#include "Runtime/World/CEnvFxManager.hpp" #include "Runtime/CRandom16.hpp" #include "Runtime/CSimplePool.hpp" #include "Runtime/CStateManager.hpp" #include "Runtime/GameGlobalObjects.hpp" #include "Runtime/Collision/CGameCollision.hpp" #include "Runtime/Collision/CInternalRayCastStructure.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/CCubeRenderer.hpp" #include "Runtime/Graphics/CTexture.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CActor.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CHUDBillboardEffect.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CPlayer.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CScriptTrigger.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CScriptWater.hpp" #include "Runtime/World/CWorld.hpp" #include "TCastTo.hpp" // Generated file, do not modify include path namespace metaforce { static rstl::reserved_vector g_SnowForces; CEnvFxManagerGrid::CEnvFxManagerGrid(const zeus::CVector2i& position, const zeus::CVector2i& extent, std::vector initialParticles, int reserve, CEnvFxManager& parent) : x4_position(position) , xc_extent(extent) , x1c_particles(std::move(initialParticles)) //, m_instBuf(parent.m_instPool.allocateBlock(CGraphics::g_BooFactory, reserve)) //, m_uniformBuf(parent.m_uniformPool.allocateBlock(CGraphics::g_BooFactory)) , m_lineRenderer(CLineRenderer::EPrimitiveMode::Lines, reserve * 2, parent.x40_txtrEnvGradient->GetTexture(), true, true) { x1c_particles.reserve(reserve); CEnvFxShaders::BuildShaderDataBinding(parent, *this); } CEnvFxManager::CEnvFxManager() { x40_txtrEnvGradient = g_SimplePool->GetObj("TXTR_EnvGradient"); // x40_txtrEnvGradient->GetBooTexture()->setClampMode(boo::TextureClampMode::ClampToEdge); xb58_envRainSplash = g_SimplePool->GetObj("PART_EnvRainSplash"); xb74_txtrSnowFlake = g_SimplePool->GetObj("TXTR_SnowFlake"); xc48_underwaterFlake = g_SimplePool->GetObj("TXTR_UnderwaterFlake"); CRandom16 random(0); // CGraphics::CommitResources([this](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) { // m_fogUniformBuf = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(CGraphics::g_Fog), 1); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) x50_grids.emplace_back(zeus::CVector2i{j * 2048, i * 2048}, zeus::CVector2i{2048, 2048}, std::vector{}, 171, *this); // return true; // } BooTrace); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) xb84_snowZDeltas.emplace_back(0.f, 0.f, random.Range(-2.f, -4.f)); } void CEnvFxManager::SetSplashEffectRate(float rate, const CStateManager& mgr) { if (TCastToPtr splashEffect = mgr.ObjectById(xb68_envRainSplashId)) if (splashEffect->IsElementGen()) splashEffect->GetParticleGen()->SetGeneratorRate(rate); } /* Used to be MIDI scale */ static float CalcRainVolume(float f) { if (f < 0.1f) return (f / 0.1f * 74.f) / 127.f; else return (f / 0.9f * 21.f + 74.f) / 127.f; } /* Used to be MIDI scale */ static float CalcRainPitch(float f) { return f - 1.f; } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateRainSounds(const CStateManager& mgr) { if (mgr.GetWorld()->GetNeededEnvFx() == EEnvFxType::Rain) { zeus::CTransform camXf = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCurrentCameraTransform(mgr); float rainVol = CalcRainVolume(x30_fxDensity); if (!xb6a_rainSoundActive) { xb6c_leftRainSound = CSfxManager::AddEmitter(SFXsfx09F0, zeus::skZero3f, zeus::skZero3f, false, true, 0xff, kInvalidAreaId); xb70_rightRainSound = CSfxManager::AddEmitter(SFXsfx09F1, zeus::skZero3f, zeus::skZero3f, false, true, 0xff, kInvalidAreaId); xb6a_rainSoundActive = true; } CSfxManager::UpdateEmitter(xb6c_leftRainSound, camXf.origin - camXf.basis[0], camXf.basis[0], rainVol); CSfxManager::UpdateEmitter(xb70_rightRainSound, camXf.origin + camXf.basis[0], -camXf.basis[0], rainVol); float rainPitch = CalcRainPitch(x30_fxDensity); CSfxManager::PitchBend(xb6c_leftRainSound, rainPitch); CSfxManager::PitchBend(xb70_rightRainSound, rainPitch); } else if (xb6a_rainSoundActive) { CSfxManager::RemoveEmitter(xb6c_leftRainSound); CSfxManager::RemoveEmitter(xb70_rightRainSound); xb6a_rainSoundActive = false; } } zeus::CVector3f CEnvFxManager::GetParticleBoundsToWorldScale() const { return (x0_particleBounds.max - x0_particleBounds.min) / 127.f; } zeus::CTransform CEnvFxManager::GetParticleBoundsToWorldTransform() const { return zeus::CTransform::Translate(x18_focusCellPosition) * zeus::CTransform::Translate(zeus::CVector3f(-31.75f)) * zeus::CTransform::Scale(GetParticleBoundsToWorldScale()); } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateVisorSplash(CStateManager& mgr, float dt, const zeus::CTransform& camXf) { EEnvFxType fxType = mgr.GetWorld()->GetNeededEnvFx(); if (xb68_envRainSplashId != kInvalidUniqueId) if (TCastToPtr splashEffect = mgr.ObjectById(xb68_envRainSplashId)) mgr.SetActorAreaId(*splashEffect, mgr.GetNextAreaId()); float camUpness = camXf.basis[1].dot(zeus::skUp); float splashRateFactor; if (x24_enableSplash) splashRateFactor = std::max(0.f, camUpness) * x30_fxDensity; else splashRateFactor = 0.f; float forwardRateFactor = 0.f; if (x24_enableSplash && camUpness >= -0.1f) { zeus::CVector3f pRelVel = mgr.GetPlayer().GetTransform().transposeRotate(mgr.GetPlayer().GetVelocity()); if (pRelVel.canBeNormalized()) { float velMag = pRelVel.magnitude(); zeus::CVector3f normRelVel = pRelVel * (1.f / velMag); forwardRateFactor = std::min(velMag / 60.f, 1.f) * normRelVel.dot(zeus::skForward); } } float additionalFactor; if (fxType == EEnvFxType::Rain) additionalFactor = splashRateFactor + forwardRateFactor; else additionalFactor = 0.f; SetSplashEffectRate(xb54_baseSplashRate + additionalFactor, mgr); xb54_baseSplashRate = 0.f; } void CEnvFxManager::MoveWrapCells(s32 moveX, s32 moveY) { if (moveX == 0 && moveY == 0) return; bool r5 = std::fabs(moveX) >= 1.f || std::fabs(moveY) >= 1.f; s32 moveXMaj = moveX << 11; s32 moveYMaj = moveY << 11; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { s32 r28 = i - moveY; for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { CEnvFxManagerGrid& grid = x50_grids[i * 8 + j]; s32 r3 = j - moveX; if (!r5) { CEnvFxManagerGrid& otherGrid = x50_grids[r28 * 8 + r3]; grid.x14_block = otherGrid.x14_block; } else { grid.x0_24_blockDirty = true; } grid.x4_position = zeus::CVector2i((moveXMaj + grid.x4_position.x) & 0x3fff, (moveYMaj + grid.x4_position.y) & 0x3fff); } } } void CEnvFxManager::CalculateSnowForces(const CVectorFixed8_8& zVec, rstl::reserved_vector& snowForces, EEnvFxType type, const zeus::CVector3f& oopbtws, float dt) { if (type == EEnvFxType::Snow) { CVectorFixed8_8 vecf; zeus::CVector3f vec; for (int i = 255; i >= 0; --i) { const zeus::CVector2f& force = g_SnowForces[i]; zeus::CVector3f delta = zeus::CVector3f(force * dt) * oopbtws; vec += delta; CVectorFixed8_8 vecf2(vec); snowForces.push_back(vecf2 - vecf); vecf = vecf2; } for (int i = 0; i < snowForces.size(); ++i) snowForces[i] = snowForces[i] + zVec + CVectorFixed8_8(xb84_snowZDeltas[i & 0xf] * dt * oopbtws); } } void CEnvFxManager::BuildBlockObjectList(EntityList& list, CStateManager& mgr) { for (CEntity* ent : mgr.GetAllObjectList()) { const TCastToConstPtr trig = ent; if (trig && True(trig->GetTriggerFlags() & ETriggerFlags::BlockEnvironmentalEffects)) { list.push_back(ent->GetUniqueId()); } else if (TCastToConstPtr(ent)) { list.push_back(ent->GetUniqueId()); } } } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateBlockedGrids(CStateManager& mgr, EEnvFxType type, const zeus::CTransform& camXf, const zeus::CTransform& xf, const zeus::CTransform& invXf) { zeus::CVector3f playerPos; if (mgr.GetPlayer().GetMorphballTransitionState() == CPlayer::EPlayerMorphBallState::Unmorphed) playerPos = camXf.origin; else playerPos = mgr.GetPlayer().GetBallPosition(); zeus::CVector2i localPlayerPos((invXf * playerPos * 256.f).toVec2f()); x2c_lastBlockedGridIdx = -1; x24_enableSplash = false; EntityList blockList; bool blockListBuilt = false; int blockedGrids = 0; for (int i = 0; i < x50_grids.size(); ++i) { CEnvFxManagerGrid& grid = x50_grids[i]; if (blockedGrids < 8 && grid.x0_24_blockDirty) { if (type == EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake) { grid.x14_block = std::make_pair(true, float(-FLT_MAX)); } else { constexpr auto filter = CMaterialFilter::MakeIncludeExclude({EMaterialTypes::Solid, EMaterialTypes::Trigger}, {EMaterialTypes::ProjectilePassthrough, EMaterialTypes::SeeThrough}); zeus::CVector3f pos = xf * zeus::CVector3f((grid.x4_position + grid.xc_extent * 0).toVec2f() / 256.f) + zeus::skUp * 500.f; CRayCastResult result = CGameCollision::RayStaticIntersection(mgr, pos, zeus::skDown, 1000.f, filter); if (result.IsValid()) { if (!blockListBuilt) { BuildBlockObjectList(blockList, mgr); blockListBuilt = true; } for (TUniqueId id : blockList) { if (TCastToConstPtr trig = mgr.GetObjectById(id)) { if (auto tb = trig->GetTouchBounds()) { CCollidableAABox caabb(*tb, {EMaterialTypes::Trigger}); CRayCastResult result2 = caabb.CastRayInternal({pos, zeus::skDown, 1000.f, {}, filter}); if (result2.IsValid() && result2.GetT() < result.GetT()) result = result2; } } } } ++blockedGrids; grid.x14_block = std::make_pair(result.IsValid(), result.GetPoint().z()); } grid.x0_24_blockDirty = false; } zeus::CVector2i gridEnd = grid.x4_position + grid.xc_extent; if (localPlayerPos.x >= grid.x4_position.x && localPlayerPos.y >= grid.x4_position.y && localPlayerPos.x < gridEnd.x && localPlayerPos.y < gridEnd.y && grid.x14_block.first && grid.x14_block.second <= playerPos.z()) { x24_enableSplash = true; x2c_lastBlockedGridIdx = i; } } } void CEnvFxManager::CreateNewParticles(EEnvFxType type) { int maxCellParticleCount; if (type == EEnvFxType::Snow) maxCellParticleCount = 0x1c98; else if (type == EEnvFxType::Rain) maxCellParticleCount = 0x2af8; else if (type == EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake) maxCellParticleCount = 0x1fd6; else maxCellParticleCount = 0; maxCellParticleCount >>= 6; int cellParticleCount = maxCellParticleCount * x30_fxDensity; static u32 seedStash = 0; CRandom16 random(seedStash); for (auto it = x50_grids.rbegin(); it != x50_grids.rend(); ++it) { if (it->x14_block.first) { if (cellParticleCount > it->x1c_particles.size()) { if (cellParticleCount > it->x1c_particles.capacity()) it->x1c_particles.reserve(maxCellParticleCount); int remCellParticleCount = cellParticleCount - it->x1c_particles.size(); for (int i = 0; i < remCellParticleCount; ++i) { int x = random.Range(0.f, float(it->xc_extent.x)); int y = random.Range(0.f, float(it->xc_extent.y)); int z = 256.f * random.Range(0.f, 63.f); it->x1c_particles.emplace_back(x, y, z); } } else { it->x1c_particles.resize(cellParticleCount); } } } seedStash = random.GetSeed(); } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateSnowParticles(const rstl::reserved_vector& snowForces) { for (auto it = x50_grids.rbegin(); it != x50_grids.rend(); ++it) { int forceIt = int(x28_firstSnowForce); if (it->x14_block.first) { for (auto pit = it->x1c_particles.rbegin(); pit != it->x1c_particles.rend(); ++pit) { const CVectorFixed8_8& force = snowForces[forceIt]; forceIt = (forceIt + 1) & 0xff; *pit = *pit + force; pit->z = s16(pit->z & 0x3fff); } } } } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateRainParticles(const CVectorFixed8_8& zVec, const zeus::CVector3f& oopbtws, float dt) { s16 deltaZ = zVec.z + s16(-40.f * dt * oopbtws.z() * 256.f); for (auto it = x50_grids.rbegin(); it != x50_grids.rend(); ++it) for (auto pit = it->x1c_particles.rbegin(); pit != it->x1c_particles.rend(); ++pit) pit->z = s16((pit->z + deltaZ) & 0x3fff); } void CEnvFxManager::UpdateUnderwaterParticles(const CVectorFixed8_8& zVec) { for (auto it = x50_grids.rbegin(); it != x50_grids.rend(); ++it) for (auto pit = it->x1c_particles.rbegin(); pit != it->x1c_particles.rend(); ++pit) pit->z = s16((pit->z + zVec.z) & 0x3fff); } void CEnvFxManager::Update(float dt, CStateManager& mgr) { EEnvFxType fxType = mgr.GetWorld()->GetNeededEnvFx(); zeus::CTransform camXf = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCurrentCameraTransform(mgr); if (mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetFluidCounter() != 0) { x2c_lastBlockedGridIdx = -1; x24_enableSplash = false; SetSplashEffectRate(0.f, mgr); } UpdateRainSounds(mgr); UpdateVisorSplash(mgr, dt, camXf); if (fxType == EEnvFxType::None) { for (auto it = x50_grids.rbegin(); it != x50_grids.rend(); ++it) if (it->x14_block.first) it->x1c_particles = std::vector(); } else { float densityDelta = x34_targetFxDensity - x30_fxDensity; float densityDeltaDamper = std::min(std::fabs(densityDelta) / 0.15f, 1.f); float maxDensityDelta = x38_maxDensityDeltaSpeed / 11000.f * dt; if (std::fabs(densityDelta) > maxDensityDelta) densityDelta = (densityDelta > 0.f ? 