#ifndef _DNAMP1_SCAN_HPP_ #define _DNAMP1_SCAN_HPP_ #include "../DNACommon/DNACommon.hpp" #include "DNAMP1.hpp" namespace Retro { namespace DNAMP1 { static const std::vector PaneNames = { "imagepane_pane0", "imagepane_pane1", "imagepane_pane2", "imagepane_pane3", "imagepane_pane01", "imagepane_pane12", "imagepane_pane23", "imagepane_pane012", "imagepane_pane123", "imagepane_pane0123", "imagepane_pane4", "imagepane_pane5", "imagepane_pane6", "imagepane_pane7", "imagepane_pane45", "imagepane_pane56", "imagepane_pane67", "imagepane_pane456", "imagepane_pane567", "imagepane_pane4567" }; struct SCAN : BigYAML { DECL_YAML Value version; Value magic; UniqueID32 frame; UniqueID32 string; enum class ScanSpeed : atUint32 { Normal, Slow }; Value scanSpeed; enum class Category : atUint32 { None, SpacePirateData, ChozoLore, Creatures, Research }; Value category; Value isImportant; struct Texture : BigYAML { Delete __delete; UniqueID32 texture; Value appearanceRange; enum class Position : atInt32 { Pane0, Pane1, Pane2, Pane3, Pane01, Pane12, Pane23, Pane012, Pane123, Pane0123, Pane4, Pane5, Pane6, Pane7, Pane45, Pane56, Pane67, Pane456, Pane567, Pane4567, Invalid = -1 }; Value position; Value width; // width of animation cell Value height; // height of animation cell Value interval; // 0.0 - 1.0 Value fadeDuration; // 0.0 - 1.0 void read(Athena::io::IStreamReader& __dna_reader) { /* texture */ texture.read(__dna_reader); /* appearanceRange */ appearanceRange = __dna_reader.readFloatBig(); /* position */ position = Position(__dna_reader.readUint32Big()); /* width */ width = __dna_reader.readUint32Big(); /* height */ height = __dna_reader.readUint32Big(); /* interval */ interval = __dna_reader.readFloatBig(); /* fadeDuration */ fadeDuration = __dna_reader.readFloatBig(); } void write(Athena::io::IStreamWriter& __dna_writer) const { /* texture */ texture.write(__dna_writer); /* appearanceRange */ __dna_writer.writeFloatBig(appearanceRange); /* position */ __dna_writer.writeUint32Big(atUint32(position)); /* width */ __dna_writer.writeUint32Big(width); /* height */ __dna_writer.writeUint32Big(height); /* interval */ __dna_writer.writeFloatBig(interval); /* fadeDuration */ __dna_writer.writeFloatBig(fadeDuration); } void read(Athena::io::YAMLDocReader& __dna_docin) { /* texture */ __dna_docin.enumerate("texture", texture); /* appearanceRange */ appearanceRange = __dna_docin.readFloat("appearanceRange"); /* position */ std::string tmp = __dna_docin.readString("position"); auto idx = std::find(PaneNames.begin(), PaneNames.end(), tmp); if (idx != PaneNames.end()) position = Position(idx - PaneNames.begin()); else position = Position::Invalid; /* width */ width = __dna_docin.readUint32("width"); /* height */ height = __dna_docin.readUint32("height"); /* interval */ interval = __dna_docin.readFloat("interval"); /* fadeDuration */ fadeDuration = __dna_docin.readFloat("fadeDuration"); } void write(Athena::io::YAMLDocWriter& __dna_docout) const { /* texture */ __dna_docout.enumerate("texture", texture); /* appearanceRange */ __dna_docout.writeFloat("appearanceRange", appearanceRange); /* position */ if (position != Position::Invalid) __dna_docout.writeString("position", PaneNames.at(atUint32(position))); else __dna_docout.writeString("position", "undefined"); /* width */ __dna_docout.writeUint32("width", width); /* height */ __dna_docout.writeUint32("height", height); /* interval */ __dna_docout.writeFloat("interval", interval); /* fadeDuration */ __dna_docout.writeFloat("fadeDuration", fadeDuration); } const char* DNAType() { return "Retro::DNAMP1::SCAN::Texture"; } size_t binarySize(size_t __isz) const { __isz = texture.binarySize(__isz); return __isz + 24; } }; Texture textures[4]; static bool Extract(PAKEntryReadStream& rs, const HECL::ProjectPath& outPath) { SCAN scan; scan.read(rs); FILE* fp = HECL::Fopen(outPath.getAbsolutePath().c_str(), _S("wb")); scan.toYAMLFile(fp); fclose(fp); return true; } static void Name(const SpecBase& dataSpec, PAKEntryReadStream& rs, PAKRouter& pakRouter, PAK::Entry& entry) { SCAN scan; scan.read(rs); if (scan.string) { PAK::Entry* ent = (PAK::Entry*)pakRouter.lookupEntry(scan.string); ent->name = HECL::Format("SCAN_%s_strg", entry.id.toString().c_str()); } for (int i=0 ; i<4 ; ++i) { const Texture& tex = scan.textures[i]; if (tex.texture) { PAK::Entry* ent = (PAK::Entry*)pakRouter.lookupEntry(tex.texture); ent->name = HECL::Format("SCAN_%s_tex%d", entry.id.toString().c_str(), i+1); } } } }; } } #endif