import bpy, sys, os, re, struct, traceback ARGS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'''(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)'|(\S+))''') # Extract pipe file descriptors from arguments print('HECL Blender Launch', sys.argv) if '--' not in sys.argv: bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() args = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--')+1:] readfd = int(args[0]) writefd = int(args[1]) verbosity_level = int(args[2]) err_path = "" if sys.platform == "win32": import msvcrt readfd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(readfd, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_BINARY) writefd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(writefd, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_BINARY) err_path = "/Temp" if 'TEMP' in os.environ: err_path = os.environ['TEMP'] else: err_path = "/tmp" if 'TMPDIR' in os.environ: err_path = os.environ['TMPDIR'] err_path += "/hecl_%016X.derp" % os.getpid() def readpipestr(): read_bytes =, 4) if len(read_bytes) != 4: print('HECL connection lost or desynchronized') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() read_len = struct.unpack('I', read_bytes)[0] return, read_len) def writepipestr(linebytes): #print('LINE', linebytes) os.write(writefd, struct.pack('I', len(linebytes))) os.write(writefd, linebytes) def writepipebuf(linebytes): #print('BUF', linebytes) os.write(writefd, linebytes) def quitblender(): writepipestr(b'QUITTING') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() class PathHasher: def hashpath32(self, path): writepipestr(path.encode()) read_str = readpipestr() if len(read_str) >= 16: hash = int(read_str[0:16], 16) return (hash & 0xffffffff) ^ ((hash >> 32) & 0xffffffff) return 0 def hashpath64(self, path): writepipestr(path.encode()) read_str = readpipestr() if len(read_str) >= 16: return int(read_str[0:16], 16) return 0 # If there's a third argument, use it as the .zip path containing the addon did_install = False if len(args) >= 4 and args[3] != 'SKIPINSTALL': bpy.ops.wm.addon_install(overwrite=True, target='DEFAULT', filepath=args[3]) bpy.ops.wm.addon_refresh() did_install = True # Make addon available to commands if bpy.context.user_preferences.addons.find('hecl') == -1: try: bpy.ops.wm.addon_enable(module='hecl') bpy.ops.wm.save_userpref() except: pass try: import hecl except: writepipestr(b'NOADDON') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() # Quit if just installed if did_install: writepipestr(b'ADDONINSTALLED') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() # Intro handshake writepipestr(b'READY') ackbytes = readpipestr() if ackbytes != b'ACK': quitblender() # slerp branch check orig_rot = bpy.context.object.rotation_mode try: bpy.context.object.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION_SLERP' writepipestr(b'SLERP1') except: writepipestr(b'SLERP0') bpy.context.object.rotation_mode = orig_rot # Count brackets def count_brackets(linestr): bracket_count = 0 for ch in linestr: if ch in {'[','{','('}: bracket_count += 1 elif ch in {']','}',')'}: bracket_count -= 1 return bracket_count # Read line of space-separated/quoted arguments def read_cmdargs(): cmdline = readpipestr() if cmdline == b'': print('HECL connection lost') bpy.ops.wm.quit_blender() cmdargs = [] for match in ARGS_PATTERN.finditer(cmdline.decode()): cmdargs.append( return cmdargs # Complete sequences of statements compiled/executed here def exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals): if verbosity_level >= 3: print('EXEC', compbuf) try: co = compile(compbuf, '', 'exec') exec(co, globals) except Exception as e: trace_prefix = 'Error processing:\n' trace_prefix += compbuf raise RuntimeError(trace_prefix) from e # Command loop for writing animation key data to blender def animin_loop(globals): writepipestr(b'ANIMREADY') while True: crv_type = struct.unpack('b',, 1)) if crv_type[0] < 0: writepipestr(b'ANIMDONE') return elif crv_type[0] == 0: crvs = globals['rotCurves'] elif crv_type[0] == 1: crvs = globals['transCurves'] elif crv_type[0] == 2: crvs = globals['scaleCurves'] key_info = struct.unpack('ii',, 8)) crv = crvs[key_info[0]] crv.keyframe_points.add(count=key_info[1]) if crv_type[0] == 1: for k in range(key_info[1]): key_data = struct.unpack('if',, 8)) pt = crv.keyframe_points[k] pt.interpolation = 'LINEAR' = (key_data[0], key_data[1]) else: for k in range(key_info[1]): key_data = struct.unpack('if',, 8)) pt = crv.keyframe_points[k] pt.interpolation = 