#include "Specter/TextView.hpp" #include "Specter/ViewResources.hpp" #include "utf8proc.h" #include #include namespace Specter { static LogVisor::LogModule Log("Specter::TextView"); void TextView::Resources::init(boo::GLDataFactory* factory, FontCache* fcache) { m_fcache = fcache; static const char* VS = "#version 330\n" "layout(location=0) in vec3 posIn[4];\n" "layout(location=4) in mat4 mvMtx;\n" "layout(location=8) in vec3 uvIn[4];\n" "layout(location=12) in vec4 colorIn;\n" SPECTER_VIEW_VERT_BLOCK_GLSL "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " vec3 uv;\n" " vec4 color;\n" "};\n" "out VertToFrag vtf;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " vtf.uv = uvIn[gl_VertexID];\n" " vtf.color = colorIn;\n" " gl_Position = mv * mvMtx * vec4(posIn[gl_VertexID], 1.0);\n" "}\n"; static const char* FSReg = "#version 330\n" "uniform sampler2DArray fontTex;\n" "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " vec3 uv;\n" " vec4 color;\n" "};\n" "in VertToFrag vtf;\n" "layout(location=0) out vec4 colorOut;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " colorOut = vtf.color;\n" " colorOut.a *= texture(fontTex, vtf.uv).r;\n" "}\n"; static const char* FSSubpixel = "#version 330\n" "uniform sampler2DArray fontTex;\n" "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " vec3 uv;\n" " vec4 color;\n" "};\n" "in VertToFrag vtf;\n" "layout(location=0, index=0) out vec4 colorOut;\n" "layout(location=0, index=1) out vec4 blendOut;\n" "void main()\n" "{\n" " colorOut = vtf.color;\n" " blendOut = colorOut.a * texture(fontTex, vtf.uv);\n" "}\n"; static const char* BlockNames[] = {"SpecterViewBlock"}; m_regular = factory->newShaderPipeline(VS, FSReg, 1, "fontTex", 1, BlockNames, boo::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, boo::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, false, false, false); m_subpixel = factory->newShaderPipeline(VS, FSSubpixel, 1, "fontTex", 1, BlockNames, boo::BlendFactor::SrcColor1, boo::BlendFactor::InvSrcColor1, false, false, false); } #if _WIN32 void TextView::Resources::init(boo::ID3DDataFactory* factory, FontCache* fcache) { m_fcache = fcache; static const char* VS = "struct VertData\n" "{\n" " float3 posIn[4] : POSITION;\n" " float4x4 mvMtx : MODELVIEW;\n" " float3 uvIn[4] : UV;\n" " float4 colorIn : COLOR;\n" "};\n" SPECTER_VIEW_VERT_BLOCK_HLSL "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " float4 position : SV_Position;\n" " float3 uv : UV;\n" " float4 color : COLOR;\n" "};\n" "VertToFrag main(in VertData v, in uint vertId : SV_VertexID)\n" "{\n" " VertToFrag vtf;\n" " vtf.uv = v.uvIn[vertId];\n" " vtf.color = v.colorIn;\n" " vtf.position = mul(mv, mul(v.mvMtx, float4(v.posIn[vertId], 1.0)));\n" " return vtf;\n" "}\n"; static const char* FSReg = "Texture2DArray fontTex : register(t0);\n" "SamplerState samp : register(s0);\n" "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " float4 position : SV_Position;\n" " float3 uv : UV;\n" " float4 color : COLOR;\n" "};\n" "float4 main(in VertToFrag vtf) : SV_Target0\n" "{\n" " float4 colorOut = vtf.color;\n" " colorOut.a *= fontTex.Sample(samp, vtf.uv).r;\n" " return colorOut;\n" "}\n"; static const char* FSSubpixel = "Texture2DArray fontTex : register(t0);\n" "SamplerState samp : register(s0);\n" "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " float4 position : SV_Position;\n" " float3 uv : UV;\n" " float4 color : COLOR;\n" "};\n" "struct BlendOut\n" "{\n" " float4 colorOut : SV_Target0;\n" " float4 blendOut : SV_Target1;\n" "};\n" "BlendOut main(in VertToFrag vtf)\n" "{\n" " BlendOut ret;\n" " ret.colorOut = vtf.color;\n" " ret.blendOut = ret.colorOut.a * fontTex.Sample(samp, vtf.uv);\n" " return ret;\n" "}\n"; boo::VertexElementDescriptor vdescs[] = { {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Color | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced} }; m_vtxFmt = factory->newVertexFormat(13, vdescs); ComPtr blobVert; ComPtr blobFrag; ComPtr blobPipe; m_regular = factory->newShaderPipeline(VS, FSReg, blobVert, blobFrag, blobPipe, m_vtxFmt, boo::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, boo::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, false, false, false); blobFrag.Reset(); blobPipe.Reset(); m_subpixel = factory->newShaderPipeline(nullptr, FSSubpixel, blobVert, blobFrag, blobPipe, m_vtxFmt, boo::BlendFactor::SrcColor1, boo::BlendFactor::InvSrcColor1, false, false, false); } #elif BOO_HAS_METAL void TextView::Resources::init(boo::MetalDataFactory* factory, FontCache* fcache) { m_fcache = fcache; static const char* VS = "#include \n" "using namespace metal;\n" "struct VertData\n" "{\n" " float3 posIn[4];\n" " float4x4 mvMtx;\n" " float3 uvIn[4];\n" " float4 colorIn;\n" "};\n" SPECTER_VIEW_VERT_BLOCK_METAL "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " float4 position [[ position ]];\n" " float3 uv;\n" " float4 color;\n" "};\n" "vertex VertToFrag vmain(constant VertData* va [[ buffer(1) ]],\n" " uint vertId [[ vertex_id ]], uint instId [[ instance_id ]],\n" " constant SpecterViewBlock& view [[ buffer(2) ]])\n" "{\n" " VertToFrag vtf;\n" " constant VertData& v = va[instId];\n" " vtf.uv = v.uvIn[vertId];\n" " vtf.color = v.colorIn;\n" " vtf.position = view.mv * v.mvMtx * float4(v.posIn[vertId], 1.0);\n" " return vtf;\n" "}\n"; static const char* FSReg = "#include \n" "using namespace metal;\n" "constexpr sampler samp(address::repeat);\n" "struct VertToFrag\n" "{\n" " float4 position [[ position ]];\n" " float3 uv;\n" " float4 color;\n" "};\n" "fragment float4 fmain(VertToFrag vtf [[ stage_in ]], texture2d_array fontTex [[ texture(0) ]])\n" "{\n" " float4 colorOut = vtf.color;\n" " colorOut.a *= fontTex.sample(samp, vtf.uv.xy, vtf.uv.z).r;\n" " return colorOut;\n" "}\n"; boo::VertexElementDescriptor vdescs[] = { {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {nullptr, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Color | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced} }; m_vtxFmt = factory->newVertexFormat(13, vdescs); m_regular = factory->newShaderPipeline(VS, FSReg, m_vtxFmt, 1, boo::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha, boo::BlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha, false, false, false); } #endif TextView::TextView(ViewResources& res, View& parentView, const FontAtlas& font, size_t capacity) : View(res, parentView), m_capacity(capacity), m_fontAtlas(font) { m_glyphBuf = res.m_factory->newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, sizeof(RenderGlyph), capacity); boo::IShaderPipeline* shader; if (font.subpixel()) shader = res.m_textRes.m_subpixel; else shader = res.m_textRes.m_regular; if (!res.m_textRes.m_vtxFmt) { boo::VertexElementDescriptor vdescs[] = { {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Position4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::ModelView | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 0}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 1}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 2}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::UV4 | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced, 3}, {m_glyphBuf, nullptr, boo::VertexSemantic::Color | boo::VertexSemantic::Instanced} }; m_vtxFmt = res.m_factory->newVertexFormat(13, vdescs); boo::ITexture* texs[] = {m_fontAtlas.texture()}; m_shaderBinding = res.m_factory->newShaderDataBinding(shader, m_vtxFmt, nullptr, m_glyphBuf, nullptr, 1, (boo::IGraphicsBuffer**)&m_viewVertBlockBuf, 1, texs); } else { boo::ITexture* texs[] = {m_fontAtlas.texture()}; m_shaderBinding = res.m_factory->newShaderDataBinding(shader, res.m_textRes.m_vtxFmt, nullptr, m_glyphBuf, nullptr, 1, (boo::IGraphicsBuffer**)&m_viewVertBlockBuf, 1, texs); } m_glyphs.reserve(capacity); commitResources(res); } TextView::TextView(ViewResources& res, View& parentView, FontTag font, size_t capacity) : TextView(res, parentView, res.m_textRes.m_fcache->lookupAtlas(font), capacity) {} TextView::RenderGlyph::RenderGlyph(int& adv, const FontAtlas::Glyph& glyph, const Zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { m_pos[0].