#include "hecl/Runtime.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "hecl/Backend/GLSL.hpp" #include "hecl/Backend/Metal.hpp" namespace hecl { namespace Runtime { IShaderBackendFactory* _NewGLSLBackendFactory(); #if _WIN32 IShaderBackendFactory* _NewHLSLBackendFactory(); #endif #if BOO_HAS_METAL IShaderBackendFactory* _NewMetalBackendFactory(); #endif #if BOO_HAS_VULKAN IShaderBackendFactory* _NewSPIRVBackendFactory(); #endif static logvisor::Module Log("ShaderCacheManager"); static uint64_t IDX_MAGIC = SBig(uint64_t(0xDEADFEEDC001D00D)); static uint64_t DAT_MAGIC = SBig(uint64_t(0xC001D00DDEADBABE)); static uint64_t ZERO64 = 0; static uint64_t timeHash() { char buf[80]; time_t now; struct tm* timeinfo; time(&now); timeinfo = localtime(&now); strftime(buf, 80, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+%H:%M", timeinfo); Hash tmp(buf, 80); return tmp.val64(); } static void UpdateFunctionHash(XXH64_state_t* st, const ShaderCacheExtensions::Function& func) { if (func.m_source) XXH64_update(st, func.m_source, strlen(func.m_source)); if (func.m_entry) XXH64_update(st, func.m_entry, strlen(func.m_entry)); } uint64_t ShaderCacheExtensions::hashExtensions() const { XXH64_state_t st; XXH64_reset(&st, 0); for (const ExtensionSlot& slot : m_extensionSlots) { UpdateFunctionHash(&st, slot.lighting); UpdateFunctionHash(&st, slot.post); } return XXH64_digest(&st); } void ShaderCacheManager::bootstrapIndex() { m_timeHash = timeHash(); m_idxFr.close(); m_datFr.close(); #if _WIN32 SystemString idxFilename = m_idxFr.wfilename(); #else SystemString idxFilename = m_idxFr.filename(); #endif FILE* idxFp = hecl::Fopen(idxFilename.c_str(), _S("wb")); if (!idxFp) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to write shader cache index at %s"), idxFilename.c_str()); fwrite(&IDX_MAGIC, 1, 8, idxFp); fwrite(&m_timeHash, 1, 8, idxFp); fwrite(&m_extensionsHash, 1, 8, idxFp); fwrite(&ZERO64, 1, 8, idxFp); fclose(idxFp); #if _WIN32 SystemString datFilename = m_datFr.wfilename(); #else SystemString datFilename = m_datFr.filename(); #endif FILE* datFp = hecl::Fopen(datFilename.c_str(), _S("wb")); if (!datFp) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to write shader cache data at %s"), datFilename.c_str()); fwrite(&DAT_MAGIC, 1, 8, datFp); fwrite(&m_timeHash, 1, 8, datFp); fclose(datFp); m_idxFr.open(); m_datFr.open(); } ShaderCacheManager::ShaderCacheManager(const FileStoreManager& storeMgr, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory* gfxFactory, ShaderCacheExtensions&& extension) : m_storeMgr(storeMgr), m_extensions(std::move(extension)), m_idxFr(storeMgr.getStoreRoot() + _S("/shadercache") + gfxFactory->platformName() + _S(".idx"), 32*1024, false), m_datFr(storeMgr.getStoreRoot() + _S("/shadercache") + gfxFactory->platformName() + _S(".dat"), 32*1024, false) { boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform plat = gfxFactory->platform(); if (m_extensions && m_extensions.m_plat != plat) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "ShaderCacheExtension backend mismatch (should be %s)", gfxFactory->platformName()); m_extensionsHash = m_extensions.hashExtensions(); switch (plat) { case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::OpenGL: m_factory.reset(_NewGLSLBackendFactory()); break; #if _WIN32 case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D11: case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D12: m_factory.reset(_NewHLSLBackendFactory()); break; #endif #if BOO_HAS_METAL case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Metal: m_factory.reset(_NewMetalBackendFactory()); break; #endif #if BOO_HAS_VULKAN case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Vulkan: m_factory.reset(_NewSPIRVBackendFactory()); break; #endif default: Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unsupported backend %s"), gfxFactory->platformName()); } reload(); } void ShaderCacheManager::reload() { m_entries.clear(); m_entryLookup.clear(); m_timeHash = 0; /* Attempt to open existing index */ m_idxFr.seek(0, athena::Begin); m_datFr.seek(0, athena::Begin); if (m_idxFr.hasError() || m_datFr.hasError()) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } else { uint64_t idxMagic; size_t rb = m_idxFr.readUBytesToBuf(&idxMagic, 8); if (rb != 8 || idxMagic != IDX_MAGIC) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } uint64_t datMagic; rb = m_datFr.readUBytesToBuf(&datMagic, 8); if (rb != 8 || datMagic != DAT_MAGIC) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } uint64_t idxRand, datRand; rb = m_idxFr.readUBytesToBuf(&idxRand, 8); size_t rb2 = m_datFr.readUBytesToBuf(&datRand, 8); if (rb != 8 || rb2 != 8 || idxRand != datRand) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } m_timeHash = idxRand; } atUint64 extensionsHash; size_t rb = m_idxFr.readUBytesToBuf(&extensionsHash, 8); if (rb != 8 || extensionsHash != m_extensionsHash) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } atUint64 idxCount = m_idxFr.readUint64Big(); if (m_idxFr.position() != 32) { bootstrapIndex(); return; } /* Read existing entries */ if (idxCount) { m_entries.reserve(idxCount); m_entryLookup.reserve(idxCount); for (atUint64 i=0 ; isecond]; if (ent.m_compOffset + ent.m_compSize > m_datFr.length()) { Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "shader cache not long enough to read entry, might be corrupt"); return {}; } /* File-streamed decompression */ m_datFr.seek(ent.m_compOffset, athena::Begin); ShaderCachedData ret(ShaderTag(ent.m_hash, ent.m_meta), ent.m_decompSize); uint8_t compDat[2048]; z_stream z = {}; inflateInit(&z); z.avail_out = ent.m_decompSize; z.next_out = ret.m_data.get(); while (z.avail_out) { z.avail_in = std::min(size_t(2048), size_t(ent.m_compSize - z.total_in)); m_datFr.readUBytesToBuf(compDat, z.avail_in); z.next_in = compDat; int ret = inflate(&z, Z_NO_FLUSH); if (ret == Z_STREAM_END) break; if (ret != Z_OK) { inflateEnd(&z); return {}; } } inflateEnd(&z); return ret; } bool ShaderCacheManager::addData(const ShaderCachedData& data) { m_idxFr.close(); m_datFr.close(); /* Perform one-shot buffer compression */ uLong cBound = compressBound(data.m_sz); void* compBuf = malloc(cBound); if (compress((Bytef*)compBuf, &cBound, (Bytef*)data.m_data.get(), data.m_sz) != Z_OK) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "unable to deflate data"); /* Open index for writing (non overwriting) */ athena::io::FileWriter idxFw(m_idxFr.filename(), false); if (idxFw.hasError()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to append shader cache index at %s"), m_idxFr.filename().c_str()); /* Open data for writing (non overwriting) */ athena::io::FileWriter datFw(m_datFr.filename(), false); if (datFw.hasError()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("unable to append shader cache data at %s"), m_datFr.filename().c_str()); size_t targetOffset = 0; auto search = m_entryLookup.find(data.m_tag); if (search != m_entryLookup.cend()) { /* Hash already present, attempt to replace data */ IndexEntry& ent = m_entries[search->second]; if (search->second == m_entries.size() - 1) { /* Replacing final entry; simply write-over */ ent.m_meta = data.m_tag.getMetaData(); ent.m_compSize = cBound; ent.m_decompSize = data.m_sz; targetOffset = ent.m_compOffset; idxFw.seek(search->second * 32 + 32); ent.write(idxFw); } else { /* Replacing non-final entry; write into available space */ IndexEntry& nent = m_entries[search->second+1]; size_t space = nent.m_compOffset - ent.m_compOffset; if (cBound <= space) { ent.m_meta = data.m_tag.getMetaData(); ent.m_compSize = cBound; ent.m_decompSize = data.m_sz; targetOffset = ent.m_compOffset; idxFw.seek(search->second * 32 + 32); ent.write(idxFw); } else { /* Not enough space; null-entry and add to end */ ent.m_hash = 0; ent.m_meta = 0; ent.m_compOffset = 0; ent.m_compSize = 0; ent.m_decompSize = 0; idxFw.seek(search->second * 32 + 32); ent.write(idxFw); } } } if (!targetOffset) { /* New index entry at end */ idxFw.seek(24, athena::Begin); idxFw.writeUint64Big(m_entries.size() + 1); idxFw.seek(m_entries.size() * 32 + 32, athena::Begin); datFw.seek(0, athena::End); m_entryLookup[data.m_tag] = m_entries.size(); m_entries.emplace_back(); IndexEntry& ent = m_entries.back(); ent.m_hash = data.m_tag.val64(); ent.m_meta = data.m_tag.getMetaData(); ent.m_compOffset = datFw.position(); ent.m_compSize = cBound; ent.m_decompSize = data.m_sz; ent.write(idxFw); datFw.writeUBytes((atUint8*)compBuf, cBound); } else { /* Reusing index entry and data space */ datFw.seek(targetOffset, athena::Begin); datFw.writeUBytes((atUint8*)compBuf, cBound); } free(compBuf); idxFw.close(); datFw.close(); m_idxFr.open(); m_datFr.open(); return true; } boo::IShaderPipeline* ShaderCacheManager::buildFromCache(const ShaderCachedData& foundData, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) { return m_factory->buildShaderFromCache(foundData, ctx); } std::shared_ptr ShaderCacheManager::buildShader(const ShaderTag& tag, const std::string& source, const std::string& diagName, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory& factory) { auto search = m_pipelineLookup.find(tag); if (search != m_pipelineLookup.cend()) if (auto ret = search->second.lock()) return ret; std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(); ShaderCachedData foundData = lookupData(tag); if (foundData) { ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building cached shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); boo::IShaderPipeline* build = buildFromCache(foundData, ctx); if (build) { ret->m_pipelines.push_back(build); return true; } return false; }); if (ret->m_token) { m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "invalid cache read, rebuilding shader '%s'", diagName.c_str()); } ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { hecl::Frontend::IR ir = FE.compileSource(source, diagName); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); FE.getDiagnostics().reset(diagName); boo::IShaderPipeline* build; addData(m_factory->buildShaderFromIR(tag, ir, FE.getDiagnostics(), ctx, build)); ret->m_pipelines.push_back(build); return true; }); m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } std::shared_ptr ShaderCacheManager::buildShader(const