1.f : -1.f) * maxDensityDelta; x30_fxDensity += densityDeltaDamper * densityDelta; zeus::CVector3f pbtws = GetParticleBoundsToWorldScale(); zeus::CVector3f oopbtws = 1.f / pbtws; zeus::CVector3f forwardPoint = camXf.basis[1] * 23.8125f + camXf.origin; float modX = std::fmod(forwardPoint.x(), 7.9375f); float modY = std::fmod(forwardPoint.y(), 7.9375f); s32 moveX = (x18_focusCellPosition.x() - (forwardPoint.x() - modX)) / 7.9375f; x18_focusCellPosition.x() = forwardPoint.x() - modX; s32 moveY = (x18_focusCellPosition.y() - (forwardPoint.y() - modY)) / 7.9375f; x18_focusCellPosition.y() = forwardPoint.y() - modY; float deltaZ = x18_focusCellPosition.z() - forwardPoint.z(); x18_focusCellPosition.z() = float(forwardPoint.z()); MoveWrapCells(moveX, moveY); CVectorFixed8_8 zVec(oopbtws * zeus::CVector3f(0.f, 0.f, deltaZ)); if (fxType == EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake) zVec.z += s16(256.f * 0.5f * dt); rstl::reserved_vector snowForces; CalculateSnowForces(zVec, snowForces, fxType, oopbtws, dt); zeus::CTransform xf = GetParticleBoundsToWorldTransform(); zeus::CTransform invXf = xf.inverse(); UpdateBlockedGrids(mgr, fxType, camXf, xf, invXf); CreateNewParticles(fxType); switch (fxType) { case EEnvFxType::Snow: UpdateSnowParticles(snowForces); break; case EEnvFxType::Rain: UpdateRainParticles(zVec, oopbtws, dt); break; case EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake: UpdateUnderwaterParticles(zVec); break; default: break; } if (fxType == EEnvFxType::Snow) x28_firstSnowForce = std::fmod(1.f + x28_firstSnowForce, 256.f); else x28_firstSnowForce = std::fmod(0.125f + x28_firstSnowForce, 256.f); } } static zeus::CColor GetFlakeColor(const zeus::CMatrix4f& mvp, const CEnvFxShaders::Instance& inst) { float screenHeight = std::fabs(mvp.multiplyOneOverW(inst.positions[1]).y() - mvp.multiplyOneOverW(inst.positions[0]).y()) / 2.f; screenHeight -= (32.f / 480.f); screenHeight /= (32.f / 480.f); return zeus::CColor(1.f - zeus::clamp(0.f, screenHeight, 1.f), 1.f); } void CEnvFxManagerGrid::RenderSnowParticles(const zeus::CTransform& camXf) { const zeus::CVector3f xVec = 0.2f * camXf.basis[0]; const zeus::CVector3f zVec = 0.2f * camXf.basis[2]; const zeus::CMatrix4f mvp = CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(false) * CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); // auto* bufOut = m_instBuf.access(); // for (const auto& particle : x1c_particles) { // bufOut->positions[0] = particle.toVec3f(); // bufOut->uvs[0] = zeus::CVector2f(0.f, 0.f); // bufOut->positions[1] = bufOut->positions[0] + zVec; // bufOut->uvs[1] = zeus::CVector2f(0.f, 1.f); // bufOut->positions[3] = bufOut->positions[1] + xVec; // bufOut->uvs[3] = zeus::CVector2f(1.f, 1.f); // bufOut->positions[2] = bufOut->positions[3] - zVec; // bufOut->uvs[2] = zeus::CVector2f(1.f, 0.f); // bufOut->color = GetFlakeColor(mvp, *bufOut); // ++bufOut; // } // CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(m_snowBinding); // CGraphics::DrawInstances(0, 4, x1c_particles.size()); } void CEnvFxManagerGrid::RenderRainParticles(const zeus::CTransform& camXf) { m_lineRenderer.Reset(); const float zOffset = 2.f * (1.f - std::fabs(camXf.basis[2].dot(zeus::skUp))) + 1.f; const zeus::CColor color0(1.f, 10.f / 15.f); for (const auto& particle : x1c_particles) { const zeus::CVector3f pos0 = particle.toVec3f(); zeus::CVector3f pos1 = pos0; pos1.z() += zOffset; const float uvy0 = pos0.z() * 10.f + m_uvyOffset; const float uvy1 = pos1.z() * 10.f + m_uvyOffset; m_lineRenderer.AddVertex(pos0, zeus::skWhite, 1.f, {0.f, uvy0}); m_lineRenderer.AddVertex(pos1, zeus::skClear, 1.f, {0.f, uvy1}); } m_lineRenderer.Render(false, zeus::CColor(1.f, 0.15f)); // g_Renderer->IsThermalVisorHotPass() } void