#ifndef _DNACOMMON_CMDL_HPP_ #define _DNACOMMON_CMDL_HPP_ #include "PAK.hpp" #include "BlenderConnection.hpp" #include "GX.hpp" #include "TXTR.hpp" namespace Retro { namespace DNACMDL { struct Header : BigDNA { DECL_DNA Value magic; Value version; struct Flags : BigDNA { DECL_DNA Value flags; inline bool shortNormals() const {return (flags & 0x2) != 0;} inline void setShortNormals(bool val) {flags &= ~0x2; flags |= val << 1;} inline bool shortUVs() const {return (flags & 0x4) != 0;} inline void setShortUVs(bool val) {flags &= ~0x4; flags |= val << 2;} } flags; Value aabbMin; Value aabbMax; Value secCount; Value matSetCount; Vector secSizes; Align<32> align; }; struct SurfaceHeader : BigDNA { DECL_DNA Value centroid; Value matIdx; Value qDiv; Value dlSize; Seek<8, Athena::Current> seek; Value aabbSz; Value reflectionNormal; Seek seek2; Align<32> align; }; struct VertexAttributes { GX::AttrType pos = GX::NONE; GX::AttrType norm = GX::NONE; GX::AttrType color0 = GX::NONE; GX::AttrType color1 = GX::NONE; unsigned uvCount = 0; GX::AttrType uvs[7] = {GX::NONE}; GX::AttrType pnMtxIdx = GX::NONE; unsigned texMtxIdxCount = 0; GX::AttrType texMtxIdx[7] = {GX::NONE}; }; template void GetVertexAttributes(const MaterialSet& matSet, std::vector& attributesOut) { attributesOut.clear(); attributesOut.reserve(matSet.materials.size()); for (const typename MaterialSet::Material& mat : matSet.materials) { const typename MaterialSet::Material::VAFlags& vaFlags = mat.getVAFlags(); attributesOut.emplace_back(); VertexAttributes& va = attributesOut.back(); va.pos = vaFlags.position(); va.norm = vaFlags.normal(); va.color0 = vaFlags.color0(); va.color1 = vaFlags.color1(); if ((va.uvs[0] = vaFlags.tex0())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[1] = vaFlags.tex1())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[2] = vaFlags.tex2())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[3] = vaFlags.tex3())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[4] = vaFlags.tex4())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[5] = vaFlags.tex5())) ++va.uvCount; if ((va.uvs[6] = vaFlags.tex6())) ++va.uvCount; va.pnMtxIdx = vaFlags.pnMatIdx(); if ((va.texMtxIdx[0] = vaFlags.tex0MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[1] = vaFlags.tex1MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[2] = vaFlags.tex2MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[3] = vaFlags.tex3MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[4] = vaFlags.tex4MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[5] = vaFlags.tex5MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; if ((va.texMtxIdx[6] = vaFlags.tex6MatIdx())) ++va.texMtxIdxCount; } } template void ReadMaterialSetToBlender_1_2(HECL::BlenderConnection::PyOutStream& os, const MaterialSet& matSet, const PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, unsigned setIdx, const SpecBase& dataspec) { /* Texmaps */ os << "texmap_list = []\n"; for (const UniqueID32& tex : matSet.head.textureIDs) { std::string texName = pakRouter.getBestEntryName(tex); const NOD::DiscBase::IPartition::Node* node; const typename PAKRouter::EntryType* texEntry = pakRouter.lookupEntry(tex, &node); HECL::ProjectPath txtrPath = pakRouter.getWorking(texEntry); if (txtrPath.getPathType() == HECL::ProjectPath::PT_NONE) { PAKEntryReadStream rs = texEntry->beginReadStream(*node); TXTR::Extract(dataspec, rs, txtrPath); } HECL::SystemString resPath = pakRouter.getResourceRelativePath(entry, tex); HECL::SystemUTF8View resPathView(resPath); os.format("if '%s' in bpy.data.textures:\n" " image = bpy.data.images['%s']\n" " texture = bpy.data.textures[image.name]\n" "else:\n" " image = bpy.data.images.load('''//%s''')\n" " image.name = '%s'\n" " texture = bpy.data.textures.new(image.name, 'IMAGE')\n" " texture.image = image\n" "texmap_list.append(texture)\n" "\n", texName.c_str(), texName.c_str(), resPathView.str().c_str(), texName.c_str()); } unsigned m=0; for (const typename MaterialSet::Material& mat : matSet.materials) { MaterialSet::ConstructMaterial(os, mat, setIdx, m++); os << "materials.append(new_material)\n"; } } template void ReadMaterialSetToBlender_3(HECL::BlenderConnection::PyOutStream& os, const MaterialSet& matSet, const PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, unsigned setIdx, const