#include "CElementGen.hpp" #include "CGenDescription.hpp" #include "CParticleGlobals.hpp" #include "CParticleSwoosh.hpp" #include "CParticleElectric.hpp" #include "CModel.hpp" #include "CElementGenShaders.hpp" #define MAX_GLOBAL_PARTICLES 2560 namespace pshag { static LogVisor::LogModule Log("Retro::CElementGen"); static bool s_inCreateNewParticles = false; int CElementGen::g_ParticleAliveCount; int CElementGen::g_ParticleSystemAliveCount; s32 CElementGen::g_FreeIndex; bool CElementGen::g_StaticListInitialized = false; bool CElementGen::g_MoveRedToAlphaBuffer = false; static rstl::reserved_vector g_StaticParticleList; static rstl::reserved_vector g_StaticFreeList; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texZTestZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texNoZTestZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texZTestNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texNoZTestNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texAdditiveZTest = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texAdditiveNoZTest = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texRedToAlphaZTest = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_texRedToAlphaNoZTest = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_indTexZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_indTexNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_indTexAdditive = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_cindTexZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_cindTexNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_cindTexAdditive = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexZTestZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexNoZTestZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexZTestNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexNoZTestNoZWrite = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexAdditiveZTest = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* CElementGenShaders::m_noTexAdditiveNoZTest = nullptr; boo::IVertexFormat* CElementGenShaders::m_vtxFormatTex = nullptr; boo::IVertexFormat* CElementGenShaders::m_vtxFormatIndTex = nullptr; boo::IVertexFormat* CElementGenShaders::m_vtxFormatNoTex = nullptr; std::unique_ptr CElementGenShaders::m_bindFactory; boo::GraphicsDataToken CElementGenShaders::m_gfxToken; CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass CElementGenShaders::GetShaderClass(CElementGen& gen) { CGenDescription* desc = gen.x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); if (desc->x54_TEXR) { if (desc->x58_TIND) return EShaderClass::IndTex; else return EShaderClass::Tex; } else return EShaderClass::NoTex; } void CElementGenShaders::BuildShaderDataBinding(CElementGen& gen) { CGenDescription* desc = gen.x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); boo::IShaderPipeline* regPipeline = nullptr; boo::IShaderPipeline* redToAlphaPipeline = nullptr; if (desc->x54_TEXR) { if (desc->x58_TIND) { if (desc->x45_30_CIND) { if (gen.x224_26_AAPH) regPipeline = m_cindTexAdditive; else { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_cindTexZWrite; else regPipeline = m_cindTexNoZWrite; } } else { if (gen.x224_26_AAPH) regPipeline = m_indTexAdditive; else { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_indTexZWrite; else regPipeline = m_indTexNoZWrite; } } } else { if (gen.x224_28_zTest) redToAlphaPipeline = m_texRedToAlphaZTest; else redToAlphaPipeline = m_texRedToAlphaNoZTest; if (gen.x224_26_AAPH) { if (gen.x224_28_zTest) regPipeline = m_texAdditiveZTest; else regPipeline = m_texAdditiveNoZTest; } else { if (gen.x224_28_zTest) { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_texZTestZWrite; else regPipeline = m_texZTestNoZWrite; } else { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_texNoZTestZWrite; else regPipeline = m_texNoZTestNoZWrite; } } } } else { if (gen.x224_26_AAPH) { if (gen.x224_28_zTest) regPipeline = m_noTexAdditiveZTest; else regPipeline = m_noTexAdditiveNoZTest; } else { if (gen.x224_28_zTest) { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_noTexZTestZWrite; else regPipeline = m_noTexZTestNoZWrite; } else { if (gen.x224_27_ZBUF) regPipeline = m_noTexNoZTestZWrite; else regPipeline = m_noTexNoZTestNoZWrite; } } } m_bindFactory->BuildShaderDataBinding(gen, regPipeline, redToAlphaPipeline); } void CElementGenShaders::Initialize() { if (!CGraphics::g_BooFactory) return; switch (CGraphics::g_BooFactory->platform()) { case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::OGL: m_bindFactory.reset(Initialize(*static_cast(CGraphics::g_BooFactory))); break; #if _WIN32 case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D11: case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::D3D12: m_bindFactory.reset(Initialize(*static_cast(CGraphics::g_BooFactory))); break; #elif BOO_HAS_METAL case boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::Metal: m_bindFactory.reset(Initialize(*static_cast(CGraphics::g_BooFactory))); break; #endif default: break; } m_gfxToken = CGraphics::CommitResources(); } struct SParticleInstanceTex { Zeus::CVector4f pos[4]; Zeus::CColor color; Zeus::CVector2f uvs[4]; }; static std::vector g_instTexData; struct SParticleInstanceIndTex { Zeus::CVector4f pos[4]; Zeus::CColor color; Zeus::CVector4f texrTindUVs[4]; Zeus::CVector2f sceneUVs[4]; }; static std::vector g_instIndTexData; struct SParticleInstanceNoTex { Zeus::CVector4f pos[4]; Zeus::CColor color; }; static std::vector g_instNoTexData; struct SParticleUniforms { Zeus::CMatrix4f mvp; Zeus::CColor moduColor; }; void CElementGen::Initialize() { if (g_StaticListInitialized) return; Log.report(LogVisor::Info, "Initialize - Static Particle List - "); g_ParticleAliveCount = 0; g_ParticleSystemAliveCount = 0; g_StaticParticleList.clear(); g_StaticParticleList.insert(g_StaticParticleList.end(), MAX_GLOBAL_PARTICLES, CParticle()); g_StaticFreeList.clear(); for (int i=0 ; i& gen, EModelOrientationType orientType, EOptionalSystemFlags flags) : x1c_genDesc(gen), x28_orientType(orientType), x226_enableOPTS((flags & EOptionalSystemFlags::Two) != EOptionalSystemFlags::None), x230_randState(x74_randomSeed) { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CIntElement* seedElem = desc->x1c_SEED.get(); if (seedElem) { int seedVal; seedElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, seedVal); x74_randomSeed = seedVal; } x230_randState.SetSeed(x74_randomSeed); ++g_ParticleSystemAliveCount; x224_25_LIT_ = desc->x44_29_LIT_; x224_26_AAPH = desc->x44_26_AAPH; x224_27_ZBUF = desc->x44_27_ZBUF; x224_29_MBLR = desc->x44_30_MBLR; CIntElement* mbspElem = desc->x48_MBSP.get(); if (mbspElem) mbspElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x228_MBSP); m_maxMBSP = x228_MBSP; x224_30_VMD1 = desc->x45_26_VMD1; x224_31_VMD2 = desc->x45_27_VMD2; x225_24_VMD3 = desc->x45_28_VMD3; x225_25_VMD4 = desc->x45_29_VMD4; CIntElement* cssdElem = desc->xa0_CSSD.get(); if (cssdElem) cssdElem->GetValue(0, x244_CSSD); SChildGeneratorDesc& idts = desc->xa4_IDTS; if (idts.m_found) { int ndsyVal = 1; CIntElement* ndsyElem = desc->xb4_NDSY.get(); if (ndsyElem) ndsyElem->GetValue(0, ndsyVal); x248_finishPartChildren.reserve(ndsyVal + x248_finishPartChildren.size()); for (int i=0 ; ixa4_IDTS.m_token.GetObj(); if (x226_enableOPTS && chDesc->x45_31_OPTS) break; x248_finishPartChildren.emplace_back(new CElementGen(desc->xa4_IDTS.m_token, EModelOrientationType::Normal, x226_enableOPTS ? EOptionalSystemFlags::Two : EOptionalSystemFlags::One)); } } CIntElement* pisyElem = desc->xc8_PISY.get(); if (pisyElem) { pisyElem->GetValue(0, x25c_PISY); if (x25c_PISY <= 0) x25c_PISY = 1; } CIntElement* sisyElem = desc->xcc_SISY.get(); if (sisyElem) pisyElem->GetValue(0, x258_SISY); CIntElement* sssdElem = desc->xe4_SSSD.get(); if (sssdElem) sssdElem->GetValue(0, x270_SSSD); CVectorElement* sspoElem = desc->xe8_SSPO.get(); if (sspoElem) sspoElem->GetValue(0, x274_SSPO); CIntElement* sesdElem = desc->xf8_SESD.get(); if (sesdElem) sesdElem->GetValue(0, x290_SESD); CVectorElement* sepoElem = desc->xfc_SEPO.get(); if (sepoElem) sepoElem->GetValue(0, x294_SEPO); CIntElement* psltElem = desc->xc_PSLT.get(); if (psltElem) psltElem->GetValue(0, x214_PSLT); CVectorElement* psivElem = desc->x0_PSIV.get(); if (psivElem) psivElem->GetValue(0, x218_PSIV); CIntElement* maxpElem = desc->x28_MAXP.get(); if (maxpElem) maxpElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x70_MAXP); x2c_particleLists.reserve(x70_MAXP); if (x28_orientType == EModelOrientationType::One) { x3c_parentMatrices.insert(x3c_parentMatrices.end(), x70_MAXP, Zeus::CMatrix3f::skIdentityMatrix3f); } x225_26_LINE = desc->x44_24_LINE; x225_27_FXLL = desc->x44_25_FXLL; CVectorElement* pofsElem = desc->x18_POFS.get(); if (pofsElem) pofsElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x94_POFS); CIntElement* ltypElem = desc->x100_LTYP.get(); if (ltypElem) { int ltyp; ltypElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, ltyp); switch (LightType(ltyp)) { case LightType::None: default: x2dc_lightType = LightType::None; break; case LightType::Directional: x2dc_lightType = LightType::Directional; break; case LightType::Custom: x2dc_lightType = LightType::Custom; break; case LightType::Spot: x2dc_lightType = LightType::Spot; break; } } CIntElement* lfotElem = desc->x114_LFOT.get(); if (lfotElem) { int lfot; lfotElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, lfot); switch (EFalloffType(lfot)) { case EFalloffType::Constant: x300_falloffType = EFalloffType::Constant; break; case EFalloffType::Linear: default: x300_falloffType = EFalloffType::Linear; break; case EFalloffType::Quadratic: x300_falloffType = EFalloffType::Quadratic; break; } } m_shaderClass = CElementGenShaders::GetShaderClass(*this); static const size_t ShadClsSizes[] = { sizeof(SParticleInstanceTex), sizeof(SParticleInstanceIndTex), sizeof(SParticleInstanceNoTex) }; size_t maxInsts = x224_29_MBLR ? (m_maxMBSP * x70_MAXP) : x70_MAXP; m_instBuf = CGraphics::NewDynamicGPUBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, ShadClsSizes[int(m_shaderClass)], maxInsts); m_uniformBuf = CGraphics::NewDynamicGPUBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(SParticleUniforms), 1); CElementGenShaders::BuildShaderDataBinding(*this); m_gfxToken = CGraphics::CommitResources(); } CElementGen::~CElementGen() { --g_ParticleSystemAliveCount; } void CElementGen::Update(double t) { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CIntElement* pswtElem = desc->x10_PSWT.get(); if (pswtElem && !x225_28_warmedUp) { int pswt = 0; pswtElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, pswt); if (pswt > 32) { Log.report(LogVisor::Info, "Running warmup on particle system 0x%08x for %d ticks.", desc, pswt); InternalUpdate(pswt / 60.0); x225_28_warmedUp = true; } } InternalUpdate(t); } bool CElementGen::InternalUpdate(double dt) { CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); double dt1 = 1 / 60.0; if (fabs(dt - 1 / 60.0) >= 1 / 60000.0) dt1 = dt; double t = x50_curFrame / 60.0; CParticleGlobals::SetEmitterTime(x50_curFrame); CRealElement* pstsElem = desc->x14_PSTS.get(); if (pstsElem) { float psts; pstsElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, psts); double dt1Scaled = psts * dt1; dt1 = std::max(0.0, dt1Scaled); } x58_curSeconds += dt1; if (x224_29_MBLR && dt > 0.0) { CIntElement* mbspElem = desc->x48_MBSP.get(); if (mbspElem) mbspElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x228_MBSP); x228_MBSP = std::min(x228_MBSP, m_maxMBSP); } int frameUpdateCount = 0; while (t < x58_curSeconds && fabs(t - x58_curSeconds) >= 1 / 60000.0) { x2a8_aabbMin.splat(FLT_MAX); x2b4_aabbMax.splat(FLT_MIN); x2c0_maxSize = 0.f; float grte = 0.f; CParticleGlobals::SetEmitterTime(x50_curFrame); CRealElement* grteElem = desc->x2c_GRTE.get(); if (grteElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, grte)) { x2c_particleLists.clear(); return true; } grte = std::max(0.f, grte * x78_generatorRate); x6c_generatorRemainder += grte; int genCount = floorf(x6c_generatorRemainder); x6c_generatorRemainder = x6c_generatorRemainder - genCount; if (!x68_particleEmission || x50_curFrame >= x214_PSLT) genCount = 0; CIntElement* maxpElem = desc->x28_MAXP.get(); if (maxpElem) maxpElem->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x70_MAXP); UpdateExistingParticles(); CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(x214_PSLT); bool oldBoolVal = s_inCreateNewParticles; s_inCreateNewParticles = true; CreateNewParticles(genCount); s_inCreateNewParticles = oldBoolVal; UpdatePSTranslationAndOrientation(); UpdateChildParticleSystems(1 / 60.0); if (x2dc_lightType != LightType::None) UpdateLightParameters(); ++frameUpdateCount; ++x50_curFrame; t += 1 / 60.0; } UpdateChildParticleSystems(-(frameUpdateCount / 60.0 - dt1)); if (fabs(t - x58_curSeconds) < 1 / 60000.0) x58_curSeconds = t; BuildParticleSystemBounds(); x224_24_translationDirty = false; double passedTime = t - x58_curSeconds; x60_timeDeltaScale = 1.0 - passedTime * 60.0; return false; } void CElementGen::AccumulateBounds(Zeus::CVector3f& pos, float size) { x2b4_aabbMax[0] = std::max(pos[0], x2b4_aabbMax[0]); x2b4_aabbMax[1] = std::max(pos[1], x2b4_aabbMax[1]); x2b4_aabbMax[2] = std::max(pos[2], x2b4_aabbMax[2]); x2a8_aabbMin[0] = std::min(pos[0], x2a8_aabbMin[0]); x2a8_aabbMin[1] = std::min(pos[1], x2a8_aabbMin[1]); x2a8_aabbMin[2] = std::min(pos[2], x2a8_aabbMin[2]); x2c0_maxSize = std::max(size, x2c0_maxSize); } void CElementGen::UpdateExistingParticles() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); x208_activeParticleCount = 0; CParticleGlobals::SetEmitterTime(x50_curFrame); for (std::vector::iterator p = x2c_particleLists.begin(); p != x2c_particleLists.end();) { CElementGen::CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[p->x0_partIdx]; if (particle.x0_endFrame < x50_curFrame) { g_StaticFreeList[++g_FreeIndex] = p->x0_partIdx; if (p+1 == x2c_particleLists.end()) { x2c_particleLists.pop_back(); break; } else { *p = *(x2c_particleLists.end()-1); if (x28_orientType == EModelOrientationType::One) { size_t i = p - x2c_particleLists.begin(); x3c_parentMatrices[i] = x3c_parentMatrices[x2c_particleLists.size()-1]; } x2c_particleLists.pop_back(); if (p != x2c_particleLists.end()) if (particle.x0_endFrame < x50_curFrame) continue; } } else { particle.x10_prevPos = particle.x4_pos; particle.x4_pos += particle.x1c_vel; } ++x208_activeParticleCount; CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(particle.x0_endFrame - particle.x28_startFrame); int particleFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame; CParticleGlobals::UpdateParticleLifetimeTweenValues(particleFrame); bool err = false; CModVectorElement* vel1 = desc->x7c_VEL1.get(); if (vel1) { if (x224_30_VMD1) { Zeus::CVector3f xfVel = x1a8_orientationInverse * particle.x1c_vel; Zeus::CVector3f xfPos = x1a8_orientationInverse * (particle.x4_pos - x7c_translation); err = vel1->GetValue(particleFrame, xfVel, xfPos); particle.x1c_vel = x178_orientation * xfVel; particle.x4_pos = x178_orientation * xfPos + x7c_translation; } else { err = vel1->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x1c_vel, particle.x4_pos); } } CModVectorElement* vel2 = desc->x80_VEL2.get(); if (vel2) { if (x224_31_VMD2) { Zeus::CVector3f xfVel = x1a8_orientationInverse * particle.x1c_vel; Zeus::CVector3f xfPos = x1a8_orientationInverse * (particle.x4_pos - x7c_translation); err |= vel2->GetValue(particleFrame, xfVel, xfPos); particle.x1c_vel = x178_orientation * xfVel; particle.x4_pos = x178_orientation * xfPos + x7c_translation; } else { err |= vel2->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x1c_vel, particle.x4_pos); } } CModVectorElement* vel3 = desc->x84_VEL3.get(); if (vel3) { if (x225_24_VMD3) { Zeus::CVector3f xfVel = x1a8_orientationInverse * particle.x1c_vel; Zeus::CVector3f xfPos = x1a8_orientationInverse * (particle.x4_pos - x7c_translation); err |= vel3->GetValue(particleFrame, xfVel, xfPos); particle.x1c_vel = x178_orientation * xfVel; particle.x4_pos = x178_orientation * xfPos + x7c_translation; } else { err |= vel3->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x1c_vel, particle.x4_pos); } } CModVectorElement* vel4 = desc->x88_VEL4.get(); if (vel4) { if (x225_25_VMD4) { Zeus::CVector3f xfVel = x1a8_orientationInverse * particle.x1c_vel; Zeus::CVector3f xfPos = x1a8_orientationInverse * (particle.x4_pos - x7c_translation); err |= vel4->GetValue(particleFrame, xfVel, xfPos); particle.x1c_vel = x178_orientation * xfVel; particle.x4_pos = x178_orientation * xfPos + x7c_translation; } else { err |= vel4->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x1c_vel, particle.x4_pos); } } if (x225_26_LINE) { CRealElement* leng = desc->x20_LENG.get(); if (leng) err |= leng->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); CRealElement* widt = desc->x24_WIDT.get(); if (widt) err |= widt->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota); } else { CRealElement* rota = desc->x50_ROTA.get(); if (rota) err |= rota->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota); CRealElement* size = desc->x4c_SIZE.get(); if (size) err |= size->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); } CColorElement* colr = desc->x30_COLR.get(); if (colr) err |= colr->GetValue(particleFrame, particle.x34_color); if (err) particle.x0_endFrame = -1; AccumulateBounds(particle.x4_pos, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); ++p; } } void CElementGen::CreateNewParticles(int count) { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); if (!g_StaticListInitialized) Initialize(); if (!count || x2c_particleLists.size() >= x70_MAXP) return; if (count + x2c_particleLists.size() > x70_MAXP) count = x70_MAXP - x2c_particleLists.size(); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); x2c_particleLists.reserve(x70_MAXP); for (int i=0 ; ix34_LTME.get(); if (ltme) ltme->GetValue(0, particle.x0_endFrame); CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(particle.x0_endFrame); CParticleGlobals::UpdateParticleLifetimeTweenValues(0); particle.x0_endFrame += x50_curFrame; CColorElement* colr = desc->x30_COLR.get(); if (colr) colr->GetValue(0, particle.x34_color); else particle.x34_color = Zeus::CColor::skWhite; CEmitterElement* emtr = desc->x40_EMTR.get(); if (emtr) { emtr->GetValue(x210_curEmitterFrame, particle.x4_pos, particle.x1c_vel); Zeus::CVector3f compXf1 = (xdc_globalScaleTransformInverse * x148_localScaleTransformInverse) * x7c_translation; Zeus::CVector3f compXf2 = x178_orientation * particle.x4_pos; particle.x4_pos = compXf1 + compXf2 + x94_POFS; particle.x1c_vel = x178_orientation * particle.x1c_vel; } else { Zeus::CVector3f compXf1 = (xdc_globalScaleTransformInverse * x148_localScaleTransformInverse) * x7c_translation; particle.x4_pos = compXf1 + x94_POFS; particle.x1c_vel.zeroOut(); } particle.x10_prevPos = particle.x4_pos; if (x225_26_LINE) { CRealElement* leng = desc->x20_LENG.get(); if (leng) leng->GetValue(0, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); else particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize = 1.f; CRealElement* widt = desc->x24_WIDT.get(); if (widt) widt->GetValue(0, particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota); else particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota = 1.f; } else { CRealElement* rota = desc->x50_ROTA.get(); if (rota) rota->GetValue(0, particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota); else particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota = 0.f; CRealElement* size = desc->x4c_SIZE.get(); if (size) size->GetValue(0, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); else particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize = 0.1f; } AccumulateBounds(particle.x4_pos, particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize); ++x210_curEmitterFrame; --g_FreeIndex; } } void CElementGen::UpdatePSTranslationAndOrientation() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); if (x214_PSLT < x50_curFrame) return; CModVectorElement* psvm = desc->x4_PSVM.get(); if (psvm) { Zeus::CVector3f vel = x7c_translation; psvm->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x218_PSIV, vel); if (vel != x7c_translation) { x224_24_translationDirty = true; x7c_translation = vel; } } Zeus::CVector3f v = x178_orientation * x218_PSIV; if (v != Zeus::CVector3f::skZero) x224_24_translationDirty = true; x7c_translation += v; CVectorElement* psov = desc->x8_PSOV.get(); if (psov) { Zeus::CVector3f angles; psov->GetValue(x50_curFrame, angles); Zeus::CTransform xf(x178_orientation); xf.rotateLocalX(angles[0] * M_PI / 180.f); xf.rotateLocalY(angles[1] * M_PI / 180.f); xf.rotateLocalZ(angles[2] * M_PI / 180.f); SetOrientation(xf); } CVectorElement* pofs = desc->x18_POFS.get(); if (pofs) pofs->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x94_POFS); CVectorElement* sspo = desc->xe8_SSPO.get(); if (sspo) sspo->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x274_SSPO); CVectorElement* sepo = desc->xfc_SEPO.get(); if (sepo) sspo->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x294_SEPO); } CElementGen* CElementGen::ConstructChildParticleSystem(const TToken& desc) { CElementGen* ret = new CElementGen(desc, EModelOrientationType::Normal, x226_enableOPTS ? EOptionalSystemFlags::Two : EOptionalSystemFlags::One); ret->SetGlobalTranslation(x88_globalTranslation); ret->SetGlobalOrientation(x1d8_globalOrientation); ret->SetGlobalScale(xa0_globalScale); ret->SetLocalScale(x10c_localScale); ret->SetTranslation(x7c_translation); ret->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); ret->SetParticleEmission(x68_particleEmission); ret->SetModulationColor(x30c_moduColor); return ret; } void CElementGen::UpdateChildParticleSystems(double dt) { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); SChildGeneratorDesc& icts = desc->x8c_ICTS; if (icts.m_found && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame && x244_CSSD == x50_curFrame) { int ncsyVal = 1; CIntElement* ncsy = desc->x9c_NCSY.get(); if (ncsy) ncsy->GetValue(x50_curFrame, ncsyVal); CGenDescription* ictsDesc = icts.m_token.GetObj(); if (!