CEnvFxManagerGrid::RenderUnderwaterParticles(const zeus::CTransform& camXf) { const zeus::CVector3f xVec = 0.5f * camXf.basis[0]; const zeus::CVector3f zVec = 0.5f * camXf.basis[2]; const zeus::CMatrix4f mvp = CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(false) * CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); // auto* bufOut = m_instBuf.access(); // for (const auto& particle : x1c_particles) { // bufOut->positions[0] = particle.toVec3f(); // bufOut->uvs[0] = zeus::CVector2f(0.f, 0.f); // bufOut->positions[1] = bufOut->positions[0] + zVec; // bufOut->uvs[1] = zeus::CVector2f(0.f, 1.f); // bufOut->positions[3] = bufOut->positions[1] + xVec; // bufOut->uvs[3] = zeus::CVector2f(1.f, 1.f); // bufOut->positions[2] = bufOut->positions[3] - zVec; // bufOut->uvs[2] = zeus::CVector2f(1.f, 0.f); // bufOut->color = GetFlakeColor(mvp, *bufOut); // ++bufOut; // } // CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(m_underwaterBinding); // CGraphics::DrawInstances(0, 4, x1c_particles.size()); } void CEnvFxManagerGrid::Render(const zeus::CTransform& xf, const zeus::CTransform& invXf, const zeus::CTransform& camXf, float fxDensity, EEnvFxType fxType, CEnvFxManager& parent) { if (!x1c_particles.empty() && x14_block.first) { CGraphics::SetModelMatrix(xf * zeus::CTransform::Translate(x4_position.toVec2f() / 256.f)); parent.m_uniformData.mv = CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(); parent.m_uniformData.proj = CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(true); switch (fxType) { case EEnvFxType::Snow: case EEnvFxType::Rain: { zeus::CMatrix4f envTexMtx(true); envTexMtx[2][1] = 10.f; envTexMtx[3][1] = 0.5f - (invXf * (zeus::skUp * x14_block.second)).z() * 10.f; m_uvyOffset = envTexMtx[3][1]; parent.m_uniformData.envMtx = envTexMtx; break; } default: break; } // m_uniformBuf.access() = parent.m_uniformData; switch (fxType) { case EEnvFxType::Snow: RenderSnowParticles(camXf); break; case EEnvFxType::Rain: RenderRainParticles(camXf); break; case EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake: RenderUnderwaterParticles(camXf); break; default: break; } } } void CEnvFxManager::SetupSnowTevs(const CStateManager& mgr) { mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCurrentCamera(mgr); if (mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetFluidCounter() != 0) { g_Renderer->SetWorldFog(ERglFogMode::PerspExp, 0.f, 35.f, zeus::skBlack); m_uniformData.moduColor = zeus::CColor(1.f, 0.5f); } else { g_Renderer->SetWorldFog(ERglFogMode::PerspLin, 52.f, 57.f, zeus::skBlack); } // Blend One One // 2 stages // xb74_txtrSnowFlake // Texcoord0: 2x4, TEX0, GX_IDENTITY, no norm, GX_PTTIDENTITY // 0: Standard alpha, map0, tcg0 // Color: Zero, Konst, TexC, Zero // Alpha: Zero, Konst, TexA, Zero // x40_txtrEnvGradient // Texcoord1: 2x4, POS, GX_TEXMTX5, no norm, GX_PTTIDENTITY // 0: Standard alpha, map0, tcg0 // Color: Zero, TexC, CPrev, Zero // Alpha: Zero, Zero, Zero, TexA } void CEnvFxManager::SetupRainTevs() const { // Line-width 1px // Blend SrcAlpha One // x40_txtrEnvGradient // Texcoord0: 2x4, POS, GX_TEXMTX5, no norm, GX_PTTIDENTITY // 0: Standard alpha, map0, tcg0 // Color: Zero, Zero, Zero, TexC // Alpha: Zero, RasA, Konst, Zero // Ras vertex color // KAlpha 0.15 } void CEnvFxManager::SetupUnderwaterTevs(const