#ifndef __URDE_CPLAYERSTATE_HPP__ #define __URDE_CPLAYERSTATE_HPP__ #include "RetroTypes.hpp" #include "CBasics.hpp" #include "CStaticInterference.hpp" #include "IOStreams.hpp" #include "rstl.hpp" #include "World/CHealthInfo.hpp" namespace urde { class CPlayerState { friend class CWorldTransManager; public: enum class EItemType : u32 { PowerBeam = 0, IceBeam = 1, WaveBeam = 2, PlasmaBeam = 3, Missiles = 4, ScanVisor = 5, MorphBallBombs = 6, PowerBombs = 7, Flamethrower = 8, ThermalVisor = 9, ChargeBeam = 10, SuperMissile = 11, GrappleBeam = 12, XRayVisor = 13, IceSpreader = 14, SpaceJumpBoots = 15, MorphBall = 16, CombatVisor = 17, BoostBall = 18, SpiderBall = 19, PowerSuit = 20, GravitySuit = 21, VariaSuit = 22, PhazonSuit = 23, EnergyTanks = 24, UnknownItem1 = 25, HealthRefill = 26, UnknownItem2 = 27, Wavebuster = 28, ArtifactOfTruth = 29, ArtifactOfStrength = 30, ArtifactOfElder = 31, ArtifactOfWild = 32, ArtifactOfLifegiver = 33, ArtifactOfWarrior = 34, ArtifactOfChozo = 35, ArtifactOfNature = 36, ArtifactOfSun = 37, ArtifactOfWorld = 38, ArtifactOfSpirit = 39, ArtifactOfNewborn = 40, /* This must remain at the end of the list */ Max }; enum class EPlayerVisor : u32 { Combat, XRay, Scan, Thermal, /* This must remain at the end of the list */ Max }; enum class EPlayerSuit : u32 { Power, Gravity, Varia, Phazon, FusionPower, FusionGravity, FusionVaria, FusionPhazon }; enum class EBeamId : u32 { Power, Ice, Plasma, Wave, Phazon }; private: static const u32 PowerUpMaxValues[41]; struct CPowerUp { int x0_amount = 0; int x4_capacity = 0; CPowerUp() {} CPowerUp(int amount, int capacity) : x0_amount(amount), x4_capacity(capacity) {} }; union { struct { bool x0_24_ : 1; bool x0_25_ : 1; bool x0_26_fusion; }; u32 dummy = 0; }; u32 x4_ = 0; EBeamId x8_currentBeam = EBeamId::Power; CHealthInfo xc_health = {99.f, 50.f}; EPlayerVisor x14_currentVisor = EPlayerVisor::Combat; EPlayerVisor x18_transitioningVisor = x14_currentVisor; float x1c_visorTransitionFactor = 0.2f; EPlayerSuit x20_currentSuit = EPlayerSuit::Power; rstl::reserved_vector x24_powerups; rstl::reserved_vector, 846> x170_scanTimes; u32 x180_ = 0; u32 x184_ = 0; CStaticInterference x188_staticIntf; public: float sub_80091204() const; u32 GetMissileCostForAltAttack() const; u32 CalculateItemCollectionRate() const; CHealthInfo& HealthInfo(); CHealthInfo GetHealthInfo() const; u32 GetPickupTotal() { return 99; } void SetFusion(bool val) { x0_26_fusion = val; } bool GetFusion() const { return x0_26_fusion; } EPlayerSuit GetCurrentSuit() const; EBeamId GetCurrentBeam() const { return x8_currentBeam; } bool CanVisorSeeFog(const CStateManager& stateMgr) const; EPlayerVisor GetActiveVisor(const CStateManager& stateMgr) const; void UpdateStaticInterference(CStateManager& stateMgr, const float& dt); void IncreaseScanTime(u32 time, float val); void SetScanTime(u32 time, float val); float GetScanTime(u32 time, float val); bool GetIsVisorTransitioning() const; float GetVisorTransitionFactor() const; void UpdateVisorTransition(float dt); bool StartVisorTransition(EPlayerVisor visor); void ResetVisor(); bool ItemEnabled(EItemType type); void DisableItem(EItemType type); void EnableItem(EItemType type); bool HasPowerUp(EItemType type); u32 GetItemCapacity(EItemType type) const; u32 GetItemAmount(EItemType type) const; void DecrPickup(EItemType type, s32 amount); void IncrPickup(EItemType type, s32 amount); void ResetAndIncrPickUp(EItemType type, s32 amount); float GetEnergyTankCapacity() const { return 100.f; } float GetBaseHealthCapacity() const { return 99.f; } float CalculateHealth(u32 health); void ReInitalizePowerUp(EItemType type, u32 capacity); void InitializePowerUp(EItemType type, u32 capacity); CPlayerState() : x188_staticIntf(5) { x0_24_ = true; } CPlayerState(CBitStreamReader& stream); void PutTo(CBitStreamWriter& stream); }; } #endif // __URDE_CPLAYERSTATE_HPP__