(x226_enableOPTS && ictsDesc->x45_31_OPTS)) { x234_activePartChildren.reserve(ncsyVal + x234_activePartChildren.size()); for (int i=0 ; ixb8_IITS; if (iits.m_found && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame && x50_curFrame < x214_PSLT && x68_particleEmission == 1 && x50_curFrame >= x258_SISY && ((x50_curFrame - x258_SISY) % x25c_PISY) == 0) { CGenDescription* iitsDesc = iits.m_token.GetObj(); if (!(x226_enableOPTS && iitsDesc->x45_31_OPTS)) { CElementGen* chGen = ConstructChildParticleSystem(iits.m_token); x234_activePartChildren.emplace_back(chGen); } } CSpawnSystemKeyframeData* kssm = desc->xd0_KSSM.get(); if (kssm && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame && x50_curFrame < x214_PSLT) { std::vector& systems = kssm->GetSpawnedSystemsAtFrame(x50_curFrame); x234_activePartChildren.reserve(x234_activePartChildren.size() + systems.size()); for (CSpawnSystemKeyframeData::CSpawnSystemKeyframeInfo& system : systems) { TLockedToken& token = system.GetToken(); if (!(x226_enableOPTS && token.GetObj()->x45_31_OPTS)) { CElementGen* chGen = ConstructChildParticleSystem(token); x234_activePartChildren.emplace_back(chGen); } } } SSwooshGeneratorDesc& sswh = desc->xd4_SSWH; if (sswh.m_found && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame && x50_curFrame == x270_SSSD) { CParticleSwoosh* sswhGen = new CParticleSwoosh(sswh.m_token, 0); sswhGen->SetGlobalTranslation(x88_globalTranslation); sswhGen->SetGlobalScale(xa0_globalScale); sswhGen->SetTranslation(x7c_translation); sswhGen->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); sswhGen->SetParticleEmission(x68_particleEmission); x260_swhcChildren.emplace_back(sswhGen); } SElectricGeneratorDesc& selc = desc->xec_SELC; if (selc.m_found && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame && x50_curFrame == x290_SESD) { CParticleElectric* selcGen = new CParticleElectric(selc.m_token); selcGen->SetGlobalTranslation(x88_globalTranslation); selcGen->SetGlobalScale(xa0_globalScale); selcGen->SetTranslation(x7c_translation); selcGen->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); selcGen->SetParticleEmission(x68_particleEmission); x280_elscChildren.emplace_back(selcGen); } for (auto p = x234_activePartChildren.begin() ; p != x234_activePartChildren.end() ;) { std::unique_ptr& ch = *p; if ((x50_curFrame == x4c_internalStartFrame || x224_24_translationDirty) && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame) { ch->SetTranslation(x7c_translation); ch->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); } ch->Update(dt); if (ch->IsSystemDeletable()) { p = x234_activePartChildren.erase(p); continue; } ++p; } for (auto p = x248_finishPartChildren.begin() ; p != x248_finishPartChildren.end() ;) { std::unique_ptr& ch = *p; if (x214_PSLT <= x50_curFrame) { if (x214_PSLT == x50_curFrame && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame) { ch->SetTranslation(x7c_translation); ch->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); } ch->Update(dt); } if (ch->IsSystemDeletable()) { p = x248_finishPartChildren.erase(p); continue; } ++p; } for (auto p = x260_swhcChildren.begin() ; p != x260_swhcChildren.end() ;) { std::unique_ptr& ch = *p; if ((x50_curFrame == x270_SSSD || x224_24_translationDirty) && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame) { Zeus::CVector3f trans = x7c_translation + x274_SSPO; ch->SetTranslation(trans); ch->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); } ch->Update(dt); if (ch->IsSystemDeletable()) { p = x260_swhcChildren.erase(p); continue; } ++p; } for (auto p = x280_elscChildren.begin() ; p != x280_elscChildren.end() ;) { std::unique_ptr& ch = *p; if ((x50_curFrame == x290_SESD || x224_24_translationDirty) && x64_prevFrame != x50_curFrame) { Zeus::CVector3f trans = x7c_translation + x294_SEPO; ch->SetTranslation(trans); ch->SetOrientation(x178_orientation); } ch->Update(dt); if (ch->IsSystemDeletable()) { p = x280_elscChildren.erase(p); continue; } ++p; } x64_prevFrame = x50_curFrame; } void CElementGen::UpdateLightParameters() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CColorElement* lclr = desc->x104_LCLR.get(); if (lclr) lclr->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x2e0_LCLR); CRealElement* lint = desc->x108_LINT.get(); if (lint) lint->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x2e4_LINT); switch (x2dc_lightType) { default: case LightType::None: case LightType::Custom: case LightType::Spot: { CVectorElement* loff = desc->x10c_LOFF.get(); if (loff) loff->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x2e8_LOFF); CRealElement* lfor = desc->x118_LFOR.get(); if (lfor) lfor->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x304_LFOR); if (x2dc_lightType == LightType::Spot) { CRealElement* lsla = desc->x11c_LSLA.get(); if (lsla) lsla->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x308_LSLA); } } case LightType::Directional: { if (x2dc_lightType != LightType::Custom) { CVectorElement* ldir = desc->x110_LDIR.get(); if (ldir) ldir->GetValue(x50_curFrame, x2f4_LDIR); } } } } u32 CElementGen::GetParticleCountAllInternal() const { u32 ret = x208_activeParticleCount; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ret += ch->GetParticleCountAll(); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ret += ch->GetParticleCountAll(); return ret; } void CElementGen::BuildParticleSystemBounds() { Zeus::CAABox aabb; bool accumulated = false; for (std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) { std::pair chBounds = ch->GetBounds(); if (chBounds.second) { accumulated = true; aabb.accumulateBounds(chBounds.first); } } for (std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) { std::pair chBounds = ch->GetBounds(); if (chBounds.second) { accumulated = true; aabb.accumulateBounds(chBounds.first); } } for (std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) { std::pair chBounds = ch->GetBounds(); if (chBounds.second) { accumulated = true; aabb.accumulateBounds(chBounds.first); } } for (std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) { std::pair chBounds = ch->GetBounds(); if (chBounds.second) { accumulated = true; aabb.accumulateBounds(chBounds.first); } } x20c_recursiveParticleCount = GetParticleCountAllInternal(); if (GetParticleCount()) { Zeus::CVector3f scale = xa0_globalScale * x2c0_maxSize; Zeus::CTransform xf = (xac_globalScaleTransform * x1d8_globalOrientation) * x118_localScaleTransform; Zeus::CAABox box = Zeus::CAABox(x2a8_aabbMin, x2b4_aabbMax).getTransformedAABox(xf); Zeus::CVector3f min = box.m_min + x88_globalTranslation - scale; Zeus::CVector3f max = box.m_max + x88_globalTranslation + scale; x2c4_systemBounds = Zeus::CAABox(min, max); } else x2c4_systemBounds = Zeus::CAABox::skInvertedBox; if (accumulated) x2c4_systemBounds.accumulateBounds(aabb); } u32 CElementGen::GetSystemCount() { u32 ret = 0; for (const std::unique_ptr& child : x234_activePartChildren) ret += child->GetSystemCount(); for (const std::unique_ptr& child : x248_finishPartChildren) ret += child->GetSystemCount(); return (ret + (x208_activeParticleCount != 0)); } void CElementGen::Render() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); x22c_backupLightActive = CGraphics::g_LightActive; CGraphics::DisableAllLights(); for (std::unique_ptr& child : x234_activePartChildren) child->Render(); if (x214_PSLT <= x50_curFrame) for (std::unique_ptr& child : x248_finishPartChildren) child->Render(); for (std::unique_ptr& child : x260_swhcChildren) child->Render(); for (std::unique_ptr& child : x280_elscChildren) child->Render(); if (x2c_particleLists.size()) { SParticleModel& pmdl = desc->x5c_PMDL; if (pmdl.m_found || desc->x45_24_PMUS) RenderModels(); if (x225_26_LINE) RenderLines(); else RenderParticles(); } } void CElementGen::RenderModels() { return; CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); if (x225_29_modelsUseLights) CGraphics::SetLightState(x22c_backupLightActive); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); SUVElementSet uvs = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; CUVElement* texr = desc->x54_TEXR.get(); CTexture* cachedTex = nullptr; bool texConst = true; bool moveRedToAlphaBuffer = false; if (desc->x45_24_PMUS) { if (g_MoveRedToAlphaBuffer && desc->x44_31_PMAB && desc->x54_TEXR) moveRedToAlphaBuffer = true; if (desc->x44_31_PMAB) { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, false); if (moveRedToAlphaBuffer) CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglLogicOp::Clear); else CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } else { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, true); CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } CGraphics::SetCullMode(ERglCullMode::None); if (texr) { CParticle& target = g_StaticParticleList[x2c_particleLists[0].x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - target.x28_startFrame; cachedTex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); cachedTex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); /* Shade as TEXC * RASC and TEXA * RASA */ if (moveRedToAlphaBuffer) { /* Color = Prev.rgb * Prev.a */ /* Alpha = Tex.r * Prev.a */ } texConst = texr->HasConstantTexture(); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); } } Zeus::CTransform orient = Zeus::CTransform::Identity(); if (desc->x45_25_PMOO) orient = x178_orientation; orient = orient * x1d8_globalOrientation; CVectorElement* pmrt = desc->x70_PMRT.get(); bool pmrtConst = false; if (pmrt) pmrtConst = pmrt->IsFastConstant(); Zeus::CVector3f trans = (xdc_globalScaleTransformInverse * x148_localScaleTransformInverse) * x88_globalTranslation; Zeus::CTransform rot = Zeus::CTransform::Identity(); if (pmrtConst) { Zeus::CVector3f pmrtVal; pmrt->GetValue(x50_curFrame, pmrtVal); rot = Zeus::CTransform::RotateZ(pmrtVal[2] * M_PI / 180.f); rot.rotateLocalY(pmrtVal[1] * M_PI / 180.f); rot.rotateLocalX(pmrtVal[0] * M_PI / 180.f); } rot = orient * rot; CParticleGlobals::SetEmitterTime(x50_curFrame); Zeus::CColor col = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}; Zeus::CVector3f pmopVec; auto matrixIt = x3c_parentMatrices.begin(); for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; if (particle.x0_endFrame == -1) { ++matrixIt; continue; } CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(particle.x0_endFrame - particle.x28_startFrame); int partFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame - 1; CParticleGlobals::UpdateParticleLifetimeTweenValues(partFrame); CVectorElement* pmop = desc->x6c_PMOP.get(); if (pmop) pmop->GetValue(partFrame, pmopVec); Zeus::CTransform partTrans = Zeus::CTransform::Translate(particle.x4_pos + trans); if (x28_orientType == EModelOrientationType::One) { Zeus::CTransform partRot(*matrixIt); Zeus::CVector3f pmopRotateOffset = (orient * partRot) * pmopVec; partTrans = partTrans * partRot; partTrans += pmopRotateOffset; } else { partTrans += orient * pmopVec; } if (pmrtConst) { partTrans = partTrans * rot; } else { if (pmrt) { Zeus::CVector3f pmrtVal; pmrt->GetValue(partFrame, pmrtVal); rot = Zeus::CTransform::RotateZ(pmrtVal[2] * M_PI / 180.f); rot.rotateLocalY(pmrtVal[1] * M_PI / 180.f); rot.rotateLocalX(pmrtVal[0] * M_PI / 180.f); partTrans = partTrans * (orient * rot); } else { partTrans = partTrans * rot; } } CVectorElement* pmsc = desc->x74_PMSC.get(); if (pmsc) { Zeus::CVector3f pmscVal; pmsc->GetValue(partFrame, pmscVal); partTrans = partTrans * Zeus::CTransform::Scale(pmscVal); } CColorElement* pmcl = desc->x78_PMCL.get(); if (pmcl) pmcl->GetValue(partFrame, col); CGraphics::SetModelMatrix((xac_globalScaleTransform * partTrans) * x118_localScaleTransform); if (desc->x45_24_PMUS) { if (!texConst) { CTexture* tex = texr->GetValueTexture(x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedTex) { tex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedTex = tex; } } /* Draw: */ /* Pos: {0.5, 0.0, 0.5} Color: UV0: {uv[2], uv[3]} */ /* Pos: {-0.5, 0.0, 0.5} Color: UV0: {uv[0], uv[3]} */ /* Pos: {-0.5, 0.0, -0.5} Color: UV0: {uv[0], uv[1]} */ /* Pos: {0.5, 0.0, -0.5} Color: UV0: {uv[2], uv[1]} */ } else { CModel* model = desc->x5c_PMDL.m_token.GetObj(); if (desc->x44_31_PMAB) { model->Draw({3, 0, 1, col}); } else { if (1.f == col.a) model->Draw({0, 0, 3, Zeus::CColor::skWhite}); else model->Draw({4, 0, 1, col}); } } ++matrixIt; } if (x225_29_modelsUseLights) CGraphics::DisableAllLights(); CGraphics::SetCullMode(ERglCullMode::Front); if (moveRedToAlphaBuffer) { /* Restore passthrough */ } } void CElementGen::RenderLines() { return; CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); Zeus::CTransform systemViewPointMatrix(CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix); systemViewPointMatrix.m_origin.zeroOut(); Zeus::CTransform systemCameraMatrix = systemViewPointMatrix.inverse() * x1d8_globalOrientation; systemViewPointMatrix = ((Zeus::CTransform::Translate(x88_globalTranslation) * xac_globalScaleTransform) * systemViewPointMatrix) * x118_localScaleTransform; CGraphics::SetModelMatrix(systemViewPointMatrix); CGraphics::SetAlphaCompare(ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0, ERglAlphaOp::And, ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0); if (x224_26_AAPH) { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, false); CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } else { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, true); CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } CRealElement* widt = desc->x24_WIDT.get(); bool widtConst = false; if (widt) widtConst = widt->IsConstant(); CUVElement* texr = desc->x54_TEXR.get(); SUVElementSet uvs = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; bool constTexr = true; bool constUVs = true; CTexture* cachedTex = nullptr; if (texr) { CParticle& target = g_StaticParticleList[x2c_particleLists[0].x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - target.x28_startFrame; cachedTex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); cachedTex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); /* Set TEXC * RASC */ if (x30c_moduColor != Zeus::CColor::skBlack) { /* Add RASC * PREVC pass for MODU color loaded into channel mat-color */ } else { /* Pass-thru */ } constTexr = texr->HasConstantTexture(); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); constUVs = texr->HasConstantUV(); } else { /* Pass-thru */ } if (widtConst) { float width = 1.f; widt->GetValue(0, width); width = std::max(0.f, std::min(width, 42.5f)); /* Set line width */ /* Start line draw of x2c_particleLists.size() * 2 */ } for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame; if (!constTexr) { CTexture* tex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedTex) { tex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedTex = tex; } } if (!constUVs) texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); Zeus::CVector3f dVec = particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos; if (x225_27_FXLL) if (dVec.magSquared() >= 0.f) dVec.normalize(); Zeus::CVector3f p1 = systemCameraMatrix * particle.x4_pos; Zeus::CVector3f p2 = systemCameraMatrix * (particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize * dVec + particle.x4_pos); if (widtConst) { /* Draw: */ /* Pos: p1 Color: particle.color UV0: {uv[0], uv[1]} */ /* Pos: p2 Color: particle.color UV0: {uv[2], uv[3]} */ } else { float width = 1.f; widt->GetValue(0, width); width = std::max(0.f, std::min(width, 42.5f)); /* Set line width */ /* Start line draw of 2 */ /* Draw: */ /* Pos: p1 Color: particle.color UV0: {uv[0], uv[1]} */ /* Pos: p2 Color: particle.color UV0: {uv[2], uv[3]} */ /* EndDraw */ } } if (widtConst) { /* EndDraw */ } /* Restore line-width to 1.0 */ } void CElementGen::RenderParticles() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); CGlobalRandom gr(x230_randState); CUVElement* texr = desc->x54_TEXR.get(); CUVElement* tind = desc->x58_TIND.get(); if (texr && tind) { //RenderParticlesIndirectTexture(); return; } CRealElement* size = desc->x4c_SIZE.get(); if (size && size->IsConstant()) { float sizeVal; size->GetValue(0, sizeVal); if (sizeVal == 0.f) { size->GetValue(1, sizeVal); if (sizeVal == 0.f) return; } } Zeus::CTransform systemViewPointMatrix(CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix); systemViewPointMatrix.m_origin.zeroOut(); Zeus::CTransform systemCameraMatrix = systemViewPointMatrix.inverse() * x1d8_globalOrientation; systemViewPointMatrix = ((Zeus::CTransform::Translate(x88_globalTranslation) * xac_globalScaleTransform) * systemViewPointMatrix) * x118_localScaleTransform; CGraphics::SetModelMatrix(systemViewPointMatrix); CGraphics::SetAlphaCompare(ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0, ERglAlphaOp::And, ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0); SUVElementSet uvs = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; bool constTexr = true; bool constUVs = true; CTexture* cachedTex = nullptr; SParticleUniforms uniformData = { CGraphics::GetPerspectiveProjectionMatrix() * CGraphics::g_GXModelView.toMatrix4f(), {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f} }; if (texr) { CParticle& target = g_StaticParticleList[x2c_particleLists[0].x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - target.x28_startFrame; cachedTex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); cachedTex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); if (x30c_moduColor != Zeus::CColor::skBlack) { /* Add RASC * PREVC pass for MODU color loaded into channel mat-color */ uniformData.moduColor = x30c_moduColor; } constTexr = texr->HasConstantTexture(); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); constUVs = texr->HasConstantUV(); } m_uniformBuf->load(&uniformData, sizeof(SParticleUniforms)); if (desc->x44_28_SORT) { for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; item.x4_viewPoint = systemCameraMatrix * ((particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos) * x60_timeDeltaScale + particle.x10_prevPos); } std::sort(x2c_particleLists.begin(), x2c_particleLists.end(), [](const CParticleListItem& a, const CParticleListItem& b) -> bool {return a.x4_viewPoint[1] >= b.x4_viewPoint[1];}); } bool moveRedToAlphaBuffer = false; if (g_MoveRedToAlphaBuffer && x224_26_AAPH) moveRedToAlphaBuffer = true; if (moveRedToAlphaBuffer) CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(m_redToAlphaDataBind); else CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(m_normalDataBind); int mbspVal = std::max(1, x228_MBSP); CParticleGlobals::SetEmitterTime(x50_curFrame); if (!x224_29_MBLR) { switch (m_shaderClass) { case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::Tex: g_instTexData.clear(); g_instTexData.reserve(x2c_particleLists.size()); break; case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: g_instNoTexData.clear(); g_instNoTexData.reserve(x2c_particleLists.size()); break; default: Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unexpected particle shader class"); break; } for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame - 1; Zeus::CVector3f viewPoint; if (desc->x44_28_SORT) viewPoint = item.x4_viewPoint; else viewPoint = systemCameraMatrix * ((particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos) * x60_timeDeltaScale + particle.x10_prevPos); if (!constTexr) { CTexture* tex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedTex) { tex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedTex = tex; } } if (!constUVs) { CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(particle.x0_endFrame - particle.x28_startFrame); CParticleGlobals::UpdateParticleLifetimeTweenValues(partFrame); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); } float size = 0.5f * particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize; fprintf(stderr, "%p (%f %f %f) %f\n", this, viewPoint.x, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z, size); if (0.f == particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota) { switch (m_shaderClass) { case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::Tex: { g_instTexData.emplace_back(); SParticleInstanceTex& inst = g_instTexData.back(); inst.pos[0] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + size, 0.f, viewPoint.z + size, 1.f}; inst.pos[1] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - size, 0.f, viewPoint.z + size, 1.f}; inst.pos[2] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + size, 0.f, viewPoint.z - size, 1.f}; inst.pos[3] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - size, 0.f, viewPoint.z - size, 1.f}; inst.color = particle.x34_color; inst.uvs[0] = {uvs.xMax, uvs.yMax}; inst.uvs[1] = {uvs.xMin, uvs.yMax}; inst.uvs[2] = {uvs.xMax, uvs.yMin}; inst.uvs[3] = {uvs.xMin, uvs.yMin}; break; } case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: { g_instNoTexData.emplace_back(); SParticleInstanceNoTex& inst = g_instNoTexData.back(); inst.pos[0] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + size, 0.f, viewPoint.z + size, 1.f}; inst.pos[1] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - size, 0.f, viewPoint.z + size, 1.f}; inst.pos[2] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + size, 0.f, viewPoint.z - size, 1.f}; inst.pos[3] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - size, 0.f, viewPoint.z - size, 1.f}; inst.color = particle.x34_color; break; } default: break; } } else { float theta = particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota * M_PI / 180.f; float