#include "Specter/Table.hpp" #include "Specter/ViewResources.hpp" #include "Specter/RootView.hpp" #include "Specter/ScrollView.hpp" namespace Specter { static LogVisor::LogModule Log("Specter::Table"); #define ROW_HEIGHT 18 #define CELL_MARGIN 1 Table::Table(ViewResources& res, View& parentView, ITableDataBinding* data, ITableStateBinding* state, size_t maxColumns) : View(res, parentView), m_data(data), m_state(state), m_maxColumns(maxColumns), m_hVerts(new SolidShaderVert[maxColumns * 6]), m_rowsView(*this, res) { if (!maxColumns) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "0-column tables not supported"); m_vertsBinding.initSolid(res, maxColumns * 6, m_viewVertBlockBuf); commitResources(res); m_scroll.m_view.reset(new ScrollView(res, *this, ScrollView::Style::ThinIndicator)); m_scroll.m_view->setContentView(&m_rowsView); updateData(); } Table::RowsView::RowsView(Table& t, ViewResources& res) : View(res, t), m_t(t), m_verts(new SolidShaderVert[SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS * t.m_maxColumns * 6]) { m_vertsBinding.initSolid(res, SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS * t.m_maxColumns * 6, m_viewVertBlockBuf); commitResources(res); } Table::CellView::CellView(Table& t, ViewResources& res) : View(res, t), m_t(t), m_text(new TextView(res, *this, res.m_mainFont)), m_c(-1), m_r(-1) {} void Table::_setHeaderVerts(const boo::SWindowRect& sub) {; if (m_headerViews.empty()) return; SolidShaderVert* v = m_hVerts.get(); const IThemeData& theme = rootView().themeData(); float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); int margin = CELL_MARGIN * pf; int rowHeight = ROW_HEIGHT * pf; int xOff = 0; int yOff = sub.size[1]; size_t c; auto it = m_headerViews.cbegin(); size_t sCol = -1; SortDirection sDir = SortDirection::None; if (m_state) sDir = m_state->getSort(sCol); boo::SWindowRect headRowRect = sub; headRowRect.size[1] = rowHeight; headRowRect.location[1] = sub.size[1] - rowHeight; m_hCellRects = getCellRects(headRowRect); auto cellRectsIt = m_hCellRects.begin(); for (c=0 ; c>& hv = *it; const Zeus::CColor* c1 = &theme.button1Inactive(); const Zeus::CColor* c2 = &theme.button2Inactive(); if (hv.m_mouseDown && hv.m_mouseIn) { c1 = &theme.button1Press(); c2 = &theme.button2Press(); } else if (hv.m_mouseIn) { c1 = &theme.button1Hover(); c2 = &theme.button2Hover(); } Zeus::CColor cm1 = *c1; Zeus::CColor cm2 = *c2; if (sCol == c) { if (sDir == SortDirection::Ascending) { cm1 *= Zeus::CColor::skGreen; cm2 *= Zeus::CColor::skGreen; } else if (sDir == SortDirection::Descending) { cm1 *= Zeus::CColor::skRed; cm2 *= Zeus::CColor::skRed; } } int div = cellRectsIt->size[0]; v[0].m_pos.assign(xOff + margin, yOff - margin, 0); v[0].m_color = cm1; v[1] = v[0]; v[2].m_pos.assign(xOff + margin, yOff - margin - rowHeight, 0); v[2].m_color = cm2; v[3].m_pos.assign(xOff + div - margin, yOff - margin, 0); v[3].m_color = cm1; v[4].m_pos.assign(xOff + div - margin, yOff - margin - rowHeight, 0); v[4].m_color = cm2; v[5] = v[4]; v += 6; xOff += div; ++it; ++cellRectsIt; } if (c) m_vertsBinding.load(m_hVerts.get(), sizeof(SolidShaderVert) * 6 * c); m_headerNeedsUpdate = false; } void Table::RowsView::_setRowVerts(const boo::SWindowRect& sub, const boo::SWindowRect& scissor) { SolidShaderVert* v = m_verts.get(); const IThemeData& theme = rootView().themeData(); if (m_t.m_cellPools.empty()) return; float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); int spacing = (ROW_HEIGHT + CELL_MARGIN * 2) * pf; int margin = CELL_MARGIN * pf; int rowHeight = ROW_HEIGHT * pf; int yOff = 0; int idx = 0; while (sub.location[1] + yOff < scissor.location[1] + scissor.size[1] || (idx & 1) != 0) { yOff += spacing; ++idx; } int startIdx = int(m_t.m_rows) - idx; std::vector cellRects = m_t.getCellRects(sub); size_t r, c; for (r=0, c=0 ; r= scissor.location[1] ; ++r) { const Zeus::CColor& color = (startIdx+r==m_t.m_selectedRow) ? theme.tableCellBgSelected() : ((r&1) ? theme.tableCellBg1() : theme.tableCellBg2()); int xOff = 0; auto cellRectsIt = cellRects.begin(); for (c=0 ; csize[0]; v[0].m_pos.assign(xOff + margin, yOff - margin, 0); v[0].m_color = color; v[1] = v[0]; v[2].m_pos.assign(xOff + margin, yOff - margin - rowHeight, 0); v[2].m_color = color; v[3].m_pos.assign(xOff + div - margin, yOff - margin, 0); v[3].m_color = color; v[4].m_pos.assign(xOff + div - margin, yOff - margin - rowHeight, 0); v[4].m_color = color; v[5] = v[4]; v += 6; xOff += div; ++cellRectsIt; } yOff -= spacing; } m_visibleStart = std::max(0, startIdx); m_visibleRows = r; if (r * c) m_vertsBinding.load(m_verts.get(), sizeof(SolidShaderVert) * 6 * r * c); } void Table::cycleSortColumn(size_t c) { if (c >= m_columns) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "cycleSortColumn out of bounds (%" PRISize ", %" PRISize ")", c, m_columns); if (m_state) { size_t cIdx; SortDirection dir = m_state->getSort(cIdx); if (dir == SortDirection::None || cIdx != c) m_state->setSort(c, SortDirection::Ascending); else if (dir == SortDirection::Ascending) m_state->setSort(c, SortDirection::Descending); else if (dir == SortDirection::Descending) m_state->setSort(c, SortDirection::Ascending); } } void Table::selectRow(size_t r) { if (m_inSelectRow) return; if (r >= m_rows && r != -1) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "selectRow out of bounds (%" PRISize ", %" PRISize ")", r, m_rows); if (r == m_selectedRow) { if (m_state) { m_inSelectRow = true; m_state->setSelectedRow(r); m_inSelectRow = false; } return; } if (m_selectedRow != -1 && m_activePool != -1) { size_t poolIdx = m_selectedRow / SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS; int pool0 = (poolIdx & 1) != 0; int pool1 = (poolIdx & 1) == 0; if (m_activePool == poolIdx) { for (auto& col : m_cellPools) { ViewChild>& cv = col[pool0].at(m_selectedRow % SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS); if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->deselect(); } } else if (m_activePool+1 == poolIdx) { for (auto& col : m_cellPools) { ViewChild>& cv = col[pool1].at(m_selectedRow % SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS); if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->deselect(); } } } m_selectedRow = r; if (m_selectedRow != -1 && m_activePool != -1) { size_t poolIdx = m_selectedRow / SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS; int pool0 = (poolIdx & 1) != 0; int pool1 = (poolIdx & 1) == 0; if (m_activePool == poolIdx) { for (auto& col : m_cellPools) { ViewChild>& cv = col[pool0].at(m_selectedRow % SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS); if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->select(); } } else if (m_activePool+1 == poolIdx) { for (auto& col : m_cellPools) { ViewChild>& cv = col[pool1].at(m_selectedRow % SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS); if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->select(); } } } updateSize(); if (m_state) { m_inSelectRow = true; m_state->setSelectedRow(r); m_inSelectRow = false; } } void Table::setMultiplyColor(const Zeus::CColor& color) { View::setMultiplyColor(color); if (m_scroll.m_view) m_scroll.m_view->setMultiplyColor(color); for (ViewChild>& hv : m_headerViews) if (hv.m_view) hv.m_view->m_text->setMultiplyColor(color); for (auto& col : m_cellPools) { for (ViewChild>& cv : col[0]) if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->m_text->setMultiplyColor(color); for (ViewChild>& cv : col[1]) if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->m_text->setMultiplyColor(color); } } void Table::CellView::select() { m_selected = true; m_text->colorGlyphs(rootView().themeData().fieldText()); } void