#include "HECL/HECL.hpp" #include #include #if _WIN32 char* win_realpath(const char* name, char* restrict resolved) { } #endif namespace HECL { static const SystemRegex regGLOB(_S("\\*"), SystemRegex::ECMAScript|SystemRegex::optimize); static const SystemRegex regPATHCOMP(_S("/([^/]+)"), SystemRegex::ECMAScript|SystemRegex::optimize); static const SystemRegex regDRIVELETTER(_S("^([^/]*)/"), SystemRegex::ECMAScript|SystemRegex::optimize); bool ProjectPath::_canonAbsPath(const SystemString& path) { #if _WIN32 #else SystemChar resolvedPath[PATH_MAX]; if (!realpath(path.c_str(), resolvedPath)) { throw std::invalid_argument("Unable to resolve '" + SystemUTF8View(path).utf8_str() + "' as a canonicalized path"); return false; } m_absPath = resolvedPath; #endif return true; } ProjectPath::ProjectPath(const ProjectRootPath& rootPath, const SystemString& path) { _canonAbsPath(path); if (m_absPath.size() < ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath.size() || m_absPath.compare(0, ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath.size(), ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath)) { throw std::invalid_argument("'" + SystemUTF8View(m_absPath).utf8_str() + "' is not a subpath of '" + SystemUTF8View(((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath).utf8_str() + "'"); return; } if (m_absPath.size() == ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath.size()) { /* Copies of the project root are permitted */ return; } SystemString::iterator beginit = m_absPath.begin() + ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_absPath.size(); if (*beginit == _S('/')) ++beginit; m_relPath = SystemString(beginit, m_absPath.end()); m_hash = Hash(m_relPath); #if HECL_UCS2 m_utf8AbsPath = WideToUTF8(m_absPath); m_utf8RelPath = m_utf8AbsPath.c_str() + ((ProjectPath&)rootPath).m_utf8AbsPath.size(); #endif } ProjectPath::PathType ProjectPath::getPathType() const { if (std::regex_search(m_absPath, regGLOB)) return PT_GLOB; #if _WIN32 #else struct stat theStat; if (stat(m_absPath.c_str(), &theStat)) return PT_NONE; if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) return PT_DIRECTORY; if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) return PT_FILE; return PT_NONE; #endif } Time ProjectPath::getModtime() const { struct stat theStat; time_t latestTime = 0; if (std::regex_search(m_absPath, regGLOB)) { std::vector globReults; getGlobResults(globReults); for (SystemString& path : globReults) { if (!HECL::Stat(path.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode) && theStat.st_mtime > latestTime) latestTime = theStat.st_mtime; } } } if (!HECL::Stat(m_absPath.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) { return Time(theStat.st_mtime); } else if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) { #if _WIN32 #else DIR* dir = opendir(m_absPath.c_str()); dirent* de; while ((de = readdir(dir))) { if (de->d_name[0] == '.') continue; if (!HECL::Stat(de->d_name, &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode) && theStat.st_mtime > latestTime) latestTime = theStat.st_mtime; } } closedir(dir); #endif return Time(latestTime); } } LogModule.report(LogVisor::Error, _S("invalid path type for computing modtime")); return Time(); } static void _recursiveGlob(std::vector& outPaths, size_t level, const SystemRegexMatch& pathCompMatches, const SystemString& itStr, bool needSlash) { if (level >= pathCompMatches.size()) return; SystemString comp = pathCompMatches.str(level); if (!std::regex_search(comp, regGLOB)) { SystemString nextItStr = itStr; if (needSlash) nextItStr += _S('/'); nextItStr += comp; _recursiveGlob(outPaths, level+1, pathCompMatches, nextItStr, true); return; } /* Compile component into regex */ SystemRegex regComp(comp, SystemRegex::ECMAScript); #if _WIN32 #else DIR* dir = opendir(itStr.c_str()); if (!dir) throw std::runtime_error("unable to open directory for traversal at '" + itStr + "'"); struct dirent* de; while ((de = readdir(dir))) { if (std::regex_search(de->d_name, regComp)) { SystemString nextItStr = itStr; if (needSlash) nextItStr += '/'; nextItStr += de->d_name; struct stat theStat; if (stat(nextItStr.c_str(), &theStat)) continue; if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) _recursiveGlob(outPaths, level+1, pathCompMatches, nextItStr, true); else if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) outPaths.push_back(nextItStr); } } #endif } void ProjectPath::getGlobResults(std::vector& outPaths) const { #if _WIN32 TSystemPath itStr; SystemRegexMatch letterMatch; if (m_absPath.compare(0, 2, _S("//"))) itStr = _S("\\\\"); else if (std::regex_search(m_absPath, letterMatch, regDRIVELETTER)) if (letterMatch[1].str().size()) itStr = letterMatch[1]; #else SystemString itStr = _S("/"); #endif SystemRegexMatch pathCompMatches; if (std::regex_search(m_absPath, pathCompMatches, regPATHCOMP)) _recursiveGlob(outPaths, 1, pathCompMatches, itStr, false); } std::unique_ptr SearchForProject(const SystemString& path) { ProjectRootPath testRoot(path); SystemString::const_iterator begin = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().begin(); SystemString::const_iterator end = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().end(); while (begin != end) { SystemString testPath(begin, end); SystemString testIndexPath = testPath + _S("/.hecl/beacon"); struct stat theStat; if (!HECL::Stat(testIndexPath.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) { FILE* fp = HECL::Fopen(testIndexPath.c_str(), _S("rb")); if (!fp) continue; char magic[4]; size_t readSize = fread(magic, 1, 4, fp); fclose(fp); if (readSize != 4) continue; static const HECL::FourCC hecl("HECL"); if (HECL::FourCC(magic) != hecl) continue; return std::unique_ptr(new ProjectRootPath(testPath)); } } while (begin != end && *(end-1) != _S('/') && *(end-1) != _S('\\')) --end; --end; } return std::unique_ptr(); } }