sinT = sinf(theta) * size; float cosT = sinf(theta) * size; switch (m_shaderClass) { case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::Tex: { g_instTexData.emplace_back(); SParticleInstanceTex& inst = g_instTexData.back(); inst.pos[0] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + sinT + cosT, 0.f, viewPoint.z + cosT - sinT, 1.f}; inst.pos[1] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + sinT - cosT, 0.f, viewPoint.z + sinT + cosT, 1.f}; inst.pos[2] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + (cosT - sinT), 0.f, viewPoint.z + (-cosT - sinT), 1.f}; inst.pos[3] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - (sinT + cosT), 0.f, viewPoint.z - (cosT - sinT), 1.f}; inst.color = particle.x34_color; inst.uvs[0] = {uvs.xMax, uvs.yMax}; inst.uvs[1] = {uvs.xMin, uvs.yMax}; inst.uvs[2] = {uvs.xMax, uvs.yMin}; inst.uvs[3] = {uvs.xMin, uvs.yMin}; break; } case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: { g_instNoTexData.emplace_back(); SParticleInstanceNoTex& inst = g_instNoTexData.back(); inst.pos[0] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + sinT + cosT, 0.f, viewPoint.z + cosT - sinT, 1.f}; inst.pos[1] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + sinT - cosT, 0.f, viewPoint.z + sinT + cosT, 1.f}; inst.pos[2] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x + (cosT - sinT), 0.f, viewPoint.z + (-cosT - sinT), 1.f}; inst.pos[3] = Zeus::CVector4f{viewPoint.x - (sinT + cosT), 0.f, viewPoint.z - (cosT - sinT), 1.f}; inst.color = particle.x34_color; break; } default: break; } } } switch (m_shaderClass) { case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::Tex: m_instBuf->load(g_instTexData.data(), g_instTexData.size() * sizeof(SParticleInstanceTex)); CGraphics::DrawInstances(boo::Primitive::TriStrips, 0, 4, g_instTexData.size()); break; case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: m_instBuf->load(g_instNoTexData.data(), g_instNoTexData.size() * sizeof(SParticleInstanceNoTex)); CGraphics::DrawInstances(boo::Primitive::TriStrips, 0, 4, g_instNoTexData.size()); break; default: break; } } else { switch (m_shaderClass) { case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::Tex: g_instTexData.clear(); g_instTexData.reserve(x2c_particleLists.size() * mbspVal); break; case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: g_instNoTexData.clear(); g_instNoTexData.reserve(x2c_particleLists.size() * mbspVal); break; default: Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "unexpected particle shader class"); break; } float mbspFac = 1.f / float(mbspVal); for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame - 1; if (!constTexr) { CTexture* tex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedTex) { tex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedTex = tex; } } if (!constUVs) { CParticleGlobals::SetParticleLifetime(particle.x0_endFrame - particle.x28_startFrame); CParticleGlobals::UpdateParticleLifetimeTweenValues(partFrame); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); } Zeus::CVector3f dVec = particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos; Zeus::CVector3f vec = dVec * x60_timeDeltaScale + particle.x10_prevPos; Zeus::CVector3f mbspVec = dVec * mbspFac; float size = 0.5f * particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize; if (0.f == particle.x30_lineWidthOrRota) { for (int i=0 ; iload(g_instTexData.data(), g_instTexData.size() * sizeof(SParticleInstanceTex)); CGraphics::DrawInstances(boo::Primitive::TriStrips, 0, 4, g_instTexData.size()); break; case CElementGenShaders::EShaderClass::NoTex: m_instBuf->load(g_instNoTexData.data(), g_instNoTexData.size() * sizeof(SParticleInstanceNoTex)); CGraphics::DrawInstances(boo::Primitive::TriStrips, 0, 4, g_instNoTexData.size()); break; default: break; } } } void CElementGen::RenderParticlesIndirectTexture() { CGenDescription* desc = x1c_genDesc.GetObj(); Zeus::CTransform systemViewPointMatrix(CGraphics::g_ViewMatrix); systemViewPointMatrix.m_origin.zeroOut(); Zeus::CTransform systemCameraMatrix = systemViewPointMatrix.inverse() * x1d8_globalOrientation; systemViewPointMatrix = ((Zeus::CTransform::Translate(x88_globalTranslation) * xac_globalScaleTransform) * systemViewPointMatrix) * x118_localScaleTransform; CGraphics::SetModelMatrix(systemViewPointMatrix); CGraphics::SetAlphaCompare(ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0, ERglAlphaOp::And, ERglAlphaFunc::Always, 0); if (x224_26_AAPH) { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, true); CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::One, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } else { CGraphics::SetDepthWriteMode(true, ERglEnum::LEqual, x224_27_ZBUF); CGraphics::SetBlendMode(ERglBlendMode::Blend, ERglBlendFactor::SrcAlpha, ERglBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, ERglLogicOp::Clear); } CUVElement* texr = desc->x54_TEXR.get(); CParticle& firstParticle = g_StaticParticleList[x2c_particleLists[0].x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - firstParticle.x28_startFrame; CTexture* cachedTex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); cachedTex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); SUVElementSet uvs = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; bool constTexr = texr->HasConstantTexture(); texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); bool constUVs = texr->HasConstantUV(); CUVElement* tind = desc->x58_TIND.get(); CTexture* cachedIndTex = tind->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); cachedIndTex->Load(2, CTexture::EClampMode::One); SUVElementSet uvsInd = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; bool constIndTexr = tind->HasConstantTexture(); bool constIndUVs = tind->HasConstantUV(); tind->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvsInd); if (!desc->x45_30_CIND) { /* 1. TEXC * 2. Indirect TEXC * RASC + PREVC */ } else { /* 1. TEXC * RASC * 2. Indirect TEXC * PREVC */ } /* 1. TEXA * 2. RASA * PREVA */ if (desc->x44_28_SORT) { for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; item.x4_viewPoint = systemCameraMatrix * ((particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos) * x60_timeDeltaScale + particle.x10_prevPos); } std::sort(x2c_particleLists.begin(), x2c_particleLists.end(), [](const CParticleListItem& a, const CParticleListItem& b) -> bool {return a.x4_viewPoint[1] >= b.x4_viewPoint[1];}); } for (CParticleListItem& item : x2c_particleLists) { CParticle& particle = g_StaticParticleList[item.x0_partIdx]; int partFrame = x50_curFrame - particle.x28_startFrame; Zeus::CVector3f viewPoint; if (desc->x44_28_SORT) viewPoint = item.x4_viewPoint; else viewPoint = systemCameraMatrix * ((particle.x4_pos - particle.x10_prevPos) * x60_timeDeltaScale + particle.x10_prevPos); if (!constTexr) { CTexture* tex = texr->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedTex) { tex->Load(0, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedTex = tex; } } if (!constIndTexr) { CTexture* tex = tind->GetValueTexture(partFrame).GetObj(); if (tex != cachedIndTex) { tex->Load(2, CTexture::EClampMode::One); cachedIndTex = tex; } } if (!constUVs) texr->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvs); if (!constIndUVs) tind->GetValueUV(partFrame, uvsInd); float size = 0.5f * particle.x2c_lineLengthOrSize; Zeus::CVector3f p1 = {viewPoint.x - size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z - size}; Zeus::CVector3f p2 = {viewPoint.x + size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z + size}; SClipScreenRect clipRect = CGraphics::ClipScreenRectFromMS(p1, p2); if (!clipRect.x0_valid) continue; /* Perform render-to-texture */ /* Draw: */ /* Pos: {viewPoint.x + size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z + size} Color: particle.color UV0: {uva[2], uva[3]} UV1: {clip.xmax, clip.ymax} UV2: {uvb[2], uvb[3]} */ /* Pos: {viewPoint.x - size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z + size} Color: particle.color UV0: {uva[0], uva[3]} UV1: {clip.xmin, clip.ymax} UV2: {uvb[0], uvb[3]} */ /* Pos: {viewPoint.x - size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z - size} Color: particle.color UV0: {uva[0], uva[1]} UV1: {clip.xmin, clip.ymin} UV2: {uvb[0], uvb[1]} */ /* Pos: {viewPoint.x + size, viewPoint.y, viewPoint.z - size} Color: particle.color UV0: {uva[2], uva[1]} UV1: {clip.xmax, clip.ymin} UV2: {uvb[2], uvb[1]} */ } } void CElementGen::SetOrientation(const Zeus::CTransform& orientation) { x178_orientation = orientation; x1a8_orientationInverse = x178_orientation.inverse(); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetOrientation(orientation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetOrientation(orientation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetOrientation(orientation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetOrientation(orientation); } void CElementGen::SetTranslation(const Zeus::CVector3f& translation) { x7c_translation = translation; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetTranslation(translation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetTranslation(translation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetTranslation(translation + x274_SSPO); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetTranslation(translation + x294_SEPO); } void CElementGen::SetGlobalOrientation(const Zeus::CTransform& rotation) { x1d8_globalOrientation.setRotation(rotation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetGlobalOrientation(x1d8_globalOrientation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetGlobalOrientation(x1d8_globalOrientation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetGlobalOrientation(x1d8_globalOrientation); } void CElementGen::SetGlobalTranslation(const Zeus::CVector3f& translation) { x88_globalTranslation = translation; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetGlobalTranslation(translation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetGlobalTranslation(translation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetGlobalTranslation(translation); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetGlobalTranslation(translation); } void CElementGen::SetGlobalScale(const Zeus::CVector3f& scale) { xa0_globalScale = scale; xac_globalScaleTransform = Zeus::CTransform::Scale(scale); xdc_globalScaleTransformInverse = Zeus::CTransform::Scale(Zeus::CVector3f::skOne / scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetGlobalScale(scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetGlobalScale(scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetGlobalScale(scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetGlobalScale(scale); } void CElementGen::SetLocalScale(const Zeus::CVector3f& scale) { x10c_localScale = scale; x118_localScaleTransform = Zeus::CTransform::Scale(scale); x148_localScaleTransformInverse = Zeus::CTransform::Scale(Zeus::CVector3f::skOne / scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetLocalScale(scale); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetLocalScale(scale); } void CElementGen::SetParticleEmission(bool enabled) { x68_particleEmission = enabled; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetParticleEmission(enabled); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetParticleEmission(enabled); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetParticleEmission(enabled); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetParticleEmission(enabled); } void CElementGen::SetModulationColor(const Zeus::CColor& color) { x30c_moduColor = color; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->SetModulationColor(color); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->SetModulationColor(color); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) ch->SetModulationColor(color); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) ch->SetModulationColor(color); } const Zeus::CTransform& CElementGen::GetOrientation() const { return x178_orientation; } const Zeus::CVector3f& CElementGen::GetTranslation() const { return x7c_translation; } const Zeus::CTransform& CElementGen::GetGlobalOrientation() const { return x1d8_globalOrientation; } const Zeus::CVector3f& CElementGen::GetGlobalTranslation() const { return x88_globalTranslation; } const Zeus::CVector3f& CElementGen::GetGlobalScale() const { return xa0_globalScale; } const Zeus::CColor& CElementGen::GetModulationColor() const { return x30c_moduColor; } bool CElementGen::IsSystemDeletable() const { for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) if (!ch->IsSystemDeletable()) return false; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) if (!ch->IsSystemDeletable()) return false; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x260_swhcChildren) if (!ch->IsSystemDeletable()) return false; for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x280_elscChildren) if (!ch->IsSystemDeletable()) return false; if (x214_PSLT < x50_curFrame && x208_activeParticleCount == 0) return true; return false; } std::pair CElementGen::GetBounds() const { if (GetParticleCountAll() == 0) return {Zeus::CAABox(), false}; else return {x2c4_systemBounds, true}; } u32 CElementGen::GetParticleCount() const { return x208_activeParticleCount; } bool CElementGen::SystemHasLight() const { return x2dc_lightType != LightType::None; } CLight CElementGen::GetLight() const { switch (x2dc_lightType) { case LightType::Directional: return CLight::BuildDirectional(x2f4_LDIR.normalized(), x2e0_LCLR * x2e4_LINT); case LightType::Spot: return CLight::BuildSpot(x2e8_LOFF, x2f4_LDIR.normalized(), x2e0_LCLR * x2e4_LINT, x308_LSLA); default: { float quad = x300_falloffType == EFalloffType::Quadratic ? x304_LFOR : 0.f; float linear = x300_falloffType == EFalloffType::Linear ? x304_LFOR : 0.f; float constant = x300_falloffType == EFalloffType::Constant ? 1.f : 0.f; return CLight::BuildCustom(x2e8_LOFF, {1.f, 0.f, 0.f}, x2e0_LCLR, constant, linear, quad, x2e4_LINT, 0.f, 0.f); } } } bool CElementGen::GetParticleEmission() const { return x68_particleEmission; } void CElementGen::DestroyParticles() { for (CParticleListItem& p : x2c_particleLists) { g_StaticFreeList[++g_FreeIndex] = p.x0_partIdx; g_StaticParticleList[p.x0_partIdx].x0_endFrame = -1; } x2c_particleLists.clear(); x3c_parentMatrices.clear(); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x234_activePartChildren) ch->DestroyParticles(); for (const std::unique_ptr& ch : x248_finishPartChildren) ch->DestroyParticles(); } }