Table::CellView::deselect() { m_selected = false; m_text->colorGlyphs(rootView().themeData().uiText()); } void Table::mouseDown(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { if (m_state && m_state->columnSplitResizeAllowed()) { size_t cIdx = 0; for (const boo::SWindowRect& rect : m_hCellRects) { if (cIdx == 0) { ++cIdx; continue; } if (abs(coord.pixel[0] - rect.location[0]) < 4 && unsigned(coord.pixel[1] - subRect().location[1] - subRect().size[1] + rect.size[1]) < unsigned(rect.size[1])) { m_hDraggingIdx = cIdx; rootView().setActiveDragView(this); return; } ++cIdx; } } m_scroll.mouseDown(coord, button, mod); if (m_headerNeedsUpdate) _setHeaderVerts(subRect()); if (m_deferredActivation != -1 && m_state) { m_state->rowActivated(m_deferredActivation); m_deferredActivation = -1; } } void Table::RowsView::mouseDown(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { for (ViewChild>& hv : m_t.m_headerViews) if (hv.mouseDown(coord, button, mod)) return; /* Trap header event */ for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { for (ViewChild>& cv : col[0]) cv.mouseDown(coord, button, mod); for (ViewChild>& cv : col[1]) cv.mouseDown(coord, button, mod); } } void Table::CellView::mouseDown(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { if (m_r != -1) { m_t.selectRow(m_r); if (m_t.m_clickFrames < 15) m_t.m_deferredActivation = m_r; else m_t.m_clickFrames = 0; } else m_t.m_headerNeedsUpdate = true; } void Table::mouseUp(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { m_scroll.mouseUp(coord, button, mod); if (m_headerNeedsUpdate) _setHeaderVerts(subRect()); if (m_hDraggingIdx) { rootView().setActiveDragView(nullptr); m_hDraggingIdx = 0; } } void Table::RowsView::mouseUp(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { size_t idx = 0; for (ViewChild>& hv : m_t.m_headerViews) { if (hv.m_mouseDown && hv.m_mouseIn) m_t.cycleSortColumn(idx); hv.mouseUp(coord, button, mod); ++idx; } for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { for (ViewChild>& cv : col[0]) cv.mouseUp(coord, button, mod); for (ViewChild>& cv : col[1]) cv.mouseUp(coord, button, mod); } } void Table::CellView::mouseUp(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, boo::EMouseButton button, boo::EModifierKey mod) { if (m_r == -1) m_t.m_headerNeedsUpdate = true; } void Table::mouseMove(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { if (m_state && m_state->columnSplitResizeAllowed()) { if (m_hDraggingIdx) { float split = (coord.pixel[0] - subRect().location[0]) / float(subRect().size[0]); if (m_hDraggingIdx <= 1) split = std::max(0.03f, split); else split = std::max(m_state->getColumnSplit(m_hDraggingIdx-1)+0.03f, split); if (m_hDraggingIdx >= m_columns - 1) split = std::min(0.97f, split); else split = std::min(m_state->getColumnSplit(m_hDraggingIdx+1)-0.03f, split); m_state->setColumnSplit(m_hDraggingIdx, split); updateSize(); return; } size_t cIdx = 0; bool hovering = false; for (const boo::SWindowRect& rect : m_hCellRects) { if (cIdx++ == 0) continue; if (abs(coord.pixel[0] - rect.location[0]) < 4 && unsigned(coord.pixel[1] - subRect().location[1] - subRect().size[1] + rect.size[1]) < unsigned(rect.size[1])) { hovering = true; break; } } rootView().setVerticalSplitHover(hovering); } m_scroll.mouseMove(coord); if (m_headerNeedsUpdate) _setHeaderVerts(subRect()); } void Table::RowsView::mouseMove(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { for (ViewChild>& hv : m_t.m_headerViews) hv.mouseMove(coord); for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { for (ViewChild>& cv : col[0]) cv.mouseMove(coord); for (ViewChild>& cv : col[1]) cv.mouseMove(coord); } } void Table::mouseEnter(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { m_scroll.mouseEnter(coord); if (m_headerNeedsUpdate) _setHeaderVerts(subRect()); } void