { ws.writeByte(obj->type); obj->write(ws); } } size_t SCLY::ScriptLayer::binarySize(size_t __isz) const { __isz += 5; for (const std::unique_ptr& obj : objects) { __isz += 1; __isz = obj->binarySize(__isz); } return __isz; } void SCLY::ScriptLayer::write(athena::io::YAMLDocWriter& ws) const { ws.writeUByte("unknown", unknown); ws.enterSubVector("objects"); for (const std::unique_ptr& obj : objects) { ws.enterSubRecord(nullptr); ws.writeUByte("type", obj->type); obj->write(ws); ws.leaveSubRecord(); }; ws.leaveSubVector(); } const char* SCLY::ScriptLayer::DNAType() { return "urde::DNAMP1::SCLY::ScriptLayer"; } } }