#include "CNESEmulator.hpp" #include "CGameState.hpp" #include "Input/CFinalInput.hpp" #include "logvisor/logvisor.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdbool> #include <cstring> #include "malloc.h" #include <cinttypes> #include <cctype> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> static metaforce::MP1::CNESEmulator* EmulatorInst = nullptr; extern "C" { #include "fixNES/mapper.h" #include "fixNES/cpu.h" #include "fixNES/ppu.h" #include "fixNES/mem.h" #include "fixNES/input.h" #include "fixNES/fm2play.h" #include "fixNES/apu.h" #include "fixNES/audio_fds.h" #include "fixNES/audio_vrc7.h" #include "fixNES/mapper_h/nsf.h" /* * Portions Copyright (C) 2017 - 2019 FIX94 * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ #define DEBUG_HZ 0 #define DEBUG_MAIN_CALLS 0 #define DEBUG_KEY 0 #define DEBUG_LOAD_INFO 1 #if 0 #ifndef _WIN32 std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point s_tp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); static std::chrono::milliseconds::rep GetTickCount() { return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - s_tp).count(); } #endif #endif const char *VERSION_STRING = "fixNES Alpha v1.2.7"; static char window_title[256]; static char window_title_pause[256]; enum { FTYPE_UNK = 0, FTYPE_NES, FTYPE_NSF, FTYPE_FDS, FTYPE_QD, #if ZIPSUPPORT FTYPE_ZIP, #endif }; static int emuFileType = FTYPE_UNK; static char emuFileName[1024]; uint8_t *emuNesROM = NULL; uint32_t emuNesROMsize = 0; #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ static char emuSaveName[1024]; #endif uint8_t *emuPrgRAM = NULL; uint32_t emuPrgRAMsize = 0; //used externally #ifdef COL_32BIT uint32_t textureImage[0xF000]; #define TEXIMAGE_LEN VISIBLE_DOTS*VISIBLE_LINES*4 #ifdef COL_GL_BSWAP #define GL_TEX_FMT GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV #else //no REVerse #define GL_TEX_FMT GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 #endif #else //COL_16BIT uint16_t textureImage[0xF000]; #define TEXIMAGE_LEN VISIBLE_DOTS*VISIBLE_LINES*2 #ifdef COL_GL_BSWAP #define GL_TEX_FMT GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV #else //no REVerse #define GL_TEX_FMT GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 #endif #endif bool nesPause = false; bool ppuDebugPauseFrame = false; bool doOverscan = false; bool nesPAL = false; bool nesEmuNSFPlayback = false; uint8_t emuInitialNT = NT_UNKNOWN; // static bool inPause = false; // static bool inOverscanToggle = false; // static bool inResize = false; // static bool inDiskSwitch = false; // static bool inReset = false; #if DEBUG_HZ static int emuFrameStart = 0; static int emuTimesCalled = 0; static int emuTotalElapsed = 0; #endif #if DEBUG_MAIN_CALLS static int emuMainFrameStart = 0; static int emuMainTimesCalled = 0; static int emuMainTimesSkipped = 0; static int emuMainTotalElapsed = 0; #endif #define DOTS 341 #define VISIBLE_DOTS 256 #define VISIBLE_LINES 240 static uint32_t linesToDraw = VISIBLE_LINES; static const uint32_t visibleImg = VISIBLE_DOTS * VISIBLE_LINES * 4; // static uint8_t scaleFactor = 2; static bool emuSaveEnabled = false; static bool emuFdsHasSideB = false; // static uint16_t ppuCycleTimer; //static uint16_t ppuCycleTimer; uint32_t cpuCycleTimer; uint32_t vrc7CycleTimer; //from input.c