ShaderTag& tag, const hecl::Frontend::IR& ir, const std::string& diagName, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory& factory) { auto search = m_pipelineLookup.find(tag); if (search != m_pipelineLookup.cend()) if (auto ret = search->second.lock()) return ret; std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(); ShaderCachedData foundData = lookupData(tag); if (foundData) { ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building cached shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); boo::IShaderPipeline* build = buildFromCache(foundData, ctx); if (build) { ret->m_pipelines.push_back(build); return true; } return false; }); if (ret->m_token) { m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "invalid cache read, rebuilding shader '%s'", diagName.c_str()); } ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); FE.getDiagnostics().reset(diagName); boo::IShaderPipeline* build; addData(m_factory->buildShaderFromIR(tag, ir, FE.getDiagnostics(), ctx, build)); ret->m_pipelines.push_back(build); return true; }); m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } std::vector ShaderCacheManager::buildExtendedFromCache(const ShaderCachedData& foundData, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) { std::vector shaders; shaders.reserve(m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); if (!m_factory->buildExtendedShaderFromCache(foundData, m_extensions.m_extensionSlots, ctx, [&](boo::IShaderPipeline* shader){shaders.push_back(shader);})) return {}; if (shaders.size() != m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "buildShaderFromCache returned %" PRISize " times, expected %" PRISize, shaders.size(), m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); return shaders; } std::shared_ptr ShaderCacheManager::buildExtendedShader(const ShaderTag& tag, const std::string& source, const std::string& diagName, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory& factory) { auto search = m_pipelineLookup.find(tag); if (search != m_pipelineLookup.cend()) if (auto ret = search->second.lock()) return ret; std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(); ShaderCachedData foundData = lookupData(tag); if (foundData) { ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building cached shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); ret->m_pipelines = buildExtendedFromCache(foundData, ctx); if (ret->m_pipelines.size()) return true; return false; }); if (ret->m_token) { m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "invalid cache read, rebuilding shader '%s'", diagName.c_str()); } hecl::Frontend::IR ir = FE.compileSource(source, diagName); ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { ret->m_pipelines.reserve(m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); FE.getDiagnostics().reset(diagName); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); ShaderCachedData data = m_factory->buildExtendedShaderFromIR(tag, ir, FE.getDiagnostics(), m_extensions.m_extensionSlots, ctx, [&](boo::IShaderPipeline* shader){ret->m_pipelines.push_back(shader);}); if (ret->m_pipelines.size() != m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "buildShaderFromIR returned %" PRISize " times, expected %" PRISize, ret->m_pipelines.size(), m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); addData(data); return true; }); m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } std::shared_ptr ShaderCacheManager::buildExtendedShader(const ShaderTag& tag, const hecl::Frontend::IR& ir, const std::string& diagName, boo::IGraphicsDataFactory& factory) { auto search = m_pipelineLookup.find(tag); if (search != m_pipelineLookup.cend()) if (auto ret = search->second.lock()) return ret; std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(); ShaderCachedData foundData = lookupData(tag); if (foundData) { ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building cached shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); ret->m_pipelines = buildExtendedFromCache(foundData, ctx); if (ret->m_pipelines.size()) return true; return false; }); if (ret->m_token) { m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } Log.report(logvisor::Warning, "invalid cache read, rebuilding shader '%s'", diagName.c_str()); } ret->m_token = factory.commitTransaction([&](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) -> bool { ret->m_pipelines.reserve(m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); FE.getDiagnostics().reset(diagName); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "building shader '%s' %016llX", diagName.c_str(), tag.val64()); ShaderCachedData data = m_factory->buildExtendedShaderFromIR(tag, ir, FE.getDiagnostics(), m_extensions.m_extensionSlots, ctx, [&](boo::IShaderPipeline* shader){ret->m_pipelines.push_back(shader);}); if (ret->m_pipelines.size() != m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, "buildShaderFromIR returned %" PRISize " times, expected %" PRISize, ret->m_pipelines.size(), m_extensions.m_extensionSlots.size()); addData(data); return true; }); m_pipelineLookup[tag] = ret; return ret; } } }