#include #include #include #include #include #include "hecl/CVar.hpp" #include "hecl/CVarManager.hpp" #include "hecl/hecl.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace hecl { Console* Console::m_instance = nullptr; Console::Console(CVarManager* cvarMgr) : m_cvarMgr(cvarMgr), m_overwrite(false), m_cursorAtEnd(false) { m_instance = this; registerCommand("help", "Prints information about a given function", "", [this](Console* console, const std::vector& args) { help(console, args); }); registerCommand("listCommands", "Prints a list of all available Commands", "", [this](Console* console, const std::vector& args) { listCommands(console, args); }); registerCommand("listCVars", "Lists all available CVars", "", [this](Console* console, const std::vector& args) { m_cvarMgr->list(console, args); }); registerCommand( "setCVar", "Sets a given Console Variable to the specified value", " ", [this](Console* console, const std::vector& args) { m_cvarMgr->setCVar(console, args); }); registerCommand( "getCVar", "Prints the value stored in the specified Console Variable", "", [this](Console* console, const std::vector& args) { m_cvarMgr->getCVar(console, args); }); m_conSpeed = cvarMgr->findOrMakeCVar("con_speed", "Speed at which the console opens and closes, calculated as pixels per second", 1.f, hecl::CVar::EFlags::System | hecl::CVar::EFlags::Archive); m_conHeight = cvarMgr->findOrMakeCVar("con_height", "Maximum absolute height of the console, height is calculated from the top of " "the window, expects values ranged from [0.f,1.f]", 0.5f, hecl::CVar::EFlags::System | hecl::CVar::EFlags::Archive); } void Console::registerCommand(std::string_view name, std::string_view helpText, std::string_view usage, std::function&)>&& func, SConsoleCommand::ECommandFlags cmdFlags) { std::string lowName{name}; athena::utility::tolower(lowName); if (m_commands.find(lowName) != m_commands.end()) { return; } m_commands.emplace(std::move(lowName), SConsoleCommand{std::string{name}, std::string{helpText}, std::string{usage}, std::move(func), cmdFlags}); } void Console::unregisterCommand(std::string_view name) { std::string lowName{name}; athena::utility::tolower(lowName); const auto iter = m_commands.find(lowName); if (iter == m_commands.end()) { return; } m_commands.erase(iter); } void Console::executeString(const std::string& str) { if (str.empty()) return; /* First let's split semi-colon delimited commands */ std::vector commands = athena::utility::split(str, ';'); if (commands.empty()) return; for (std::string command : commands) { command = athena::utility::trim(command); std::vector tmpArgs = athena::utility::split(command, ' '); if (tmpArgs.empty()) continue; std::vector args; args.reserve(tmpArgs.size()); /* detect string literals */ bool isInLiteral = false; std::string curLiteral; int depth = 0; for (std::string arg : tmpArgs) { if ((arg.front() == '\'' || arg.front() == '"')) { ++depth; isInLiteral = true; curLiteral += arg; } else if ((arg.back() == '\'' || arg.back() == '"') && isInLiteral) { --depth; curLiteral += arg; args.push_back(curLiteral); if (depth <= 0) { depth = 0; isInLiteral = false; curLiteral.clear(); } } else if (isInLiteral) { curLiteral += arg; } else { args.push_back(std::move(arg)); } } if (isInLiteral) { if ((curLiteral.back() != '\'' && curLiteral.back() != '"') || depth > 1) { report(Level::Warning, fmt("Unterminated string literal")); return; } args.push_back(std::move(curLiteral)); } std::string commandName = args[0]; args.erase(args.begin()); std::string lowComName = commandName; athena::utility::tolower(lowComName); if (const auto iter = m_commands.find(lowComName); iter != m_commands.end()) { const SConsoleCommand& cmd = iter->second; if (bool(cmd.m_flags & SConsoleCommand::ECommandFlags::Developer) && !com_developer->toBoolean()) { report(Level::Error, fmt("This command can only be executed in developer mode"), commandName); return; } if (bool(cmd.m_flags & SConsoleCommand::ECommandFlags::Cheat) && !com_enableCheats->toBoolean()) { report(Level::Error, fmt("This command can only be executed with cheats enabled"), commandName); return; } cmd.m_func(this, args); } else if (const CVar* cv = m_cvarMgr->findCVar(commandName)) { args.insert(args.begin(), std::move(commandName)); if (args.size() > 1) m_cvarMgr->setCVar(this, args); else m_cvarMgr->getCVar(this, args); } else { report(Level::Error, fmt("Command '{}' is not valid!"), commandName); } } } void Console::help(Console* /*con*/, const std::vector& args) { if (args.empty()) { report(Level::Info, fmt("Expected usage: help ")); return; } std::string cmd = args.front(); athena::utility::tolower(cmd); auto it = m_commands.find(cmd); if (it == m_commands.end()) { report(Level::Error, fmt("No such command '{}'"), args.front()); return; } report(Level::Info, fmt("{}: {}"), it->second.m_displayName, it->second.m_helpString); if (!it->second.m_usage.empty()) report(Level::Info, fmt("Usage: {} {}"), it->second.m_displayName, it->second.m_usage); } void Console::listCommands(Console* /*con*/, const std::vector& /*args*/) { for (const auto& comPair : m_commands) report(Level::Info, fmt("'{}': {}"), comPair.second.m_displayName, comPair.second.m_helpString); } bool Console::commandExists(std::string_view cmd) const { std::string cmdName{cmd}; athena::utility::tolower(cmdName); return m_commands.find(cmdName) != m_commands.end(); } void Console::vreport(Level level, fmt::string_view fmt, fmt::format_args args) { std::string tmp = fmt::vformat(fmt, args); std::vector lines = athena::utility::split(tmp, '\n'); for (const std::string& line : lines) m_log.emplace_back(line, level); fmt::print(fmt("{}\n"), tmp); } void Console::init(boo::IWindow* window) { m_window = window; } void Console::proc() { if (m_conHeight->isModified()) { m_cachedConHeight = m_conHeight->toReal(); } if (m_conSpeed->isModified()) { m_cachedConSpeed = m_conSpeed->toReal(); } if (m_state == State::Opened) { fmt::print(fmt("\r{} "), m_commandString); fflush(stdout); } else if (m_state == State::Opening) m_state = State::Opened; else if (m_state == State::Closing) { m_state = State::Closed; m_commandString.clear(); } if (m_cursorPosition > int(m_commandString.size() - 1)) m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.size() - 1); if (m_cursorPosition < -1) m_cursorPosition = -1; if (m_logOffset > int(m_log.size() - 1)) m_logOffset = int(m_log.size() - 1); if (m_logOffset < 0) m_logOffset = 0; } void Console::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* /* gfxQ */) { } void Console::handleCharCode(unsigned long chr, boo::EModifierKey /*mod*/, bool /*repeat*/) { if (chr == U'`' || chr == U'~') { if (m_state == State::Closed || m_state == State::Closing) m_state = State::Opening; else m_state = State::Closing; } if (m_state == State::Opened) { if (!m_commandString.empty() && m_cursorPosition + 1 < int(m_commandString.size())) { if (m_overwrite) m_commandString[unsigned(m_cursorPosition + 1)] = char(chr); else m_commandString.insert(m_commandString.begin() + m_cursorPosition + 1, char(chr)); } else m_commandString += char(chr); ++m_cursorPosition; } } void Console::handleSpecialKeyDown(boo::ESpecialKey sp, boo::EModifierKey mod, bool /*repeat*/) { if (m_state != Opened) return; switch (sp) { case boo::ESpecialKey::Insert: m_overwrite ^= 1; break; case boo::ESpecialKey::Backspace: { if (!m_commandString.empty()) { if (True(mod & boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl)) { size_t index = m_commandString.rfind(' ', size_t(m_cursorPosition - 1)); if (index == std::string::npos) { m_commandString.clear(); m_cursorPosition = -1; } else { m_commandString.erase(index, (index - m_commandString.size())); m_cursorPosition = int(index); } break; } if (m_cursorPosition < 0) break; m_commandString.erase(size_t(m_cursorPosition), 1); --m_cursorPosition; } break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Delete: { if (!m_commandString.empty()) { // Don't try to delete if the cursor is at the end of the line if ((m_cursorPosition + 1) >= int(m_commandString.size())) break; if (True(mod & boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl)) { size_t index = m_commandString.find_first_of(' ', size_t(m_cursorPosition + 1)); if (index != std::string::npos) m_commandString.erase(size_t(m_cursorPosition + 1), index + 1); else m_commandString.erase(size_t(m_cursorPosition + 1), size_t(m_cursorPosition + 1) - m_commandString.size()); break; } m_commandString.erase(size_t(m_cursorPosition + 1), 1); } break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::PgUp: { if (m_logOffset < int(m_log.size() - m_maxLines) - 1) m_logOffset++; break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::PgDown: { if (m_logOffset > 