extern uint8_t inValReads[8]; //from m30.c extern bool m30_flashable; extern bool m30_singlescreen; //from m32.c extern bool m32_singlescreen; //from p16c8.c extern bool m78_m78a; //from ppu.c extern bool ppuMapper5; static volatile bool emuRenderFrame = false; extern uint8_t audioExpansion; // used externally bool emuSkipVsync = false; bool emuSkipFrame = false; // static uint32_t mCycles = 0; extern bool fdsSwitch; uint32_t apuGetMaxBufSize(); void apuResetPos(); uint8_t* ppuGetVRAM(); int audioUpdate() { if (!EmulatorInst) return 0; return EmulatorInst->audioUpdate(); } } namespace metaforce::MP1 { bool CNESEmulator::EmulatorConstructed = false; static logvisor::Module Log("CNESEmulator"); #define NESEMUP_ROM_OFFSET 0xa3f8 #define METROID_PAL false #define METROID_MAPPER 1 #define METROID_SAVE_ENABLED false #define METROID_TRAINER false #define METROID_PRG_SIZE (8 * 0x4000) #define METROID_CHR_SIZE (0 * 0x2000) #define METROID_PRG_RAM_SIZE 0x2000 CNESEmulator::CNESEmulator() { if (EmulatorConstructed) Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("Attempted constructing more than 1 CNESEmulator")); EmulatorConstructed = true; CDvdFile NESEmuFile("NESemuP.rel"); if (NESEmuFile) { m_nesEmuPBuf.reset(new u8[0x20000]); m_dvdReq = NESEmuFile.AsyncSeekRead(m_nesEmuPBuf.get(), 0x20000, ESeekOrigin::Begin, NESEMUP_ROM_OFFSET); } else { Log.report(logvisor::Fatal, FMT_STRING("Unable to open NESemuP.rel")); } } void CNESEmulator::InitializeEmulator() { nesPause = false; ppuDebugPauseFrame = false; puts(VERSION_STRING); strcpy(window_title, VERSION_STRING); memset(textureImage, 0, visibleImg); emuFileType = FTYPE_UNK; memset(emuFileName, 0, 1024); memset(emuSaveName, 0, 1024); nesPAL = METROID_PAL; uint8_t mapper = METROID_MAPPER; emuSaveEnabled = METROID_SAVE_ENABLED; bool trainer = METROID_TRAINER; uint32_t prgROMsize = METROID_PRG_SIZE; uint32_t chrROMsize = METROID_CHR_SIZE; emuPrgRAMsize = METROID_PRG_RAM_SIZE; emuPrgRAM = (uint8_t*)malloc(emuPrgRAMsize); uint8_t* prgROM = emuNesROM; if (trainer) { memcpy(emuPrgRAM + 0x1000, prgROM, 0x200); prgROM += 512; } uint8_t* chrROM = NULL; if (chrROMsize) { chrROM = emuNesROM + prgROMsize; if (trainer) chrROM += 512; } apuInitBufs(); cpuInit(); ppuInit(); memInit(); apuInit(); inputInit(); ppuSetNameTblVertical(); #if DEBUG_LOAD_INFO printf("Used Mapper: %i\n", mapper); printf("PRG: 0x%x bytes PRG RAM: 0x%x bytes CHR: 0x%x bytes\n", prgROMsize, emuPrgRAMsize, chrROMsize); #endif if (!mapperInit(mapper, prgROM, prgROMsize, emuPrgRAM, emuPrgRAMsize, chrROM, chrROMsize)) { printf("Mapper init failed!\n"); return; } #if DEBUG_LOAD_INFO printf("Trainer: %i Saving: %i VRAM Mode: Vertical\n", trainer, emuSaveEnabled); #endif sprintf(window_title, "%s NES - %s\n", nesPAL ? "PAL" : "NTSC", VERSION_STRING); sprintf(window_title_pause, "%s (Pause)", window_title); sprintf(window_title_pause, "%s (Pause)", window_title); #if DEBUG_HZ emuFrameStart = GetTickCount(); #endif #if DEBUG_MAIN_CALLS emuMainFrameStart = GetTickCount(); #endif cpuCycleTimer = nesPAL ? 16 : 12; vrc7CycleTimer = 432 / cpuCycleTimer; // do one scanline per idle loop // ppuCycleTimer = nesPAL ? 