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding, glyph.m_verticalOffset + glyph.m_height, 0.f); m_pos[1].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding, glyph.m_verticalOffset, 0.f); m_pos[2].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding + glyph.m_width, glyph.m_verticalOffset + glyph.m_height, 0.f); m_pos[3].assign(adv + glyph.m_leftPadding + glyph.m_width, glyph.m_verticalOffset, 0.f); m_uv[0].assign(glyph.m_uv[0], glyph.m_uv[1], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[1].assign(glyph.m_uv[0], glyph.m_uv[3], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[2].assign(glyph.m_uv[2], glyph.m_uv[1], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_uv[3].assign(glyph.m_uv[2], glyph.m_uv[3], glyph.m_layerFloat); m_color = defaultColor; adv += glyph.m_advance; } int TextView::DoKern(FT_Pos val, const FontAtlas& atlas) { if (!val) return 0; val = FT_MulFix(val, atlas.FT_Xscale()); FT_Pos orig_x = val; /* we scale down kerning values for small ppem values */ /* to avoid that rounding makes them too big. */ /* `25' has been determined heuristically. */ if (atlas.FT_XPPem() < 25) val = FT_MulDiv(orig_x, atlas.FT_XPPem(), 25); return FT_PIX_ROUND(val) >> 6; } void TextView::typesetGlyphs(const std::string& str, const Zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { size_t rem = str.size(); const utf8proc_uint8_t* it = reinterpret_cast(str.data()); uint32_t lCh = -1; m_glyphs.clear(); m_glyphs.reserve(str.size()); m_glyphDims.clear(); m_glyphDims.reserve(str.size()); int adv = 0; while (rem) { utf8proc_int32_t ch; utf8proc_ssize_t sz = utf8proc_iterate(it, -1, &ch); if (sz < 0) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "invalid UTF-8 char"); if (ch == '\n') break; const FontAtlas::Glyph* glyph = m_fontAtlas.lookupGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) { rem -= sz; it += sz; continue; } if (lCh != -1) adv += DoKern(m_fontAtlas.lookupKern(lCh, glyph->m_glyphIdx), m_fontAtlas); m_glyphs.emplace_back(adv, *glyph, defaultColor); m_glyphDims.emplace_back(glyph->m_width, glyph->m_height); lCh = glyph->m_glyphIdx; rem -= sz; it += sz; if (m_glyphs.size() == m_capacity) break; } m_width = adv; m_valid = false; updateSize(); } void TextView::typesetGlyphs(const std::wstring& str, const Zeus::CColor& defaultColor) { uint32_t lCh = -1; m_glyphs.clear(); m_glyphs.reserve(str.size()); m_glyphDims.clear(); m_glyphDims.reserve(str.size()); int adv = 0; for (wchar_t ch : str) { if (ch == L'\n') break; const FontAtlas::Glyph* glyph = m_fontAtlas.lookupGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) continue; if (lCh != -1) adv += DoKern(m_fontAtlas.lookupKern(lCh, glyph->m_glyphIdx), m_fontAtlas); m_glyphs.emplace_back(adv, *glyph, defaultColor); m_glyphDims.emplace_back(glyph->m_width, glyph->m_height); lCh = glyph->m_glyphIdx; if (m_glyphs.size() == m_capacity) break; } m_width = adv; m_valid = false; updateSize(); } void TextView::colorGlyphs(const Zeus::CColor& newColor) { for (RenderGlyph& glyph : m_glyphs) glyph.m_color = newColor; m_valid = false; } void TextView::colorGlyphsTypeOn(const Zeus::CColor& newColor, float startInterval, float fadeTime) { } void TextView::think() { } void TextView::resized(const boo::SWindowRect &rootView, const boo::SWindowRect& sub) { View::resized(rootView, sub); } void TextView::draw(boo::IGraphicsCommandQueue* gfxQ) { View::draw(gfxQ); if (m_glyphs.size()) { if (!m_valid) { m_glyphBuf->load(m_glyphs.data(), m_glyphs.size() * sizeof(RenderGlyph)); m_valid = true; } gfxQ->setShaderDataBinding(m_shaderBinding); gfxQ->setDrawPrimitive(boo::Primitive::TriStrips); gfxQ->drawInstances(0, 4, m_glyphs.size()); } } std::pair TextView::queryGlyphDimensions(size_t pos) const { if (pos >= m_glyphDims.size()) Log.report(LogVisor::FatalError, "TextView::queryGlyphWidth(%" PRISize ") out of bounds: %" PRISize, pos, m_glyphDims.size()); return m_glyphDims[pos]; } }