#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include "BlenderConnection.hpp" #if _WIN32 #include #include #endif namespace std { template <> struct hash> { size_t operator()(const std::pair& val) const NOEXCEPT { /* this will potentially truncate the second value if 32-bit size_t, * however, its application here is intended to operate in 16-bit indices */ return val.first | (val.second << 16); } }; } namespace hecl { logvisor::Module BlenderLog("hecl::BlenderConnection"); BlenderToken SharedBlenderToken; #ifdef __APPLE__ #define DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN "/Applications/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/blender" #else #define DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN "blender" #endif extern "C" uint8_t HECL_BLENDERSHELL[]; extern "C" size_t HECL_BLENDERSHELL_SZ; extern "C" uint8_t HECL_ADDON[]; extern "C" size_t HECL_ADDON_SZ; extern "C" uint8_t HECL_STARTUP[]; extern "C" size_t HECL_STARTUP_SZ; static void InstallBlendershell(const SystemChar* path) { FILE* fp = hecl::Fopen(path, _S("w")); if (!fp) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to open %s for writing"), path); fwrite(HECL_BLENDERSHELL, 1, HECL_BLENDERSHELL_SZ, fp); fclose(fp); } static void InstallAddon(const SystemChar* path) { FILE* fp = hecl::Fopen(path, _S("wb")); if (!fp) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Unable to install blender addon at '%s'"), path); fwrite(HECL_ADDON, 1, HECL_ADDON_SZ, fp); fclose(fp); } static void InstallStartup(const char* path) { FILE* fp = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!fp) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "Unable to place hecl_startup.blend at '%s'", path); fwrite(HECL_STARTUP, 1, HECL_STARTUP_SZ, fp); fclose(fp); } size_t BlenderConnection::_readLine(char* buf, size_t bufSz) { size_t readBytes = 0; while (true) { if (readBytes >= bufSz) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "Pipe buffer overrun"); *(buf-1) = '\0'; return bufSz - 1; } int ret; while ((ret = read(m_readpipe[0], buf, 1)) < 0 && errno == EINTR) {} if (ret < 0) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, strerror(errno)); return 0; } else if (ret == 1) { if (*buf == '\n') { *buf = '\0'; if (readBytes >= 4) if (!memcmp(buf, "EXCEPTION", std::min(readBytes, size_t(9)))) _blenderDied(); return readBytes; } ++readBytes; ++buf; } else { *buf = '\0'; if (readBytes >= 4) if (!memcmp(buf, "EXCEPTION", std::min(readBytes, size_t(9)))) _blenderDied(); return readBytes; } } } size_t BlenderConnection::_writeLine(const char* buf) { int ret, nlerr; ret = write(m_writepipe[1], buf, strlen(buf)); if (ret < 0) goto err; nlerr = write(m_writepipe[1], "\n", 1); if (nlerr < 0) goto err; return (size_t)ret; err: _blenderDied(); return 0; } size_t BlenderConnection::_readBuf(void* buf, size_t len) { int ret = read(m_readpipe[0], buf, len); if (ret < 0) goto err; if (len >= 4) if (!memcmp((char*)buf, "EXCEPTION", std::min(len, size_t(9)))) _blenderDied(); return ret; err: _blenderDied(); return 0; } size_t BlenderConnection::_writeBuf(const void* buf, size_t len) { int ret = write(m_writepipe[1], buf, len); if (ret < 0) goto err; return ret; err: _blenderDied(); return 0; } void BlenderConnection::_closePipe() { close(m_readpipe[0]); close(m_writepipe[1]); } void BlenderConnection::_blenderDied() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); FILE* errFp = hecl::Fopen(m_errPath.c_str(), _S("r")); if (errFp) { fseek(errFp, 0, SEEK_END); int64_t len = hecl::FTell(errFp); if (len) { fseek(errFp, 0, SEEK_SET); std::unique_ptr buf(new char[len+1]); memset(buf.get(), 0, len+1); fread(buf.get(), 1, len, errFp); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "\n%s", buf.get()); } } BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "Blender Exception"); } BlenderConnection::BlenderConnection(int verbosityLevel) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Info, "Establishing BlenderConnection..."); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Put hecl_blendershell.py in temp dir */ #ifdef _WIN32 wchar_t* TMPDIR = _wgetenv(L"TEMP"); if (!TMPDIR) TMPDIR = (wchar_t*)L"\\Temp"; m_startupBlend = hecl::WideToUTF8(TMPDIR); #else char* TMPDIR = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (!TMPDIR) TMPDIR = (char*)"/tmp"; m_startupBlend = TMPDIR; #endif hecl::SystemString blenderShellPath(TMPDIR); blenderShellPath += _S("/hecl_blendershell.py"); InstallBlendershell(blenderShellPath.c_str()); hecl::SystemString blenderAddonPath(TMPDIR); blenderAddonPath += _S("/hecl_blenderaddon.zip"); InstallAddon(blenderAddonPath.c_str()); m_startupBlend += "/hecl_startup.blend"; InstallStartup(m_startupBlend.c_str()); int installAttempt = 0; while (true) { /* Construct communication pipes */ #if _WIN32 _pipe(m_readpipe, 2048, _O_BINARY); _pipe(m_writepipe, 2048, _O_BINARY); HANDLE writehandle = HANDLE(_get_osfhandle(m_writepipe[0])); SetHandleInformation(writehandle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); HANDLE readhandle = HANDLE(_get_osfhandle(m_readpipe[1])); SetHandleInformation(readhandle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT); #else pipe(m_readpipe); pipe(m_writepipe); #endif /* User-specified blender path */ #if _WIN32 wchar_t BLENDER_BIN_BUF[2048]; wchar_t* blenderBin = _wgetenv(L"BLENDER_BIN"); #else char* blenderBin = getenv("BLENDER_BIN"); #endif /* Child process of blender */ #if _WIN32 if (!blenderBin) { /* Environment not set; use default */ wchar_t progFiles[256]; if (!GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"ProgramFiles", progFiles, 256)) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to determine 'Program Files' path"); _snwprintf(BLENDER_BIN_BUF, 2048, L"%s\\Blender Foundation\\Blender\\blender.exe", progFiles); blenderBin = BLENDER_BIN_BUF; } wchar_t cmdLine[2048]; _snwprintf(cmdLine, 2048, L" --background -P \"%s\" -- %" PRIuPTR " %" PRIuPTR " %d \"%s\"", blenderShellPath.c_str(), uintptr_t(writehandle), uintptr_t(readhandle), verbosityLevel, blenderAddonPath.c_str()); STARTUPINFO sinfo = {sizeof(STARTUPINFO)}; HANDLE nulHandle = NULL; if (verbosityLevel == 0) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sattrs = {sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, TRUE}; nulHandle = CreateFileW(L"nul", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sattrs, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); sinfo.hStdInput = nulHandle; sinfo.hStdError = nulHandle; sinfo.hStdOutput = nulHandle; sinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; } PROCESS_INFORMATION pinfo; if (!CreateProcessW(blenderBin, cmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &sinfo, &pinfo)) { LPWSTR messageBuffer = nullptr; size_t size = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&messageBuffer, 0, NULL); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, L"unable to launch blender from %s: %s", blenderBin, messageBuffer); } close(m_writepipe[0]); close(m_readpipe[1]); if (nulHandle) CloseHandle(nulHandle); #else pid_t pid = fork(); if (!pid) { close(m_writepipe[1]); close(m_readpipe[0]); if (verbosityLevel == 0) { int devNull = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); dup2(devNull, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(devNull, STDERR_FILENO); } char errbuf[256]; char readfds[32]; snprintf(readfds, 32, "%d", m_writepipe[0]); char writefds[32]; snprintf(writefds, 32, "%d", m_readpipe[1]); char vLevel[32]; snprintf(vLevel, 32, "%d", verbosityLevel); /* Try user-specified blender first */ if (blenderBin) { execlp(blenderBin, blenderBin, "--background", "-P", blenderShellPath.c_str(), "--", readfds, writefds, vLevel, blenderAddonPath.c_str(), NULL); if (errno != ENOENT) { snprintf(errbuf, 256, "NOLAUNCH %s\n", strerror(errno)); write(m_writepipe[1], errbuf, strlen(errbuf)); exit(1); } } /* Otherwise default blender */ execlp(DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN, DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN, "--background", "-P", blenderShellPath.c_str(), "--", readfds, writefds, vLevel, blenderAddonPath.c_str(), NULL); if (errno != ENOENT) { snprintf(errbuf, 256, "NOLAUNCH %s\n", strerror(errno)); write(m_writepipe[1], errbuf, strlen(errbuf)); exit(1); } /* Unable to find blender */ write(m_writepipe[1], "NOBLENDER\n", 10); exit(1); } close(m_writepipe[0]); close(m_readpipe[1]); m_blenderProc = pid; #endif /* Stash error path an unlink existing file */ m_errPath = hecl::SystemString(TMPDIR) + hecl::Format(_S("/hecl_%016llX.derp"), (unsigned long long)m_blenderProc); hecl::Unlink(m_errPath.c_str()); /* Handle first response */ char lineBuf[256]; _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "NOLAUNCH")) { _closePipe(); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "Unable to launch blender"); } else if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "NOBLENDER")) { _closePipe(); if (blenderBin) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Unable to find blender at '%s' or '%s'"), blenderBin, DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN); else BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("Unable to find blender at '%s'"), DEFAULT_BLENDER_BIN); } else if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "NOADDON")) { _closePipe(); InstallAddon(blenderAddonPath.c_str()); ++installAttempt; if (installAttempt >= 2) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to install blender addon using '%s'"), blenderAddonPath.c_str()); continue; } else if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "ADDONINSTALLED")) { _closePipe(); blenderAddonPath = _S("SKIPINSTALL"); continue; } else if (strcmp(lineBuf, "READY")) { _closePipe(); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "read '%s' from blender; expected 'READY'", lineBuf); } _writeLine("ACK"); _readLine(lineBuf, 7); if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "SLERP0")) m_hasSlerp = false; else if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "SLERP1")) m_hasSlerp = true; else { _closePipe(); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "read '%s' from blender; expected 'SLERP(0|1)'", lineBuf); } break; } } BlenderConnection::~BlenderConnection() { _closePipe(); } std::streambuf::int_type BlenderConnection::PyOutStream::StreamBuf::overflow(int_type ch) { if (!m_parent.m_parent || !m_parent.m_parent->m_lock) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "lock not held for PyOutStream writing"); if (ch != traits_type::eof() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\0') { m_lineBuf += char_type(ch); return ch; } //printf("FLUSHING %s\n", m_lineBuf.c_str()); m_parent.m_parent->_writeLine(m_lineBuf.c_str()); char readBuf[16]; m_parent.m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 16); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) { if (m_deleteOnError) m_parent.m_parent->deleteBlend(); m_parent.m_parent->_blenderDied(); } m_lineBuf.clear(); return ch; } static const char* BlendTypeStrs[] = { "NONE", "MESH", "ACTOR", "AREA", "WORLD", "MAPAREA", "MAPUNIVERSE", "FRAME", nullptr }; bool BlenderConnection::createBlend(const ProjectPath& path, BlendType type) { if (m_lock) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "BlenderConnection::createBlend() musn't be called with stream active"); return false; } _writeLine(("CREATE \"" + path.getAbsolutePathUTF8() + "\" " + BlendTypeStrs[int(type)] + " \"" + m_startupBlend + "\"").c_str()); char lineBuf[256]; _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "FINISHED")) { m_loadedBlend = path; m_loadedType = type; return true; } return false; } bool BlenderConnection::openBlend(const ProjectPath& path, bool force) { if (m_lock) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "BlenderConnection::openBlend() musn't be called with stream active"); return false; } if (!force && path == m_loadedBlend) return true; _writeLine(("OPEN \"" + path.getAbsolutePathUTF8() + "\"").c_str()); char lineBuf[256]; _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "FINISHED")) { m_loadedBlend = path; _writeLine("GETTYPE"); _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); m_loadedType = BlendType::None; unsigned idx = 0; while (BlendTypeStrs[idx]) { if (!strcmp(BlendTypeStrs[idx], lineBuf)) { m_loadedType = BlendType(idx); break; } ++idx; } m_loadedRigged = false; if (m_loadedType == BlendType::Mesh) { _writeLine("GETMESHRIGGED"); _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); if (!strcmp("TRUE", lineBuf)) m_loadedRigged = true; } return true; } return false; } bool BlenderConnection::saveBlend() { if (m_lock) { BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "BlenderConnection::saveBlend() musn't be called with stream active"); return false; } _writeLine("SAVE"); char lineBuf[256]; _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); if (!strcmp(lineBuf, "FINISHED")) return true; return false; } void BlenderConnection::deleteBlend() { if (m_loadedBlend) { hecl::Unlink(m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Info, _S("Deleted '%s'"), m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); m_loadedBlend = ProjectPath(); } } void BlenderConnection::PyOutStream::linkBlend(const char* target, const char* objName, bool link) { format("if '%s' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n" " with bpy.data.libraries.load('''%s''', link=%s, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n" " data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n" " obj_scene = None\n" " for scene in data_to.scenes:\n" " if scene.name == '%s':\n" " obj_scene = scene\n" " break\n" " if not obj_scene:\n" " raise RuntimeError('''unable to find %s in %s. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n" " obj = None\n" " for object in obj_scene.objects:\n" " if object.name == obj_scene.name:\n" " obj = object\n" "else:\n" " obj = bpy.data.objects['%s']\n" "\n", objName, target, link?"True":"False", objName, objName, target, objName); } void BlenderConnection::PyOutStream::linkBackground(const char* target, const char* sceneName) { format("if '%s' not in bpy.data.scenes:\n" " with bpy.data.libraries.load('''%s''', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n" " data_to.scenes = data_from.scenes\n" " obj_scene = None\n" " for scene in data_to.scenes:\n" " if scene.name == '%s':\n" " obj_scene = scene\n" " break\n" " if not obj_scene:\n" " raise RuntimeError('''unable to find %s in %s. try deleting it and restart the extract.''')\n" "\n" "bpy.context.scene.background_set = bpy.data.scenes['%s']\n", sceneName, target, sceneName, sceneName, target, sceneName); } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::Mesh (BlenderConnection& conn, HMDLTopology topologyIn, int skinSlotCount, SurfProgFunc& surfProg) : topology(topologyIn), aabbMin(conn), aabbMax(conn) { uint32_t matSetCount; conn._readBuf(&matSetCount, 4); materialSets.reserve(matSetCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i& materials = materialSets.back(); uint32_t matCount; conn._readBuf(&matCount, 4); materials.reserve(matCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i 4) LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "mesh has %u color-layers; max 4", colorLayerCount); conn._readBuf(&count, 4); color.reserve(count); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i 8) LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, "mesh has %u UV-layers; max 8", uvLayerCount); conn._readBuf(&count, 4); uv.reserve(count); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i& binds = skins.back(); uint32_t bindCount; conn._readBuf(&bindCount, 4); binds.reserve(bindCount); for (uint32_t j=0 ; j, uint32_t> contigMap; size_t vertCount = 0; for (Surface& surf : newMesh.surfaces) { for (Surface::Vert& vert : surf.verts) { if (vert.iSkin == i) { auto key = std::make_pair(vert.iPos, vert.iNorm); auto search = contigMap.find(key); if (search != contigMap.end()) { vert.iPos = search->second; vert.iNorm = search->second; } else { uint32_t newIdx = newMesh.pos.size(); contigMap[key] = newIdx; newMesh.pos.push_back(pos.at(vert.iPos)); newMesh.norm.push_back(norm.at(vert.iNorm)); vert.iPos = newIdx; vert.iNorm = newIdx; ++vertCount; } } } } newMesh.contiguousSkinVertCounts.push_back(vertCount); } return newMesh; } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::Material::Material (BlenderConnection& conn) { uint32_t bufSz; conn._readBuf(&bufSz, 4); name.assign(bufSz, ' '); conn._readBuf(&name[0], bufSz); conn._readBuf(&bufSz, 4); source.assign(bufSz, ' '); conn._readBuf(&source[0], bufSz); uint32_t texCount; conn._readBuf(&texCount, 4); texs.reserve(texCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i& bank, uint32_t sIdx) { for (uint32_t idx : bank) if (sIdx == idx) return true; return false; } uint32_t BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh::SkinBanks::addSurface (const Mesh& mesh, const Surface& surf, int skinSlotCount) { if (banks.empty()) addSkinBank(skinSlotCount); std::vector toAdd; if (skinSlotCount > 0) toAdd.reserve(skinSlotCount); std::vector::iterator bankIt = banks.begin(); for (;;) { bool done = true; for (; bankIt != banks.end() ; ++bankIt) { Bank& bank = *bankIt; done = true; for (const Surface::Vert& v : surf.verts) { if (!VertInBank(bank.m_skinIdxs, v.iSkin) && !VertInBank(toAdd, v.iSkin)) { toAdd.push_back(v.iSkin); if (skinSlotCount > 0 && bank.m_skinIdxs.size() + toAdd.size() > skinSlotCount) { toAdd.clear(); done = false; break; } } } if (toAdd.size()) { bank.addSkins(mesh, toAdd); toAdd.clear(); } if (done) return uint32_t(bankIt - banks.begin()); } if (!done) { bankIt = addSkinBank(skinSlotCount); continue; } break; } return uint32_t(-1); } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Actor::Actor(BlenderConnection& conn) { uint32_t armCount; conn._readBuf(&armCount, 4); armatures.reserve(armCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; im_loadedType != BlendType::Mesh) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not a MESH blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); char req[128]; snprintf(req, 128, "MESHCOMPILE %s %d", MeshOutputModeString(topology), skinSlotCount); m_parent->_writeLine(req); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to cook mesh: %s", readBuf); return Mesh(*m_parent, topology, skinSlotCount, surfProg); } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh BlenderConnection::DataStream::compileMesh(const std::string& name, HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount, Mesh::SurfProgFunc surfProg) { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Area) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an AREA blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); char