#include "Runtime/Input/CInputGenerator.hpp" #include "Runtime/CArchitectureMessage.hpp" #include "Runtime/CArchitectureQueue.hpp" #include namespace metaforce { void CInputGenerator::Update(float dt, CArchitectureQueue& queue) { if (m_firstFrame) { m_firstFrame = false; return; } const CFinalInput& kbInput = getFinalInput(0, dt); queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateUserInput(EArchMsgTarget::Game, kbInput)); /* Dolphin controllers next */ // for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // bool connected; // EStatusChange change = m_dolphinCb.getStatusChange(i, connected); // if (change != EStatusChange::NoChange) // queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateControllerStatus(EArchMsgTarget::Game, i, connected)); // if (connected) { // CFinalInput input = m_dolphinCb.getFinalInput(i, dt, m_leftDiv, m_rightDiv); // if (i == 0) /* Merge KB input with first controller */ // { // input |= kbInput; // kbUsed = true; // } // m_lastUpdate = input; // queue.Push(MakeMsg::CreateUserInput(EArchMsgTarget::Game, input)); // } // } // /* Send straight keyboard input if no first controller present */ // if (!kbUsed) { // m_lastUpdate = kbInput; // } } void CInputGenerator::controllerAdded(uint32_t which) noexcept { s32 player = aurora::get_controller_player_index(which); if (player < 0) { player = 0; aurora::set_controller_player_index(which, 0); } m_state[player] = SAuroraControllerState(which, aurora::is_controller_gamecube(which), aurora::controller_has_rumble(which)); } void CInputGenerator::controllerRemoved(uint32_t which) noexcept { auto it = std::find_if(m_state.begin(), m_state.end(), [&which](const auto& s) { return s.m_which == which; }); if (it == m_state.end()) { return; } (*it) = SAuroraControllerState(); } void CInputGenerator::controllerButton(uint32_t which, aurora::ControllerButton button, bool pressed) noexcept { s32 player = aurora::get_controller_player_index(which); if (player < 0) { return; } m_state[player].m_btns.set(size_t(button), pressed); } void CInputGenerator::controllerAxis(uint32_t which, aurora::ControllerAxis axis, int16_t value) noexcept { s32 player = aurora::get_controller_player_index(which); if (player < 0) { return; } switch (axis) { case aurora::ControllerAxis::LeftY: case aurora::ControllerAxis::RightY: /* Value is inverted compared to what we expect on the Y axis */ value = int16_t(-(value + 1)); [[fallthrough]]; case aurora::ControllerAxis::LeftX: case aurora::ControllerAxis::RightX: value /= int16_t(256); break; case aurora::ControllerAxis::TriggerLeft: case aurora::ControllerAxis::TriggerRight: value /= int16_t(128); break; default: break; } m_state[player].m_axes[size_t(axis)] = value; } void CInputGenerator::SetMotorState(EIOPort port, EMotorState state) { if (m_state[size_t(port)].m_hasRumble && m_state[size_t(port)].m_isGamecube) { if (state == EMotorState::Rumble) { aurora::controller_rumble(m_state[size_t(port)].m_which, 1, 1); } else if (state == EMotorState::Stop) { aurora::controller_rumble(m_state[size_t(port)].m_which, 0, 1); } else if (state == EMotorState::StopHard) { aurora::controller_rumble(m_state[size_t(port)].m_which, 0, 0); } } // TODO: Figure out good intensity values for generic controllers with rumble, support HAPTIC? } const CFinalInput& CInputGenerator::getFinalInput(unsigned int idx, float dt) { auto input = CFinalInput(idx, dt, m_data, m_lastUpdate); // Merge controller input with kb/m input auto state = m_state[idx]; state.clamp(); input |= CFinalInput(idx, dt, state, m_lastUpdate, m_leftDiv, m_rightDiv); m_lastUpdate = input; return m_lastUpdate; } } // namespace metaforce