Table::CellView::mouseEnter(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { if (m_r == -1) m_t.m_headerNeedsUpdate = true; } void Table::mouseLeave(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { m_scroll.mouseLeave(coord); if (m_headerNeedsUpdate) _setHeaderVerts(subRect()); } void Table::RowsView::mouseLeave(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { for (ViewChild>& hv : m_t.m_headerViews) hv.mouseLeave(coord); for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { for (ViewChild>& cv : col[0]) cv.mouseLeave(coord); for (ViewChild>& cv : col[1]) cv.mouseLeave(coord); } } void Table::CellView::mouseLeave(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord) { if (m_r == -1) m_t.m_headerNeedsUpdate = true; } void Table::scroll(const boo::SWindowCoord& coord, const boo::SScrollDelta& scroll) { m_scroll.scroll(coord, scroll); } void Table::think() { if (m_scroll.m_view) m_scroll.m_view->think(); ++m_clickFrames; } void Table::CellView::reset() { m_c = -1; m_r = -1; if (m_textHash) { m_text->typesetGlyphs(""); m_textHash = 0; } } bool Table::CellView::reset(size_t c) { m_c = c; m_r = -1; const std::string* headerText = m_t.m_data->header(c); if (headerText) { uint64_t hash = XXH64(headerText->data(), headerText->size(), 0); if (hash != m_textHash) { m_text->typesetGlyphs(*headerText, rootView().themeData().uiText()); m_textHash = hash; } return true; } else if (m_textHash) { m_text->typesetGlyphs(""); m_textHash = 0; } return false; } bool Table::CellView::reset(size_t c, size_t r) { m_c = c; m_r = r; const std::string* cellText = m_t.m_data->cell(c, r); if (cellText) { uint64_t hash = XXH64(cellText->data(), cellText->size(), 0); if (hash != m_textHash) { m_text->typesetGlyphs(*cellText, rootView().themeData().uiText()); m_textHash = hash; } return true; } else if (m_textHash) { m_text->typesetGlyphs(""); m_textHash = 0; } return false; } std::vector& Table::ensureCellPools(size_t rows, size_t cols, ViewResources& res) { if (m_cellPools.size() < cols) { m_cellPools.reserve(cols); for (size_t i=m_cellPools.size() ; i SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS) { for (int p=0 ; p<2 ; ++p) for (ViewChild>& cv : cp[p]) if (!cv.m_view) cv.m_view.reset(new CellView(*this, res)); } else { size_t r = 0; for (ViewChild>& cv : cp[0]) { if (!cv.m_view) cv.m_view.reset(new CellView(*this, res)); ++r; if (r >= rows) break; } } } m_ensuredRows = rows; } return m_cellPools; } void Table::_updateData() { m_header = false; bool newViewChildren = false; if (m_columns != m_data->columnCount() || m_rows > m_data->rowCount() + SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS) newViewChildren = true; m_rows = m_data->rowCount(); m_columns = m_data->columnCount(); if (!m_columns) return; ViewResources& res = rootView().viewRes(); if (newViewChildren) { m_headerViews.clear(); m_cellPools.clear(); m_headerViews.reserve(m_columns); for (size_t c=0 ; c& cv = m_headerViews[c].m_view; if (!cv) cv.reset(new CellView(*this, res)); if (cv->reset(c)) m_header = true; ColumnPool& col = m_cellPools[c]; if (poolIdx != m_activePool) { for (size_t r=startRow, i=0 ; i>& cv = col[pool0][i]; if (cv.m_view) { if (r < m_rows) cv.m_view->reset(c, r); else cv.m_view->reset(); } } for (size_t r=startRow+SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS, i=0 ; i>& cv = col[pool1][i]; if (cv.m_view) { if (r < m_rows) cv.m_view->reset(c, r); else cv.m_view->reset(); } } } } m_activePool = poolIdx; } void Table::updateData() { m_activePool = -1; updateSize(); } std::vector Table::getCellRects(const boo::SWindowRect& sub) const { if (!m_columns) return {}; float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); /* Validate column split values */ bool valid = false; std::vector splits; splits.reserve(m_columns); if (m_state) { float lastSplit = 0.0; size_t i; for (i=0 ; igetColumnSplit(i); if (split < lastSplit || split < 0.0 || split > 1.0) break; splits.push_back(split); lastSplit = split; } if (i == m_columns) valid = true; } /* Uniform split otherwise */ if (!valid) { float split = 0.0; for (size_t i=0 ; i ret; ret.reserve(m_columns); int lastX = 0; for (size_t i=0 ; iresized(root, sub); boo::SWindowRect headRow = sub; float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); headRow.location[1] += sub.size[1] - ROW_HEIGHT * pf; std::vector cellRects = getCellRects(headRow); _setHeaderVerts(sub); size_t cIdx = 0; for (ViewChild>& hv : m_headerViews) { if (hv.m_view) hv.m_view->resized(root, cellRects[cIdx], sub); ++cIdx; } } int Table::RowsView::nominalHeight() const { float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); int rows = m_t.m_rows + 1; return rows * (ROW_HEIGHT + CELL_MARGIN * 2) * pf; } void Table::RowsView::resized(const boo::SWindowRect& root, const boo::SWindowRect& sub, const boo::SWindowRect& scissor) { View::resized(root, sub); _setRowVerts(sub, scissor); m_t._updateData(); if (!m_t.m_columns) return; float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); boo::SWindowRect cellScissor = scissor; cellScissor.size[1] -= 2 * pf; boo::SWindowRect rowRect = sub; rowRect.location[1] += sub.size[1] - ROW_HEIGHT * pf; int spacing = (ROW_HEIGHT + CELL_MARGIN * 2) * pf; std::vector cellRects = m_t.getCellRects(rowRect); auto cellRectIt = cellRects.begin(); int poolIdx = m_visibleStart / SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS; int pool0 = (poolIdx & 1) != 0; int pool1 = (poolIdx & 1) == 0; int locationStart = spacing * poolIdx * SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS; for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { cellRectIt->location[1] -= locationStart; for (ViewChild>& cv : col[pool0]) { cellRectIt->location[1] -= spacing; if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->resized(root, *cellRectIt, cellScissor); } for (ViewChild>& cv : col[pool1]) { cellRectIt->location[1] -= spacing; if (cv.m_view) cv.m_view->resized(root, *cellRectIt, cellScissor); } ++cellRectIt; } m_scissorRect = scissor; m_scissorRect.size[1] -= spacing; } void Table::CellView::resized(const boo::SWindowRect& root, const boo::SWindowRect& sub, const boo::SWindowRect& scissor) { View::resized(root, sub); boo::SWindowRect textRect = sub; float pf = rootView().viewRes().pixelFactor(); textRect.location[0] += 5 * pf; textRect.location[1] += 5 * pf; m_text->resized(root, textRect); m_scissorRect = sub.intersect(scissor); } void Table::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ) { if (m_scroll.m_view) m_scroll.m_view->draw(gfxQ); } void Table::RowsView::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ) { gfxQ->setShaderDataBinding(m_vertsBinding); gfxQ->setScissor(m_scissorRect); gfxQ->draw(1, m_visibleRows * m_t.m_columns * 6 - 2); int poolIdx = m_t.m_activePool; int pool0 = (poolIdx & 1) != 0; int pool1 = (poolIdx & 1) == 0; for (auto& col : m_t.m_cellPools) { size_t idx = poolIdx * SPECTER_TABLE_MAX_ROWS; for (ViewChild>& cv : col[pool0]) { if (cv.m_view && idx >= m_visibleStart && idx < m_visibleStart + m_visibleRows) cv.m_view->draw(gfxQ); ++idx; } for (ViewChild>& cv : col[pool1]) { if (cv.m_view && idx >= m_visibleStart && idx < m_visibleStart + m_visibleRows) cv.m_view->draw(gfxQ); ++idx; } } if (m_t.m_header) { gfxQ->setShaderDataBinding(m_t.m_vertsBinding); gfxQ->setScissor(rootView().subRect()); gfxQ->draw(1, m_t.m_columns * 6 - 2); for (ViewChild>& hv : m_t.m_headerViews) if (hv.m_view) hv.m_view->draw(gfxQ); } gfxQ->setScissor(rootView().subRect()); } void Table::CellView::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ) { if (m_scissorRect.size[0] && m_scissorRect.size[1]) { gfxQ->setScissor(m_scissorRect); m_text->draw(gfxQ); } } }