SpecBase& dataspec) { unsigned m=0; for (const typename MaterialSet::Material& mat : matSet.materials) { MaterialSet::ConstructMaterial(os, mat, setIdx, m++); os << "materials.append(new_material)\n"; } } class DLReader { const VertexAttributes& m_va; std::unique_ptr m_dl; size_t m_dlSize; atUint8* m_cur; atUint16 readVal(GX::AttrType type) { atUint16 retval = 0; switch (type) { case GX::DIRECT: case GX::INDEX8: retval = *m_cur; ++m_cur; break; case GX::INDEX16: retval = HECL::SBig(*(atUint16*)m_cur); m_cur += 2; break; default: break; } return retval; } public: DLReader(const VertexAttributes& va, std::unique_ptr&& dl, size_t dlSize) : m_va(va), m_dl(std::move(dl)), m_dlSize(dlSize) { m_cur = m_dl.get(); } operator bool() { return *m_cur && ((m_cur - m_dl.get()) < intptr_t(m_dlSize)); } GX::Primitive readPrimitive() { return GX::Primitive(*m_cur++ & 0xf8); } atUint16 readVertCount() { return readVal(GX::INDEX16); } struct DLPrimVert { atUint16 pos = 0; atUint16 norm = 0; atUint16 color[2] = {0}; atUint16 uvs[7] = {0}; atUint8 pnMtxIdx = 0; atUint8 texMtxIdx[7] = {0}; }; DLPrimVert readVert(bool peek=false) { atUint8* bakCur = m_cur; DLPrimVert retval; retval.pnMtxIdx = readVal(m_va.pnMtxIdx); retval.texMtxIdx[0] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[0]); retval.texMtxIdx[1] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[1]); retval.texMtxIdx[2] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[2]); retval.texMtxIdx[3] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[3]); retval.texMtxIdx[4] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[4]); retval.texMtxIdx[5] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[5]); retval.texMtxIdx[6] = readVal(m_va.texMtxIdx[6]); retval.pos = readVal(m_va.pos); retval.norm = readVal(m_va.norm); retval.color[0] = readVal(m_va.color0); retval.color[1] = readVal(m_va.color1); retval.uvs[0] = readVal(m_va.uvs[0]); retval.uvs[1] = readVal(m_va.uvs[1]); retval.uvs[2] = readVal(m_va.uvs[2]); retval.uvs[3] = readVal(m_va.uvs[3]); retval.uvs[4] = readVal(m_va.uvs[4]); retval.uvs[5] = readVal(m_va.uvs[5]); retval.uvs[6] = readVal(m_va.uvs[6]); if (peek) m_cur = bakCur; return retval; } void preReadMaxIdxs(DLPrimVert& out) { atUint8* bakCur = m_cur; while (*this) { readPrimitive(); atUint16 vc = readVertCount(); for (atUint16 v=0 ; v bool ReadCMDLToBlender(HECL::BlenderConnection& conn, Athena::io::IStreamReader& reader, PAKRouter& pakRouter, const typename PAKRouter::EntryType& entry, const SpecBase& dataspec, const RIGPAIR* rp=nullptr) { Header head; head.read(reader); if (head.magic != 0xDEADBABE) { LogDNACommon.report(LogVisor::Error, "invalid CMDL magic"); return false; } if (head.version != Version) { LogDNACommon.report(LogVisor::Error, "invalid CMDL version"); return false; } /* Open Py Stream */ HECL::BlenderConnection::PyOutStream os = conn.beginPythonOut(true); os.format("import bpy\n" "import bmesh\n" "\n" "bpy.context.scene.name = '%s'\n" "bpy.context.scene.hecl_type = 'MESH'\n" "bpy.context.scene.hecl_mesh_obj = bpy.context.scene.name\n" "\n" "# Using 'Blender Game'\n" "bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_GAME'\n" "\n" "# Clear Scene\n" "for ob in bpy.data.objects:\n" " if ob.type != 'LAMP':\n" " bpy.context.scene.objects.unlink(ob)\n" " bpy.data.objects.remove(ob)\n" "\n" "# Property to convey original vert indices in overdraw meshes\n" "class CMDLOriginalIndex(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):\n" " index = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Original Vertex Index')\n" "bpy.utils.register_class(CMDLOriginalIndex)\n" "bpy.types.Mesh.cmdl_orig_verts = bpy.props.CollectionProperty(type=CMDLOriginalIndex)\n" "\n" "def loop_from_facevert(face, vert_idx):\n" " for loop in face.loops:\n" " if loop.vert.index == vert_idx:\n" " return loop\n" "\n" "def add_triangle(bm, vert_seq, vert_indices, norm_seq, norm_indices, mat_nr, od_list):\n" " if len(set(vert_indices)) != 3:\n" " return None, None\n" "\n" " ret_mesh = bm\n" " vert_seq.ensure_lookup_table()\n" " verts = [vert_seq[i] for i in vert_indices]\n" " norms = [norm_seq[i] for i in norm_indices]\n" "\n" " # Make the face\n" " face = bm.faces.get(verts)\n" "\n" " if face is not None and face.material_index != mat_nr: # Same poly, new material\n" " # Overdraw detected; track