0) m_logOffset--; break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Enter: { fmt::print(fmt("\n")); executeString(m_commandString); m_cursorPosition = -1; m_commandHistory.insert(m_commandHistory.begin(), m_commandString); m_commandString.clear(); m_showCursor = true; m_cursorTime = 0.f; break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Left: { if (m_cursorPosition < 0) break; if (True(mod & boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl)) m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.rfind(' ', size_t(m_cursorPosition) - 1)); else m_cursorPosition--; m_showCursor = true; m_cursorTime = 0.f; break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Right: { if (m_cursorPosition >= int(m_commandString.size() - 1)) break; if (True(mod & boo::EModifierKey::Ctrl)) { if (m_commandString[size_t(m_cursorPosition)] == ' ') m_cursorPosition++; size_t tmpPos = m_commandString.find(' ', size_t(m_cursorPosition)); if (tmpPos == std::string::npos) m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.size() - 1); else m_cursorPosition = int(tmpPos); } else m_cursorPosition++; m_showCursor = true; m_cursorTime = 0.f; break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Up: { if (m_commandHistory.size() == 0) break; m_currentCommand++; if (m_currentCommand > int(m_commandHistory.size() - 1)) m_currentCommand = int(m_commandHistory.size() - 1); m_commandString = m_commandHistory[size_t(m_currentCommand)]; m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.size() - 1); break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Down: { if (m_commandHistory.empty()) break; m_currentCommand--; if (m_currentCommand >= 0) { m_commandString = m_commandHistory[size_t(m_currentCommand)]; } else if (m_currentCommand <= -1) { m_currentCommand = -1; m_commandString.clear(); } m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.size()); break; } case boo::ESpecialKey::Home: m_cursorPosition = -1; break; case boo::ESpecialKey::End: m_cursorPosition = int(m_commandString.size() - 1); break; default: break; } } void Console::handleSpecialKeyUp(boo::ESpecialKey /*sp*/, boo::EModifierKey /*mod*/) {} void Console::LogVisorAdapter::report(const char* modName, logvisor::Level severity, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) { auto tmp = fmt::internal::vformat(format, args); std::vector lines = athena::utility::split(tmp, '\n'); for (const std::string& line : lines) { auto v = fmt::format(fmt("[{}] {}"), modName, line); m_con->m_log.emplace_back(std::move(v), Console::Level(severity)); } } void Console::LogVisorAdapter::report(const char* modName, logvisor::Level severity, fmt::wstring_view format, fmt::wformat_args args) { auto tmp = fmt::internal::vformat(format, args); std::vector lines = athena::utility::split(athena::utility::wideToUtf8(tmp), '\n'); for (const std::string& line : lines) { auto v = fmt::format(fmt("[{}] {}"), modName, line); m_con->m_log.emplace_back(std::move(v), Console::Level(severity)); } } void Console::LogVisorAdapter::reportSource(const char* modName, logvisor::Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum, fmt::string_view format, fmt::format_args args) { auto tmp = fmt::internal::vformat(format, args); auto v = fmt::format(fmt("[{}] {} {}:{}"), modName, tmp, file, linenum); m_con->m_log.emplace_back(std::move(v), Console::Level(severity)); } void Console::LogVisorAdapter::reportSource(const char* modName, logvisor::Level severity, const char* file, unsigned linenum, fmt::wstring_view format, fmt::wformat_args args) { auto tmp = fmt::internal::vformat(format, args); std::vector lines = athena::utility::split(athena::utility::wideToUtf8(tmp), '\n'); for (const std::string& line : lines) { auto v = fmt::format(fmt("[{}] {} {}:{}"), modName, line, file, linenum); m_con->m_log.emplace_back(std::move(v), Console::Level(severity)); } } void Console::dumpLog() { for (const auto& l : m_log) { switch (l.second) { case Level::Info: fmt::print(fmt("{}\n"), l.first); break; case Level::Warning: fmt::print(fmt("[Warning] {}\n"), l.first); break; case Level::Error: fmt::print(fmt("[ Error ] {}\n"), l.first); break; case Level::Fatal: fmt::print(fmt("[ Fatal ] {}\n"), l.first); break; } } } void Console::RegisterLogger(Console* con) { logvisor::MainLoggers.emplace_back(new LogVisorAdapter(con)); } Console* Console::instance() { return m_instance; } } // namespace hecl