5 : 4; // mainLoopRuns = nesPAL ? DOTS*ppuCycleTimer : DOTS*ppuCycleTimer; // mainLoopPos = mainLoopRuns; // CGraphics::CommitResources([this](boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Context& ctx) { // // Nearest-neighbor FTW! // m_texture = ctx.newDynamicTexture(VISIBLE_DOTS, linesToDraw, boo::TextureFormat::RGBA8, // boo::TextureClampMode::ClampToEdgeNearest); // if (ctx.platform() == boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::OpenGL) { // Vert verts[4] = { // {{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 1.f}}, // {{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}}, // {{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 1.f}}, // {{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}}, // }; // m_vbo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, verts, sizeof(Vert), 4); // } else { // Vert verts[4] = { // {{-1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 1.f}}, // {{-1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {0.f, 0.f}}, // {{1.f, 1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 1.f}}, // {{1.f, -1.f, 0.f}, {1.f, 0.f}}, // }; // m_vbo = ctx.newStaticBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Vertex, verts, sizeof(Vert), 4); // } // m_uniBuf = ctx.newDynamicBuffer(boo::BufferUse::Uniform, sizeof(Uniform), 1); // m_shadBind = CNESShader::BuildShaderDataBinding(ctx, m_vbo, m_uniBuf, m_texture); // return true; // } BooTrace); // double useFreq = 223740; double useFreq = apuGetFrequency(); m_booVoice = CAudioSys::GetVoiceEngine()->allocateNewStereoVoice(useFreq, this); m_booVoice->start(); uint32_t apuBufSz = apuGetMaxBufSize(); m_audioBufBlock.reset(new u8[apuBufSz * NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS]); memset(m_audioBufBlock.get(), 0, apuBufSz * NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS; ++i) m_audioBufs[i] = m_audioBufBlock.get() + apuBufSz * i; EmulatorInst = this; } void CNESEmulator::DeinitializeEmulator() { // printf("\n"); emuRenderFrame = false; m_booVoice->stop(); m_booVoice.reset(); apuDeinitBufs(); if (emuNesROM != NULL) { if (!nesEmuNSFPlayback && (audioExpansion & EXP_FDS)) { FILE* save = fopen(emuSaveName, "wb"); if (save) { if (emuFdsHasSideB) fwrite(emuNesROM, 1, 0x20000, save); else fwrite(emuNesROM, 1, 0x10000, save); fclose(save); } } } if (emuPrgRAM != NULL) { if (emuSaveEnabled) { FILE* save = fopen(emuSaveName, "wb"); if (save) { fwrite(emuPrgRAM, 1, emuPrgRAMsize, save); fclose(save); } } free(emuPrgRAM); } emuPrgRAM = NULL; // printf("Bye!\n"); EmulatorInst = nullptr; } CNESEmulator::~CNESEmulator() { if (m_dvdReq) m_dvdReq->PostCancelRequest(); if (EmulatorInst) DeinitializeEmulator(); if (emuNesROM) { free(emuNesROM); emuNesROM = nullptr; } EmulatorConstructed = false; } int CNESEmulator::audioUpdate() { int origProcBufs = m_procBufs; uint8_t* data = apuGetBuf(); if (data != NULL && m_procBufs) { uint32_t apuBufSz = apuGetMaxBufSize(); uint32_t remBytes = apuGetBufSize(); while (remBytes != 0) { size_t thisBytes = std::min(remBytes, apuBufSz - m_posInHeadBuf); memmove(m_audioBufs[m_headBuf] + m_posInHeadBuf, data, thisBytes); data += thisBytes; m_posInHeadBuf += thisBytes; if (m_posInHeadBuf == apuBufSz) { m_posInHeadBuf = 0; --m_procBufs; ++m_headBuf; if (m_headBuf == NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS) m_headBuf = 0; // printf("PUSH\n"); } remBytes -= thisBytes; } } // if (!origProcBufs) // printf("OVERRUN\n"); return origProcBufs; } static constexpr uint32_t AudioFrameSz = 2 * sizeof(int16_t); size_t CNESEmulator::supplyAudio(boo::IAudioVoice& voice, size_t frames, int16_t* data) { uint32_t remFrames = uint32_t(frames); while (remFrames) { if (m_posInTailBuf == apuGetMaxBufSize()) { ++m_tailBuf; if (m_tailBuf == NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS) m_tailBuf = 0; m_posInTailBuf = 0; ++m_procBufs; // printf("POP\n"); } if (m_procBufs == NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS) { memset(data, 0, remFrames * AudioFrameSz); // printf("UNDERRUN\n"); return frames; } size_t copySz = std::min(apuGetMaxBufSize() - m_posInTailBuf, remFrames * AudioFrameSz); memmove(data, m_audioBufs[m_tailBuf] + m_posInTailBuf, copySz); data += copySz / sizeof(int16_t); m_posInTailBuf += copySz; remFrames -= copySz / AudioFrameSz; } return frames; } void CNESEmulator::NesEmuMainLoop(bool forceDraw) { // int start = GetTickCount(); int loopCount = 0; do { if (emuRenderFrame || nesPause) { #if DEBUG_MAIN_CALLS emuMainTimesSkipped++; #endif // printf("LC RENDER: %d\n", loopCount); // TODO TODO // m_texture->load(textureImage, visibleImg); emuRenderFrame = false; break; } ++loopCount; // main CPU clock if (!cpuCycle()) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); // run graphics ppuCycle(); // run audio apuCycle(); // mapper related irqs mapperCycle(); // mCycles++; if (ppuDrawDone()) { // printf("%i\n",mCycles); // mCycles = 0; #ifndef __LIBRETRO__ emuRenderFrame = true; #if 0 if(fm2playRunning()) fm2playUpdate(); #endif #if DEBUG_HZ emuTimesCalled++; auto end = GetTickCount(); emuTotalElapsed += end - emuFrameStart; if (emuTotalElapsed >= 1000) { printf("\r%iHz ", emuTimesCalled); emuTimesCalled = 0; emuTotalElapsed = 0; } emuFrameStart = end; #endif // update audio before drawing if (!apuUpdate()) { apuResetPos(); break; } // glutPostRedisplay(); #if 0 if(ppuDebugPauseFrame) { ppuDebugPauseFrame = false; nesPause = true; } #endif #endif if (nesEmuNSFPlayback) nsfVsync(); // keep processing frames if audio buffers are underrunning if (emuSkipFrame) emuRenderFrame = false; continue; } } while (true); #if 0 int end = GetTickCount(); printf("%dms %d %d\n", end - start, loopCount, m_procBufs); #endif #if DEBUG_MAIN_CALLS emuMainTimesCalled++; int end = GetTickCount(); // printf("%dms\n", end - start); emuMainTotalElapsed += end - emuMainFrameStart; if (emuMainTotalElapsed >= 1000) { printf("\r%i calls, %i skips ", emuMainTimesCalled, emuMainTimesSkipped); fflush(stdout); emuMainTimesCalled = 0; emuMainTimesSkipped = 0; emuMainTotalElapsed = 0; } emuMainFrameStart = end; #endif } #if 0 static void nesEmuFdsSetup(uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst) { memcpy(dst, src, 0x38); memcpy(dst+0x3A, src+0x38, 2); uint16_t cDiskPos = 0x3E; uint16_t cROMPos = 0x3A; do { if(src[cROMPos] != 0x03) break; memcpy(dst+cDiskPos, src+cROMPos, 0x10); uint16_t copySize = (*(uint16_t*)(src+cROMPos+0xD))+1; cDiskPos+=0x12; cROMPos+=0x10; memcpy(dst+cDiskPos, src+cROMPos, copySize); cDiskPos+=copySize+2; cROMPos+=copySize; } while(cROMPos < 0xFFDC && cDiskPos < 0xFFFF); printf("%04x -> %04x\n", cROMPos, cDiskPos); } #endif struct BitstreamState { u8* rPos; int position = 0; int tmpBuf = 0; int decBit = 0; BitstreamState(u8* pos) : rPos(pos) {} void resetDecBit() { decBit = 0; } void runDecBit() { if (position == 0) { position = 8; tmpBuf = *rPos++; } decBit <<= 1; if (tmpBuf & 0x80) decBit |= 1; tmpBuf <<= 1; position--; } }; // Based on https://gist.github.com/FIX94/7593640c5cee6c37e3b23e7fcf8fe5b7 void CNESEmulator::DecryptMetroid(u8* dataIn, u8* dataOut, u32 decLen, u8 decByte, u32 xorLen, u32 xorVal) { u32 i, j; // simple add obfuscation for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { dataIn[i] += decByte; decByte = dataIn[i]; } // flip the first 0x100 bytes around for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i) std::swap(dataIn[255 - i], dataIn[i]); // set up buffer pointers BitstreamState bState(dataIn + 0x100); // unscramble buffer for (i = 0; i < decLen; i++) { bState.resetDecBit(); bState.runDecBit(); if (bState.decBit) { bState.resetDecBit(); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) bState.runDecBit(); dataOut[i] = dataIn[bState.decBit + 0x49]; } else { bState.resetDecBit(); bState.runDecBit(); if (bState.decBit) { bState.resetDecBit(); for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) bState.runDecBit(); dataOut[i] = dataIn[bState.decBit + 9]; } else { bState.resetDecBit(); bState.runDecBit(); if (bState.decBit) { bState.resetDecBit(); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) bState.runDecBit(); dataOut[i] = dataIn[bState.decBit + 1]; } else dataOut[i] = dataIn[bState.decBit]; } } } // do checksum fixups unsigned int xorTmpVal = 0; for (i = 0; i < xorLen; i++) { xorTmpVal ^= dataOut[i]; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (xorTmpVal & 1) { xorTmpVal >>= 1; xorTmpVal ^= xorVal; } else xorTmpVal >>= 1; } } // write in calculated checksum dataOut[xorLen - 1] = u8((xorTmpVal >> 8) & 0xFF); dataOut[xorLen - 2] = u8(xorTmpVal & 0xFF); } void CNESEmulator::ProcessUserInput(const CFinalInput& input, int) { if (input.ControllerIdx() != 0) return; if (GetPasswordEntryState() != EPasswordEntryState::NotPasswordScreen) { // Don't swap A/B inValReads[BUTTON_A] = input.DA() || input.DSpecialKey(aurora::SpecialKey::Enter) || input.DMouseButton(EMouseButton::Primary); inValReads[BUTTON_B] = input.DB() || input.DSpecialKey(aurora::SpecialKey::Esc); } else { // Prime controls (B jumps, A shoots) inValReads[BUTTON_B] = input.DA() || input.DY() || input.DMouseButton(EMouseButton::Primary); inValReads[BUTTON_A] = input.DB() || input.DX() || input.DKey(' '); } inValReads[BUTTON_UP] = input.DDPUp() || input.DLAUp(); inValReads[BUTTON_DOWN] = input.DDPDown() || input.DLADown(); inValReads[BUTTON_LEFT] = input.DDPLeft() || input.DLALeft(); inValReads[BUTTON_RIGHT] = input.DDPRight() || input.DLARight(); inValReads[BUTTON_SELECT] = input.DZ() || input.DSpecialKey(aurora::SpecialKey::Tab); inValReads[BUTTON_START] = input.DStart() || input.DSpecialKey(aurora::SpecialKey::Esc); } bool CNESEmulator::CheckForGameOver(const u8* vram, u8* passwordOut) { // "PASS WORD" if (memcmp(vram + 0x14B, "\x19\xa\x1c\x1c\xff\x20\x18\x1b\xd", 9)) return false; int chOff = 0; int encOff = 0; u8 pwOut[18]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { u8 chName = vram[0x1A9 + chOff]; ++chOff; if (chOff == 0x6 || chOff == 0x46) ++chOff; // mid-line