copy\n" " od_entry = None\n" " for entry in od_list:\n" " if entry['material'] == mat_nr:\n" " od_entry = entry\n" " if od_entry is None:\n" " bm_cpy = bm.copy()\n" " od_entry = {'material':mat_nr, 'bm':bm_cpy}\n" " bmesh.ops.delete(od_entry['bm'], geom=od_entry['bm'].faces, context=3)\n" " od_list.append(od_entry)\n" " od_entry['bm'].verts.ensure_lookup_table()\n" " verts = [od_entry['bm'].verts[i] for i in vert_indices]\n" " face = od_entry['bm'].faces.get(verts)\n" " if face is None:\n" " face = od_entry['bm'].faces.new(verts)\n" " else: # Probably a double-sided surface\n" " face = face.copy()\n" " face.normal_flip()\n" " ret_mesh = od_entry['bm']\n" "\n" " elif face is not None: # Same material, probably double-sided\n" " face = face.copy()\n" " face.normal_flip()\n" "\n" " else: \n" " face = bm.faces.new(verts)\n" "\n" " # Apply normals\n" " for i in range(3):\n" " verts[i].normal = norms[i]\n" "\n" " for i in range(3):\n" " face.verts[i].index = vert_indices[i]\n" " face.material_index = mat_nr\n" " face.smooth = True\n" "\n" " return face, ret_mesh\n" "\n" "# Begin bmesh\n" "bm = bmesh.new()\n" "\n", pakRouter.getBestEntryName(entry).c_str()); if (rp) os << "dvert_lay = bm.verts.layers.deform.verify()\n"; /* Link master shader library */ os.format("# Master shader library\n" "with bpy.data.libraries.load('%s', link=True, relative=True) as (data_from, data_to):\n" " data_to.node_groups = data_from.node_groups\n" "\n", dataspec.getMasterShaderPath().getAbsolutePathUTF8().c_str()); MaterialSet::RegisterMaterialProps(os); os << "# Materials\n" "materials = []\n" "\n" "# Overdraw-tracking\n" "od_list = []\n" "\n"; /* Pre-read pass to determine maximum used vert indices */ bool visitedDLOffsets = false; std::vector vertAttribs; atUint64 afterHeaderPos = reader.position(); DLReader::DLPrimVert maxIdxs; for (size_t s=0 ; sfirst->weightVertex(os, *rp->second, i); } break; } case 1: { /* Normals */ os << "norm_list = []\n"; if (head.flags.shortNormals()) { size_t normCount = head.secSizes[s] / 6; for (size_t i=0 ; i createdUVLayers) { for (unsigned l=createdUVLayers ; l= vertCount - 3); /* Advance one prim vert */ primVerts[c%3] = dl.readVert(peek); ++c; } } else if (ptype == GX::TRIANGLES) { for (int v=0 ; v= vertCount) break; bool peek = (v >= vertCount - 3); /* Advance 3 Prim Verts */ for (int pv=0 ; pv<3 ; ++pv) primVerts[pv] = dl.readVert(peek); } } else if (ptype == GX::TRIANGLEFAN) { ++c; for (int v=0 ; v= vertCount - 3); /* Advance one prim vert */ primVerts[(c+2)%3] = dl.readVert(peek); ++c; } } os << "\n"; } } } } if (s < head.secCount - 1) reader.seek(secStart + head.secSizes[s], Athena::Begin); } /* Finish Mesh */ os.format("mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(bpy.context.scene.name)\n" "obj = bpy.data.objects.new(mesh.name, mesh)\n" "obj.show_transparent = True\n" "bpy.context.scene.objects.link(obj)\n" "mesh.hecl_material_count = %u\n" "for material in materials:\n" " mesh.materials.append(material)\n" "\n" "# Preserve original indices\n" "for vert in bm.verts:\n" " ov = mesh.cmdl_orig_verts.add()\n" " ov.index = vert.index\n" "\n" "# Merge OD meshes\n" "for od_entry in od_list:\n" " vert_dict = {}\n" "\n" " for vert in od_entry['bm'].verts:\n" " if len(vert.link_faces):\n" " vert_dict[vert.index] = bm.verts.new(vert.co, vert)\n" " ov = mesh.cmdl_orig_verts.add()\n" " ov.index = vert.index\n" "\n" " for face in od_entry['bm'].faces:\n" " merge_verts = [vert_dict[fv.index] for fv in face.verts]\n" " if bm.faces.get(merge_verts) is not None:\n" " continue\n" " merge_face = bm.faces.new(merge_verts)\n" " for i in range(len(face.loops)):\n" " old = face.loops[i]\n" " new = merge_face.loops[i]\n" " for j in range(len(od_entry['bm'].loops.layers.uv)):\n" " new[bm.loops.layers.uv[j]] = old[od_entry['bm'].loops.layers.uv[j]]\n" " merge_face.smooth = True\n" " merge_face.material_index = face.material_index\n" "\n" " od_entry['bm'].free()\n" "\n" "# Remove loose vertices\n" "#to_remove = []\n" "#for vert in bm.verts:\n" "# if not len(vert.link_faces):\n" "# to_remove.append(vert)\n" "#bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=to_remove, context=1)\n" "\n" "bm.to_mesh(mesh)\n" "bm.free()\n" "\n", head.matSetCount); if (rp) rp->second->sendVertexGroupsToBlender(os); return true; } } } #endif // _DNACOMMON_CMDL_HPP_