'LINEAR' = (key_data[0], key_data[1]) # Command loop for reading data from blender def dataout_loop(): writepipestr(b'READY') while True: cmdargs = read_cmdargs() print(cmdargs) if cmdargs[0] == 'DATAEND': writepipestr(b'DONE') return elif cmdargs[0] == 'MESHLIST': meshCount = 0 for meshobj in if meshobj.type == 'MESH' and not meshobj.library: meshCount += 1 writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', meshCount)) for meshobj in if meshobj.type == 'MESH' and not meshobj.library: writepipestr( elif cmdargs[0] == 'MESHCOMPILE': maxSkinBanks = int(cmdargs[2]) meshName = bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj if meshName not in writepipestr(('mesh %s not found' % meshName).encode()) continue writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.hmdl.cook(writepipebuf,[meshName], cmdargs[1], maxSkinBanks) elif cmdargs[0] == 'MESHCOMPILENAME': meshName = cmdargs[1] maxSkinBanks = int(cmdargs[3]) if meshName not in writepipestr(('mesh %s not found' % meshName).encode()) continue writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.hmdl.cook(writepipebuf,[meshName], cmdargs[2], maxSkinBanks) elif cmdargs[0] == 'MESHCOMPILENAMECOLLISION': meshName = cmdargs[1] if meshName not in writepipestr(('mesh %s not found' % meshName).encode()) continue writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.hmdl.cookcol(writepipebuf,[meshName]) elif cmdargs[0] == 'MESHCOMPILEALL': maxSkinBanks = int(cmdargs[2]) maxOctantLength = float(cmdargs[3]) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') join_mesh ='JOIN_MESH') join_obj =, join_mesh) bpy.ops.object.select_by_type(type='MESH') = join_obj bpy.ops.object.join() writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.hmdl.cook(writepipebuf, join_obj, cmdargs[1], maxSkinBanks, maxOctantLength) bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(join_obj) elif cmdargs[0] == 'WORLDCOMPILE': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.swld.cook(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'FRAMECOMPILE': pathOut = cmdargs[1] version = int(cmdargs[2]) if version != 0 and version != 1: writepipestr(b'bad version') continue writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.frme.cook(pathOut, version, PathHasher()) writepipestr(b'FRAMEDONE') elif cmdargs[0] == 'LIGHTCOMPILEALL': writepipestr(b'OK') lampCount = 0; for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: if obj.type == 'LAMP': lampCount += 1 world = ambient_energy = 0.0 ambient_color = None if world.use_nodes and 'Background' in world.node_tree.nodes: bg_node = world.node_tree.nodes['Background'] ambient_energy = bg_node.inputs[1].default_value ambient_color = bg_node.inputs[0].default_value if ambient_energy: lampCount += 1 writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', lampCount)) if ambient_energy: writepipebuf(struct.pack('ffffffffffffffff', 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) writepipebuf(struct.pack('fff', ambient_color[0], ambient_color[1], ambient_color[2])) writepipebuf(struct.pack('IIfffffb', 0, 0, ambient_energy, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, False)) for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: if obj.type == 'LAMP': wmtx = obj.matrix_world writepipebuf(struct.pack('ffffffffffffffff', wmtx[0][0], wmtx[0][1], wmtx[0][2], wmtx[0][3], wmtx[1][0], wmtx[1][1], wmtx[1][2], wmtx[1][3], wmtx[2][0], wmtx[2][1], wmtx[2][2], wmtx[2][3], wmtx[3][0], wmtx[3][1], wmtx[3][2], wmtx[3][3])) writepipebuf(struct.pack('fff',[0],[1],[2])) type = 2 spotCutoff = 0.0 hasFalloff = False castShadow = False if == 'POINT': type = 2 hasFalloff = True castShadow = != 'NOSHADOW' elif == 'SPOT': type = 3 hasFalloff = True spotCutoff = castShadow = != 'NOSHADOW' elif == 'SUN': type = 1 castShadow = != 'NOSHADOW' constant = 1.0 linear = 0.0 quadratic = 0.0 if hasFalloff: if == 'INVERSE_COEFFICIENTS': constant = linear = quadratic = layer = 0 if 'retro_layer' in layer =['retro_layer'] writepipebuf(struct.pack('IIfffffb', layer, type,, spotCutoff, constant, linear, quadratic, castShadow)) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETTEXTURES': writepipestr(b'OK') img_count = 0 for img in if img.type == 'IMAGE': img_count += 1 writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', img_count)) for img in if img.type == 'IMAGE': path = os.path.normpath(bpy.path.abspath(img.filepath)) writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', len(path))) writepipebuf(path.encode()) elif cmdargs[0] == 