space else if (chOff == 0xd) chOff = 64; // 2nd line if (chName > 0x3f) return false; switch (i & 0x3) { case 0: pwOut[encOff] = chName; break; case 1: pwOut[encOff] |= chName << 6; ++encOff; pwOut[encOff] = chName >> 2; break; case 2: pwOut[encOff] |= chName << 4; ++encOff; pwOut[encOff] = chName >> 4; break; case 3: pwOut[encOff] |= chName << 2; ++encOff; break; default: break; } } if (passwordOut) memmove(passwordOut, pwOut, 18); return true; } CNESEmulator::EPasswordEntryState CNESEmulator::CheckForPasswordEntryScreen(const u8* vram) { // "PASS WORD PLEASE" if (memcmp(vram + 0x88, "\x19\xa\x1c\x1c\xff\x20\x18\x1b\xd\xff\x19\x15\xe\xa\x1c\xe", 16)) return EPasswordEntryState::NotPasswordScreen; for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) if (vram[0x109 + i] < 0x40 || vram[0x149 + i] < 0x40) return EPasswordEntryState::Entered; return EPasswordEntryState::NotEntered; } bool CNESEmulator::SetPasswordIntoEntryScreen(u8* vram, u8* wram, const u8* password) { if (CheckForPasswordEntryScreen(vram) != EPasswordEntryState::NotEntered) return false; int i; for (i = 0; i < 18; ++i) if (password[i]) break; if (i == 18) return false; int encOff = 0; int chOff = 0; u32 lastWord = 0; for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i) { switch (i & 0x3) { case 0: lastWord = password[encOff]; ++encOff; break; case 1: lastWord = (lastWord >> 6) | (u32(password[encOff]) << 2); ++encOff; break; case 2: lastWord = (lastWord >> 6) | (u32(password[encOff]) << 4); ++encOff; break; case 3: lastWord = (lastWord >> 6); break; default: break; } u8 chName = u8(lastWord & 0x3f); wram[0x99a + i] = chName; vram[0x109 + chOff] = chName; ++chOff; if (chOff == 0x6 || chOff == 0x46) ++chOff; // mid-line space else if (chOff == 0xd) chOff = 64; // 2nd line } return true; } void CNESEmulator::Update() { if (!EmulatorInst) { if (m_dvdReq && m_dvdReq->IsComplete()) { m_dvdReq.reset(); emuNesROMsize = 0x20000; emuNesROM = (uint8_t*)malloc(emuNesROMsize); DecryptMetroid(m_nesEmuPBuf.get(), emuNesROM); m_nesEmuPBuf.reset(); InitializeEmulator(); } } else { if (nesPause) { DeinitializeEmulator(); InitializeEmulator(); return; } bool gameOver = CheckForGameOver(ppuGetVRAM(), x21_passwordFromNES); x34_passwordEntryState = CheckForPasswordEntryScreen(ppuGetVRAM()); if (x34_passwordEntryState == EPasswordEntryState::NotEntered && x38_passwordPending) { SetPasswordIntoEntryScreen(ppuGetVRAM(), emuPrgRAM, x39_passwordToNES); x38_passwordPending = false; } if (gameOver && !x20_gameOver) for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) // Three draw loops to ensure password display NesEmuMainLoop(true); else NesEmuMainLoop(); x20_gameOver = gameOver; } } static const float NESAspect = VISIBLE_DOTS / float(VISIBLE_LINES); void CNESEmulator::Draw(const zeus::CColor& mulColor, bool filtering) { if (!EmulatorInst) return; float widthFac = NESAspect / CGraphics::GetViewportAspect(); Uniform uniform = {zeus::CMatrix4f{}, mulColor}; uniform.m_matrix[0][0] = widthFac; // m_uniBuf->load(&uniform, sizeof(Uniform)); // // CGraphics::SetShaderDataBinding(m_shadBind); // CGraphics::DrawArray(0, 4); } void CNESEmulator::LoadPassword(const u8* state) { memmove(x39_passwordToNES, state, 18); x38_passwordPending = true; } } // namespace metaforce::MP1