zeus::CTransform& invXf, const CStateManager& mgr) const { // Blend SrcAlpha InvSrcAlpha // xc48_underwaterFlake // Texcoord0: 2x4, TEX0, GX_IDENTITY, no norm, GX_PTTIDENTITY // Color: Zero, Zero, Zero, TexC // Alpha: Zero, Zero, Zero, TexA float waterTop = FLT_MAX; for (CEntity* ent : mgr.GetAllObjectList()) if (TCastToPtr water = ent) if (auto tb = water->GetTouchBounds()) waterTop = std::min(waterTop, float(tb->max.z())); zeus::CVector3f localWaterTop = invXf * (zeus::skUp * waterTop); zeus::CMatrix4f envTexMtx(true); envTexMtx[2][1] = -10.f; envTexMtx[3][1] = localWaterTop.z() * -10.f + 0.5f; // Load into texmtx5 // x40_txtrEnvGradient // Texcoord1: 2x4, POS, GX_TEXMTX5, no norm, GX_PTTIDENTITY // MTX: y-scale -10.0 of Z, y-trans -10.0 * () // 1: Standard alpha, map1, tcg1 // Color: Zero, One, CPrev, Zero // Alpha: Zero, TexA, APrev, Zero // Swap: RGBR } void CEnvFxManager::Render(const CStateManager& mgr) { EEnvFxType fxType = mgr.GetWorld()->GetNeededEnvFx(); if (fxType != EEnvFxType::None) { if (mgr.GetPlayer().GetMorphballTransitionState() != CPlayer::EPlayerMorphBallState::Unmorphed || (mgr.GetPlayerState()->GetCurrentVisor() != CPlayerState::EPlayerVisor::Thermal && (fxType != EEnvFxType::Snow || mgr.GetPlayerState()->GetCurrentVisor() != CPlayerState::EPlayerVisor::XRay))) { SCOPED_GRAPHICS_DEBUG_GROUP("CEnvFxManager::Render", zeus::skCyan); // No Cull // ZTest, No ZWrite zeus::CTransform xf = GetParticleBoundsToWorldTransform(); zeus::CTransform invXf = xf.inverse(); zeus::CTransform camXf = mgr.GetCameraManager()->GetCurrentCameraTransform(mgr); m_uniformData.moduColor = zeus::skWhite; switch (fxType) { case EEnvFxType::Snow: SetupSnowTevs(mgr); break; case EEnvFxType::Rain: SetupRainTevs(); break; case EEnvFxType::UnderwaterFlake: SetupUnderwaterTevs(invXf, mgr); break; default: break; } // m_fogUniformBuf->load(&CGraphics::g_Fog, sizeof(CGraphics::g_Fog)); for (auto& grid : x50_grids) grid.Render(xf, invXf, camXf, x30_fxDensity, fxType, *this); // Backface cull // m_uniformPool.updateBuffers(); // m_instPool.updateBuffers(); } } } void CEnvFxManager::AsyncLoadResources(CStateManager& mgr) { xb68_envRainSplashId = mgr.AllocateUniqueId(); CHUDBillboardEffect* effect = new CHUDBillboardEffect(xb58_envRainSplash, {}, xb68_envRainSplashId, true, "VisorRainSplashes", CHUDBillboardEffect::GetNearClipDistance(mgr), CHUDBillboardEffect::GetScaleForPOV(mgr), zeus::skWhite, zeus::skOne3f, zeus::skZero3f); effect->SetRunIndefinitely(true); mgr.AddObject(effect); } void CEnvFxManager::SetFxDensity(s32 val, float density) { x34_targetFxDensity = density; x38_maxDensityDeltaSpeed = val; } void CEnvFxManager::AreaLoaded() { for (CEnvFxManagerGrid& grid : x50_grids) grid.x0_24_blockDirty = true; } void CEnvFxManager::Cleanup() { xb68_envRainSplashId = kInvalidUniqueId; xb6a_rainSoundActive = false; xb6c_leftRainSound.reset(); xb70_rightRainSound.reset(); } void CEnvFxManager::Initialize() { const SObjectTag* tag = g_ResFactory->GetResourceIdByName("DUMB_SnowForces"); std::unique_ptr data = g_ResFactory->LoadResourceSync(*tag); CMemoryInStream r(data.get(), 2048, CMemoryInStream::EOwnerShip::NotOwned); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) g_SnowForces.push_back(r.Get()); } } // namespace metaforce