req[128]; snprintf(req, 128, "MESHCOMPILENAME %s %s %d", name.c_str(), MeshOutputModeString(topology), skinSlotCount); m_parent->_writeLine(req); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to cook mesh '%s': %s", name.c_str(), readBuf); return Mesh(*m_parent, topology, skinSlotCount, surfProg); } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Mesh BlenderConnection::DataStream::compileAllMeshes(HMDLTopology topology, int skinSlotCount, float maxOctantLength, Mesh::SurfProgFunc surfProg) { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Area) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an AREA blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); char req[128]; snprintf(req, 128, "MESHCOMPILEALL %s %d %f", MeshOutputModeString(topology), skinSlotCount, maxOctantLength); m_parent->_writeLine(req); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to cook all meshes: %s", readBuf); return Mesh(*m_parent, topology, skinSlotCount, surfProg); } BlenderConnection::DataStream::Actor BlenderConnection::DataStream::compileActor() { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Actor) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an ACTOR blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); m_parent->_writeLine("ACTORCOMPILE"); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to compile actor: %s", readBuf); return Actor(*m_parent); } std::vector BlenderConnection::DataStream::getArmatureNames() { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Actor) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an ACTOR blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); m_parent->_writeLine("GETARMATURENAMES"); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get armatures of actor: %s", readBuf); std::vector ret; uint32_t armCount; m_parent->_readBuf(&armCount, 4); ret.reserve(armCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i_readBuf(&bufSz, 4); name.assign(bufSz, ' '); m_parent->_readBuf(&name[0], bufSz); } return ret; } std::vector BlenderConnection::DataStream::getSubtypeNames() { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Actor) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an ACTOR blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); m_parent->_writeLine("GETSUBTYPENAMES"); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get subtypes of actor: %s", readBuf); std::vector ret; uint32_t subCount; m_parent->_readBuf(&subCount, 4); ret.reserve(subCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i_readBuf(&bufSz, 4); name.assign(bufSz, ' '); m_parent->_readBuf(&name[0], bufSz); } return ret; } std::vector BlenderConnection::DataStream::getActionNames() { if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Actor) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an ACTOR blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); m_parent->_writeLine("GETACTIONNAMES"); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get actions of actor: %s", readBuf); std::vector ret; uint32_t actCount; m_parent->_readBuf(&actCount, 4); ret.reserve(actCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i_readBuf(&bufSz, 4); name.assign(bufSz, ' '); m_parent->_readBuf(&name[0], bufSz); } return ret; } std::unordered_map BlenderConnection::DataStream::getBoneMatrices(const std::string& name) { if (name.empty()) return {}; if (m_parent->m_loadedType != BlendType::Actor) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("%s is not an ACTOR blend"), m_parent->m_loadedBlend.getAbsolutePath().c_str()); char req[128]; snprintf(req, 128, "GETBONEMATRICES %s", name.c_str()); m_parent->_writeLine(req); char readBuf[256]; m_parent->_readLine(readBuf, 256); if (strcmp(readBuf, "OK")) BlenderLog.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to get matrices of armature: %s", readBuf); std::unordered_map ret; uint32_t boneCount; m_parent->_readBuf(&boneCount, 4); ret.reserve(boneCount); for (uint32_t i=0 ; i_readBuf(&bufSz, 4); name.assign(bufSz, ' '); m_parent->_readBuf(&name[0], bufSz); Matrix3f matOut; for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i) { for (int j=0 ; j<3 ; ++j) { float val; m_parent->_readBuf(&val, 4); matOut[i].vec[j] = val; } reinterpret_cast(matOut[i]).vec[3] = 0.f; } ret.emplace(std::make_pair(std::move(name), std::move(matOut))); } return ret; } void BlenderConnection::quitBlender() { _writeLine("QUIT"); char lineBuf[256]; _readLine(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf)); } BlenderConnection& BlenderConnection::SharedConnection() { return SharedBlenderToken.getBlenderConnection(); } void BlenderConnection::Shutdown() { SharedBlenderToken.shutdown(); } }