#include "hecl/hecl.hpp" #include <regex> #include "hecl/Database.hpp" #include "hecl/FourCC.hpp" namespace hecl { static const SystemRegex regPATHCOMP(_SYS_STR("[/\\\\]*([^/\\\\]+)"), SystemRegex::ECMAScript | SystemRegex::optimize); static SystemString CanonRelPath(SystemStringView path) { /* Tokenize Path */ std::vector<SystemString> comps; hecl::SystemRegexMatch matches; SystemString in(path); SanitizePath(in); for (; std::regex_search(in, matches, regPATHCOMP); in = matches.suffix().str()) { hecl::SystemRegexMatch::const_reference match = matches[1]; if (match == _SYS_STR(".")) continue; else if (match == _SYS_STR("..")) { if (comps.empty()) { /* Unable to resolve outside project */ LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(_SYS_STR("Unable to resolve outside project root in {}")), path); return _SYS_STR("."); } comps.pop_back(); continue; } comps.push_back(match.str()); } /* Emit relative path */ if (comps.size()) { auto it = comps.begin(); SystemString retval = *it; for (++it; it != comps.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).size()) { retval += _SYS_STR('/'); retval += *it; } } return retval; } return _SYS_STR("."); } static SystemString CanonRelPath(SystemStringView path, const ProjectRootPath& projectRoot) { /* Absolute paths not allowed; attempt to make project-relative */ if (IsAbsolute(path)) return CanonRelPath(projectRoot.getProjectRelativeFromAbsolute(path)); return CanonRelPath(path); } void ProjectPath::assign(Database::Project& project, SystemStringView path) { m_proj = &project; SystemString usePath; size_t pipeFind = path.rfind(_SYS_STR('|')); if (pipeFind != SystemString::npos) { m_auxInfo.assign(path.cbegin() + pipeFind + 1, path.cend()); usePath.assign(path.cbegin(), path.cbegin() + pipeFind); } else usePath = path; m_relPath = CanonRelPath(usePath, project.getProjectRootPath()); m_absPath = SystemString(project.getProjectRootPath().getAbsolutePath()) + _SYS_STR('/') + m_relPath; SanitizePath(m_relPath); SanitizePath(m_absPath); ComputeHash(); } #if HECL_UCS2 void ProjectPath::assign(Database::Project& project, std::string_view path) { std::wstring wpath = UTF8ToWide(path); assign(project, wpath); } #endif void ProjectPath::assign(const ProjectPath& parentPath, SystemStringView path) { m_proj = parentPath.m_proj; SystemString usePath; size_t pipeFind = path.rfind(_SYS_STR('|')); if (pipeFind != SystemString::npos) { m_auxInfo.assign(path.cbegin() + pipeFind + 1, path.cend()); usePath.assign(path.cbegin(), path.cbegin() + pipeFind); } else usePath = path; m_relPath = CanonRelPath(parentPath.m_relPath + _SYS_STR('/') + usePath); m_absPath = SystemString(m_proj->getProjectRootPath().getAbsolutePath()) + _SYS_STR('/') + m_relPath; SanitizePath(m_relPath); SanitizePath(m_absPath); ComputeHash(); } #if HECL_UCS2 void ProjectPath::assign(const ProjectPath& parentPath, std::string_view path) { std::wstring wpath = UTF8ToWide(path); assign(parentPath, wpath); } #endif ProjectPath ProjectPath::getWithExtension(const SystemChar* ext, bool replace) const { ProjectPath pp(*this); if (replace) { auto relIt = pp.m_relPath.end(); if (relIt != pp.m_relPath.begin()) --relIt; auto absIt = pp.m_absPath.end(); if (absIt != pp.m_absPath.begin()) --absIt; while (relIt != pp.m_relPath.begin() && *relIt != _SYS_STR('.') && *relIt != _SYS_STR('/')) { --relIt; --absIt; } if (*relIt == _SYS_STR('.') && relIt != pp.m_relPath.begin()) { pp.m_relPath.resize(relIt - pp.m_relPath.begin()); pp.m_absPath.resize(absIt - pp.m_absPath.begin()); } } if (ext) { pp.m_relPath += ext; pp.m_absPath += ext; } pp.ComputeHash(); return pp; } ProjectPath ProjectPath::getCookedPath(const Database::DataSpecEntry& spec) const { ProjectPath woExt = getWithExtension(nullptr, true); ProjectPath ret(m_proj->getProjectCookedPath(spec), woExt.getRelativePath()); if (getAuxInfo().size()) return ret.getWithExtension((SystemString(_SYS_STR(".")) + getAuxInfo().data()).c_str()); else return ret; } ProjectPath::Type ProjectPath::getPathType() const { if (m_absPath.empty()) return Type::None; if (m_absPath.find(_SYS_STR('*')) != SystemString::npos) return Type::Glob; Sstat theStat; if (hecl::Stat(m_absPath.c_str(), &theStat)) return Type::None; if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) return Type::Directory; if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) return Type::File; return Type::None; } Time ProjectPath::getModtime() const { Sstat theStat; time_t latestTime = 0; if (m_absPath.find(_SYS_STR('*')) != SystemString::npos) { std::vector<ProjectPath> globResults; getGlobResults(globResults); for (ProjectPath& path : globResults) { if (!hecl::Stat(path.getAbsolutePath().data(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode) && theStat.st_mtime > latestTime) latestTime = theStat.st_mtime; } } return Time(latestTime); } if (!hecl::Stat(m_absPath.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) { return Time(theStat.st_mtime); } else if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) { hecl::DirectoryEnumerator de(m_absPath, hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Mode::DirsThenFilesSorted, false, false, true); for (const hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Entry& ent : de) { if (!hecl::Stat(ent.m_path.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode) && theStat.st_mtime > latestTime) latestTime = theStat.st_mtime; } } return Time(latestTime); } } LogModule.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING(_SYS_STR("invalid path type for computing modtime in '{}'")), m_absPath); return Time(); } static void _recursiveGlob(Database::Project& proj, std::vector<ProjectPath>& outPaths, const SystemString& remPath, const SystemString& itStr, bool needSlash) { SystemRegexMatch matches; if (!std::regex_search(remPath, matches, regPATHCOMP)) return; const SystemString& comp = matches[1]; if (comp.find(_SYS_STR('*')) == SystemString::npos) { SystemString nextItStr = itStr; if (needSlash) nextItStr += _SYS_STR('/'); nextItStr += comp; hecl::Sstat theStat; if (Stat(nextItStr.c_str(), &theStat)) return; if (S_ISDIR(theStat.st_mode)) _recursiveGlob(proj, outPaths, matches.suffix().str(), nextItStr, true); else outPaths.emplace_back(proj, nextItStr); return; } /* Compile component into regex */ SystemRegex regComp(comp, SystemRegex::ECMAScript); hecl::DirectoryEnumerator de(itStr, hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Mode::DirsThenFilesSorted, false, false, true); for (const hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Entry& ent : de) { if (std::regex_match(ent.m_name, regComp)) { SystemString nextItStr = itStr; if (needSlash) nextItStr += '/'; nextItStr += ent.m_name; hecl::Sstat theStat; if (Stat(nextItStr.c_str(), &theStat)) continue; if (ent.m_isDir) _recursiveGlob(proj, outPaths, matches.suffix().str(), nextItStr, true); else outPaths.emplace_back(proj, nextItStr); } } } void ProjectPath::getDirChildren(std::map<SystemString, ProjectPath>& outPaths) const { hecl::DirectoryEnumerator de(m_absPath, hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Mode::DirsThenFilesSorted, false, false, true); for (const hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Entry& ent : de) outPaths[ent.m_name] = ProjectPath(*this, ent.m_name); } hecl::DirectoryEnumerator ProjectPath::enumerateDir() const { return