'ACTORCOMPILE': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.cook(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'ACTORCOMPILECHARACTERONLY': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.cook_character_only(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'ACTIONCOMPILECHANNELSONLY': actionName = cmdargs[1] writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.cook_action_channels_only(writepipebuf, actionName) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETARMATURENAMES': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.get_armature_names(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETSUBTYPENAMES': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.get_subtype_names(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETACTIONNAMES': writepipestr(b'OK') hecl.sact.get_action_names(writepipebuf) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETBONEMATRICES': armName = cmdargs[1] if armName not in writepipestr(('armature %s not found' % armName).encode()) continue armObj =[armName] if armObj.type != 'ARMATURE': writepipestr(('object %s not an ARMATURE' % armName).encode()) continue writepipestr(b'OK') writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', len( for bone in writepipebuf(struct.pack('I', len( writepipebuf( for r in bone.matrix_local.to_3x3(): for c in r: writepipebuf(struct.pack('f', c)) loaded_blend = None # Main exception handling try: # Command loop while True: cmdargs = read_cmdargs() print(cmdargs) if cmdargs[0] == 'QUIT': quitblender() elif cmdargs[0] == 'OPEN': if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=cmdargs[1]): if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll(): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') loaded_blend = cmdargs[1] writepipestr(b'FINISHED') else: writepipestr(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'CREATE': if len(cmdargs) >= 4: bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=cmdargs[3]) loaded_blend = cmdargs[1] else: bpy.ops.wm.read_homefile() loaded_blend = None bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.save_version = 0 if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=cmdargs[1]): bpy.ops.file.hecl_patching_load() bpy.context.scene.hecl_type = cmdargs[2] writepipestr(b'FINISHED') else: writepipestr(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETTYPE': writepipestr(bpy.context.scene.hecl_type.encode()) elif cmdargs[0] == 'GETMESHRIGGED': meshName = bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj if meshName not in writepipestr(b'FALSE') else: if len([meshName].vertex_groups): writepipestr(b'TRUE') else: writepipestr(b'FALSE') elif cmdargs[0] == 'SAVE': bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.save_version = 0 print('SAVING %s' % loaded_blend) if loaded_blend: if 'FINISHED' in bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=loaded_blend, check_existing=False, compress=True): writepipestr(b'FINISHED') else: writepipestr(b'CANCELLED') elif cmdargs[0] == 'PYBEGIN': writepipestr(b'READY') globals = {'hecl':hecl} compbuf = str() bracket_count = 0 while True: try: line = readpipestr() # ANIM check if line == b'PYANIM': # Ensure remaining block gets executed if len(compbuf): exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals) compbuf = str() animin_loop(globals) continue # End check elif line == b'PYEND': # Ensure remaining block gets executed if len(compbuf): exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals) compbuf = str() writepipestr(b'DONE') break # Syntax filter linestr = line.decode().rstrip() if not len(linestr) or linestr.lstrip()[0] == '#': writepipestr(b'OK') continue leading_spaces = len(linestr) - len(linestr.lstrip()) # Block lines always get appended right away if linestr.endswith(':') or leading_spaces or bracket_count: if len(compbuf): compbuf += '\n' compbuf += linestr bracket_count += count_brackets(linestr) writepipestr(b'OK') continue # Complete non-block statement in compbuf if len(compbuf): exec_compbuf(compbuf, globals) # Establish new compbuf compbuf = linestr bracket_count += count_brackets(linestr) except Exception as e: writepipestr(b'EXCEPTION') raise break writepipestr(b'OK') elif cmdargs[0] == 'PYEND': writepipestr(b'ERROR') elif cmdargs[0] == 'DATABEGIN': try: dataout_loop() except Exception as e: writepipestr(b'EXCEPTION') raise elif cmdargs[0] == 'DATAEND': writepipestr(b'ERROR') else: hecl.command(cmdargs, writepipestr, writepipebuf) except Exception: fout = open(err_path, 'w') traceback.print_exc(file=fout) fout.close() raise