#include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include "boo/boo.hpp" #include "specter/specter.hpp" #include "hecl/CVarManager.hpp" #include "Runtime/CGameAllocator.hpp" #include #include "ViewManager.hpp" static logvisor::Module AthenaLog("Athena"); static void AthenaExc(athena::error::Level level, const char* file, const char*, int line, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); AthenaLog.reportSource(logvisor::Level(level), file, line, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } namespace urde { static logvisor::Module Log{"URDE"}; struct Application : boo::IApplicationCallback { hecl::Runtime::FileStoreManager m_fileMgr; hecl::CVarManager m_cvarManager; std::unique_ptr m_viewManager; bool m_running = true; Application() : m_fileMgr(_S("urde")), m_cvarManager(m_fileMgr) { m_viewManager.reset(new ViewManager(m_fileMgr, m_cvarManager)); } virtual ~Application() = default; int appMain(boo::IApplication* app) { initialize(app); m_viewManager->init(app); while (m_running) { if (!m_viewManager->proc()) break; } m_viewManager->stop(); m_cvarManager.serialize(); m_viewManager.reset(); return 0; } void appQuitting(boo::IApplication*) { m_running = false; } void appFilesOpen(boo::IApplication*, const std::vector&); void initialize(boo::IApplication* /*app*/) { zeus::detectCPU(); #ifndef WIN32 /* Console issue with Win32 */ hecl::VerbosityLevel = 1; #endif const zeus::CPUInfo& cpuInf = zeus::cpuFeatures(); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "CPU Name: %s", cpuInf.cpuBrand); Log.report(logvisor::Info, "CPU Vendor: %s", cpuInf.cpuVendor); hecl::SystemString features; if (cpuInf.AESNI) features += _S("AES-NI"); if (cpuInf.SSE1) { if (!features.empty()) features += _S(", SSE1"); else features += _S("SSE1"); } else { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("URDE requires SSE1 minimum")); return; } if (cpuInf.SSE2) features += _S(", SSE2"); else { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, _S("URDE requires SSE2 minimum")); return; } if (cpuInf.SSE3) features += _S(", SSE3"); if (cpuInf.SSSE3) features += _S(", SSSE3"); if (cpuInf.SSE4a) features += _S(", SSE4a"); if (cpuInf.SSE41) features += _S(", SSE4.1"); if (cpuInf.SSE42) features += _S(", SSE4.2"); Log.report(logvisor::Info, _S("CPU Features: %s"), features.c_str()); } }; /* This is here to prevent a vtable being dumped into every translation unit */ void Application::appFilesOpen(boo::IApplication *, const std::vector &) { } } #if _WIN32 int wmain(int argc, const boo::SystemChar** argv) #else int main(int argc, const boo::SystemChar** argv) #endif { logvisor::RegisterStandardExceptions(); logvisor::RegisterConsoleLogger(); atSetExceptionHandler(AthenaExc); urde::Application appCb; int ret = boo::ApplicationRun(boo::IApplication::EPlatformType::Auto, appCb, _S("urde"), _S("URDE"), argc, argv, false); printf("IM DYING!!\n"); return ret; } #if _WIN32 int APIENTRY wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int) { int argc = 0; const boo::SystemChar** argv = (const wchar_t**)(CommandLineToArgvW(lpCmdLine, &argc)); static boo::SystemChar selfPath[1024]; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, selfPath, 1024); static const boo::SystemChar* booArgv[32] = {}; booArgv[0] = selfPath; for (int i=0 ; i