hecl::DirectoryEnumerator(m_absPath, hecl::DirectoryEnumerator::Mode::DirsThenFilesSorted, false, false, true); } void ProjectPath::getGlobResults(std::vector<ProjectPath>& outPaths) const { auto rootPath = m_proj->getProjectRootPath().getAbsolutePath(); _recursiveGlob(*m_proj, outPaths, m_relPath, rootPath.data(), rootPath.back() != _SYS_STR('/')); } template <typename T> static bool RegexSearchLast(const T& str, std::match_results<typename T::const_iterator>& m, const std::basic_regex<typename T::value_type>& reg) { using Iterator = std::regex_iterator<typename T::const_iterator>; Iterator begin = Iterator(str.begin(), str.end(), reg); Iterator end = Iterator(); if (begin == end) return false; Iterator last_it; for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) last_it = it; m = *last_it; return true; } static const hecl::SystemRegex regParsedHash32(_SYS_STR(R"(_([0-9a-fA-F]{8}))"), std::regex::ECMAScript | std::regex::optimize); uint32_t ProjectPath::parsedHash32() const { if (!m_auxInfo.empty()) { hecl::SystemRegexMatch match; if (RegexSearchLast(m_auxInfo, match, regParsedHash32)) { auto hexStr = match[1].str(); if (auto val = hecl::StrToUl(hexStr.c_str(), nullptr, 16)) return val; } } else { hecl::SystemViewRegexMatch match; if (RegexSearchLast(getLastComponent(), match, regParsedHash32)) { auto hexStr = match[1].str(); if (auto val = hecl::StrToUl(hexStr.c_str(), nullptr, 16)) return val; } } return hash().val32(); } ProjectRootPath SearchForProject(SystemStringView path) { ProjectRootPath testRoot(path); auto begin = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().begin(); auto end = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().end(); while (begin != end) { SystemString testPath(begin, end); SystemString testIndexPath = testPath + _SYS_STR("/.hecl/beacon"); Sstat theStat; if (!hecl::Stat(testIndexPath.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) { const auto fp = hecl::FopenUnique(testIndexPath.c_str(), _SYS_STR("rb")); if (fp == nullptr) { continue; } char magic[4]; const size_t readSize = std::fread(magic, 1, sizeof(magic), fp.get()); if (readSize != sizeof(magic)) { continue; } static constexpr hecl::FourCC hecl("HECL"); if (hecl::FourCC(magic) != hecl) { continue; } return ProjectRootPath(testPath); } } while (begin != end && *(end - 1) != _SYS_STR('/') && *(end - 1) != _SYS_STR('\\')) --end; if (begin != end) --end; } return ProjectRootPath(); } ProjectRootPath SearchForProject(SystemStringView path, SystemString& subpathOut) { const ProjectRootPath testRoot(path); auto begin = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().begin(); auto end = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().end(); while (begin != end) { SystemString testPath(begin, end); SystemString testIndexPath = testPath + _SYS_STR("/.hecl/beacon"); Sstat theStat; if (!hecl::Stat(testIndexPath.c_str(), &theStat)) { if (S_ISREG(theStat.st_mode)) { const auto fp = hecl::FopenUnique(testIndexPath.c_str(), _SYS_STR("rb")); if (fp == nullptr) { continue; } char magic[4]; const size_t readSize = std::fread(magic, 1, sizeof(magic), fp.get()); if (readSize != sizeof(magic)) { continue; } if (hecl::FourCC(magic) != FOURCC('HECL')) { continue; } const ProjectRootPath newRootPath = ProjectRootPath(testPath); const auto origEnd = testRoot.getAbsolutePath().end(); while (end != origEnd && *end != _SYS_STR('/') && *end != _SYS_STR('\\')) { ++end; } if (end != origEnd && (*end == _SYS_STR('/') || *end == _SYS_STR('\\'))) { ++end; } subpathOut.assign(end, origEnd); return newRootPath; } } while (begin != end && *(end - 1) != _SYS_STR('/') && *(end - 1) != _SYS_STR('\\')) { --end; } if (begin != end) { --end; } } return ProjectRootPath(); } } // namespace hecl